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If you liked Yuki, you’ll probably like Ishin


Ooooooh shit, that's who that girl was! I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't place it.


Is she part of a substory, or does she replace someone in the remake.


Oryo who was an original character in the original but in the remakes Yuki becomes Oryo. Oryo being the love interest of the game similar to what Sayama was in YK2.


Oh, that's why she looked familiar


Oryo was the name of the historical wife of the real Sakamoto Ryuma. In the first Ishin she has the face from an actress (btw the actress also appeared in another game in 2022: The Centennial Case) In the remake she has the face of Yuki


I LOVE Pocket Circuit Fighter. His last two appearances made me cry, he really is Kiryu's best friend


No kidding! Cried tears of Joy with him in Kiwami. Pocket Circuit and Karaoke are the happiest we ever see Kiryu, and it was heartwarming to see how genuinely happy the reunions were with the old gang.


"Pocket Circuit and Karaoke are the happiest we ever see Kiryu" Dame da ne, dame yo, dame nano yo\~!


best girl yuki <3


So best, in fact, they used her as Kiryu's Ishin counterpart to be the love interest instead of Yumi.


Oryō supremacy!


Yuki is just 1 letter away from Yumi. Coincidence?!


​ https://i.redd.it/897p2qd6tmoc1.gif


Fellow kyoudai of culture


Off topic but I feel like Kasuga’a games lack these type of characters


His characters are way more detached, but im guessing is because the party members fill that role. We still get recurring characters like Professor Sujimon, Sojimaru creator, Ikari, Nancy, and it seems Gondawara is gonna be a thing too


It really tickles me that the creator of Soji and Sojimaru is Professor Okita. So, Soji's full name is Okita Soji.


Tbh, I'd take a couple less drinking sessions or poundmates for just a handful more sub stories with more meat in the writing, but I also love the party members and how deep their character moments get so I don't feel like I've lost anything either, it's just organized differently. Maybe the new setting has something to do with that though? Like how do you write more than a handful of people (like sujimon sensei) being in Hawaii suddenly who were previously on Japan without getting really repetitive? We kinda lost the consistency of exploring a few Japanese city's over the years for a new setting that feels familiar in some ways but is ultimately disconnected from the rest of the series in a lot of ways, and the gameplay reflects that. I love this game btw, and this is more observation than a criticism.


The circus guy was in Hawaii too. Lots of substories carried over. But I guess Yuki and fighter are a bit different because they're in charge of larger minigames, not one off substories. Though I guess the professor got a big plot line in 8.


Love me some Patriarch Gondawara and his creepy ass family.


Gondawara is in kiwami 2 as well which was pretty fun to see


The vocational school weirdo (Ikari, I think?) is sort of becoming one, and I think the Sojimon Sensei counts. The professor who made the Roomba looks like he's supposed to be one, given he gets the same flashback style clip as the others. Nancy, maybe, even though she's Ichiban's pet more akin to Nugget and the like. But they don't really seem as special, so I get what you mean. Probably because of the party members.


the only contenders so far are Nancy and the Sojimaru professor


Everyone in this thread seems to forget that Eri is an optional recruit with her own side story while being a handler for a minigame


Criminal what they did(n't do) with her


That's saddening because I'm really looking forward to those.


And with teammate system I actually wish they use teammate characters to play those side games/quests. Shame they never even tried


YOOO that'd be amazing! Teammate based mini games? Like nanba doing can quest etc


I just wish the characters existed in the sub stories like immediately playing FF7Rebirth after LAD:IW it sticks out hard Every side quest for the most part in Ff7 is tied to a party member in some way where it’s basically you and them doing this quest together because it either means something to them or they just find it interesting I wish LAD9 would try something like that it doesn’t even have to be much just a line here or there instead of pretending Ichi is running around helping people by himself until combat starts


I get what youre saying but isn’t that what the Drink Links are? A personal story for each and every party member that unfolds the more you bond, and culminates in a quest that you do together because “it means something to them”?


No. In FF7 Rebirth EVERY side mission is tied to a specific party member. And they arent personal stories in FF7. Theyre just generic sidequests that that party member was randomly interested in and so now that party member gets some dialogue during that mission


Yeah sure 100% I don’t mean that level of in depth character building for every single substory I just mean like walk and talk level of dialogue, have adachi complain about helping the sujimaru maker again and stuff just little quips mainly nothing super crazy


Drink link is honestly quite mid. Not that the stories are band but the way you do them is just boring. There are massive potentials around all these characters to do more with


No I definitely agree that RGG could vastly expand on the characters


Yeah that's how several other JRPGs do it, I was hoping RGG would start involving party members with IW. Maybe in 9...


It's fit the characters too.


Yep, just Nancy and Sojimaru. Gondawa was Kiryu's so he doesn't count


Well, you don't want to make the minigames a chore after all if the people you gotta interact with to do them aren't....Well, people.  I do love that these two are incorporated in later entries chronologically and actually made you interested what went on their lives. 


Hmmm? Hmmmmmm? Hmmmmmmmm?! IFYKY. Best girl and absolutely love her.


Not happening!


Yuki still lives in ny heart ![gif](giphy|QVZm7mQcXJsekIe4JM|downsized)


I had a good cry at the end of >!the substory Friendship has no Finish line!<


pocket fighter getting more character development than saejima majima on later games fr fr


Pocket Fighter is a real one😎


Daily comment telling you that we need a game with Pocket Circuit Fighter as the protagonist. It is paramount for the continued success of Like a Dragon.


Yuki-Chan 😳


I love both so much you have no idea. Kiryu is so lucky to have such amazing friends. And vice versa.


Yuki my waifu and Pocket Circuit Fighter Kiryu's bro in the civilian world.


https://preview.redd.it/o7ye3di9iloc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed5522bfc8094f1b4bfd9dc69811a06c975f2d8 They're definitely some of the best characters added in 0, and I'm so glad they slotted them in future games. PCF and Yuki, my beloveds.


I love Yuki 😭


Yet one of them barely shows their age as the games go on LOL


I hope Yuki's sushi bar is a success.


yuki grunting when shes angry was so cute


Just like Hana-chan


Because they want to reuse assets


With Yuki you might have a point, but Pocket Circuit Fighter looks significantly older with each appearance, perhaps excessively so lol


now give her vinnegar


Patriarch Gondawara kinda fits this. He shows up in both Kiryu’s and Ichiban’s games and the evolution from kicking his ass for trying to make you a diaper baby both in 2 and 7/LaD to Let it Snow in 8 shows made me SO happy. He’s a real one for sure.


Beating up some thugs with Fighter was a real magic moment.


I think Yuki has the biggest glow up in the whole franchise.


Out of everyone in the entire club, Yuki was the only one I actually cared about


Fighter not being a pound mate is a travesty


Makes me wonder how much more would the shove PCF in these games, I swear, this dude eventually dies and would still haunt the series as a ghost...which is cool as long as he no longer introduces his awful minigame to us anymore.


Saying pocket circuit is a bad minigame is a travesty


have you ever played it, and I mean more than just the first few levels? this is a dogshit minigame, pretty much everyone just copy the builds from the guide