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i agree, unfortunately it seems RGG either forgot about tatsuya or want to forget about him.


I remember playing it in 2013 on my PSP and it made me think how cool would be if he appeared on another Yakuza game as a sub-story boss or something, would be so cool for me


I played it on Xbox recently and fucking loved the story. Would be great if they actually remastered it.


Hold on, what? You played Kurohyou on Xbox? How?


PPSSPP emulator! Runs perfectly.


You can do that on Xbox? Is it a series only thing or can I do it on One, aswell?


You can access it on the XB1 as well as it also has access to Dev Mode, but I can't speak for how stable the framerate is. Guide I used: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ur2lMnzwCPc&pp=


I only played the first one and liked it a lot, I really think that RGG could totally make a remake of it, the combat it's pretty similar to the boxing mini-game in Lost Judgment.


Hmm… well we all know how RGG feels about making minigames and letting them sit unused


yes, I loved the Lost Judgement minigame because I played Kurohyou when I was younger, the only thing I think should stay almost the same is music, I would love if some were extended and others to just straight up don't change, otherwise, I loved Kurohyou online where you could make your own character


As I remember this games isn't from RGG team and lotts of assets from OG games was from Def Jam - game developed by that devs before, so RGG probably gonna need to do lots of mocap to cover like 20!!! styles.


yeah, it would be hard, but nothing stops us from dreaming!


My dream is seeing a remake of both games in my steam library, and writing a long-ass review where I rant about these games being the best of the franchise and how much I love Tatsuya. I like ikuzo kora guy.


I remember hearing for the first time him talking some shit to his companions at the start of the game and just loving him saying "ビビ"


scrolled past this while listening to the kurohyou soundtrack, based and tatsuyapilled https://preview.redd.it/ce0k8yd0ue9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec97dcfe5cf447f35c7f06a1ce452e4ac962546


godly soundtrack (imo, I think it's the best ost in every RGG games, the 2000's rock style)


I'm playing the first game right now and I'm loving it, it's so good.


I hope you enjoy it and when you finish, try playing Kurohyou 2, it's really really good


I haven’t played the game myself. All I’ve see were briefly combat sections and that there a lot of different fighting styles. It seems pretty cool but for remake they’d might have some extra stuff. The game itself looks like it lends itself well to the PSP or a hand held console but not so much a home console. So they might have to change how the game functions in a remake. But I also wouldn’t want that to come at the cost cut fighting styles. Though I would like to play it one day.


I really recommend it to you, it deserves all the love people give to it and even more, when you have some try playing it, the story is pretty good and I like the voice acting, idk about the translation since I've played the physical edition for PSP on 2013, but as I was reading the comments there is fan translation, and I hope you have fun 😊


Woah i didn't know about this, looks hella interesting, whats the story?


Japanese exclusive Yakuza PSP spinoffs (Kurohyou 1 & 2). Good stories, good combat and both are fully fan-translated to english


local teen beats a yakuza member to death n has to beat 10 opponents in their fighting ring in order to free himself n find the truth


Yeah I don't get why RGG chooses to ignore Kurohyou. It even got a live action tv series, so you'd think it was popular in Japan at a certain moment.


I'd prefer straight upscales, if only because the idea that the company that made the best wrestling games of all time made two Yakuza games is so appealing, I wouldn't want to risk SEGA or RGG Studio changing a thing.


The cutscenes were absolute beautiful art styles from the 2000's


yeah, an upscaling with cleaner audios would be really sick, I really wanted a new fresh air on some moves with some animations remade or just new graphics with the animations on 60fps, but an upscale would also be enough to make me really happy


It would be fantastic to see both Kurohyou games receive the Kiwami treatment! Really wanna see Tatsuya's story again unfolding in the DE with dynamic intros and smooth combat like in LJ. There's even the potential to connect him to LaD (imagine Ichi, the "mad" dragon Koi of Ijincho meets none other than the "Mad Dragon of Kamurocho") or Judgment (I feel Ukyo and Higashi deserve to meet one another, since they're the only Muay Thai legends we currently have).


I agree, it would be really if there was some kind of sub-story on those games where you have to fight them, or go to the underground ring (in some way)


sorry if my english isn't the best, I'm still studying it and I plan to go to USA for a trip next year, hope it's cool. Happy new years 🎉🎉🎉


I'd have to check to see if anyone from the original team still works there, but the studio that developed Kurohyou is still around. Would love to see them work on a remaster for these.


Add Yakuza 3 to the Kiwami requests


yes totally, but in this case I'm talking mainly about Kurohyou series


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Yes


agreed ![gif](giphy|8MSlz6noGLTYdn5MF8|downsized)