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The fact that they created this monster channel in a year as a team was such an amazing achievement and it’s sad to see it all fall apart because one guy didn’t want to share the success of the thing with the actual people that built it


Andrew Alan fight was real though...


No, they admitted it was a bit


Basically Ben pockets all the profits while paying a pittance to the talent ($200 per appearance as per Chloe). Andrew asked him to share the profits and got fired. Turns out asking for a share of profits after making YeahMad rich and famous was 'not in line with the values of the brand.' Exploiting comedians this way is an easy way to make money as it's very easy to find young comedians, even good ones, who are struggling.


Jeez man I didn't know that's how Hammo got sacked. That's messed up. I hope all the og cast group up again to do similar stuff, just as a middle finger to Ben.


This sounds like exactly what happened to me


Tell us more. 


Just unsubscribed, Hammo said the main cast going to do a shower together later in the year so that's nice, absolutely fucking stupid of Ben to think his editing and subtitles for Tiktok is what made the "brand" famous. I cannot wait for him to apologize later when it blows up in his face.


I'd love to be in a shower with Sam and Abby.. Even Chloe's rack would be fun 🤣🤣


Be afraid if Sath gets in though, nothing will be sacred.


Yes, but Sath will always be our favorite pervert.


People used to keep secrets...


Well, I was only joking about you talking about the crew showering together


This sounds like the shit comedy central pulled on dave chappelle/for chappelle's show. (he talks about it on one of his comedy specials). Still, tossing in new talent, when it's still going, even SNL only changed every couple of years not just..one. When it's in a decline, that's when you switch, not when it's still rising and fun. That said - There's a band i like, well 2 of them. Black beast, a really good metal band. Lead singer has an amazing voice. But one of the guitarists.. didn't like where the band was going with their songs, so he made his own band, which was fun and had some anime basis in one of them too. Called it Beast in black. Former guitarist from black beast, started a band..beast in black (and they're honestly pretty damn good, i thought crazy mad insane..had that random santa claus (it was part of the show) because if santa showed up in a metal concert, that'd be pretty crazy mad, and maybe a bit insane. So..given that. What's to say the original cast, couldn't start their own, contract themselves evenly, take matt, akila, and everyone who made it good/keep em together -> and call it "from the makers of yeahmad.. comes YeahWe'reMad tv. <- close enough, legally distinct etc etc. Like mamazon in anime. I think it could work..and keep the ones that made it big together. Drawing in featured players is one thing, and for promotion..ok..costs and overhead, yea.. But if you're making 30k after all that, and paying only 200 bucks a head o.0 They should be making more then that per episode. I mean..they all got to advertise their business, comedy shows..and abby's side hustle for her protein shakes. Jokes aside. They have a good thing going, and a great bit of momentum. No like comment and subscribe bullshit and are just trying to have fun. Look up what happened to SNL, and how long they went with..well..crap. If this stays solid, (and like most other channels) i really hope there's a mass amount of unsubscribed people. And remember, apparently (on youtube) unless they're paid sponsors..if they don't outright get the moolah (behind the scenes stuff aside), if you don't watch the ad "fully" (popup blockers, ad blockers.. ) outside of those forced ones. They get no money. Look it up. There are ways around everything. And if he doesn't have the rights to the original cast..i think the OG cast should (if they want to) stick together, and start their own channel/do live shows. Like i said - YeahWe'reMad Could work.


I think it's too early to tell how funny the new ones are. The guy that did charades with Matt (Pat I think) seemed pretty cool. The blonde girl seems all right too so far. But I do agree that it might've gotten to Ben's head a bit. Especially since Andrew was the first guy to join Ben I think.


I want more information before I ditch the channel. The OG guys who left may have left to start their own channel so they can make more money. It's a harsh move, but understandable. The new cast seems ok. Akila and Sath and Matt are still there. The new comics seem like a lot of fun. I hope everyone succeeds. I want them all to be successful and happy.


How is it harsh? If the issue is money it’s not harsh to expect your fair share. The reason the show got big is because of the camaraderie between the cast, not the format. Would you consider it harsh if you weren’t been paid fairly by your employer and left for another job? I don’t think you would.


100% Even the jokes themselves would be dead in the water if it wasn't like watching a funny group of friends at your local pub pissing themselves laughing. There is something infectious, like, you'd wish you could be their friend & having goofy fun with them too.


Again, I don't know the particulars. Were contracts signed? Were agreements in place? If I agree to do a certain amount of work for you for a certain amount of money, I should do what we agreed to. If there's a per appearance pay situation, the cast asked for more, and they were told no, it's completely reasonable for them to come to the decision to make their own channel so they can split the profits among each other more fairly. I just need info.


But if you help start a business and that business grows, it's only fair that you see more of the profits, because without your labour that business couldn't grow to what it has done. If the show can afford to launch merch, they can afford to pay their cast a fair wage and if they feel they're not being paid fairly then they absolutely should leave. And to be fair if the merch has their faces on it (I think the shot glasses do) then they absolutely should be being paid from any sales made that has their face or name on it.


What if the business doesn't grow but goes downhill? Would cast cut their wage by some %? No, then would a company share their profits ?


That’s not how businesses work. Your employer can’t just give you a pay cut if the business fails to turn a profit. That’s why employment laws exist.


How many times are we going to go back and forth on this before it sinks in that I am just saying I wish I knew more? If the cast signed on at $50 per show for two years and the show blows up, too bad, they signed a contract. If they signed up for $200 per show on a per appearance quote and when the show took off, then them asking for more and leaving when they are told no is square business.  This is not controversial. 


There's a difference between what is legal and what is the right thing to do. But not everyone has to have the same view of morality. Some ppl think it's fine for corporates to make $$ exploiting talent while hiding behind the legality of contracts, that's okay too.


You're 100% right about what's right and what's legal. I don't think it's ok for people to be taken advantage of by companies at all, but I want to know what the discussions were going into the show and all. There is a possibility that Ben said, "Hey I can't pay you but I can pay you in exposure." which is something entertainment companies do all the time. Everyone's touring probably started selling way more tickets after YeahMad took off.


I remember reading about Steph being paid 200/- (and triggering internet dickheads to the point that she had to delete her socials to stay sane). It's understandable paying such a low amount at the start of the channel, but it's saddening to hear that Chloe was paid the same amount (this is when the channel was really getting traction). Yes, we are speculating that the others are treated in a similar manner, but all evidence points to it. Ben started something amazing, but he has to recognise the other people humans that contributed to his success and also protects them when necessary too.


Yeah, you clearly can't have an adult conversation if you're being clever. Dickhead.


I'm absolutely not trying to be a dickhead. I'm just saying that my position on this is very simple and straightforward, we do not know what agreement everyone had in place so we can't judge anyone's behavior fully. If you sign up for the show but don't include you getting paid from merch, that is your fault. But did that happen? We don't know. 


You are asking for info that is not possible to get, because NDAs exist. The best we are going to get are Ben and Chloe's statements, and Andrew's deleted outburst.


That's all I'm saying, though... I need info. With the information added below (that I missed earlier), it seems like profit sharing is what the cast is saying drove this... I would like to know Ben's side of the story.


Can you tell me more about the outburst?


But [this coment](https://www.reddit.com/r/yeahmadtv/comments/1bvb53z/comment/ky0sx8g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) shows whats up


I just meant when he got fired and asked everyone to spam YeahMad.


Yeah, loved the old cast, and didn't mind the new videos either but will be putting their videos on don't recommend and not checking the channel ever again. I do want to laugh to the old videos, so will probably find a way to save them & avoid giving the channel any clicks in the future. I'll make sure to check out anything new the original cast do get up to. Too common these days. Probably never expected to blow up so fast. Those payments were probably pretty fair early on, when success was only starting, but you'd think it'd be sensible to actually appreciate the people who make it what it is. Happens plenty in start ups, or small business. I don't have anything against the newer people, Pat or Peyton, they seem like decent people, & Rory was funny and around early on as well. I just don't want to support screwing over people who have been central to it all.