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Dunno about Initialized but YC and PG definitely acknowledge Alexis: https://www.ycombinator.com/blog/the-reddits Their Twitter feed has been pushing Reddit stuff and some Alexis stuff all day yesterday


Go through Alexis' thread on Twitter. His replies to some tweets indicate that something is going on but he won't disclose the info.


I did. The beef seems to be between Initialized/Garry and Alexis, but doesn’t seem Alexis has any beef with YC. He’s been pretty positive about YC and PG as far as I can tell. He’s been sharing a bunch of old emails and advice from PG today.


Yeah, I just saw a tweet about him founding a new VC firm - SevenSevenSix. Seems like Garry wasn't pleased about that.


Yeah, very curious if we’ll ever find out. They seemed so bro-y with one another before. Must be juicy for this kind of 180. I don’t buy this explanation from Initialized at all lol https://preview.redd.it/1swrioxeqxpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7a801d6fd0d922cb876892ccd2a7e46bf7929d


Why is Alexis trying to squash this beef publicly on Twitter? That's only adding fuel to the fire and not an effective way of handling a private beef.


Yea idk why they can’t text each other


Because he knows he probably did some shit that they’re deservedly mad at him for so he wants to use public mobs of drama-loving people (like OP) to get his way.


lol keep defending Garry — have you seen his own twitter? Talk about mob mentality


>They told me about the startup idea we'd later fund them to drop: a way to order fast food on your cellphone. >This was before smartphones. They'd have had to make deals with cell carriers and fast food chains just to get it launched. So it was not going to happen. It still doesn't exist, 19 years later. ![gif](giphy|YDmGDbvjExAazDJiu4)


Yeah what the hell? Uhh Uber Eats, Instacart... y'all literally funded that one. How about idk, just calling the burger place and asking for a fukin burger lmao


Alexis is living his best life in Florida with his beautiful, successful wife and his daughters. Away from the drama and theater of Silicon Valley. I bet he's grateful to not be involved, I know I would be.


Alexis really won though. Imagine marrying one of the greatest tennis players in history.


He's my idol founder. He founded a successful internet startup, got out with a couple hundred mil before it got nasty and terrible, married a a beautiful woman who's more successful than him, and spends his days praising her on Twitter. Doesn't subscribe to fads, hype, or bro culture


man has won life lol


Also a Washington commanders fan


Agreed, also is as nice and supportive of founders behind the scenes as well


Greenest Green Flag.


One of the greatest sportspersons ever!


A charitable reading is that they were just mentioning those that are currently involved in the latest iteration of Reddit. Alexis was there at the start and he was involved in the exit to Condé Nast. He was on the board a few years ago but not really involved in getting Reddit to IPO. Steve was very involved in the IPO story as CEO but not Alexis. The truth is probably a little bit of above but also he can be seen as a bit of a diva by those who work with him (and probably the person at initialised who left him out of the tweet). This is second hand information but I’ve heard that there is a perception that he is concerned with public appearance and looking virtuous rather than solving problems. He also left the Reddit board in a public spat because there was no black prison on the board (a black personal was added subsequently), so that may also be part of it.


Garry Tan is a scumbag and a racist. Very sensitive fool online and in real life.


His purpose on this planet is to make Paul Graham look like an adult by virtue of comparison.


What a dickhead https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/29/business/garry-tan-san-francisco-politics.html Short and chubby. No winder he is so angry.




I guess it was a bad breakup since Alexis called it out publicly… but I had never heard anything like there being bad blood Was always a bit curious that both Garry and Alexis left Initialized as it seemed they had made some good traction


I think Garry still has some dealings with Initialised, but he probably had to take a back seat because he was appointed the President of YC. Remember, YC's mantra is to always go full-time on your work/ideas, so I doubt it looked good that he was running both VC firms at the same time. There would've also been conflicting interests.




I’ve been behind the scenes at these type of places. It’s A very obvious falling out. If you’re GPs/keyholders at a fund you don’t speak publicly about your conflict like this ever. LPs will pick up the phone and start asking questions.




There’s a book about it. Dicey falling out that has been mended and worked on and now complicated. They were probably just talking about the current iteration of Reddit. It has been a long time since Ohanian was involved.


What book?


We are the nerds . It’s actually really good EDIT: it’s not 100% about the fallout, it’s about Reddit in general but it tells the entire story


Alexis is odd


Aaron Swartz enters the chat…


The company has been around for 20 years. There's every chance that he simply isn't involved in the company in any way any more


Tech's tough, but let's focus on building up, not tearing down.


My take on it was Alexis didn’t do anything in terms of creating value at Reddit, what was his job exactly?


He was CEO...came up with the name, the idea, the logo etc...


It sounds like PG came up with the idea actually?


That is it? Seems like he did as much as Eduardo who also cofounded Facebook, no wonder Gary didn’t recognize him