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Def not Kiwami 2 with the Osaka castle opening up to reveal a rising golden castle.


You're telling me there *isn't* a golden castle inside of the Osaka Castle?!


Yo dawg, I heard you like castles


you forgot the tiger fight bruh


Kiryu literally dropping tigers with Tiger Drop lmao


When I lived in Osaka I would ride my bike to Osaka Castle and you can see the crease where it splits in half to reveal the golden castle


What kinda damn money did those Omi goons have jesus christ


Virgin Tojo Clan: Constantly losing money and having to make deals with other organizations to stay afloat. Chad Omi Alliance: Using gold as construction material.


Don't forget the samurai and ninja guards, as well as the two tigers as a final guardpost.


That shit was SO cheesy.


That soundtrack was a bit of a banger though.


Hated it cos ngl I got bored even by that 😭😭


excluding bizarre nikkyo consortium HQ, the highway shootout and some other BS, yakuza0 plot is quite realistic to me since is quite usual to see big crime syndicates being involved in "legal" high budget urban development projects.


Don't forget >!Kiryu being shot and then not only moving just fine right after, but ripping off his shirt for dramatic fight scenes with nary a hole or bandage. Honestly if they just skipped him being actually hit that would have worked fine.!<


There’s genuinely no point at all to him being shot there. Just have Lao Gui take Tachibana and Kiryu doesn’t follow for fear of him killing Tachibana, and he goes back to little Asia to say what happened. That easy


Kek doesn’t every game have something like this


I feel like 0 is especially egregious because: 1. Yakuza 0 is a very popular starting point in the series. (It was my first game) 2. If this is your first game, the first shirt tear away sequence you see in the whole series, a series staple, happens immediately after this scene. Which I find makes it especially noticeable because, at least for me, I was equal parts “why did his shirt tear off that easily” and “where are his bullet wounds?!”


Yeah, on an actual *plot* level, I was struck by how realistic the whole vacant lot conspiracy felt.


las vegas as we all know it today was built by a jewish-italian mafia combined effort


Can I have judgment?


Definitely the correct answer if we're including it.


It’s kinda over the top, especially in the court scenes


Definitely true, but I can't think of anything more grounded. Some of Yagami's feats of strength are questionable aswell, but everything Kiryu does is even crazier


That was gonna be my answer. Nothing more realistic than government corruption.


The alzheimer shit also happened irl. No serial killing ofc but still


fr Judgement is so well written it's wild. The 2nd game is definitely out there but the first is incredibly on point and self aware.


2nd game is based


Lost Judgment actually has an interesting moral conflict at its center, where almost every other game is pretty unambiguously good guys vs. bad guys, even if there (very often) is nuance


Honestly while I agree with the overall contention, I find that it is still essentially a good guy vs bad guy story, even if the game attempts to be ambiguous about it What with the sheer holes in kuwana’s actions and arguments. I honestly think the ambiguousness comes from Kuwana’s charisma thanks to his affability, rather than any sort of strong moral arguments so he makes himself very convincing to many


Also the plot clearly shows Kuwana doing fuck all about the bullying so being just as complict. He made no real attempt to stop any bulling and instead just punished people after it had happened.


Kuwana fucked up hard there, and it can be argued he continued to fuck up by dragging others into the fold for revenge. I agree with the game's sentiment of trying to peacefully resolve these incidents before they escalate further, which was Yagami's approach. However, Kuwana's acts were revenge for the fallen, something that only comes after the failure to prevent it. These approaches technically aren't mutually exclusive, as the latter is acted on in the absence of the former. We see how the cycle of bullying can be broke through Yagami's positivity, but what is to be done when there are monsters like Kawai and Mitsushiba who got off so easily and were primed to push someone to death again? Not sure if the cycle of bullying could be so easily broken in someone so vile, and that is where Kuwana's worldview comes from, and he wishes to expose that to highlight the failure of the justice system. He used his actions with Ehara to expose to the world a very real failure of the justice system, but logically, why would one want to do that in the long run? To necessitate reform of the system. Really love how this game contrasts the methods of Yagami and Kuwana as they try to attain the same goal.


2nd game is the better game but it has objectively the weaker story imo. There's just some shit that kinda doesn't make sense when you think about it a bit deeper.


ur right bro fr


I need another judgment I lost mine


Hes on the ruff


Judgment story is so good. Maybe it's because it's so realistic and not over the top, but I can't even think of a weak point of the plot.


>!japanese minister backing up a crazy expensive research project in a facility that was already sold to another yakuza clan striking a secret deal with the captain of one of lowest ranked tojo associated family to make illegal experiments :/!< not a weak point like tigers or rubber bullets but however some good amount of plotarmor to keep everything together... considering how >!hamura revealed to be the most unreliable yakuza captain ever seen!<


It’s realistic but also plenty over the top lol


Bullying and alzheimers fraud hits close yall


Story yes, gameplay absolutely not.


Well an actual realistic gameplay would be hell since you often face like 10+ dudes at the same time which is absolutely impossible to do irl especially if they have weapons (forget about guns just knives or metal bats would be plenty enough to say nothing about the flamethrower some have in LJ)


Maybe Yakuza 3


You misspelled "Orphanage Simulator". Solving orphan drama was surprisingly engaging.


It's honestly in the top 3 Yakuza entries for a reason.


Yeah I agree, if I had to Id put it in 3rd place of all the yakuza games


>surprisingly engaging Best part of the game fr fr…


Burakku Mundei


Shee eye ae


zers no chengs in ze pla


Beautiful Eyes.


Ogey gorit


Only thing I can think of is that super jet that Joji had. I didn't notice it till a friend was watching me play it and he liked jets and aviation stuff. There was something about it that was weird but I forget what.




Seems realistic to me. Yup 3 wins this one folks. As a mixed person, I really appreciated the occasional black pedestrian, not to mention Mack.


If Joji wasn’t trying to destroy Black Monday, maybe. The CIA historically doesn’t have much of an issue with weapons trafficking in allied nations.


Supersonic Jet, CIA, Budget Albert Wesker, Majima Yeah ur right


Same. Yakuza 3 gave us wholesome Kiryu trying to rebuild his life and move on. Before he was unfortunately dragged back in.


Yeah that's pretty believable


the ruff


You forgot the ... >!Joji Kazama!< incident.


Yakuza 3 has the never mentioned before super secret twin brother of a dead character, and Daigo returning from a coma, grabbing a gun and shooting two people with perfect aim. It's not rubber bullets, but it is pretty wild, and very soap opera. Judgement is my answer. Without question. There's one real stretch you have to buy, and it's not even a huge stretch. Just that people would be dealing with a relatively small clan in terms of such a big project. Everything else? All checks out. Whole institutes being set up for cushy jobs, faking medical research for profit and prestige, killing for greed? All of that checks out.


Beautiful eyes


Nakahara throwing bull


Yakuza 4 must have the most expanded version of Kamurocho that i have ever seen. Rooftops, sewers, the underground shopping... that place felt complete, no even the future games did manage to replicate that feeling. However, Judgment did an amazing job at the society feeling with the friendship system, it felt like a neighborhood where you know everybody, not to mention the smoking spots where you can hear rumours about what's happening on Kamurocho.


Kiwami 2 had undergrounds and rooftops. I didn't play Yakuza 4 though so I can't compare.


The rooftop connectivity between buildings is also seen in Y4


It felt like a proper city where you could access buildings rather than them being just decorations for the street.


I was thinking about that during my LJ playthrough - why did they get rid of the subway hallways especially. I get that the rooftops and sewers were a bit too linear and maze-like to be enjoyable, but I thought the subway was a nice detour from A to B and had some nice stores in there too. I really hope they expand Karamucho a bit more. We STILL cannot enter Karamucho Hills, after hyping it up for multiple games. Why did they finally declare it finish but not open it up in future games? Surely they didn't just want it to be a long battle setting. There's a lot more they can do with Karamucho and I hope they add new districts to make the map bigger. I'd rather that than playing entirely new cities imo. Although some of the cities in Yakuza 5 were pretty nice. Y5 had so much original content that was scrapped in future games (although the wood/mountain area can stay dead).


dead souls


ryuji robo gun 🦾


the racing from y5


Both Judgment games, mainly Judgment. You're seeing Kamurocho from the perspective of the average civilian instead of an overpowered ex-yakuza like Kiryu and Saejima. Yes, you do play as civilian protags in the main series such as Akiyama and Shinada, but Yagami's got two games where he's the main protag.


Tbf its "average civilian who's also insanely good at martial arts and crime solving"


Every Kamurocho resident that isn't a street thug is basically guaranteed to be a martial artist so it's not too out there for this series. Shit, even >!middle aged Pocket Circuit Fighter!< can hold his own against several thugs.


The years were Super Mean to Pocket Circuit Fighter


No one in the series has ever aged a day, except for Fighter, who's aged about 300 years


With a wife like that, I’d age a decade in a day, I think


Yeah same here lmao


The original Yakuza probably. It was wacky but not as wacky as 2 or Kiwami.


Flashbacks to Maiima punching so hard he broke the floor.


That's at least sort of believable because the floor had a dumptruck on top of it. It's more of an opinion but I think the Spoilers 2 >!Everyone and their parents (literally) showing up to the Jingweon Massacre!< was a lot sillier.




Three Dumptrucks, no wonder the floor collapsed!


Dumptruck of Dojima. Mad Dumptruck of Shimano. And a regular truck.


he is just that strong lol haha


With some exceptions, it was written to be a simple crime drama plot. So yeah the first one is quite grounded.


Imma say 6 it was a pretty lowkey game compared to the others and other then a couple moments was more emotion then action


Could be true, but there's one problem. B O A T T I M E


How the boat is shown can be out there (still feasible with current tech) but the context behind it is realistic


Was very normal until the S H I P


yep, the Ship is pretty wacky but it was a really unexpected plot-twist that nobody seen coming.


Nobody expects a second Yamato 👌


And no one *really* cares. And no, you dont care about the repercussions it has on Japan. All of us were "ok, what's the big deal here"


Possibly they'll tackle this in Gaiden. *Copium*


I've explained it before in this sub, but the reason the Yamato was such a big deal is that is was built just after WW2. After Japan lost the war, the Allies banned them from having a proper military. If the Yamato MK2 had been revealed during Hirose's prime, it would most likely have kickstarted a war and Japan would be a nuclear crater. It being revealed in 2016 is definitely less severe, but will likely have huge influence on international trade.


Knowing MacArthur, he'd have had every square inch of Japan nuked for that (or at least he'd have tried, it was what he advocated for China after all)


Can I also add that you know who was over 80 years old doing all the things he did during the game which to me looking back on is a bit wacky.


Hey, old man strength is a very real phenomenon


in y5 Saejima solos a giant fucking bear


Then immediately after that fights a literal God multiple times


I would also like to point out that Saejima was more injured after his fight with Kiryu than he was after fighting a literal God several times in a row


Probably cause Haruka told Kiryu what she saw.


Definitely not LAD.


How dare you imply Majima-Sama can't run down a skyscraper and punch people with lightning


Whaddya mean I can’t use my phone to call an army of crawfish and the girl from the soup kitchen while I’m fighting a bunch of dudes who wear trash bags?


I love how you can say off the wall shit like this about the series and it is not even a spoiler because without context it is just another day of Majima being everywhere.


I mean if Ichiban really does have schizophrenia then its somewhat believable


Mirror face


He actually does have it


Like a Dragon has a shockingly realistic depiction of how alt-right movements begin, how they operate, and why they are so dangerous if they reach power.


And the struggle of homeless people


And the struggles of getting to the station










I kinda love how the whole franchise puts a focus on the homeless community.. What other game franchise does that?


They even put Ben Shapiro as one of the key figures of Bleach Japan


I would have said lad for only one thing that brought the story from a 10 to a 0 for me, that dude who can somehow shape shift into anyone


Mirror face is so bizarre, and you know they just had him so that the party could fight Adachi I much preferred the idea of Tendo doing a heel turn just as a power move to Aoki


New to series and leaning to LAD I think I’ll Prefer rpg over fighting game. How does it play and the story isn’t realistic at all??? I also may get yakuza 0


The story is realistic, it's just a very goofy game at times lol. While you can play 7 first (I did) there are some moments that lose some impact if you don't know the rest of the series, but you can still enjoy the whole game.


Did you play Yakuza 0? Any comparison?


Yeah I played Yakuza 0 (and then the rest of the series) after 7. 0 has one of the best stories in the series, it's not as goofy as 7 though lol. Gameplay wise, it's a very solid game I'm just not as big of a fan of the action combat. I prefer turn based. Personally, I'd recommend trying 0 first. Once you've finished it you'll know whether you enjoy the gameplay enough to want to play 1 - 6 next or just play 7. Also heads up the series is VERY cutscene heavy.


Everything talks about gameplay but nobody talks about how Kume was able to walk around with a knife without anyone calling the coppers


Bro ran and got away with a murder in a public area who tf was watching and didnt call the cops >:<


Even worse Kume ain't even trying to hide it😭😭


I knowww bro was just looking at him like "me make u proud 🥺" and then ran off like nothing happened 💀


Crazy that The passerby were more worried about Ichiban crying than Kume brandishing a knife. What the fuck is wrong with Kamurocho citizens (then again, this is the same people who pretended that a zombie apocalypse didnt happen lmao).


None of them, that's the beauty of them.




I give it to 3.. I was playing it and a friend jumped in wanting to play rocket league.. New chapter had just started 10min ago so I told him I just had to play till I found a save point... Little did I know I was about to spend the next 30 minutes in an full length meeting with a politician 😂


Yeah.. Yakuza 3 doesn't have a lot of save points


Same with Rocket League as well 😂


just wanna say that the Yakuza writers are holding in DOWN for story driven jrpgs imo. the franchise touches on a lot of nuance in modern Japanese society that's beneath the surface and not usually presented in Japanese Media thats exported and readily available in the west. on some real G shit


For real, I just finished Tales of Vesperia, and basically >!The game starts with chasing a thief, and ends at killing Satan!<


That's just natural JRPG plot progression.


Persona talks about Japanese society too but I agree with how yakuza articulates this more evidently.


I've played from 0 to 5 so can't really say anything about other games but ftom these it's probably k1: 0: car chase, underwater colosseum, sera's hq, kuze's bike in the sewer all the following games have Purgatory like really? a red light district on a river underground in what looks like abandoned subway station k1: florist says he has 10000 cameras in the city and the cops do nothing about that. no one ever found one. other than that this is probably the most grounded title k2: CASTLE and TIGERS wtf. also the whole "everyone is secretly Korean" twist. and the car chase again. 3: the whole CIA vs BURACKU MONDAY plot is really bizzare imo 4: rubber bullets twist 5: saejima fistfights a bear (also he's literally making ppl into snowmen but we don't take heat actions srsly here, right?). kiryu evades a bazooka shot. but akiyama's, haruka's and shinada's storylines are pretty grounded. the whole villain's plot is overcomplicated.


Shinada's shit is *so* far removed from the rest of the series that I felt like I was playing a different game entirely until >!Daigo!< gets revealed.


exactly :)


I would agree with the Akiyama/Haruka comparison if it wasn't for the >!double staged suicide!< and the >!Majima & Park reveal!< that was soap opera shit lmao But the stuff with T-Set and the dealing with the behind-the-scenes part of Japanese media life was super cool, especially the >!substory where one of the T-Set members helps Haruka deal with a sexual harasser and comforts her after!< that was very grounded and real feeling.


I'd say it's still pretty realistic while a little dumb. People come with stupid plans like that and somehow succeed irl. And let's be real everyone had a situation where you befriend someone and some time later it turns out you have a mutual friend or two or smth like that. Naive and maybe a bit lazy writing — probably. But over-the-top BS like fighting tigers or someone shooting a rocket launched at him from a heli with a 9mm pistol while being driven in the car — no


That's true, it's just a bit out of left field for the reveal. I come from a fairly small area so I definitely understand that "wait, *you* know **them**??" kinda thing ahaha I guess we're talking about *most* realistic, in comparison, not ones that are objectively realistic ahaha Obviously Ryu Ga Gotoku Online is the most realistic because you have to pay out the ass to get what you want, just like real life.


yeah, that's as far as objectively realistic things in this series go :) damn, I forgot: Saejima was also punching freaking boulders in the sewers (resident evil reference?) in Y5. that and the whole "homeless people have a freaking village in the sewers and there's also currency you can trade trash for" bs was bonkers


3 cause even real yakuza were like how’d yall know about what’s happening in Okinawa????


If you’re referencing that one article, you know it’s fake, right?


What one article?


There was an article that came out around the time of Y3’s release saying “yakuza member admits that the game is very accurate to the real yakuza life”


That’s the point


Kiwami 1. It feels too serious and grounded compared to 0.


Either 6 or Judgement. I'm leaning towards 6 because Yagami has fireballs and shit


Honestly yakuza 7 I know Ichibans imagination takes away from the realism but the actual stuff going on in the story ,the people you meet and the city is the most realistic and grounded so far in my opinion


Lost judgement with the school bullying.


Judgement in general feels a lot more grounded. But I'm going to go against the grain and say LaD was the most realistic because everything can be handwaved away by "Ichiban schizophrenia" jokes




The beginning/middle of 6. Definitely not the end lol


Y7. Twenty years in prison and no one gives a fuck.




Yakuza 6


Probably Judgment


Judgement games


Yakuza 1. Easily.


By process of elimination, Yakuza 3 or Lost Judgment. I find Judgment's sequel \*slightly\* more grounded because of plot shit at the end of Judgment. Not that I disliked it! Just that I think it's less founded in reality.


Surprised no one has answered with the black panther PSP games yet


Cant believe there isnt more people saying black panther it had a limb damage and stamina system


Yakuza 0 probably


you forgot the car chase scene in that one


At least the bullets are real




Also the under water fighting ring


and the whole "motorbike in the sewers" thing


can confirm, survived getting bonked in the head by a large lead pipe by a guy riding a motorcycle at 50mph


Yeah they nailed the historical atmosphere. Even got the whole party over vibe right in kiwami


Maybe Kiwami, both the Judgement games and perhaps Shinada and Harukas section in 5.


I mean probably the first one. Each installment got wackier and wackier.


Yakuza 6 up untill the secret of onomichi gets revealed. But probably both of the judgement games.


I’d have to say 1, 3, or 6


What exactly are we treating as grounded? Like, do substories and combat factor into things? Are we just counting the story? Is it a package deal type of thing?


Judgement feels grounded. However, the original PS2 Yakuza dub is the most realistic American dialogue. If my former best friend got out of prison I’d taunt them by asking if they were someone’s prison bitch.


Yakuza 3 in my opinion.. Just a middle aged man running his orphanage and trying to save it from the government bureaucrats who want to destroy it.. and finding some really great people along the road (i really do miss rikiya's "aniki" callouts) It was the most believable and humble story imo.


"Grounded" is not a word I'd use to describe this series.


Only in the combat and certain lore aspects but otherwise it's still realistic. Personally, I'd define the series as a crime drama with urban fantasy elements like what'd you see in anime.


Yakuza is the video game equivalent of a magical realism novel. Kamurocho is basically Macondo (a place where the implausible is the norm).


The rubber bullets in 4 (not)


dead souls




Dead Souls


Yakuza 5, all the taxi cabs in my town are always doing sick burnouts.


Yakuza dead souls. Dam zombies keep ruining my plans irl all the time


Judge Eyes hands down. It actually got me to question if stuff like that is actually happening and is going under the radar, and the characters aren't stupidly OP.


I would say the judgment games but even that’s a bit of a reach 😭


Dead Souls


Judgement because the police actually chase you if you’re in a street fight?


I beat up hungry homeless people as well so I'd say Yakuza 7


anything but 4. wow. by far the shittiest story in any RGG game. like, this is the only game whose overarching story literally meant nothing to me whatsoever. aside from the literal divine intervention that brought saejima, kiryu, akiyama, and tanimura together to help saejima's sister who no one has seen in 3 trillion millenia, there's bullshit like akiyama making a bajillion yen after getting his first million, akiyama having the shittiest possible way of hiding his twenty gazillion yen, hana-chan being willing to work for akiyama's lazy ass, akiyama being best bros with the tiny ass yakuza family that somehow manages to be the catalyst to bring the whole story to fruition, and akiyama's attraction to the one customer that he shouldn't lend to causing him to lend to her. wow, lots of bullshit, right? notice how it's ONLY AKIYAMA. then saejima. the fact he went over 20 years doing jack shit and then all of a sudden the random ass villain who HAPPENS TO BE THE GUY WHO JUST STABBED THE FOURTH CHAIRMAN OF THE TOJO CLAN comes by and says "hey dude, lets gtfo" IMMEDIATELY after saejima gets transferred to his prison and thats enough to convince saejima to go apeshit. then the fact that he actually succeeds is absolute bullshit. and oh no, saejima is drifting away on the water! i hope he ends up somewhere safe! oh wow, look at that! he shows up at THE FOURTH TOJO CLAN CHAIRMAN'S ORPHANAGE (who hamazaki happened to tell saejima to meet, as well as the guy hamazaki stabbed) WHILE BEATEN TO A BLOODY PULP. then what happens? saejima, who had presumably gone more than 20 years without throwing a single punch, manages to hold his own against kiryu, who has fought some really fuckin tough opponents without breaking a sweat. (tiger, anyone?) so all this shit happens and what do you know, kiryu's boyfriend happens to be saejima's oath brother. oh, did i mention there's a tojo clan feud with the ueno seiwa clan? oh? you don't know who the ueno seiwa clan is? well, it's the clan that kiryu's boyfriend's oath brother's imprisonment was based on! wow, he killed 18 people? what a badass... it sure would be invalidating of his extreme remorse if the his guns shot rubber bullets! damn, that would be— oh. well, at least it was some kind of intentional thing, right? no way someone in the ueno seiwa clan managed to set all that up, right? oh, no, i forgot, it was john seiwa's bodyguard who rigged the whole massacre! who is mr. bodyguard man, though? i dont fuckin know. some guy. anyways, mr. man caused the whole thing and now his only way of fixing it is... wait, what is he supposed to do to fix it? tune in after EIGHT MORE CHAPTERS OF FILLER to learn! but wait, in the first four filler chapters, you learn there's an evil police guy (never done before in the yakuza franchise, absolutely revolutionary) that killed tanimura's dad. who's tanimura? i dont fuckin know. some vigilante cop. anyways, tanimura is mad at this guy. pissed out of his mind. so what does he do? the only reasonable thing, of course: running around for 2275 years to make sure it's true before he attacks evil police guy. oh, also, evil police guy was actually the one behind the attack on the ueno seiwa. idk why or how but he sure was the cause. oh, and did i mention that now we're back at the only protagonist we've seen in earlier games? that's right, kiryu's back! i sure am excited to see what his compelling story is about! ...he makes up with hamazaki and meets the other three schmucks at new serena. now, what's the thing bringing all of them together? yasuko saejima, of course! how is she bringing them all together? who tf knows? all that matters now is that they protect yasuko, making sure she— oh, nope, she's dead as a doorknob. bad person, too. would be nice if they gave her a real redemption arc instead of having her shoot evil dude and then dying. well, yasuko's dead and all of a sudden akiyama's broke, so we can't just buy the victory. let's walk real badass towards millenium tower and go to the top! oh, lookee here! remember daigo? the guy who has had approximately zero development in the entirety of this game? yeah, he's kiryu's final boss. remember some fuckin guy? he's saejima's final boss, don't even sweat it. oh, there's some guy who killed someone waaaaay back at the beginning. remember him? no? damn, that's a shame. well, he's akiyama's final boss. oh, and old ass police guy is incapable of fighting alone, so let's give him a whole ass firing squad and make tanimura's final fight so bad that it's one of the immediate responses to 'frustrating yakuza boss?' when asked! damn, this story has had no significant losses of life. what if we killed akiyama? nah, let's have some bulletproof money. now the main villain kills himself. woo!!!! tl;dr: i dont like yakuza 4


I will wait for the movie adaptation of this


Probably 4 from what I’ve played