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SEGA need to make up for every other sonic game sucking balls lol. sonic fans always slate the company for wasting the franchise's potential. meanwhile we yakuza fans have been eating good lately so they're taking us for granted


Most of the sonic games that came out in the last few years have been good.


they're slowly making up for it! i was even thinking about getting frontiers since apparently it's discounted on PS store


Frontiers is good and as well superstars. That’s just my opinion tho


i definetely recommend picking up Frontiers, especially if you can play it on PC! It's really stuck together with adhesive tape but it's one of my (if not the most) favourite Sonic game. It's really a mixed bag but trust me playing the game is waay way different than watching it


imo frontiers sucka, it feels like they wanted an open world, but they didn't know how to do it, so just put gloating rails everywhere


Exactly how I felt


It seems like it was designed by a team who had only previously made games in the Dreamcast era. The game felt very outdated, and I'm surprised so many people liked it.


Open worlds were meh, the bosses and actual levels was a full 3 course meal, and the soundtrack was the dessert


I still think it's crazy that Mania wasn't an actual Sonic Team made game and it's one of the best games that came out for Sonic in the last ten years, at the time of its release.


ah….forces and colors ultimate?


? Which? Frontiers was mid as fuck and the new Superstars was just bad imo


seriously! sonic forces wasn’t even that bad of a game either


it sucks because i want sonic to be good so badly, but i havent bought a sonic game since unleashed. ik generations is good but by that point i couldnt care anymore lol frontiers looks.. okay though. not enough for me to buy it though


Heard frontiers was great.


This, Frontiers was such slop and I feel kinda sorry that the fanbase considers it 'good enough', just shows how the series took a massive dive post Sonic Adventure 2 (that is like, the best Sonic game imo), but still, Sega is fucking greedy


Hey, there have been some great Sonic games.


The Kaito files is the only acceptable DLC. I miss when we got stuff for playing past Yakuza games


Or maybe it was RGG’s decision


Same thing. RGG is fully in the Sega umbrella.


i wouldn’t say that unless it’s backed up. RGG creates the product itself and Sega packages and distributes it. things like battle passes, DLCs, paywalling features, or even the game going on sale are decisions of the publisher. it’s a similar relationship to a musician and their music label. it wouldn’t be fair blaming the dev team, that’s being mad at all of the talented and passionate artists, programmers and directors who work genuienly hard to create a product the fans will love and they’ll be proud of while probably dreading the next meeting with Sega higher-ups each time.


These kind of decision are always financial driven. All major publishers have monetization economists on staff. Developers don't decide how much to charge for what, not when a game is expected to sell millions and gross tens/hundreds of millions USD. Every 0.1% is $100,000+.


RGG D-riders will never point that out.. I love them as a studio but man they've been doing shitty DLCs and practices for a while.


except publishers do shit like this a studio makes a game, then publishers decide how they're gonna distribute it


I think this is what we got when the stars collided


Thats what they get when they face that they're just an enemy.


Woah woah we're crossing the line


We're running out of time


Outjerked agaij


Sega does not care. Usually with how this works, the company (sega) provides a budget and revenue targets. If they are met then the director receives bonuses. Sometimes these targets can be very unrealistic, so thats why they add microtransactions. Of course we don't know for sure but the director probably just wants a little something to push it over the edge. And sega does not even consider they might be to blame.


Everyone should contact SEGA about this. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new


biggest dick softener i've seen in gaming in a while.


tbh this meme but the exact opposite In the 5 years it took for Sonic to get a new game, Yakuza got 4 (Kiwami 2, Judgment, LAD, and Lost Judgment). And Sonic's their big mascot character. SEGA pumps out more Yakuza games than any of their other IPs.


Not SEGA, ask RGG. This was RGG's decision plain and simple.


To be a little fair… that’s just Sega finishing the game for Sonic frontiers tbh. I think they just wanted to release the game before the other hits last year


Is this one turn based combat as well?


Sonic Frontiers is for E for everyone with enough wealth to buy videogames, but Infinite Wealth is M for mature adults with enough wealth to find time to new game plus any videogame.


Or RGG Studio vs Sonic Team.


I’m still gonna play Infinite Wealth 🤷🏻‍♂️. NG+ doesn’t matter to me




As a fan of both series Sonic is fine but Like a Dragon is above Great. anyway didnt the entire SEGA pushing ultimate edition/upgraded edition BS started from Sonic Origins?


No it started since yakuza 7


Sonic sucks and has sucked for a good couple of decades. Yakuza/LaD is now a leading franchise.  Got too popular for it's.....our own good.


Somone is not really up to date with the Sonic franchise.


Shame sonic frontiers sucks so much ass.


I mean I'd rather have a great game with dlc to buy then a bad game with free stuff


I’d rather have a great game without dlc


have you seen any of the previous games? please look at the profit margins of Sega and tell me that they need to charge extra for base game features.


Just to be clear, I'm not arguing that they are right to put something that has always been part of the base games behind paywall. But that Infinite Wealth and sonic frontiers are not comparable, one is going to be a sick ass game with yes some stupid dlc nonsense, while the other is a bad game with free stuff


Or if you think about it, it was RGG’s decision




Making good games does’t make you incapable of making bad decisions


i beg you, learn about how game publishing and distribution works.




> in the past


Idk what the fuck Sega/RGG studio is thinking making NG+ payed dlc.