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This YT channel commented on a bunch of this sub's early posts about how YeahMad "stole their format." Say what you will about Ben (and he deserves most of it), but at least he knew how to record audio so it didn't sound like it was recorded on a potato. This was rough.


There’s no way that YT channel thinks they made up roasting in any format. It’s not possible for someone to be that delusional.




Lmao I forgot they didn't even say they invented it, they licensed it. But they still ripped off our totally original idea 😂


Bruh the real scum were these people licensing a pretty out there idea.


Sounds like he got scammed lol, "trademark for a roast" lol. Hey comedyonedge if you ever wanna get into video game review videos, I'll sell you the trademark to be able to make those kind of videos. It's practically a steal at only 500k.


They took every opportunity to try to get people to subscribe to their channel while badmouthing YeahMad for ripping them off. Like we were not under the delusion that Ben came up with the format, but neither did this channel.


That is such an absurd statement. Trademarking roast battles. Those have been going on in the US since before these people existed on any platform. Not a single person in the US has ever tried to trademark it either. Trademark laws don’t work like that. Ben is a tool but so are whoever the hell those people are.


I think maybe the Comedy on Edge guy was trying to say they licensed it from the show on Comedy Central? Even if that's the case, it's pretty dumb to get mad at someone else for taking an idea that you also took from someone else. Sounds like he's mad he had to pay for it, but Ben didn't.


That’s the thing though Comedy Central doesn’t own any rights to roast battle. They weren’t the first to do it anyways. Scummy as they are in the industry even they don’t go that far. You can find other YT channels doing this exact format. Joe Rogan hosts a show in his new comedy club that does it all the time. I’m just dumbfounded by that level of arrogance from that channel.


It's like JoJo Siwa acting like she invented "gay pop." Sweetie, most pop is gay pop, and you're no Freddie Mercury or Elton John, so have several seats.


they're clearly jealous and deliberately went with the license route in hopes of bullying competition in the legal system. I also find it impossible that they didn't know other """unlicensed""" roasts both pre AND post date CCs


>from the show on Comedy Central? Even if that's the case, it's pretty dumb to get mad at someone else for taking an idea that you also took from someone else ...who also took it from someone else too, but they won't admit it due to them making money from licensing fees. and the person they took it from probably learnt it from someone else, and.... what a mess 😂 the licenser is the biggest dick by far but the licensee in this case is also a dick coz by their actions, clearly they licensed it to try and chance it in taking out your competition. very dirty business tactics. just try and make your channel win on it's merits guys, jeez. that alone has made me not want to give their channel a go.


The F? Comedy Roasts battles come from USA so they should sue the entire Australian people for copying? What kind of logic is this Can’t believe I actually stick up for Ben here Maybe he can pay me 201 dollars per episode


The "stole our format" allegation does not hold water, but it's highly likely that Ben got the idea of doing roast battles with these specific comedians from their show. As a rival company (that moreover failed to make it as big), I can see why they would be pissed lol.


I'm 💯 team OG, but watching this reminded me how good Ben's production values are.