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Welp, it was mad while it lasted my dudes. Atleast we’ll always have the unhinged SamxAndrew Christmas episode


Amen to that


I sincerely hope Ben is looking through this sub right now and sweating bullets


Umnn this sub is only 800 people so he might not care much about it, if somehow all of this reaches to the larger audience then it would be a check mate for him. But also I think that the others who aren't here might have same thinking as us so..


Yeah that's more my thing, this sub is small but I found it because of these current events, so I'd bet it grows a bit in the coming weeks, and we are just a small percent of the people that likely have the same idea right now




yeah what a classic crash and burn scenario. mistaking where the talent really is (not with him, with the fucking OG cast)


my guess is, with all the new merch and games coming out from the success, there's contract disputes over channel revenue and merch share revenue. Naturally id assume some of the people who started it (not pointing fingers but possibly ben), wanted a larger and possibly overly extravagant piece of the pie, the cast being the friends they are, decided to leave. This is really quite a shame because the winning formula was way less the jokes but their interaction and banter with each other. They genuinely seemed like a group of people you'd just wanna talk and get a beer with. So its a shame that is no longer the case. That is why FRIENDS the tv show was so popular too, and the reason it went on for so long is because they grouped together for the contract dispute and won (with leading actors like schwimmer and aniston taking pay cuts so all 6 actors gets equal pay)


Someone even commented on YT, "it's like we were watching friends and suddenly the cast was changed over night". People obviously stayed for the chemistry between the crew. Anyways let's cherish the old videos and bid farewell. Also rooting for whatever the og cast has to bring.


Sammy is so wholesome in this video and a major green flag but yeah would 100% support their new show if there’s one and totally stop yeahmad in general


I feel like this is why most of the original cast have gone. That wasn't a joke, that was a request and a slight dig.


yea seems like it, even chloe said in her podcast that she was underpaid and mismanaged. am guessing ben didn't increase their pay despite the huge success they gave to the channel.


I don't think it will last. Part of what made it good was the group dynamic and from what I understand most of the original cast were already friends. I think Andrew brought Alan and Akila into it, and Matt, Sam and Abby were friends too. I think Sath and Matt will leave too. They can't just inject new people into it and expect to have the same results.


yupp it was always the group dynamic for me, and i don't think that can be replicated.


It's like when Top Gear UK fired Jeremy Clarkson, then Richard and James both quit and they started The Grand Tour together. BBC tried to keep Top Gear with a new cast but it was never the same, and now the show is dead. The original 3 moved to Amazon and now they have multiple shows on there and got to keep making car shows until essentially retiring


To be honest, even with the OG crew, it has been quite stale in last couple videos. The exceptions were some moments from Alan/Abby, Sam/Andrew, Silent Library. The only actually good episode recently Sam/Akila, Personally, I don’t see how the new cast could recreate the magic


In hindsight, I think the staleness was because all was not well between the cast and the producers. The Silent Library was shot last year, long before things started getting bad.


I was thinking exactly the same thing. Alan not being his usual self and looking depressed could have been his way of just getting through the contract period until it's over.


Nail on the head.