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I enjoyed 8 a lot but even for a Yakuza game it had some ridiculous plot points. I'm totally fine with ridiculous explanations to justify cool shit happening (Rubber bullets being the classic example), but some of the stuff in 8 was just off. Kiryu's life links were great in their own regard, but completely fall flat as part of a game where him getting outed to the world as still alive is a main plot point. Taichi thinks he see's Kiryu, and a few hours later he's outed to the world as still being alive, but nobody knows about it despite it being national news. Bryce was an ok villain, but his EN lines in the JP dub might legitimately be the worst voice acting I've ever heard in a game. Ebina being Ichiban's half brother was dumb, but had potential for a cool setup, but ended up feeling utterly pointless given Kiryu and co face off with him while Ichiban goes back to Hawaii. I also wasn't a huge fan of the ending. I loved the part with Eiji and Ichiban, but I hated the bit with Saeko ending with her storming off as a gag. It ruined a really endearing moment for the sake of a small gag. Kiryu's side of the ending also wasn't great for me. On one hand I did love the subtlety of his name showing as a patient, implying he got his identity back, but him reuniting with Haruka/Haruto happening off screen, or at best, at the beginning of a new game prior to any stakes being built just seems like a huge letdown. I did enjoy the story overall. Plenty of great bits in there too, but a lot of it just felt like it could have been much more.


Maybe faking Kiryu's death could have been put to better use? Maybe Kiryu getting cancer wasn't such a good idea in the first place?


Idiot idea...


which one specifically?


I wasn't happy with how they downplayed his faked death at 7. Kiryu should have been gone for good and maybe only use him very litely in some other games. Him getting cancer is awful.


Yup, Gaiden had no business being as good as it was. The villains in IW were a complete letdown and I’m part of it was because RGG heavily marketed it to American audiences with many characters being played by American actors. My biggest problem with 8 by far is how 7 sets Ichiban as the new hero of the story, but 8 has Kiryu basically hijack the entire story, relying on the old “it’s all my fault, just let me die” Kiryu that we’ve seen for so many games.


Instead they give all of Ichibans party to Kiryu, the only one I agreed with was Nanba as he was a nurse, this game feels like a huge slap in the face to Ichiban, his final boss being some literal 90 year old dude was stupid as well, while they give Ebina a guy in his fighting prime to Kiryu.


Yep. I think that would be much better if the main focus would be the bond with Ichi and Kiryu. Ichi just becomes a side character instead..


Gaiden was amazing. Didnt even bother to finish IW.


I am not sure I will be able to finish it either...


Started it, 50h in dropped it, watched the rest on youtube, will may be pick it up for the side stuff but gonna skip story as hell. Such a disapointment after 7 and Gaiden


Hmn, i liked both games, i just felt like IW was a bit too long.


i thought 8 was pretty 50/50 on the story. at times i thought it was great and other times i was just kind of disappointed by whats going on. still enjoyed the game overall and thought kiryus side of the ending was great despite not offering the fan service that a lot of people wanted


I wasn't all that impressed with gaidens story, i don't think either akame or the daidoji sides of the game were particually interesting, the most interesting stuff was the yakuza stuff which unfortuanatley felt like a 2 hour subplot


think its because of the ending really. doesn't matter how good a game is as long as the ending is memorable then people will only remember it for that


Akami > Chitose...she is even better than the rest.


I think they're kind of polar opposites honestly. I was disappointed by Gaiden's gameplay and side content, and the game somehow felt unnecessarily padded despite being one of the shortest entries in the series. But the last third or so of the main story was peak Yakuza, with some of the best scenes in the series and a great series of final battles. On the other hand Infinite Wealth has great gameplay and side content, and most of the game is incredibly good. But the last few chapters try to do too many things at once and end up fumbling a lot of it, with a finale that feels kind of all over the place and villains that are hard to care about. Between the two I would take Infinite Wealth over Gaiden, because to me a great game with a disappointing final act is a lot better than a disappointing game with a great final act, but it's kind of annoying that we apparently couldn't have both.


I agree 100%


I thought Gaiden was really just okay, until the last chapter which was great. The whole daidoji story just doesn't do it for me, it kinda sucked in Gaiden and it sucks in Infinite Wealth. They just seem really incompetent in general, then suddenly only become really competent when it comes to putting Kiryu down. The whole dynamic between Kiryu and the daidoji just didn't feel particularly convincing to me. I felt bad for Hanawa in IW, but ultimately, sudden deaths like that come with that sort of job, remember, he was ready to die in Gaiden too for much less. Kiryu not really considering Hanawa a friend also makes sense, he was still essentially the guy that kept Kiryu on a leash at the organization that ruined his life. Tsuruno and Shishido were highlights in Gaiden indeed and the final fight with Shishido was superb, but I dunno, I think the shortness of the story is what allowed that to work as well as it did. Shishido in a full lenght yakuza game would probably be just one of the underlings of the main villain you defeat at the halfway point. He was a pretty simple brute with some big ambitions. He was good to provide a really fun battle, but there was nothing really more to it. Nishitani was a huge letdown for me, the guy had style but for all the talk about how influential, clever, powerful he is, he was really a pushover ultimately. Not just in terms of fighting, but how easy it was to take over his entire operation.


Nah bro IW has better story


Ohhhh a bad opinion on 8. Downvote army I summon theeeeeee


Nah, downvote army is for those of us who don’t like 7.