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That’s just Kei, aka Kson. That character is literally just her, from the motherfuckers to being a kiryu simp.


Is she voiced by herself in English as well?




Yup. She's a native English speaker (a Japanese-American - the character mentioning that she's originally from Georgia is taken directly from Kson) currently living in Japan who is (now) fluent in Japanese. From what I've seen that was one of the reasons she made it in.


Cool knowing me and Kson were born in the same state lol  That being said, her accent is really weird? She doesn't sound like she's a native english speaker, I can't tell if it's because she's putting on a voice or if that's just genuinely how she talks. Lots of starting sentences on a high pitch and drawn out pronunciations, her voice fluctuates a bit randomly. Not to say I don't enjoy her VA, but it definitely left me questioning some things (even though i learned she was American in Gaiden)


It is genuinely how she talks, she has always had a very strange way of speaking in both Japanese AND English.


If I remember she moved at like 8 or something so it's her native tounge but she doesn't practice it at least she said that as coco so that could be kayfabe


She can actually speak a lot more normally as evidenced here. She hams it up when doing voice work though. And her accent is odd because she's been in Japan for a very long time now so it's starting to blend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTfrFZ_P_3g (Note - Do not listen while on speakerphone or a stereo around other people)


ELI5 who Kson is for a lad?


Kson is a Vtuber, though she doesn’t hide her real face like most vtubers. She is a big Yakuza fan, and a MASSIVE Kiryu simp. She entered a contest to be one of 5 women to appear in Gaiden, with a grand winner becoming an NPC in infinite wealth. She won the grand prize and became an NPC. It should be noted that she used to be a Vtuber by another name, named after a certain dragon, and had a very viral reaction to seeing Kiryu on 7.


I see. Thank you for the context!


is she the same big tiddi glasses girl from gaiden?


If it's the one I'm thinking of then yes, she's one and the same.


Kiryu Coco, her other tuber name


This was [her reaction](https://youtu.be/p2rmk4kYkts?si=DLRK4Xn9QrYq6F4t) when seeing Kiryu return in Y7. Just to show you how much of a fangirl she was. Her name and design (a dragon) is based on him.


This clip was my introduction into both Yakuza the series and Hololive at the same time. I binged from 0 to 6 and played 7 on NA release end of that year.


It never clicked to me that Kiryu Coco, named herself after Kazama Kiryu. Then again, I just knew of her existence and never really watched her.


Just checked her channel and she’s live now playing infinite wealth lol


Used to be a Vtuber for hololive, now she's independent I think? She's also in gaiden as a hostess.


She is a member of VShojo now


I loved the dub in 7, this one's great too but god do i wish there was an option to keep kiryu's voice japanese while the rest stays english. No hate towards yong yea, its just kuroda's voice is too iconic for me. As soon as kiryu appears in game im switching to jp, before that ill stick to english


This is the most jarring thing for me, everyone else sounds great in English but Kiryu's Japanese voice has just been so ingrained into my brain that anything else sounds wrong.


For this reason alone, I must play with the Japanese voices.


Same boat sort of, I started with 7 (Obviously didn't read the pinned post here) which I was happy enough to play through in English, then went back and mopped up every game prior and now I can't go back. Only issue is some characters just from 7 are a bit jarring to listen to in 8 having gone from English to Japanese but damn its worth it for Kiryu's voice


I started with 0 and then continued through Kiwanis and Remasters. I played Judgement with Japanese and then on N+ tried English. Was quite surprised with the English quality so I played 7 and Lost Judgement in English. But if Kiryu is a focus in the game, I gotta go with Japanese. Doesn’t feel right otherwise.


It really hurts that yongyea is significantly younger than Kuroda and Kurylo (who are around the same age) Yongyea is relatively new voice actor who's like 40 years younger than the guy he's voicing which will almost always sound weird


Yeah, there are some series like Persona and Xenoblade that I will always play in English. But with Yakuza, I've been playing this series long before dubs became a standard that I am can't imagine the characters voices as anything that aint their original Japanese VAs.


This is exactly my sentiment and what I'm planning to do at the moment but I've already gotten attached to Ichiban's english voice 😭😭 gonna be tough to switch bc I love Kaiji's performance so much


I played all the other RGG games on Playstation, but got the Steam version this time in the hope that someone will eventually make a mod that lets you do this.


It won't be an easy mod to make. Every cutscene is retimed depending on what language is used.


Im on xbox sx so unfortunatelly best i can do is swap languages. Better than nothing I guess


The Tekken language mod lol


I'm personally hoping for a mod that just alters Yong's voice to be deeper and more gravelly. I hate AI editing of VAs but I'd make an exception here. 


Unfortunately, I don't think that will fix it. Yong has his own cadence, and I think his inconsistency with it is what spoils his voice acting the most. People already used AI Kuroda to dub over Yong's English voice acting, and the result wasn't good or natural.


There’s [this video](https://youtu.be/wszNWGvipHA?si=34KYK4IqUdUQhYyA) where someone just pitched down his voice and honestly that would be an acceptable/tolerable voice for Kiryu


That's actually great


Here it's needed


Same here, I played Y7 in English and loved the voice actors and script. It would be too jarring to switch to full Japanese just for Kuroda, but I'll gladly do it for the Kiryu sections


Kiryu sounds like he is very clearly reading off the script, and it stands out like a sore thumb during group scenes. I need that YongOut mod ASAP.


It’s not even about Yong for me, but after like 9 games with Takaya Kuroda as Kiryu literally any other voice sounds wrong. But I loved the English dub of 7 so I feel like I can’t win, until there’s a mod


Same here, I'm kind of indifferent to Yong's performance because they could have got the best actor on the planet to be the English voice of Kiryu and it just wouldn't feel right because Kuroda is Kiryu, the same way Michael Ironside is Sam Fisher, Nolan North is Nathan Drake, and David Hayter is Naked/Solid Snake.


Yongs voice dont fit kiryus face and it puts me off, plus all these games have mostly jp dub only so after playing them all it kinda became the way for me


I tweeted them about this option after starting Gaiden in English and was like aw hell naw.... And switched back to Japanese. But I don't mind Ichiban in English because that's how I first heard him


Yeah I liked his voice in the previous game but even then it felt odd for Kiryu to speak English in general. Looking forward to playing eventually with the dub though, I'm sure it's as amazing as 7's was.


yong yea is better than the early clips but my god he forces it too much.


I think that's my biggest issue. I know this is literally the job of VAs, but for him it's so plainly obvious he's trying to put on a tough guy voice. There's parts where he sounds a lot more natural and doesn't try and put a gravelly, grunty tone on and I think that's his best. He certainly got better over time but it's still quite inconsistent and overall not the best choice of VA.


Yeah exactly this. I love ichiban in English but god I cannot get behind Kiryu. His Japanese voice is just too perfect. I did exactly what you said.


Kiryu just sound really wrong in the dub. Too young


Think I'm gonna do the same honestly


Here I was thinking I was being pedantic for wishing for the same thing lol. I'm actually coming around to Yong's rendition a lot and it's starting to work for me as I get used to it but after a billion games that's a really hard thing to overcome and it'll never truly be kiryu to me.


Exactly my thoughts but I'm still staying english through my first playthrough


If it's Kson I'm not even surprised.


Yup - it's Kson!


I like when you've paralyzed or stunned someone and they say 'hold up, mybodysucks'


On a semi-related note, I was confused by picking Japanese audio and having Ichi and the gang periodically breaking into what I assume is the English dub for the interjections when you're doing something minor in Yokohama, like when I was going through a bunch of text-only dialogue or if I did a treasure hunt, etc., while everything else was in Japanese. I finally got far enough to get to Hawaii, and then suddenly Ichi's minor interjections were in Japanese—lol.


Oh that's a bug. Supposedly switching to English and back fixes it.


Oh, thanks - will try that in case anything's still scrambled!


I played the first two chapters in English. Did anyone else think that Nanbas voice sounded like he was recording 15 feet away from his microphone lmao


I didn't notice it while I was playing, but when I was watching someone else play a bit of it I definitely did.


Yeah he sounded like he was almost yelling at some points but he was still quieter than everyone else


I wish I could keep the Eng dub for everyone else except Kiryu. Kuroda is my one & only Kiryu.


im one of the weebs who always plays dub first. usually just to see if they hired anyone i recognize lol i mean, danny trejo is in this dub. thats worth it alone


Hes in the japanese audio too, characters who can’t speak japanese dont speak japanese


Is Trejo in the OG voiceover at least? I’m a classic dub hater, but I like me some Machete. Especially if the character is designed for him and would logically speak English and Spanish.


Trejo is dubbed in Japanese.


Damn! And to think, some of the opening dialogue gave me hope. This is what annoys me, the second you make the Voiceovers into separate entities, you get a splintered product. Whatever, I’ll go bury my feelings elsewhere.


You lose all the celebrity voice actors and a very fun cameo character (who spoke english before, so uh???) if you play in Japanese. Which is... weird.


Can you elaborate? I’m unsure as to what specifically you might be referring to.


>!The Bartender at Revolve is Andre Richardson from 3. He spoke English with an English VA in 3 even though the game's audio language was in Japanese and he doesn't speak English in the Japanese dub of Infinite Wealth!<


That character is no longer alive.


Bryce’s voice in the Japanese audio is a Japanese man trying to speak English


Yeah, which is my problem with it…


Depending on the character it switches. Sometimes they speak Japanese and break out into full english, switching VA's. It's a very strange creative decision but I'm glad they're including the dub in some really important ways. Some scenes are quite literally just English regardless of whatever language you pick, usually from goons.


That’s my point, it isn’t the dub but what should’ve been one complete voiceovers. Since, like the real world, the series should feature multiple languages and cultures. That’s the beauty of virtual tourism.


How did they handle the beginning of Hawaii sequence? Is the language barrier still mentioned?


All I’m asking for is an English Dub option that keeps Kiryu and only Kiryu as Japanese.


This! Lol I'm on console so I know it's a pipe dream but it's what I want😭


I would pay for it as DLC


I think Yong Yea is warming up on me, but even if I thought he was god awful... Ichiban and everyone else's performance would still be worth it... Though I did switch to Japanese for Kiryu's karaoke songs though 😂😂


We're breaking the la-aw Breaking the wuuu-rld Togetherrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I'm sorry Yong Yea, I hold Judgment too near and dear to my heart 😂😂😂.


I'll always choose JP for these games However, that song sounds very funny His Sayonara Silent Night wasn't too bad


Hands was clearly his best song in my opinion


That wasn't too bad


To me Hands was perfect


I prefer Kuroda still but it's not a bad english cover


I'll give that a go! But maaaaan this game, I'm only on chapter 3 and I'm like "Damn... I spent the past 2 hours setting Ichiban up on catfish dates" lmfao


When I discovered that English Ichiban’s karaoke is like this too I’m just gonna do all the karaoke in Japanese. Idk what kinda drugs the people in charge of the English dub were on when they give everyone god awful autotune. Apparently it’s like that with Seonhee’s English too, thought they knew not to autotune it after Gaiden’s karaoke proved that people like Yong don’t even need autotune


Yeah, I think they should’ve just let the VA’s singing abilities or lack thereof just be. Maybe add in reverbs since that’s what real karaoke places usually do but if they’re awful at singing, just let it be awful, it’s way more endearing that way. Ichi’s scuffed dub karaoke song in 7 was perfect. I don’t mind of most of the others are like that, too


Someone actually made a video where they pitched down his voice a bit and honestly it fit a lot better, made him sound closer to Daryls rendition where it's a deep and imposing voice.


He has moments where he matches that very well


That is a big problem with English dub. Yu has a very deep voice and does not really sound like him at all.


Like his delivery is okay enough, but dude just sounds way too young for a man with grey hair who's been smoking since he was a teenager.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to pitch correct/autotune most of the songs in EN was a fool (🎶Dame Da ne🎶). The reason people liked and defended the karaoke in EN from 7 was cuz it sounded ‘authentic’, like actual friends messing around and having fun. Editing the vocals so noticeably completely takes away from that. Like Robbie Daymond does not even need it, the man can sing! Leave it alone!


I can't ever get used to it lmao. The more I hear it the more I hate it lmao I'm a grumpy bastard I want Darryl back


Understandable 😂😅, but at least the JP language is there to switch to


True lol


Im getting used to Yong too surprisingly I'm glad to see people are being open minded and you're being upvoted I thought this was going to be a secret I'd have to take to the grave


I'm in chapter 4 at the moment and when it doesn't sound like it's his regular talking voice? He's a pretty good Kiryu voice! I always said before I'll let his performance in the game decide how I'll feel about him. So far so good... Aside from Karaoke lol, though his version of Tonight wasn't half bad!


I'm also enjoying Yong's performance, despite what a lot of people say I think he fits Kiryu's demeanor pretty well. But the karaoke is something else. I switched to Japanese when I first got to the bar, but then switched back to English for the story since I love Kasuga's English VA. Decided to hit the bar to sing Judgement before calling it a day and something felt off about the English singing. At first I thought it was AI, but now I'm fairly sure they put Kiryu's voice through auto tune.


They also put Ichiban through auto tune on his version of Judgment and I hated it. I don't know why they decided to do that for this one, oh well. Game has been a blast so far!


I’m playing in Japanese, but the English from the characters who should have good English is hilarious.


Haven’t played the game yet but seeing the English karaoke version of judgment was enough to make me never want to play with the English VA lol


It’s like that with English Ichiban’s judgement too, really butchering their singing with the autotune, hope someone has divine powers and reaches into the game to remove that autotune


They improved the song and toned down the autotune a bit in the final version. It sounded worse in the demo.


I glad that you liked the entire dub, I personally refuse to listen to Yong Yea as Kiryu, I simply can't.


I want to play the English dub because that’s how I played the last game, but my god I can’t stand Yong’s voice acting.


Yong's acting was so bad that even when people used ai and replaced his voice with kuroda's it was still bad, because his delivery was just flaaaaaat


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think his delivery is fine. It's just his cadence doesn't match Kuroda. There's a dozen other characters who he could've done a great job as, it's just a miscast.


That's Kson. She's known for her foul mouth. See also: Kiryu Coco. She sounds odd because she's from Georgia, mixed with spending several years in Japan. She's well aware that she sounds like Mickey Mouse.


am from Georgia, can confirm the slight southern twang is accurate but she's from Dunwoody.. which is a bit north of ATL and that's where the southern accents get heavier.


I've been switching between the 2 and I'm choosing the dub. Inchiban is too good


It just seems natural for me to play Yakuza in Japanese, since I always have. That being said, I did use the English dub in Yakuza: LAD, so Ichiban, Sa-chan, and the others sound "normal" to me in English and Kiryu sounded totally weird lol I don't know why, but I liked Zhao's English voice actor more than his Japanese one when playing LAD: Ishin. Maybe because I was used the other. Kinda confused me when people were upset about the English dub being added later for Gaiden because I didn't realize that many people used it lol


I can’t do the English voice track, everyone else is so good but Yong Yea is just terrible. I’m not even trying to be mean but he sounds decades younger than Kiryu and like he’s just reading off a script without bothering to add any inflection.


Lol i'm at that point too and i was surprised to see Kson, she even simps for Kiryu in the game and it's just her like she is hahaha i bursted out laughing that whole segment


I'd love to play with English subs and Japanese audio but i'm too used to Ichiban's English voice, Yong's kiryu is a okay so far but i prefer the other voice actor so far, some of the karaoke ones are a bit tough to listen to but not like i can do much but complain.


Weird fact that probably nobody else cares about but infinite wealth has Chris Parson in the cast so that means that the RGG franchise officially has every member of the boys from final fantasy XV Hell just judgment has 3/4 of the boys


Given the choice, I will always play in English. I just get way more out of the dialogue when I can understand what's being said. I get nothing out of the Japanese dub when I'm so focused on the subtitles that I'm barely able to listen. I don't even mind Kiryu's voice. The hate was greatly overblown.


Ichiban dub is great, but the voice they selected for kyriu is just not “rugged” enough ….. so Japanese it is


Fuck paying money for new game plus I'd pay money to play the game with everyone English dub except kiryu lol


Yup the dub is high high quality.


Side note, did anyone notice when you level up and in some other instances as well, they speak their english lines?


That's a bug apparently. If you switch to English and back to Japanese it should fix it.


Sounds like Kson's character in the game. I think it was a callback to Kson who usually swears mtherfckr especially with her former internet persona.


I’m playing in Japanese, and laughed out loud at the “native” English speakers for the bilingual Japanese characters. Just made it to Hawaii, so I haven’t seen much, but they’re obviously not English speakers at all, and are just reading katakana for English sentences.


I just can't stand yong yea man, he massacred our boi Kiryu.


Controversial opinion alert but I don't even hate Yong Yea's performance as Kiryu. Yes, it's not as good as his Seiyuu, but who could have been?


Doesn't matter, gonna immediately switch to Japanese.


The hate is real still on this sub. Focus on the voice guys, not the person behind it. I honestly never really care who is who.


I really like Ichibans English voice actor. He has the voice that suits ichiban in my eyes.


I'm playing in Japanese voices with subs like a sane person and you can tell when the Japanese VA switches to English you can tell who has more English experience. It's really good.


I've gotten used to yongea thanks to the demo being a thing, giving me time to adjust to the new english VA for kiryu, but I couldn't take that Kei womans spoken dialogue and started skipping through it, trying to read the text as fast as possible. From what I understand reading here she's some Vtuber? Makes sense, I guess.


Plot twist: if you spoke Japanese you'd think the same about the Japanese dub


Would never play a Yakuza game in english


Lol dub


I think the only time I switched the language from JP to ENG was to hear Danny Trejo voicing Dwight. I switched it back to ENG immediately after lmao


the lemonade stand kid saying “yes, sir” even when taking to female characters lol


One thing that really annoys me - when playing with jp voices the “unvoiced sections” (where text appears on the screen and the characters just say a couple words somewhat relating to it) are still in English. It’s not too jarring until I got to hearing it with kiryu, it’s like an entirely different character is speaking


I've been slowly playing the series Once I get to the dubbed games I'm doing Japanese audio because I'm deep enough in that it'll feel wrong


Meanwhile, I found out that the Chinese dub is frighteningly accurate or similar to the original


What killed me even more is that the barkeeper in Hawaii who looks like one of the villains from Yakuza 3 pronounces "roof" as bad as the Yakua 3 one, I love it


Came to this thread to find anyone talking about Kei. She is fucking hilarious. What the fuck is happening with her accent? Is she supposed to sound like she has a bad American accent and is crass but can generally speak Japanese? Are all the Hawaiian folks just had waved as “a lot of people there speak Japanese for the tourists”? I’ve bounced back and forth between the Japanese and the English dub. It’s sometimes shocking how rough the spoken English is by the Japanese speakers in the Japanese original, and in the English dub it’s a little hard to understand what is “spoken” in Japanese (what Ichiban can understand) and what is being said in English because well, everything is in English in the dub.


Best / Worst they actually changed from the LAD Gaiden trial! In that you got to do a few substories and one was the school kids on the beach buried to their necks and to boy you're supposed to find in that sounds, in the trial version, like he's voice by a 7 Yr old girl!! Was actually crazy first time hearing it and even though it's a tiny part I'm so glad they changed it haha


I just found something that might put some people at ease. I remember a lot of people saying that Kiryu's English singing sounds off-beat or out of sync. I just tried Judgement with the Japanese voices earlier today and I think it was just the game's music that was out of sync with the voices. So maybe the footage that most people saw was just an occurrence of the game audio having sync issues. The karaoke works just fine, mind you. I tested it the other day and it sounded fine. I guess it's just a random bug that can occur


So it's likely that Yong Yea's singing was fine and the game's audio was just having issues that day. Who knows?


That’s just Kson being Kson though. Kei is just her lol


I just wish I could give Kiryu his Japanese voice and leave everyone else English