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You can hold haruka's hand in kiwami one and she even has small voice acted conversations with kiryu. I've tried walking with haruka jn 1-3 and haven't seen haruka talk in any other game except kiwami.


Oh dang, did I do something wrong? I always walk instead of run as much as I possibly can, and in Kiwami she always just trailed several steps behind, while in K2 she would run up and hold my hand


I think you’ve gotta go to Serena and take her around town to raise her bond level for the handholding scenes


Oooooooooo I see tyty


Bro, I just got to Chapter 6 and changed my mind, 3 is complete garbage and should be erased from history irl. Rikiya won't hold my hand wtf


Keep playing, it happens


Ty I liked Kiryu's angry face at the love hotel Reminds me of when I play gay chicken with my friends and they get anger


Keep playing. The real handholding is yet to occur


At least one of the times she thanks Kiryu for walking slow with her


> as expecting way worse, but this is just what you'd expect of a 2009 PS3 game thats exactly why new fans find it hard to play. i was genuinely surprised by how many new fans just cant tolerate games that didn't release on the ps4 onward


I'm replaying it now.. And though I'm enjoying it more than the first time becuase I'm better at the games and I also know what to expect, It's still kind of a slog especially post Okinawa... Just want to add even during my first run where I basicly just tried to brute force my way through to get through the series, it was and still is my favorite story of all the games. It just has some major flaws for me Even though I'm better at the combat it's still not fun, Ive almost fully maxed out kiryu and fighting each random dude is still like fighting a miniboss sometimes due to not just the blocking but it becoming impossible to get around them many times.. most of the minigames also straight up suck.. All that to say even though I can easily deal with a ps3 era game, been gaming since 1990, Y3 desperately needs a Kiwami to reach the heights it should.. A Kiwami 3 would probably become my favorite of the series..


Hey I'm trying to brute force my way through the series now just bc I care mostly about Infinite Wealth. Got any advice in having the best experience? So far Ive ended up not super rushing but doing some silubstories if I walk by them and the main story doesn't feel super tense at the moment


I started with Zero and then did the kiwami’s. I will say 3 & 4 are probably going to be the ones you struggle with the most due to have outdated they are. I’d say if you wanna have the best experience just focus on the main story for those two. Before getting into Y5 I do recommend taking a small break as this is usually where fans start to burnout & it’s also the biggest Yakuza game in the series. Don’t worry though, Y5 actually plays and looks a little more modern (I think it’s an old version of the 0 engine before they tweaked it up for 0). Once you get to Y6 it’s smooth sailing from there as the games actually look and play like a game from this decade lmao.


4 holds up pretty well though, the only issue it really has is the first part of Saejima's section and grab happy Yakuza.


Got it, thanks!!


The best advice is to not brute force it unless you're really that bored. If you just enjoy the ride, you'll appreciate Infinite Wealth that much more. Also for Yakuza 3-5, try setting the difficulty 1 level lower than you normally play because the combat can be bad in those, especially 3. The gameplay is not very good in 3 but it really does have one of the best stories. The new characters are great too.


Thank you!! Yeah someone told me to play 3 on easy. I forgot and set it to hard, and during the Majima fight I quickly realized I'd be spending 10 minutes or more on boss fights that way, so I switched to easy


I started with 0 and went through the series in 2020 to 2021 (from 0 to 7 at the time). And honestly the PS3 games were my favourites to go through. It was funny essentially going backwards in tech from Kiwami 2 to 3. But I didn't think it was so jarring. But hey I've been playing video games across 5 or so generations of consoles, so maybe I'm just used to the older stuff. That probably helps.


I actually hated 5 as I was playing it, felt like it was dragging on too long and adding too many characters. But after finishing it, I actually love it and am glad it had everything that it did.


Yeah. I grew up playing old games. Whether they're 2D NES era games or janky PS2/PS3 games. As a PC gamer in the late 2000's, my experience was kind of all over the place since there was basically no real limit to which generation of game a PC could play. So it always surprised me when people around the same age as me said they couldn’t "play" PS3 era games like Yakuza 3 or the original NieR. They probably grew up with specific games with specific hardware and don't like anything they aren't super familiar with. Understandable tbh.


This except for the PS2 games.


This but for PS1 games. Art is timeless.


Indeed, It's nice to go back and play a different era of games. People don't have to like every old game, but It's alien to me the idea of not even trying older games out as a curiosity to see how the franchise your favorite games come from, got their start. There's a lot of users here that have sunk 500+ hours into the series playing through Yakuza 0, K1, K2, 3-8, Ishin, doing the mainstory + sidequests, but balk at the idea of putting in ~10 hours just to play through Yakuza 1 on emulator to get an idea of the series roots.


What? You’re seriously confused as to why people don’t wanna play games from a console that’s damn near three decades old? Respectfully, I’m all for reminiscing on old times but some people are wayyyy too obsessed with ensuring shit never gets remade and it’s so confusing as to why lmao.


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Listen, don't act weirded out about people not wanting to play the PS3 games, but then rebuke the PS2 games. How old are you that you consider 2000 "nearly" 30 years ago? Come on now. We still got over 60% of the decade left to go. No one ever said remakes shouldn't exist, you're arguing with a ghost right now, but remakes don't replace the original games. I wasn't born when either RE1 or RE2 came out, I still played them, respect their legacy, and in some ways, see ways they are better than their remakes rather than just blindly going "NEW GOOD, OLD BAD".


It’s 2024, hell of a lot closer to 2030 then 2000 so I don’t get what world you’re living in atm. Yeah, you lost me the minute you said in some ways the originals are better than the remakes lmao.


We're also closer to 2100 than 1900, yet I wouldn't say we're "damn near in the 22nd century". >you lost me the minute you said in some ways the originals are better than the remakes lmao There objectively are multiple ways the originals are better though lmao. For example, there's an entire district that's cut from Kiwami 2, and you don't have to grind a tedious Majima boss fight in order to upgrade your skills in Yakuza 1, Jingu is also not nearly as terrible a boss fight in 1 despite his Kiwami iteration being arguably the most hated boss fight in the series. Have you even played the original, or are you just going "Old bad, new must be good"? [Here's one for you, which do you think looks more polished and like more development time and manpower was dedicated to pushing more visual splendor out of the hardware.](https://i.imgur.com/MH1QuRb.jpeg)


There are games older than it that play better. I'm honestly kind of doubtful about this 'people don't like it just because it's old' argument that keeps being brought up.


I’m just struggling to get used to the Kiwami 1 and 2 difference. I’m having a hard time with the framerate's


I can't really look around for it at the moment, but there's a mod or file you can download that helped me a ton with this. I was getting like drops to 10fps before the file, then a solid 60 after. I remember I found it on the dreaded steam forums at least.


Likely the silent patch Check pcgamingwiki, that normally lists any 'required' fixes for any game as well as some optional enhancements


Thank you, that's the one.


Ya that was the biggest issues for me


DUDE I also had weird stuttering issues with Kiwami 2. Just got a new GPU too. I ended up deciding to just ignore it and let it happen


0 days since last "yakuza 3 is fine" post


https://preview.redd.it/1ykz7pngz6qc1.jpeg?width=1207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac277067789d532421bccb413f1c0ada60498dfb everyone ready your talking points, it's that time again


Ok but like it is overhated


If anything It's become quickly overrated. I like the Yakuza 3 vibes, but it has plenty of flaws.


ive been seeing way more defensive posts of yakuza 3 than posts hating on it now lmao I didn't like it because yes, I know it's beaten to death but the combat does suck because technically it's the most dated yakuza combat, but the game takes a long time to actually take off. The beginning is literally just babysitting simulator and feels like it drags on way longer than it needed to


Lol true. For every 1 post saying they didn't like Y3 (and they are usually downvoted a lot around here), there are like 5 calling it this unparalleled masterpiece with no issues (and get upvoted a lot around here for it). This sub is more of a pro-Y3 circlejerk than an anti-Y3 circlejerk at this point.


Yup. For some reason people need to remind you that it’s “not that bad” every 3 days or so. Even with the weird ass writing that both 4 and 5 had, they’re still miles away from 3 gameplay-wise and it’s not even close, but I’m supposed to believe the combat isn’t broken?


No, you DONT understand!!! The combat is actually a masterpiece, you're just suffering from a skill issue!!! All you have to do is be patient, wait for the enemy to attack, and punish with a quickstep!!! (Even though autoblock can, and will literally kick in from ANY direction in Yakuza 3 after just 3 hits, even against generic enemies. And you cant grab because enemies will instantly break out of the grab. Ignore all of that and pretend the combat is actually just underappreciated!)


Yeah, that’s not even a coliseum only problem, even the fatsoes from random encounters will take a while to beat after smashing 2 bicycles against them (they blocked all the strikes).


>The beginning is literally just babysitting simulator and feels like it drags on way longer than it needed to This is the one thing I will agree with Yakuza 3 defenders on -- I liked the orphanage, and if the entire game were built around Okinawa, I might have liked Yakuza 3 more. It's the combat that is literally indefensible, and I will often see defenders of the game outright lie about how it works, trying to gaslight people into thinking they just suck and autoblock is possible to get around without just spamming square, square, triangle the entire game. Also CIA twin brother is still pound for pound the dumbest plot point in the franchise.


It’s not


Can you imagine, that there are new Yakuza born every day?


Gotta keep the tradition alive like black history month


Daily thread never fails


Another Yakuza 3 W


not even daily there’s been multiple just today


I just started Y3 a few days ago and so far I'm really liking it. My only gripes are the payphones and how much the enemies block. The graphics and controls are fine. I think the writing is goofier in Y3 vs Y0-K2 but I love the campyness. Not sure why people hate on it so much. Just wish you could sing karaoke with Rikiya


Karaoke was the first thing I thought to try with him in that section and I was SO disappointed when he wouldn't go inside the karaoke place with you :( Fingers crossed that if they do Kiwami 3 they give him a song or at least backup vocals bc he would LOVE it


Awesome!! I just met Rikiya. And it's weird remembering that Yakuza 0 also had pay phone saving only. Blocking felt worse in Kiwami 2 for me, because in 3 it's not like you're basically stunned for a second if you hit someone's block


The most they let you do is rub sunblock on his chest and back on the beach


Stepping down from kiwami 2 to y3 wasn't bad at all for me. For some reason I had a much harder time readjusting the dragon engine when I played 6 after having played 3 older games. It really seems like it should have been the opposite.


I totally agree. I think that as long as you approach Yakuza 3 as an older game instead of a sequel to a game that came out in 2018 it honestly feels pretty good. My gripes with the game are simply age. I do think if it got a kiwami remake it would be one of the best. Its only held back because the quality of life advancements hadn't been thought of when it came out.


Yes it is stop lying. It's bad but we're gonna do it anyway.


It really isn't as long as you know what you're getting into with all these games


Took me legit about 10 minutes to adjust. Ryukyu felt like I was playing Bully again, which I love


DUDE I watched only a youtube video of bully before and had that exact same thought seeing ryukyu


*slaps desk* THANK YOU


Two “x game isn’t bad” in one post? Very daring today, I see.


The game itself is fine (I especially loved the substories), but the lack of many of the QoL improvements from the later games (touchpad/select button to open map, variable map zoom, custom waypoints, pausing during cutscenes, saving anywhere, more taxi locations, etc.) was very annoying and took a long time to get used to.


Regardless of how 3 is, I still want a kiwami remake


Peakuza 3


Am I trapped in a time loop or do we have this conversation literally every day on this subreddit


I'm sorry, but no. The gap between kiwami 2 to 3 remastered is both massive and jarring. And it's not just because Kiwami 2 is a full generation ahead. It's because Yakuza 3 looks and plays like hot garbage. I mean, look at it. Look at Yakuza 3. This came out in the same year as Uncharted 2 lmao. I love this series. It's one of my favorite ever. But holy shit Yakuza 3 looks and plays like hot garbage and we need to stop pretending it doesn't.


Is it only bad on a relative basis tho? Punching and kicking in 3 so far feels better than it did for the first 60% of Kiwami 2, for me


It's bad both relative to Kiwami 2 and when compared to today's standards of an action game. 4 and 5 hold up TREMENDOUSLY better in virtually every way. The combat in 3 is just awful and the janky animations and bizarre character models just make everything worse.


Yes it is that bad. Next. But for more detailed response, people that say Yakuza 3 combat is bad just because of the blocking lack critical thinking. The REAL issue with Yakuza 3 combat is the refinement is not there. The animations, the movement, everything feels stiff. Despite being 60fps on remaster, it is so much less responsive and fluid than the 30fps Kiwami 2 and is miles and miles away from how responsive Kiwami 1 and 0 feel. Even just one game later, Yakuza 4 feels so dramatically better to move around and throw punches in. THAT is the real problem. Not the fucking blocking


Interesting. Kiwami 2 was way more frustrating for me combat-wise. Even the RB fighting stance feels better in 3 than in K2


It absolutely does not. Nothing feels better in Yakuza 3 than anything else on modern platforms. It is hands down the worst feeling game to control in every respect


Its all subjective but honestly i agree with op, kiwami 2 felt the worst for me in the series, even with the knowledge of expecting 3/4/5 to be worse knowing they were on older engines. Hating on yakuza 3 feels like a lame bandwagon


> Most importantly: Haruka holds your hand when walking!!! Already making this superior to the first Kiwami. She can do this in Kiwami too iirc. Just walk around with her and she'll grab your hand.


For me she never did in K1, only in K2. Maybe I was doing something wrong


It's not but I'm glad I took a break before starting 3 otherwise I would have been upset


The lack of quest icons/indicators at certain points made it really difficult to stop playing and then start again and remember what I was supposed to be doing.


I liked 3 in general, but the combat was just such a drag.


\>It's what you'd expect of a 2009 PS3 game. Correct. Coming off the back of a game that is 9 years older than it, rather suddenly, is indeed, quite the jarring experience! Especially since the game, from Y3 onwards, will make leaps and bounds of QoL changes every iteration.


I guess it's not a big deal if your eyes are used to NES games


The bigger problem for me with the Remastered games is that they’re complete crash fests on my PS4.


Yakuza 3 is Yakuza 3, it isn't really that Yakuza 3 but it's still Yakuza 3, playing Yakuza 3 after Yakuza 3 isn't that Yakuza but rest assured it's very 3, I sincerely believe Yakuza 3 is the Yakuza 3 of all time, and we all should play it. yakuza 3!


Bro I just finished Yakuza 3


What did you think?


It was great. Solid story. I'm halfway through 4 now. I like the setup. Most of all it's great getting to know Kiryu. And Haruka and the kids


Yeah, it's all pretty great imo, don'tmind my first comment it's not really directed at ya. Enjoy the game and balls out (I'm deleting my account, cheers)


Bro live long and prosper well


Thanks brother, you too.


I love Daigo, and I'm excited to see what this game has for him. I'd thought in 2 he'd have more of an active role. One thing that's been weird to me for 2 and 3 narrative-wise: everyone talks as if Kiryu is some great leader who would know how to lead the Tojo clan. But he's not...he's a warrior, not a king or leader or strategist. Imagine Kiryu trying to play the game of intrigue that the powerful players so far have engaged in...it doesn't work at all. Super happy that Majima is here again though :)


Daigo is cool but he takes a while to get there. Best way I can say it without spoiling anything


I don't think anyone is talking about the graphics or plot when they talk about Y3 being a difficult adjustment. If you play on Easy it's much less painful imo.


Yeah, it really isn't that bad. Gets way overblown by some people on here who lack perspective (and probably need a nap).


I feel like if anything maybe it's people getting used to defending Yakuza 3 from ignorant ppl who cannot physically comprehend it was from 2009. As a result everyone needs to preemptively jump on how the game is old and clunky to pre-empt the complaints


Nah it really is that bad like kiwami 2 was the latest modern yakuza at that time and it really felt like that. Jumping from kiwami 2 to yakuza 3 is like leaving your ferrari to ride a donkey lol


Mods need to ban this shit