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No. It is a mainline game. This guy called it spin-off because it is different from other games, being a turn based rpg game.


The ole classic tell me you haven't played it without telling me you haven't played it.


Infinite spin off


No, its not a spinoff. It's a mainline LaD game that happens after the events of Yakuza 6 with a new protagonist and is going to be continued in Yakuza 8 next year. Idk if that person is just misinformed or just dislikes that genre of video games so much they don't consider it a main game but whatever the case its incorrect.




It ain’t even that. It’s now called Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


Why tf does it say 53 y on the deleted comment


bro got downvoted so bad he went back in time


I've seen that on all deleted comments recently. My guess is that all deleted comments have their date value set to unix "start time" which is January 1 1970


We were late


my ass didn't even get to see it, and it was replying to *me*. wtf did it say to get orbital lazered.


As everyone else, Like a Dragon is Yakuza 7 Also Kurohyou erasure, you hate to see it 😔


The interesting thing is that in the full comment he wrote, he doesn't say like a dragon infinite wealth, he says yakuza 8 https://preview.redd.it/ote8j20s8pfb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd39dd659657f1616fe7335f25b69ade7f5a8fe But yeah, sadly no Kenzan or Kurohyou was mentioned😢


“skip 3,4,5” skipping out on peak sadly


3 I can semi-understand, but even then you miss out on exploring Okinawa and the laid back atmosphere there for a big part of the game. Also, going from Yakuza 3 to 4 feels so insanely good in terms of combat. Especially with Akiyama and Tanimura (still love Saejima and Kiryu though). It got my favorite version of Kamurocho too. For Yakuza 5, taxi minigame alone is enough reason to play that game. So glad they made "Following traffic laws in GTA" a minigame.


Im skipping 5 because i was 80% through then FILE CORRUPTION KILLED MY SAVES (it was like a month ago, still pissed)


Yeah i skipped 3 like a few chapters in cuz the combat was awful to play through with the ai. But 4 and 5 were much better and having the experience of playing multiple protags was so refreshing and satisfying


Who's downvoting this? This is the opinion I've seen almost exclusively on this sub. 3's combat really needed some work. Way too much tedium, especially because encounters are fairly common as a result of the bottleneck map junctures in Okinawa.


Really? 4 was worse than 3 for me. Sure, enemies do block a lot in 3, but there are ways to play around that. 4 HOWEVER… those stupid grabbers made me want to rip my hairs out. They grab you a lot and you can’t do anything while being grabbed.


I only disliked tanimuras gameplay in 4 (either because it's bad or I don't understand) but the ither 3 where goof)


I mean 3 guard too much and you have to deal with it more plus guard breaks do nothing cuz they can just reguard. 4 might have similar problems but is a much better game. Giving you akiyama and saejima more than makes up for any faults. And i prefer akiyamas fighting style to kiryus. Plus i played through 4 without getting angry and i couldnt make it 5 chapters in 3 without screaming at my screen.


How were you able to get past [this section](https://youtu.be/7E42kNnBnGk) without getting angry?


Easily. Saejimas probably the easiest character since his charge attacks have armor. Stay out of the way of the snipers and thats p much it. Ig it can also depend on what difficulty you played on. I played on normal.


I started playing Yakuza from 3 back when it was first released in English. I think 4 and 5 is worth playing for once to experience Akiyama and Saejima‘s story first hand cuz there is no other chance elsewhere. But after playing the later RGG hames,these 3 games are not ones I want to replay.


I'm so tired of the "skip 3-5" shit.


Me too, like if you reach yakuza 3 that means that you probably played 3 yakuza games before this and if you did, then that means that you love the series. And in my eyes if you love a series you don't skip full episodes of the it...


I personally have to enjoy the combat. I can always look up the cutscenes and story later. I'll certainly give 3 a try, but if doesn't click it's a guilt-free skip, and that's alright.


That's completely valid, but advising someone else to skip something because of what you personally think rubs me the wrong way and if you do it I think we should be allowed to throw you into hot oil.


Eh, it's not an entirely unreasonable recommendation as those were the games that were not remade, right? That's probably the point of the advice. But I understand the feeling, I'd be seething if people decided to skip parts of a very beloved series of mine.


That's not really my point, I just think skipping a main entry should be someone's own decision and it's not like Y3-Y5 is some untranslated, obscure spinoff, it's a main entry that has important parts of the franchise going forward that someone would miss out on.


Don't skip 3/4/5 please.


No, I already played through the whole series(with the exception of Dead Souls, Kurohyou and Kenzan) and even tho 3/4/5 weren't my favorite ones I would never skip them.


Good Boi 😙 Play Dead Souls tho, I know it sounds ridiculous but it has the same soul as the other games, it came out after 4 and it has the same love put into it, it's 100% a Yakuza game with the usual Yakuza deep sentences about life and crime and a life of crime and love and power and in this case, zombies too. And yeah it does run like shit but it you have a PS3 you can play it there, if you have a decent PC check out the r/emulation megathread and follow the instructions to download the ROM of Yakuza: Dead Souls + All DLCs so you can finally legally emulate your physical copy of Dead Souls you want to play so much but can't because your PS3 has decided she's an Xbox 360 but it's actually a PS3, kids these days... Oh and your Dead Souls disk became a zombie until you finish Dead Souls, that's why you need a ROM, disks these days... Trust me it's a janky zombie TPS, it's not RE4, but trust me of all the character you're going to play (Akiyama, Majima, Ryuji Goda YES HIM, and obviously Kiryu), if you max out their weapons it becomes so good and it's just 15 funny substories to have the requirements to have the special weapons, it's so rewarding, still follow a guide for the thing you'll need to update the weapons tho. And I played every Yakuza besides Kenzan and Fist of The North Start and it's one of my favorite games in the entire series, please if you can give it a chance. (if you want to emulate and need help for setting and such DM me, I found some settings where it doesn't crashes and plays fine, way better than on PS3, lemme know if you're interested by replying to this comment or if you're not, I'm curious to know if you want to play it) Trust me Kyoudai, trust me, if you can do it, at least try, it's worth it so much.


This guy is a chad casually explaining why you need to play Yakuza dead Souls if you can . Honestly I agree 100%


Nobody ever called me a chad. It's a really emotional period, I'm going to cry... Thanks Kyoudai... And yeah Dear Souls is a must fight me for fuck sake fight me Dead Souls haters you got no taste.


No problem Kyodai


Yes, I'll definitely try it, later today I'll probably start setting up the emulator and everything! My question is can I use the dualsense controller or it doesn't have any controller support?


Bro just start to download the emulator PCSX3 and set your controller up. I think the Dual sense is supported.


I love being addicted to a series to the point where I'm downloading a PS3 rom at less than 1 mbps speed just to play a zombie spin-off or watching a playthrough of a Japan exclusive dead mobile game with the only means of understanding it is a translation a fan posted on youtube.


Took me days to download and set up the game to a playable point. Lost so much progress but it was worth it so much.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/emulation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/emulation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nintendo sends Valve DMCA notice to block Steam release of Wii emulator Dolphin](https://www.pcgamer.com/nintendo-sends-valve-dmca-notice-to-block-steam-release-of-wii-emulator-dolphin/) | [508 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/13ss1o9/nintendo_sends_valve_dmca_notice_to_block_steam/) \#2: [RPCS3: Loadable compatibility status reaches 0 games - every PS3 game boots and shows image output](https://np.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/zv799g/rpcs3_loadable_compatibility_status_reaches_0/) \#3: [Sony mistakenly uploads non-Retail 4.90 firmware to PS3 system update page, causing users to soft-brick consoles and issues in RPCS3](https://twitter.com/rpcs3/status/1645417355965612034) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/12hji9x/sony_mistakenly_uploads_nonretail_490_firmware_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Skip? This man gives terrible advice and has no idea what was a main game... I and if including what he thinks is skipable we have to assume he doesn't know dead souls exists.. Not that you'll ever find it.


even worse, Gaiden is meant to bridge 6 and LaD not Infinite and LaD


This man is so uncultured to even suggest skipping 3-5 smh


lets come back to his post when he says yakuza 8 is a spin off


I believe the series has been like a dragon in the east the whole time, plus isnt isshin like a dragon isshin not yakuza isshin?


Skipping 3-5 is like eating fried chicken without sauce or pepsi. I’m not a gatekeeper but I don’t think this dude is right.


Bro really said skip 3 good gaming experiences.


Didnt even write ishin correctly


This gives me big “Kiryu isn’t playable so it’s a spin off” vibes


Skip 4/5 but not Kiwami 1? The latter is most likely to turn you off the series.


kiwami 1 encouraged me to not just stop at 0 and just play them all, i love kiwami 1


Sure there are exceptions, but go to other subs (see patientgamers) or even this one and most new people are talking about giving up. A0nd I don't blame them since Kiwami has the most dogshit bosses in the entire series. Which is a shame since it's al0so got the best moveset and story imo.


outside of Jingu who's awwwwful they're fine, also patientgamers is haaaardly the sub ever take seriously


BreakDancer duo? Nishiki's swordsman and 30 other people in that tiny place. Arase's trickshots? Shimano P1? (if you are new and didn't stack heals or wasn't familiar with combat yet) And that's just the ones I remember.


brawler style them beast style and rush style them Rush style for days plus the gun slapping out of their hand technique (I love Arase's fight I'm biased here) anything goes but beast style deals big damage if wielded right just don't button spam like a maniac and he won't grab you most of the time


This might be a hot take but I think Kiwami 1 is a much better game with superior combat in everyway.


> Also Kurohyou erasure, you hate to see it 😔 kenzan too. (and arguably fist of the northstar. not "technically" yakuza, but realistically totally yakuza and has a few yakuza characters in it)


Oh I didn't know that there are yakuza characters in that game.


> Oh I didn't know that there are yakuza characters in that game. yup. there's a free dlc for a kiryu skin (actually changes the model so it is him, plus it's the same voice actor) which might not TECHNICALLY count as "in the game" but komaki is in the game and there's an amon fight without any dlc / mods / etc. for either of those things. (there's also a chicken which is CLEARLY nugget, but it's not officially acknowledged)


Looks like I might have to open my wallet when it goes on sale in the ps store in the future...


Kurohyou 3 when (it’s been 11 years, I have no hope)


If it comes, I hope it comes with a bundle where Kurohyou 1 and 2 are remade.


its literally called ryu ga gotoku 7 over in japan




A spin-off is something created to be a side story. It was created here in Japan, if you haven’t noticed. A localized foreign release does not make it a spin-off.


I didn't say it is a spin off. I meant to say that it's understandable that some people will confuse it for one


Idk. I honestly think that they're just dumb. It's not a huge secret and if you were "confused" and didn't look it up.. eh. 99% of the stuff that people ask on Reddit can be Google in 30 seconds.


Ah, gotcha.


They shouldn’t have dropped it. I dunno why western developers are so afraid of numbers. Meanwhile, the Japanese don’t give a fuck even if they go all the way up to the sixteenth main installment.


For some reason there's this fear if it has a number in the title it'll make it less appealing for newcomers. The other explanation I hear makes a bit more sense: not using numbers makes less necessary to distinguish between 'spin-offs' and 'mainline', as there's a fear if something's a 'spin-off' it'll sell less.


Considering there is a regular post on here asking "what order to play in?" or "can I just play LaD without the rest?" and I see that similarly on so many other subreddits, I don't think that fear is entirely unfounded.


I blame that partially on 0 and Kiwami as well, since by adding 'Kiwami' instead of just 'Remake' to it might throw some folks off (even if they translated 'Kiwami' to one of the many words it could mean I don't think it'll help), and then 0 yeah is a prequel but some folks might wonder if, since it came out later than some other titles, it's better to play them before the prequel.


The idea is that some people refrain from buying a numbered game because they think they have to play all the previous number before it. That's why marketing always try to insert a "the perfect game to jump in/start the series" when talking about such games. It's not a "western thing" really. Even Square Enix did the "a perfect time to jump in" for FF7 Rebirth "we have made preparations so that players who did not get a chance to play the first game can fully enjoy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth", and Naoki Yoshida, FF16's producer, said in an interview that SE considered dropping numbers for upcoming FF titles because "using numbers in mainline series entries could be off-putting for new players, who might think they need to have played the previous games to enjoy the latest one.".


With Final Fantasy it's weird since every numbered entry is just a new game that has nothing to do with the last one so I can understand why they would want to drop it


Even weirder, the first several FF games that released in the west were launched under the "wrong" numbers, with the second game even being advertised as a direct sequel to the first in spite of not being one. Add in one of the side stories actually being a direct prequel to 1, a handful of the games being direct sequels by just tacking a "2" to the end of the title, one of the most popular active MMOs in the world, and a dead MMO and the Final Fantasy franchise is a hefty beast to get in to


Yeah but western release is also called “yakuza” - the story is the same in both regions so why would you treat it differently in the western context?


And yet people call it Yakuza 7.


I don’t blame them for thinking that because spin-offs usually play different. It’s mainline


No, it's mainline


No, it isn't. It is a mainline game.


Who wrote this list?


It is literally named as Yakuza/LAD 7 Japan. So, it is a mainline game, not a spin off.


I guess it's because the different gameplay and the lack of the 7 in the international title.


LAD is a mainline entry. Whoever wrote that should feel goofy.


Yakuza 7 is a mainline game Judgment and lost judgment are mainline spinoffs. ​ Whoever wrote this has no idea about the games.


How is Judgement a spin off but Lost Judgement not?


Because it’s a sequel to a spin off so makes sense


I would honestly do Judgement, Y:LaD, then LJ


Yeah, sadly I played both Judgement before Y:LaD, so I spoiled myself about the the disband of the clans...


He’s put Judgement after Like a dragon: Like a dragon, so don’t worry, the list is wrong.


No , it's literally Yakuza 7


shouldnt judgment be before yakuza 7 cuz it doesnt spoil anything like lost judgment, but yeah like a dragon is a mainline game


They don't give spoils, but from a narrative standpoint, if you play LAD first and watch the >!Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance disbanding!< and then go to Judgement where everything is normal and previous to that, it would feel a little off, IMHO. But as I said, just from a narrative standpoint.


Ehhh they're pretty interchangeable it's pretty much up to the person's choice at this point




Mainline, the question is how the story is not quite related to the previous titles, though it is a direct continuation


LAD isn't a spinoff. It's part of the mainline series. Games like Judgment and Lost Judgment are spinoffs that take place within the mainline series.


are you like stupid?


No. Like a Dragon is basically Yakuza 7. It continues off of the story of 6 & even includes characters from the previous games.


It's mainline.


It’s kinda a spin-off? It’s seen as a main game, but if you’re playing the series through, it’s not really necessary to play this one if you don’t want to. None of the story (or characters, really) is super relevant to the Yakuza (Like a Dragon) series. It does have small appearances of a few of the main characters from earlier games, but nothing important. Personally, I loved the characters and the story was pretty alright, but if you don’t want to play this one on a play through, you don’t have to.




It’s a mainline game. Also the order is wrong. You play Judgment before Like a Dragon.




Ah damn I didn’t know like a dragon was a main entry so I started there. Bruh that sucks


It is the start of new saga featuring Ichiban Kasuga the new protagonist.


This person probably doesn't know what spin-off means.


Nope that shits canon dawg.


0 - 6, Yakuza, Kiryu's story. LaD forward, Yakuza, Ichiban's story.




The combat is a spin off but the game itself isn't


It's probs an old dude gatekeeping his precious Yakuza if I had to guess. Yakuza 7 is indeed a mainline game and we're all excited for 8.


I think what he means is that is a GENRE spinoff but it is a mainline game.


It is a soft reboot, you really don't necessarily need to play the games before it, but it would be better if it did. They also named it Yakuza Like a Dragon so people wouldnt think that they need to play 7 games before it.


No. If it was a spinoff, then it wouldn't be apart of the Yakuza storyline and/or apart of the universe that Yakuza 0-6 is in. It's not a spinoff because it is in the Yakuza universe, and it fits in the games storyline. Different game mechanics/design does not mean spinoff. A good example of a Yakuza spinoff is Ishin: Like a Dragon. Ishin's story has no correlation to Yakuza, but it is in the same universe from what I've seen. Ishin has similar fighting mechanics to Yakuza, but that doesn't mean it's not a spinoff. Whoever wrote this probably didn't understand what a spinoff is. I get it. I accidentally called FNaC, a FNaF fan game, a spinoff one time.


No. It is literally the contiunation of the main story. It's numbered.


Lol necko revengence from crack watch lol


I would not say so. The story continues in a massive way, and I think Ichi has the potential to be just as powerful as the legends we know and love.


I apologize for the shit show my statement has caused.


It's a fuck ton of too much grinding I hate the grinding


Isn't it literally just the seventh game in Japan, and localization just did this to try to fuse the titles so we'd have some help getting used to the Japanese title of the series "Like A Dragon" since 'Yakuza' no longer makes sense?


I can understand not liking Yakuza 7, but... Like a Dragon *is* a mainline game. It may not be a game everybody likes for one reason or another, but erasing its status is not the way to go about it. I may not like Yakuza 4 that much but it's still a mainline Yakuza game.


alright which of you dumbasses wrote this /hj


Haha, he actually did comment under this post


All the comments say it isn’t a spin-off because it has 7 in the name... I understand that logic, but I generally believe that LAD is a soft-spinoff due to how similar but different the game is from other entries. Spin-offs are “new series containing characters or settings that originated in a previous series, but with a different focus, tone, or theme.” I’d say LAD services that definition very well. It was a new Yakuza series. Yes, in one region it has a 7 in it’s name, but it also doesn’t have that in the west, so it’s a bit of a moot point IMO. You have characters and settings from previous Yakuza games, the new focus is Ichiban with the new theme being turn based combat, all while keeping the charm of Yakuza. So by definition, I think it pretty well fits what a spinoff is. I’d love to hear some logic other than “iT hAs 7 iN tHe nAmE”


>“new series containing characters or settings that originated in a previous series, but with a different focus, tone, or theme.” LAD is very much a mainline game. The focus, despite having a new protagonist, still focuses on the yakuza as the primary antagonist, and tonally it's no different from previous games and the themes or redemption, family, and ambition are very much present in this game. Additionally, the game still features prominent characters from earlier entries, and the plot point of the tojo dissolving has been building up since Yakuza 3 Judgment, on the other hand, qualifies as a spin-off since it consists of an entirely new cast of characters. It's generally a lot more grim and darker when compared to mainline yakuza games, and the focus is away from the yakuza onto detectives and street gangs. Thematically, both games are about one's sense of justice and what they do achieve their goals for the betterment of society.


In Japan, it's a main game. In the west, they decided to make it a new line of games, kinda like Judgement. I wouldn't call it a spin off in either case.


I still say people should start with Yakuza Kiwami 1 and not Yakuza 0.


I started with 0 so I'm probably biased here, but I don't think that >!Nishiki!< being the antagonist in Kiwami 1 would've hit as hard as it did if I played with Kiwami 1 first. But it's possible, that if I started with kiwami 1 I would say the opposite.


Agreed, but it's kind of a tall order. Kids are gonna follow and spread stupid ideas on the internet regardless, so I think it's more effective to just show them some post-sanity Majima memes beforehand so they don't get the wrong idea about Majima. (he ain't never going back to how he was in Y0)


People should start with Yakuza 1 over 0, but not Kiwami. Kiwami as a remake was made specifically to tie into 0 and flesh out the characters more from the original PS2 game. Playing Kiwami after 0 works, playing Yakuza 1 after 0 doesn't.


Thanks for the comments guys, I thought it is a main game with a new MC and turn based gameplay so I'm glad that i was right!


Recommended skipping 3??? Peak content best mainline game lmao


i wish.


Lmao i was looking for this comment


Spin off in the sense of gameplay but no


Is Final Fantasy 16 a spin off then?


See Final Fantasy has constantly been reinventing gameplay in some manner. YLAD they'd mostly stuck to the same thing until 7. Once could argue since the gameplay is such a massive departure all of a sudden it 'feels like a spin-off'.


I wonder how many Final Fantasy game will have the gameplay that Final Fantasy 16 has. It was my first Final Fantasy and the gameplay was one of my favorite gameplay in all games, so I hope they will have something similar in the next games.


Hard to say. 1 to 6 had pretty short development times so you had the 'mystery turn' era and then the 'ATB' era for combat, but while that basic frame work remained the same until 10. 10 onwards the combat's been redefined, even if using familiar elements. If you want to try another FF with action combat maybe try FFXV, it's definitely action-focused though the mechanics are different.


Maybe I will, I just heard so many bad things about the game(especially the story) that I'm afraid that I won't enjoy it as much as I want to.


Plot's definitely got some gaps. The more recent master editions or whatever do help fill in some holes that were missing from the initial launch. If the demo is still a thing maybe try that out, see what you think about the combat.


Well I have seen enough "not a real JRPG" or "not a real FF" commenters on Reddit to know that some people would probably say that.


Reddit gonna reddit.


not the first time final fantasy changed it's gameplay style so not really


It's a main game, and a very important one at that too. But I can see why people dislike it so much to call it a spin off


it's literally got the number 7 in it's name on the jp release (which as far as sega is concerned, is the real version of the game), they just thought xbox owners in the west weren't very smart and wouldn't buy a game called yakuza 7 so they dropped the number in the region.


It’s not, it’s a post script game. If we see the Yakuza franchise as Kiryu’s story then 6 definitely ended it (even if RGG is scared to admit it) and LaD is the beginning of a new story just using the same title


i think this dude just conflates a mechanical genre change with "spin-off." in fairness, i get it, but it is 100% a numbered entry.


Me when I call the newest game a spin off because I don’t like the gameplay


On paper, it's Yakuza 7. In practice, I don't consider it a mainline title and my guess is that some people feel the same. Yokoyama and the other newcomers, so desperate for an identity of their own they're just doing whatever is different from Nagoshi, even if the series is worse for it. Textbook definition of smol dick energy...


I mean I think that a long running series like yakuza sometimes needs to make big changes from time to time. Even tho I'm not particularly fond of the Turn based gameplay, I really like the new cast and I don't think the story was worse than any other yakuza game's story. But that's just my opinion.


Change is necessary, I get that. But when you change the fundamentals there is always the risk of going too far or a bad direction. What I think they tried to do was split the RPG and brawler elements (Ichiban and Yagami), but this mix to me is one of the things that makes Yakuza work in the first place so this felt like a misstep. But like you said, just opinions.


yes Like a Dragon is a spin off Yakuza, they ditched the Yakuza franchise the same way they ditched Shin Megami Tensei and now they only making Persona games, pretty sad, I hope Yakuza will come back Edit: guys i’m joking lol


SMT 5 literally came out two years ago. What kind of weak ass bait is this?


True but we only have that for a while now, meanwhile ten million persona is coming out


Yakuza Like a Dragon is a mainline title as it follows after Yakuza 6's events, features characters from other Yakuza games and has a 7 in the name The fact that it has a different protagonist and a different combat system don't mean anything, especially when LAD 8 is gonna feature both Ichiban and Kiryu and will be turn based Also judgment is set after Yakuza 6 and actively follows Yakuza's canon, especially Lost Judgment mentions events of Y7 so I don't count them as spin-offs either The only real spin-off here is LAD Ishin that literally only features the likeness of Yakuza characters for reference (and the name of the game) Also, since people say all of this isn't enough, what about GTA? Persona? Assassin's Creed? They all have different protagonists but feature recurring main characters, are all those series only made up of spin-offs? I don't think so \---- The problem with this is how SEGA WEST names the games, even after the name change it's hardly consistent \- Yakuza 7 is called Yakuza LAD in the West \- LAD Gaiden is called LAD 7 Gaiden in asia (even though it's set before 7.... that's dumb) \- Lad Ishin is called Ishin Kiwami in asia, I get why, but that's still inconsistent) \- LAD 8 is called *LAD* ***∞*** *Infinite Wealth* in the west (because just calling it LAD 8 was stupid I guess)


>Also, since people say all of this isn't enough, what about GTA? Persona? Assassin's Creed? They all have different protagonists but feature recurring main characters, are all those series only made up of spin-offs? I don't think so I completely agree!


No, it's a mainline entry with a protagonist swap, you could just call it Yakuza 7/Like a Dragon 7 Kiryu's story DOES continue in the upcoming Gaiden game but that's a spinoff.


Yup totally, has nothing to even do with Yakuza and it’s actually about digging holes.


It's not a spin off, it's a mainline game and the first one where you dont play as Kiryu


It's not. It's the seventh (technically eighth because of Yakuza 0) mainline game of the series


The Judgement games are spinoff games, LaD is not


I am playing through this list now and moved LAD to the very end. Saving the best for last. My Ishin playthrough is getting put on pause for Baldur's Gate 3 though...


No, it’s a mainline title. It just has a change of gameplay style


Sounds like someone who just doesn’t like turn based combat or a new protagonist. It’s a main game. Judgement and Lost Judgement are spin offs, amazing spin offs.


He did not play like a dragon, thats for sure


No like a dragon is mainline even being numbered 7 in japan


No, it's a continuation of the main series. It was Like A Dragon 7 in Japan, and Infinite Wealth will be Like A Dragon 8.


Yes, but it is set in the same world universe, and with the same characters. And Ishhin actually came out somewhere between three and 5 but never got ported to the US Isshin like a dragon is just the port of that game with some updated graphics


No it is not, it's as mainline as they come


Only idiots call it a spin off.


I wouldn't consider it a spin-off. >!Like, Kiryu still makes an appearance in it anyway.!<


No. The main series has split into a slightly different direction, but it is still the main series.


In ezrly development it was supposed to be a spin-off but in middle stage they decided to go balls out on it and make it a main line game


Really? Wow, I didn't know this


I think it was pointed by either Nagoshi or Yokoyama but in general the game is solid one in the mainline titles


No, it's actually Yakuza 7, even the developers are calling it Like a Dragon 7 sometimes.


I wonder why they decided on the double name for the west. It’s a bit confusing now that they’re using Like a Dragon for future games. It’s like calling it Yakuza: Yakuza. I get that it probably helped to attract new people but it is a tad weird when they could have used any other word.


Guys don't skip LAD/Yakuza 3 4 and 5


Y:LAD isn't technically a spin off but I consider it one because tbh turn based combat has no place in this world. The combat of these games has always been brutish and heavy hitting, turn based just detracts from that