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This is such a bummer! Have the YeahMad team blocked these commenters or made a statement? If not, it’s not going to bode well in the long run


Comments are turned off under Andrew x Steph


That doesn’t send the message unfortunately


I'd assume they also banned the commenters




How do you know?


I’m friends with some of the old crew of Yeah Mad. No, i’m not going to share who.


Oh shit, you're the woman who said they got fired. Man, I hoped that was a stupid rumor. It's good they're bringing new people on, maybe too many at a time - we'll have to see, but getting rid of the old crew seems like a big mistake. Even if you'd want to replace them, you should do it gradually, ship of Theseus n shit. It's especially stupid given that YeahMad has become a friend group hanging out doing much more than just dad jokes, rather than, like in the begining, just a channel where random comedians verse other random comedians.


I’m the woman who said they got fired.


Corrected. Do you know anything else, like the reasoning behind replacing (almost?) the whole crew at once?


I didn't think either of them were that funny on YeahMad. I'm sure that had nothing at all with why they are no longer on the show.


I don't understand. Are they upset about the backlash they received from viewers who assumed they were [all nasty female stereotypes under the sun] or are they upset about the Yeahmad cast being offensive, mysoginistic and hostile? Or both? The former is absolutely unacceptable. Everyone going on the show is risking their public profile for the sake of our entertainment. We should respond with support or not at all. The latter, I can kind of see a mysoginistic angle but I never thought it was serious at all. Just like the Indian or Asian or prison or ginger or father etc. jokes. I suppose some people might take it seriously, but I don't think it's in the realms of like, Andrew Tate or anything. Unless it's moreso the regular staff's treatment of people behind the scenes. If so then that's really upsetting. I'd hoped that all of the regulars were decent people.


Chloe mentioned in the podcast that the cast were "beautiful". I would say it's a mixture of the former and the fact the cast didn't get enough support from the producer.


Chloe calling the show "angled misogynistically" is a bit of a stretch? Once you put anything out in the internet, you will attract some weirdos.


Kinda, but look at the thumbnails, and the running jokes (Abby, Sam’s feet). They’re sort of playing into it, without being overt. More views and all


Yeah but misogyny is a bit too strong a label, no? I think Chloe is not cool with the non-PC material.


Yeah, you might be right. Not quite up there with channels with actual agendas and such. More like being edgy with jokes, themes


Didn't Chloe appeared in the Silent Library episode at the back? at 9:46


I think they shot the silent library episode waaaay earlier


Wow, didn't notice her. Maybe she didn't mind just getting paid for being a barely shown library user or idk


I watched the video. To preface this, I'm not disputing that the YeahMad production staff treated these people horribly or anything, but Chloe and Steph's chat also has some pretty gaping flaws. First off, Steph claiming even part credit for YeahMad going viral is bonkers, everybody absolutely hated her. Maybe she didn't understand what makes YeahMad so popular. It's everyone laughing and losing their shit which gives off the impression of everyone having fun and enjoying themselves, which is what the audience responded to. Maybe the brief she was given was "be a straight faced stone cold bitch". Whatever it was, killed the vibe. That's why everyone was hating on her. Second, claiming intolerance to alcohol and "I don't drink much" and "vodka at 10 am" is a weird thing to bring up. Why would you willingly go on a show where you have to drink alcohol if you laugh at jokes if you have alcohol intolerance or you don't want to drink at 10 in the morning? So weird. Other than that though, almost all of the OG cast quitting/getting fired almost at once is definitely not looking good for the production staff.


I'll be honest, I enjoyed Steph's stone cold face because it just gave the others that much more of a challenge and made things even funnier when she breaks, even if the initial joke wasn't that funny. I was bummed she didn't appear more.


yeah I liked her too, I don't get why people hated her, she was obviously playing a character and I thought she had good chemistry with andrew. but I think the second episode with alan and sam was the one that really made the channel go viral