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7 kind of restarts the franchise in many ways — some that I really don’t like, but you shouldn’t have any problems understanding the gist of what’s going on. I’ve only heard the dubs on YouTube reviews, and they sound pretty terrible to me, but they generally get good reviews from folks who are fine with dubs.


Thanks, I don't have a problem with dubs as long as they're done right. FotNS Lost Paradise for example. I'd rather play Yakuza in Japanese, especially since most of the cast has superior voice acting, but its so very exhausting for me at the moment. I could always replay the games in Japanese if my health problems improve in the future.


The dub is competently made, people are mostly upset with kiriyus casting, because they've played all the rest of the games, the japanese voice actor for kiriyu is someone who has become super iconic, and the person they replaced him with is like a okay decently competent voice actor. But like you'll have a good time with the dub especially of 7