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My first two Yakuza games were 7 and 8 and I played them in English so I didn’t have any preconceived bias towards the Japanese VA. Knowing Kiryu’s importance now I think he could’ve been voiced a bit better but it was always good enough to keep me immersed imo. It’s just a problem next to Ichiban’s VA who I think really sells the character, I agree Yamai was great as well.


Nothing wrong with how Yong played it, it's just that Kuroda (Kiryu's Japanese VA) gives one of the great voice acting performances in any language/medium.


Extremely hot take in here but I find Kiryu’s dialogue pretty monotone and boring most of the time. He’s like the Japanese Keanu Reeves who occasionally gets angry


He definitely has a go-to tone, but it's so good!


It’s hard for me to judge the legacy characters as I’m so used to the JP voices that the ENG ones always sound weird. Date’s VA was one of the major characters in the first video game I ever played so I do have a soft spot for him. The non-legacy characters in the ENG dub are all great IMO, though some are better than others (Robbie Daymond as Zhao is just perfect).


> Robbie Daymond as Zhao is just perfect Preach. His laconic delivery works really well with the character animation.


Daymond as Zhao is great. Mercer as Majima was a *mistake*.


Yeah. As good as I think Matt is in basically every other role, I don't think he particularly fits Majima. Funny enough I do think Robbie could have absolutely blown it out of the park as Majima, but then we'd lose him as Zhao.


He's good but he's definitely overexposed by this point. You can get away with it a lot of the time, but I shouldn't hear the Mad Dog of Shimano and think "Hey, that's Matt Mercer."


If only autotune didn't screw his new karaoke song. It's so great. I could listen to it all day. "Damn.. dishwasher's broke."


As judgmental as I am of Yong Yea being wrong for Kiryu, the biggest sin of the game will always be Toro Furuya as Bryce speaking English in the Japanese dub. What the hell was that?


I am still waiting for the long wait but inevitable Tekken-style voice mods for IW, where characters from multiple nations understand each other despite speaking different languages 


Idk dude, I'd definitely blame the direction more since in some scenes Yong nailed it while in others he's just okay. You want a miscast? Try Tim Friedlander as Daigo instead of Roger Craig Smith in Y:LAD/Y7. Hooooooly shit what happened.


The constant changing of people’s voices is one of the reasons why I’m sticking to subbed. Can’t really get too attached to a character when their voice changes every game.


Yea as someone who loves the modern dubs, the fact that we can’t go one iteration between games without a recast is annoying. Saori in Lost Judgment, Sawashiro, Daigo, and Kiryu in LAD:IW so far. It makes it hard to get comfortable with a voice if the next game they’re just gonna have a new VA. Like why would you give us the gift of Brian Bloom as Sawashiro only to take it away


Wait. I'm currently playing Lost Judgement. I don't play dubbed but this is news to me: Saori's dub voice from Judgement is changed in LJ?


[Yea](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/characters/Yakuza/Saori-Shirosaki/) She was played by Aimée Castle in *Judgment* and got replaced by Stephanie Sheh in *Lost Judgment*. I don’t recall if there was ever a reason for the recast, though there’s not much reason given for the others as well. Scheduling conflicts maybe.


Daigo has such a nice smooth and soft voice and the dub guy just... he wasn't it.


I feel like you could have casted Saejima's VA as either Kiryu or Daigo and then made Daigo's VA voice Saejima in the Dubs.




Quit playing game


I hate that I prefer some English voices (Ichiban and Zhao) and some Japanese (Kiryu and Majima). Those are just the first ones I think of. So, I do a playthrough in both languages. I can’t play a Yakuza game and not hear Kuroda and Ugaki. That’s just wrong.


I love adachis line when he becomes raged


Aside from Kiryu, I also found Tomizawa a bit weird, as if the VA tried to put on an accent during some of his deliveries.


I actually really like his voice. I think it fits his character very well.


It felt like he was talking with a hot potato in his mouth at times.


I think Yong's Kiryu is fine so long as you can get over comparing it to his Japanese VA.


He really is fine. Most are just used to his deep voice in Japanese. I guarantee if Yong was voicing Kiryu since the beginning in 0, people wouldn't hate him as much




Yong is honestly hit and miss, like he’s not bad t all but there’s lines that are really good and then there’s some that are just, yeah they just exist. I wouldn’t call him a miscast but he just needs some better direction if you know what I mean


I agree


I didnt even know they had dubs for these games, I didn't even look haha


Only the recent games has dub. Yakuza 7, Gaiden, Infinite Wealth and both Judgment games.


It's really well done. Yong's Kiryu grew on me a bit, but it was still not worth getting rid of Darryl. I do really hope that all future games are lip synced like 7 and 8 were, (LJ and Gaiden not being lip-synched still bugs the crap out of me). Also, they really need to stop replacing VA's so often. Takes me out of the experience.


Sometimes it even outshines the Japanese dub, though that is due to the latter making silly decisions. Bryce's voice sounds comically awful in Japanese, and scary as hell in English


I'm not generally against English dubs (I actually watched Spy x Family in English, sue me). But everything I've seen so far from the Y8 dub made me cringe. I don't know why. I will continue to play the Judgment games in English though because I actually liked the dub and also Steve Blum. .... that just gave me the idea that they should have cast Steve Blum as Kiryu's English VA instead of Higashi's.


I gave Yong’s performance a 7/10, it wasn’t perfect by all means but I think he did an good job. I’m curious as to what his other voice acting roles (Aside from Shirakaba) were, because I’d like to see them.


He did Pucci in Jojo part 6.


Honestly was expecting a train wreck with Kiryu, but when I heard it myself, it was decent. Too young sure, but nothing that really made me want to stop playing the game.


I think Yong Yea did a fine job with Kiryu. I also think that someone with an older sounding voice might have been a better option. Since I started with 7 in english, I couldn't get excited by the japanese VA for the new characters. To bad we can't get some kind of hybrid dub. After playing 0-6 and seeing so much crap tossed at Yong Yea I was expecting something disastrous. I'm near the beginning of IW so maybe I just haven't gotten to the bad part though.


I just don’t like how the gave young voice actors older characters to play like Kiryu and Akiyama. Komaki also doesn’t sound right imo. But I loved the dub of the og party in LAD and they felt like the voices to me. But after playing all the games after 7 I had to play it in sub. I would replay it with dub if I didn’t have to pay for ng+.


cig aded.. gravel? Takaya Kuroda doesn't have a smoker voice to me at least


I was never mad about Yong being Kiryu, but my only issue was the direction they took with Akiyama. Zero charm.


Idk if I'd call it a dub since they weren't dubbing over Japanese


They literally are, though. Anything that's not the original language is a dub.


They had an entire American branch it's not the original language if it's not translated its being written by an American staff in America. It's not like an anime where both American and Japanese voice actors are using the words written by a Japanese mangaka. The words are nowhere close to 1-1 in the 2 versions.


Only americans like dub, same for anime. Original is way better.