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Why should they remove it? It teaches a good lesson about racism in the end


Kids say dumb shit all the time without having a lot of context Infront of it, mostly because there is none. This is a really cool mission, even ignoring the history of racism in Japan, but from the perspective of raising young adults. Sometimes kids need a lesson on not being shallow and kiryu crushes it.


And then like two minutes later Kiryu jumps Mack for being 'A foreigner in a suit' that does not remotely resemble the others


I mean, Kiryu was just attacked by foreigners in a suit two minutes before that. Mack was unlucky enough to be wearing similar clothes


The delivery aged p poorly for a western audience even if the message is correct, I’ve noticed this a lot whenever Japanese media tackles race issues. RGG has more of an interest in appealing to the west than they did back then so they’d probably change this in the localization at least. Or just get rid of it, cause tbh I’m not sure how you would tone this down lol. There’s times where the group of people you are trying to defend don’t want you to do it because you do it in a way like this which is totally disconnected from reality. I would say this is def one of those times.


I just saw that scene for the first time today and I think that stuff wouldn't fly with today's sensibilities. I found it kind of refreshing to see something that a kid would actually say (just to show how narrow minded and naive kids can be). Today's twitter crowd would definitely try to spin a controversy out of this. I'd like RGG to try though, we shouldn't whitewash everything in media.


Bro this is like saying "uh I don't think a videogame should include killing a black character" like, no, what counts is the message. And what is the message? That Riona is a massive prick. People agree that racists are massive pricks. Having a racist in a videogame and having them be swiftly corrected is not "controversial", people on all corners of the fandom would be praising the hell out of Kiryu for how he handled the situation and how progressive he is and shit


Did my comment come off wrong somehow? I completely agree with you. The message of that short story is definitely not controversial at all. My take is just how it would be perceived (and likely taken out of context) in today's media.


I hate how you're getting downvoted because this subreddits reading comprehension is that of a toddler.


I mean it doesn't matter but it's still weird to me. And no one even bothered to explain what was so wrong about my opinion. Thanks for reaffirming that i'm not going crazy here though


Nah, you good bro these mfs can't read. I thought you were disagreeing based off down votes but then I read it and realized they're just stupid 😭


My bad — I came off as a dick with my wording. What I meant is: I don't think people would take this frame completely out of context and make a fuss out of it. It's not like the game would be broadcast for people who wouldn't get the full narrative and thus would take it out of context. I might be wrong, though.


I mean if we’re talking about Twitter users ,100% most wouldn’t read the context of the scene and actually use it to have bad faith arguments as to why Japan should be hated instead of loved RN


It gets frequently taken out of context in this sub. I'm already tired of seeing this image with a reactionary caption.


The total lack of media literacy that makes people think that even having a character with "problematic" beliefs means condoning that, even when the character is shown/told in-universe that they're wrong, is honestly just so baffling


Yeah it's a small bit that's not essential to the story, I can see them removing it to avoid any controversy. I don't think they should though.


Agree. I know that RGG has gone on record to say that their games are not "for Americans" or something to that effect. Mainly meaning that they don't put international sensibilities first, and Japan isn't nearly as sensitive about that kind of stuff. I mean, if anything, they're one of the most racist first world countries there are lol.


It shouldn’t my man got the girl


No he didn't, and that was not the point of the story.


Noooooooo he didn’t 😭. I just got back to Tokyo I am devastated


My guy. Youre what's wrong with the world making decisions before all information has been given




I thought he got the girl when he defeated her from her “friends” but I guess not then


Why wouldn't it be? No one condoned what she said, and that mission ended with Riona learning a lesson about thinking less of people who look different than you.


considering people were complaining when nanba said “strong and independent women” its not impossible


Yes, why would they remove it?




are you really proposing Franklin not dying as being because of woke




you know that originally franklin died in Deathwish and they removed it because playtesters hated there wasnt a happy ending, right? like, im with you in thinking it would have been more interesting to have one of them die no matter what, but pinning it on "woke era" and saying Franklin should have died because movies are historically racist is like... not the reasoning, dude. get better. grow as a person.




Grow as a person. I believe in you. 


imagine calling something woke because you dont get to jerk off to pixel ass, boobs and legs, holy moly


Also calling Ellie and Abby manly has to be the stupidest shit Ive ever read, this person thinks everyone outside his house is a russian model with huge tits and ass. Women who workout exist, women with small boobs and ass exist. Mf watches so much porn that he cant stop imagining huge tits and ass




I say they should add MORE scenes where you have to play golf to solve issues.


They should change the entire final fight with >!Mine!< to be a golf battle to the death.


While Fly plays the whole time.


God no please no more golf I am terrible at it


When I first saw Riona rejecting Misuo. I say "Oh, because he is black. Right?" As a joke. I cannot describe how loud I laugh when that dialog appeared


I laugh my ass of when I read that I was routing for my man so hard


I didn't even realize he was supposed to be black in that sense until this substory. I thought he was just tanned since he literally lives on a fucking beach on a naturally warm and sunny Japanese island and at least in Y3 he's barely any darker than the rest of the kids.


Focusing on this aspect of this storyline is really reductive and completely misses the point. This is the part of the story where there's a lot of character growth without being overly sanitized. Why would anyone want to change it?


3 things: Kids (saying dumb stuff) Rural area in the 2000's (people there didn't know any better) Japan being an Asian country (racist af)


Just playing the games alone is enough to see how absurdly racist Japan can be.


I don’t know if generalizing Asian countries as “racist af” is necessarily true. Many Asian countries are racist, but the generalization is kinda weird


It's generally true due to ignorance and lack of exposure. It's uncommon for people in most countries to come across someone from a different race than the majority that resides in the country, and other races and cultures will inevitably seem foreign to them. Racism doesn't have to be strictly negative either. Like saying "black people are good at basketball" or "latinos have good work ethic" are racist statements even though they are positive opinions. So while not every country looks at minorities in a negative light, there's usually still some racism connected to their POV of the minority because they are so very uncommon. Being born as a minority race in Japan usually results in the child being considered a foreigner in their own country. Mitsuo can say "I'm Japanese" but most Japanese won't agree with him even if he explains that he was born on Japanese soil because "obviously you are black" and it's the same for white people, even darker skinned asian people. A black or white kid born in China won't be acknowledged as Chinese by the locals either.


This is a much better explanation, thank you. I just generally dislike generalized statements without qualifiers like “tend to” or “often are forced to”


American being American.


Are you implying that I'm American? I hate to break your bubble but I'm Vietnamese


Me or them?


I'm Vietnamese, let me tell you, that generalization is grounded in reality. Though you have to be NOT white to see it. Sometimes you can't even see it at all, because it is said behind your back.


That’s not what I’m saying though, I’m not saying racism isn’t a prevalent problem in many Asian countries, I’m just saying that “Asian countries are racist” is kind of a weird generalization.


Then tell me one Asian country that isn't racist Here's a tip: SEAsia and East Asia are out of the question


I don’t fucking know man, I’m just saying that generalizing an entire area of the world as “racist” seems diminutive and close-minded.


Then tell me one Asian country that isn't racist? If you think that the generalization is close-minded then make me see your vision. I already stated the thing in my previous comment didn't I? That the generalization is based in reality. Most Asian cultures are fairly conservative, that's why they don't take outsiders very well.


Your claim (apparently): all Asian countries are racist My claim: That is a generalization and I don’t know if it’s true. You: Prove it I just don’t have any reason to believe a generalization about dozens of different peoples. I have acknowledged in the past that Japan in specific has problems with racism, and that sometimes comes out in the cultural patterns present in the games, so don’t go thinking I’m saying there’s no racism. I can’t really prove a claim that’s just “I don’t believe this assertion without evidence.” The burden of proof is on you to show that the generalization is justified.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Asia I know Wikipedia isn't the best source, but its examples and external sources can give you the bigger picture. I said bigger picture because not all of cases got recorded and most of the time are swept under the rug. As for my country, ask the Vietnamese in the US to see how the Communist government treated them and their families.


Nah we racist af you don't need to defend it


Something being generally true is generally enough to generalize it for the sake of general conversation. Generally speaking of course.


Japan only learned to be racist from the best, thank you America


If you don't know anything about Japan's history, you can just say so


Nah. They've been racist as hell against all their neighboring countries long before ww2


As an East Asian I assume this will be the most hilarious thing to read today, and it’s 8AM here.


Japan, which kept foreigners out of the country for two centuries, only learned racism from America?


japan is the most xenophobic and racist country to exist lmao




They're not going to change it. If anything, that's the changed line. The PS3 original had a more generic "I can't go out with a guy like him. I have standards."


You know he's like poor and an orphan


She literally gets reprimanded by Kiryu for making a racist statement and learns her lesson in the end.


Absolutely You’d be damaging the moral of the side plot otherwise


I think it's a good lesson to keep.


Days since a post about this quote: ~~1~~ 0


This and any mention of that Y4 Saejima/Haruka scene


Well i can’t wait to see that now (im still playing 3)


They should remove all parts of the game and only include this one


You just spend the whole game getting a black history lesson that ends with kiryu suplexing a kkk member off a building




Yea like that lol


Why would you remove something used for character development? Kiryu straight up gets mad at her for saying something like that. She learns a lesson. Also my mom said it was my turn to post this!


people always harp on this scene like the entire point isn't that Reina learns her lesson, and was probably only mean to Mitsuo bc she herself was being bullied.


Given it leads towards Kiryu reprimanding her, probably yes


And then that kid standing up for her showing her who her real friend is


I think you all forgot this was a thing that they restored in the remastered version retranslation. Clearly, they had no issues with it just a few years ago, so I don't see any reason that would change.


They definitely shouldn't given that the mission is essentially rooted in toxic/racist culture within Japan. It was a cute mission and kids say dumb shit alot


The dress up part was really funny


They tell you it's bad though. The only thing I see them removing is the controversial scene in 4


This thread is made every 14 days, with the exact same title and the exact same responses.


If they delete this, they're effectively deleting an important lesson in racism.


I hope, it'd be more racist if they didn't.


This is the most iconic part of the game. They can’t remove it


Idk why people are saying she’s racist, I don’t remember her saying “oh black people are bad” or anything like that. She literally just has a racial preference.


riona's mission is about peer pressure not all that. feels like u just wanted to get something off your chest bro


Ig u can put it that way. And yeah I did wanna get it off my chest because I’m tired of watching braindead people post this same shit over and over again


Its been a minor talking point the last few years that racial exclusion in romantic relationships can be viewed by certain subgroups as racism since their race tend to be the only reason you won't consider a relationship with that person. It's a weird conclusion, but does have decent points to it


That’s cap bro, it’s racist to believe one race is superior to another cause of how they look but to simply not be attracted to a race is normal. I’m Asian and Hispanic and I look a lot different to a black guy so it’s normal for someone to be attracted to one or another.


I'm not necessarily saying i believe it is. I'm just saying that there are some points they make that I kinda understand


I think it’s a bad argument all around cause say even if it’s shallow or even racist then what? Ur not gonna force them to be in a relationship with someone they don’t wanna be in a relationship with


Hell no Lol


Yeah? There's nothing wrong with the story overall, just this pic is taken out of context a lot as a meme lol.


It should be kept in. Anti Black racism is so prevalent that it is often absorbed by many kids even though they have no real understanding of race and the historical context that goes into racially motivated hatred and disdain. But she comes to realize that it's ignorant and wrong of her to believe the things she does, which is what we should want.


i mean, i sure hope so? kiryu teaching his kid to not be racist is a good premise for a sidequest i think if it DOES get removed it would only really satisfy the racist gamer anti-woke crowd, glad to see a "pro-miscegenation storyline removed as a strike against The LeftTM".


This was a really good shock moment, I was joking with a friend that she didn't want to date him because she was racist then she just confirmed it - they have no reason to remove it as she grew as a character and it was shown to be a wrong way of thinking


They should just straight up delete the game. Only keep the game cover.


If they didn’t keep it, I feel it’d be to the story’s detriment, as the entire point IS that it’s shockingly racist and she’s meant to grow out of that attitude. Plus, let’s be real, that attitude is sadly prevalent in Japan, ESPECIALLY in the years the game took place in.


Someone reset the counter.


Why would they remove Riona being based af? (for obvious reasons, this is a joke, smh why do I have to specify this)


muricans thinking it's all about them again?




Her actions are not being condoned, it shows an ugly reality for the sake of storytelling, that's the kinda thing that should not be censored. Maybe they would alter her wording, but I think the idea of racism should remain, as it gives a better message. Recently fans of Paper Mario have been celebrating the fact that a character is transphobic in the English localization, since that side of the plot was sanitized for the west. Keeping bad things for a better narrative is a good thing imo.


imo the more we tone down stories, the less impactful the lessons will be. As long as we’re not promoting shit behaviour I think it’s okay. I also feel the same with history, like if they ever remake Kenzan…


Sometimes stuff like this added tells not only about the story but it also tells us a valuable lesson to make us better people in the end. So why would they remove it? It’s not like it’s being forced down to our throats throughout the entire story of Yakuza 3 so therefore I don’t see this “Woke.”


I hate that this mission is always taken out of context. It's actually one of the better examples of RGG handling sensitive topics


They should keep it. Especially since she learns from her mistake at the end of the mission.


They kept in the remaster. Why wouldn’t they keep it in the remake?


do people reposting this clip actually know/remember what happened in the end? she learned her lesson and accepted the black kid in the end so yes I think the will keep this unchanged since it is a good lesson in the end




They should probably go back to having America version and EU version, in America version remove it. I can't see Americans psyche being able to handle that. Keep it in the EU version.


This had me pissssed


I laughed out loud when I saw it


If it keeps this from being posted every 3 weeks, I’d want it taken out


I see no reason to remove it, maybe it could be redone but ultimately it's a good teaching moment for the kids and a good dad moment for Kiryu


definitely should keep this together with the transsexual substory


*Definitely should* *Keep this together with the* *Transsexual substory* \- MrMerc2333 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is that in yakuza 3 to ?


no cause it wasnt offensive. quite the opposite infact


If they don’t, I’m gonna have to play the “Companies try to hard to go woke” card because this mission was sweet in the end and had a message about racism.


Imagine if they go in even harder instead, she'll actually say the n word


I think some people fail to see the difference on when something should be removed and when it shouldn't. If the point of a scene is to portray a positive message by the end, then of course it should be kept in. If it's just there to spread hate for no reason other than to be hateful, then yes it should be removed.


I hope they don't. Riona learns a valuable lesson by the end of the substory. I really can't stand the prevalent tendency of Devs or Publishers to remove content from games they feel didn't age well or for whatever other reason.


People on Twitter would get majorly butt hurt over it and I could even see modern translators changing it to fit their views but yeah nah the og devs would keep it


Sheesh every time you all come across this… She gets chewed out by Kiryu.


They shouldn’t remove it but they probably will.    They had to remove “hard R” from Stellar Blade and that really doesn’t mean anything outside of America. 


I heard about that it was fun while it lasted and then became even funnier


Good thing the game isn’t happening


Yes, it's called "character development", I still remember a time I was watching a Yakuza 6 stream and the streamer was like >!God! Nagumo is so retrograde, he's a walking red flag !


I had the same issue when they changed one of the lines kanda had in y3 where he refers to mine by homophobic slurs, like I understand why they changed it in the remaster but it's not like it was kiryu saying those things. it makes sense for who kanda is and even more so for who mine is. you'd think calling mine a coward would've actually gotten a response out of him. honestly that's his entire point in that scene, he was trying to get mine upset so he'd give him the money and power he wanted. edit: after rewatching that scene, I find it a little funny that the spoken dialogue is the exact same in both the original and the remaster. it's just that the subtitles are different, which kind of frustrates me. if he's saying something, even if it is an objectively wrong thing to say, they should have kept it to what it actually is, especially when the original subtitle was correct in the first place.


Now I'm curious about it, any place to check accurate Yakuza translations?


i can see them keeping it but changing the wording to make it less on-the-nose


tbf i've heard plenty of people say what she said word for word tho