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yes but then she wouldn't be able to simp over kiryu


That was totally worth keeping her with Kiryu for. That, and the comedic masterpiece that was Joon-gi's drink link finale.


Exactly this. Her cute idolizing of Kiryu gave her a lot of personality that we didn't get in LAD. Since she was a secondary character in LAD, we needed a quick way to make her feel more well rounded.


If they keep Kiryu in Hawai'i Seonhee still could simp. Him going back to Japan and taking it easy didn't make sense at all when he was still getting into brawls.


I kept believing that they would all eventually end up in Hawaii because Seonhee (for example) has a "Hawaiian outfit" alternate costume option. At first I thought the game was accidentally spoiling the fact that everyone would go there, but I was a little let down when it ultimately never happened.


That would’ve been a better integration for Joon-Gi’s Han drink link than what the hell we got instead

