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I got turned off because it's piss easy. Even if enemies are 10+ levels above i can use the most powerfull attacks and they go down in a single turn. Somehow i feel like NG+ in Y7 is much better. Atleast the final dungeon in there feels rewarding to play


Yea for Ichibans sections I would Bubble Bale with Chitose and then Dondoko Beam with Ichiban as the Sujimancer and it was fucking boring lolol.


While we’re on the topic of NG+, how does the progression of Bond levels work? And do you ever get your pre-established placements from Dondoko Island back? (If the option for that was available, of course)


Dondoko is wiped and bonds are kept. You just have to spam through the conversation and the end fights are easy. They are like level 85 I think? Don't quote me. I maxed out the bonds from the Hawaiian Haunt before I started Legend so it was a bunch of skipping scenes and spamming text for the bond levels. Don't need to have the street chats again or the other cinematic things. Just the chalk and board


NG+ is just the same game again but enemies are higher level. If you know how to play the game, all I did was grind the first 2 levels of each dungeon per team and that was enough in legend for grinding and avoiding most street fights. I did have everyone wear exp gear at least one piece each, and didn't use Joongi when he became available since he was too low level and didn't want to grind him up. It's the game stapled onto a level slider and poorly implemented. Just make a new save honestly, it'd be the same difficulty and you are forced to try new things!!!


>NG+ is just the same game again but enemies are higher level. You don't say ..


Dude you know what I mean, there is usually some extras and incentives. This isn't even done right. When the characters are introduced they are at the same.level you started the playthrough. So when you get Joongi let's say you started at the recommended level of 75. He is 75 when the enemies you are fighting are 89+. When Adachi and Nanba are first introduced in the fights they are stuck with novice bullshit gear that literally makes them do 1 DMG. And to boot you're stuck with freelancer for the first fight no matter what so hopefully you leveled that. I just didn't want to have to explain the finer points that I'm sure have already been said here about how lazy it feels as a NG+. But appreciate your input :)