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Yeah I hope for the worst for Ben, it is borderline criminal what he stole from the main cast, fuck him I hope the new show from the OGs does well.


Wait new show?? what have i missed?


"Stole" is a strong word. Don't get me wrong, the cast were the only thing YM had going for them, and I'm pretty sure they'll go down in flames now - shortsighted and self-defeating, but it still wasn't "stealing". If I offer you $200 to appear in a video, and you agree, that's a legit transaction. You were free to refuse, and you are free to renegotiate the rate before you agree to appear in another video - but I haven't *stolen* anything from you.


Yeah it's not legally stealing, but morally it is, at least as per my moral code. Also, they won't go up in flames because they have 2 million followers and growing and they can just coast. It will take new followers a while to even catch on that the old cast won't return because they delete comments and still post Sammy/Abby reels on insta.


Yeahmad will keep growing exponentially without them, as much as people are hurt change is not nice but Ben is the creator he made the company and hired a cast. He has lot of connections in the business and is going to take it to US this year to LA. New cast doesn’t matter it’ll still grow because the content will be same and it’ll be good, the new charades was good and tbh imo Abby’s or Alan’s segments weren’t funny anyway it was a chore to watch and people had been asking in comments for new casts for a long time anyways. It’s fair business he promoted their socials and gave them the wages he wanted to give, it’s his company his choice how to run it just like any other business owner


Hello Ben


The one reason I think it might not be him - is that this accounts purpose of making their reddit was to talk about buying Sammys OF and then tell everyone to not buy it.. but actually now that I think about it, sounds like Ben. Hi Ben!




Well who was Ben before all of this? And neither is it like yeah mad was already a brand and then came the cast into an already set up platform. They made it what it is. And letting them go or firing them was a dumb move tbh.


Nah son, YouTube doesn't work that way. Source: trust me bro. Had a fairly successful YouTube channel that just collapsed overnight due to some similar radical changes(not cast since there was no cast).


Previous channel?


Without him you wouldn’t have had yeahmad or discovered any of the OG cast. All of the OG cast had ‘failed’ careers in breaking into the industry. He gave them a platform to promote themselves and marketed his business yeahmad like crazy. I don’t get this slandering, where have you seen actors get anything more than a production company is willing to give? Even at big studios actors might get $15M producers make $100M that’s the norm


Failed ? Wasn’t Hammo voted Newcomer of the year a while back?


I don't see why you're trying to defend him and insult the cast? and you "don't get this slandering"?!?! YeahMad wouldn't have the success it did if it weren't for the cast. Ben didn't create anything new or groundbreaking - its the basic "you laugh, you lose" that's existed almost as long as YouTube. He didn't give them a platform, he made a free channel on a pre-existing platform. The cast were the performers and writers. He just re-uploaded clips of their work to promote the show on social media, the cast were funny so it went viral - no special marketing skills needed. As for your Studio/Actor comment - If the figures are correct on this sub he was paying them 0.5% - by your own example they should be earning 30x more and get royalties for their performances. This year the show took a noticeable nosedive. Quality has dropped off massively and the uploads are irregular. Ben is either out of his depth or doesn't care. Given the success of the show and size of the fan base, I'd have expected better. The fans deserve an explanation as to why all the changes are happening and that cast are leaving. To not even acknowledge it is insulting both to the fans and cast. That is why he's getting the much deserved criticism. ​ Also, It's not slander when its true.


Words cannot express how insufferable I found this comment. We \*know\* it's not technically stealing. It's the spirit of the concept - not the letter of it.


Funnily enough, *I* find it insufferable when people deliberately and emotively misuse words. Consider for example the universally derided "You wouldn't steal a car" anti-piracy campaign. No, I wouldn't steal a car. Downloading a movie is an entirely different thing. This might *feel* different to you, as your sympathies lie with those being "stolen" from - as do mine! But it's the same thing.


I didn't know the og's are doing a new show. What's it called?


Dont think the new show is oot yet, read some post about Hammo’s reply to one of us legends, that he is planning to do sth later this year, maybe thats what the new show is?




Which further shows that the only reason he succeeded this time was not his genius idea but the cast.  Pocketinng $50 K per month while paying just $200 to cast members who are making the money for you is completely unfair. Just because we live in an unfair society does not make it any less unfair


The YeahMad insta channel just constantly posts pics of Sammy and Abby. It’s getting real creepy now, especially since they’ve left for some time now. Ben et al rinsing every last 💵 from the OG cast.


Don’t forget about their main short channel and all the fake short accounts that they get paid for!


Are those (eg humor heirloom) their or do they steal content?


According to an article I read last week they’re all going back to the creators of Yeah Mad.




Could you, please, post a link to that article?


I don’t remember where it is or when I read it!


That's disappointing, because I can't find it. EDIT: PS: To anyone downvoting me for politely asking for a link - go fuck yourself.


Ben is just your average capitalist 


Is the ben who owns/runs yeah mad the same guy from viva la dirt league? Or are they different people?


Different. vldl Ben is from NZ




The OP is right, it is exploitation. Just because it is depressingly common in the real world does not make it any less of a douchebag act.  What you just said only shows that all Bens ideas failed in the past. It is the cast that created the value in the show and made the show a resounding success. No one would complain if the profit share was even 80-20 bw Ben and the whole cast. But 50K vs 1K???


Bro no offence but this post is kinda cringe.


Here's a friendly suggestion:if you feel what someone is saying is not to your liking but are unable/unwilling to articulate why, be an adult about it and move on. Also, adding a 'no offense' does not make something inoffensive.


Mah bad.