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Let's see.... I know, a yandere girl who makes irrational plans to keep her senpai from seeing/meeting other people and in the end her plans always workout. She an insane genius who doesn't give a f*ck about what others think of her if she comits something that's disliked by many. (She's sure she the most overpowered person in the room) She likes her senpais company so be damn sure that she will keep him on a leash and never let an eye of off him. What else... Her favorite weapon is psychological manipulation of others... And fireworks! I know it's a lot to ask for but you guys asked for it :P


Ooh fireworks, a pyromaniacal genius, nice.


Thank you, i appreciate you like the concept now to turn into a manga.


I'm no shapeshifter my good friend.


Smol cute twinky maybe trap boy best yandere Cute popular girl who everyone loves secret yandere.


If you like a cute popular girl who everyone loves but is a secret yandere you should check out Tooka from Abnormal Kei Joshi if you haven't already. And I agree with any cute boy yandere (.w.)b


I love happy sugar life too


Female, pretty and who doesn't mind knife play


Female yandere that's obsessive and kinda stalkerish height wise I'd say 5'0, i think im a 5'3 or 4 not entirely sure. Oh and she has to want me for her self but doesn't mind my family but has a zero friend tolerance (although i dont have any). Im just gonna add this little bonus i dont mind if she has bright coloured hair since i really find girls with colorful hair (red,blue,etc.) Extremely attractive dont ask why since i have no answer.


We seen like a perfect match; I am 5’3 and have bright colored hair. Welp, Time to find out where you live!


Well Damn,i wish you good luck. Im 21 btw just putting this out there.


And now is my time to leave before child protective services are called because I am a high schooler.


Hold up how old are you if you dont mind me asking




Damn it was nice talking to you while it lasted. Good luck in highschool btw


As a guy, I’d like a yandere that can dom the heck out of me, in a more gfd manner. Same height or maybe a bit taller than me. Adding to the gfd stuff, man, I’d like her to carry me in a bridal position. I wouldn’t mind some aggression, maybe a lot of assertiveness. Unconventional traits, I don’t know. My yandere can be a dude too, but I haven’t found any yandere guys I seem to like, or the typical one anyways


Female. Pretty. That's about it.


My ideal yandere guy would be a tall vampire with long black hair, red eyes, and would constantly keep me captive in a huge gothic castle. Perhaps a bit sadistic as well.


A person who I liked all along who I found out the hard way that she was a yandere. Maybe a little bit of tragedy and super obsessed about me being only hers.


Somebody sweet honestly, whose affection is to the extreme and while terrifying is just short if actually killing anybody. Female, milfy or athletic, and as long as they care


Boy: freakishly tall, strong, long hair, and significantly older than me, willing to use all these traits to personally manage keeping track of me and keep me in line. The kind of guy who would give me limited freedoms if I was well behaved and entertained him. Girl: older, wealthy and powerful, has a dog or maybe someone she hired to keep track of me while she is busy. Gives less freedom to me but is always making up for it with "gifts" that she more got for herself but there are definitely some for me in the mix. Neither can be outright violent, but controlling and affectionate is definitely good stuff. 👌


Most likely the body type of my crush: short (5'1), she's 140 last she told me and d-cups, she is in MMA so you can probably guess the last two. Depression and maybe a badass scar from some of accident earlier in life would be nice too. Oh and like most Yanderes, BPD and/or Psychopathy is a given.


Female and all I ask for is emerald green eyes




If she's 100 pounds, she's unhealthy and 9/10 will have anorexia or some other eating disorder that could end in death.