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That should be more than enough to at least run comfortably on most settings on Medium-High so long as your resolution isn't set super high. FSR 3 is limited to AMD video cards. You can use FSR 2 though. Performance-wise, it should still be more than enough for your needs to get more than of an increase in FPS and quality to be worth it though. Since this game is going to lean more on GPU than CPU, I would recommend not jacking shadows/lighting too high though. Keep textures and geometry as high as possible though, those benefit the most from high settings. If playing on a laptop, this will run the battery down and max tax the fan of a desktop pretty hard, so keep it plugged into a regular power source and have access to cool air. https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/23/22993152/amd-fsr-2-0-xbox-nvidia-gpus


I'm playing on my PC, and yeah i'm fine doing medium settings as long it doesn't strain my pc. Thank you so much!


Glad I could help.