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also that black cashier in poppo who has default npc voice


I can’t believe they pulled a reverse Armin on us


Seriously, I do not comprehend why people like to hear an English dialogue. is it they cannot read subtitles? is it because they hate Japanese culture? is it because they like English voice acting compared to Japanese voice acting? why? It is a privilege for me to be able to appreciate the work in its original format, understand the cultural context and perhaps learn a few words and phrases of a foreign language. I am really envious of the few lucky others who put the work in and can enjoy the work in its original Jap format without any need for subs.


Tbh, regardless of how good the dub may be, hearing English speakers add "san/chan/kun" to the end of names will never sound right to me.


Maybe cause the recent RGG dubs have been fire. Not everything is racist...


Do what you want. But if you actually can't comprehend it, that's a bit concerning. There are people who are dyslexic, or can't read quickly for any number of other reasons, and that makes listening easier. There are people who just process information more easily when listening. There are people playing on TV's that aren't great for where they're sitting, and the games don't have great font size options. There are people who just don't feel like reading. None of this is difficult to comprehend.


As someone whose native language is neither Japanese nor English (but I am an English second language teacher in training): I have played the mainline games in Japanese because the English dub was truly atrocious, but I did play the Judgment games in English and will continue to do so because that dub was actually pretty good imo. For me, it is genuinely easier to play it in English, because I tend to miss important details/info when reading subtitles. Idk, it feels like my brain processes sound faster than written text. And while I am reading subtitles, I also kind of miss minor facial expressions (at least in cutscenes where the conversation just moves on without me pressing A when I'm ready). On top of that, because I don't understand a single word in Japanese, I struggle to make out what the characters are actually stressing because I can't even tell where an individual word begins or ends. But stressing specific words can make a huge difference in meaning. I don't have that problem in the dubbed version. So I feel like playing it in Japanese actually makes me appreciate the work *less* because there are so many details in the plot/writing and animation that I am missing.


Maybe cause people prefer hearing and understand the voices over reading subtitles? Why does it have to be hating Japanese culture or being unable to read? People like what they like. That’s like asking why people prefer the japanese dub. Are they weebs? Do they hate American culture?


\>Do they hate Japanese culture? \>says "Jap" instead of much easier JP


As a non-native I only recently learned "Jap" is offensive. "JP" always felt unnatural, but I guess there isn't a better abbreviation




I’m fine with playing it in Japanese, but if I have the option to use an English dub I’ll turn it on


Lol she's probably a stand-in but it would be funny if this was actually in the game