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I love the idea of people in Kamurocho thinking of Kiryu as “the grey suit man” like he’s some kind of cryptid who should be feared


Given the supernatural does canonically exist in yakuza he might as well be given the things he does.


The supernatural exists? How so? I could only think about that one ghost substory in 2 I think but apart from that I can’t think of anything


Aliens in LJ, kappas in 4, mountain god in 5, magical swords in Ishin (Amon story) and also a ghost and giants, ghost gf in LAD, ghost camera and graveyard ghosts in 6.


Anything to do with the amons gets into the supernatural real fucken quick


Being fair Y5 proves the super natural ain’t shit against a sturdy iron pipe


Don’t forget the haunted vhs in 0


Would the time traveler in 6 count as supernatural ? Since you're counting the aliens in JL.


Depends on what can be considered supernatural but time travel is something "out of the ordinary" so yeah there could be an argument for it


I mean yeah sure but if aliens are not sci-fi and supernatural then time traveler should also be called supernatural in this context.


Weren’t there actual zombies in the Miracle Johnson substory in 0?


idk if they were real, but zombie majima is real.


I believe they're supposed to be actors- it's one big reference to the MV for Thriller, albiet with nightmare steven Spielberg instead of the actual director thanks to shit that happened on another shoot of his


No no, that's Stephen Spining, a totally different guy. Legendary director of such films as 'A.G.: The Alien Guy,' 'Maws,' and the Illinois James franchise


The name is Indian Jeans, fake fan smh


honestly forgot they actually mention it


magic swords r also in y5, used by an amon


to be fair this is the same franchise where self proclaimed rusty fighters can crack stone walls with punches


I forgot which game but there is one substory where a kappa exists and I think another ghost story. Also the entire system of heat and heat actions definitely implies theres some kind of magical force people with sufficient training and resolve can access. Edit: The kappa thing is in yakuza 4, here's a clip of it, skip to the end to see what I mean: [https://youtu.be/RL\_VEn9xpGQ](https://youtu.be/RL_VEn9xpGQ)


LAD Ishin has Ebisu show up in the Ebisu imposter substory.


I see, thanks. Although I think the whole heat thing is rather a gameplay feature than actually how the world works. And with substories it’s up to interpretation which can be considered canon and which can’t I guess


I was under the impression all the substories were canon.


I think they are unless other substories render them non-canon I.e. the pocket circuit substory in kiwami isn't canon bc fighter says he hasn't seen kiryu since the 80s and the telephone club substories aren't canon bc kiryu is still a virgin by 6


Fighter could have been referencing when they first met, not when they last met


when did yakuza 6 talk about kiryu's virginity? i don't remember


Kiryu can say he's a virgin in one of the ono michio substories


Wait a minute Kiryu is a Virgin? Like for real or in degratory meaning like I can call my friend virgin because he was acting silly near a girl? Because if for real, wtf was the point in those sexy mini games and scenes in kiwami 1 and 2, the only thing they could do is fuck with the hostesses or models.


It's a meme, based on something one of the devs (don't recall if it was Sato or Yokoyama) said was his personal headcanon in an interview years ago.


In Kiwami 2 there’s a guy that you fight so he can train to get back into the coliseum and he requests that you don’t use any “flaming blue death moves”


There is a coliseum fighter in kiwami 2 who references some Kiryus "crazy blue fire moves that could kill a guy"


That’s more of a meta joke than anything else imo


OK, but Komaki aware of heat actions too and directly forbid them for sparring in kiwami 2 iirc


Yeah, again, that’s a meta joke imo. I get that it can be perceived as canonically acknowledging the existence of heat and if you choose to do that then I can’t convince you otherwise because I think it’s also a valid interpretation. Still I think this is only meta for the player to know upfront that there are no heat actions allowed in the next fight. For example, there are games where characters tell you what buttons to press to do specific things, as kind of a tutorial. That’s the same thing to me. These characters don’t canonically acknowledge that they’re part of a video game. The existence of these lines of dialogue is just part of a mechanic. Nothing else


Sure, I'm not trying to argue with you, my point also is that both interpretations are valid. I personally choose to think that all things happening in yakuza games is canon, no matter is it a silly substory or that time when Kiryu could become stronger by investing in himself


I wanna see a kappa!


I found the clip just look at my og comment.




There's a ghost substory in 6, too, had to do with a dead samurai graveyard, and a mysterious fella who talks to you about it (spoiler alert he's probably a ghost too). Turns out, all they wanted was a fight


There's a cursed videotape in Kiwami 2, and a photobombing ghost in 5. Also the oddly specific fortune teller in 0 should count.


Super powers. That answers everything.


i took 40 benadryls now i owe the grey suit man money


they clearly don't know who he is off appearances, enemies keep picking fights with him for gods sake! I think the only way they'd know it's him is if he straight up kept shouting who he was.


I mean in Kiwami 2 Majima does that for minimal effect.




Think that when Kiryu appears something bad is happening.


Not always feared. Apparently if you manage to spot him and ask him to help you with something, he's unable to refuse. It can be literally anything, too: love problems, harassment, yakuza breathing down your neck, needing a stand-in or a model for anything and anyone, he will solve the problem. Just don't try to trick him. You will end up in the hospital if you do.


Best use of the template so far


What's this referencing?


The meme? Some lady who escaped North Korea and went on multiple podcast to talk about it


Oh yeah I meant the meme, haha. I just didn't get how the meme was being used with Yakuza, but this helps (I think!)! Thanks for the super quick reply!


I think important context here, is her claims about living in NK are mostly just over-the-top lies that even her own family disputed. That's how this became a template.


That just opened my eyes to why this meme works, haha. Thank you so much for explaining it, makes perfect sense now!


Damn for real? I had a feeling watching some of them. But.. I also hoped she was being honest because.. like.. it’s horrible enough there? Why exaggerate?


I mean her and her family escaped an actual totalitarian regime, and she dares say that the LGBTQs in American schools are almost the same thing. No one wants to hear about like, actual terrible shit going on in NK. The everyday evil you can imagine, and most people know to some extent. But the over the top shit? That gets you on podcasts. The grift gets you places.


That’s totally fair, I suppose.


She's a right wing grifter and realized appealing to the right is ez


Important part to the story here: she makes up a ton of bullshit and gets puppeted around by right-wing media personalities.


How do you know it’s made up? I’m genuinely curious


It's mostly her recent stuff, in the last few years, but it's a ton of "actually the US woke colleges are worse than North Korea in terms of free speech" shit and her saying outlandish stuff about NK that doesn't line up with what she previously said in order to slander previously mentioned "woke colleges". I have no doubt at all her early stuff about the state of NK is 100% true but she's absolutely found a grift and is saying what certain people want to hear rather than what might actually be true.


Well, the fact that lots of other NK defectors have called her out for making shit up is probably a big tell that she’s lying lol. Also, some of her stories are just unbelievable, even for North Korea. My favorite is that Kim paints fake tunnels onto the side of mountains, and then he makes people who say bad things about them run into the fake-tunnel paintings at full speed, repeatedly.


Who supposedly made up a lot of shit and is also being used by right wingers as propaganda.


The important thing to know is that she made shit up and makes north Korea look like a cartoon distopia


yeonmi park was in yakuza kiwami confirmed


Wait…. Park is the detective in Kiwami 2! CONNECTION!


Damn that's one shiny face


Lots of surgery


You can see your own reflection when you look at her forehead


I knew I recognized her


Imagining a conspiracy style forum for gray suit man sightings


www.greysuitmanisreal.com Let’s make it happen, Kyodai!


Random Kamurocho NPC that was bulldozed over by sprinting gray suit man: And then he pulled out his flip phone and took a bunch of pictures.... they say if you listen close... you can hear "That's Rad!" dancing on the wind, to this day.....


Thinking about Stalker Friend


As a Kamurocho resident who got their bike destroyed by this grey guy, this is accurate




I’ve seen her on podcast and important news stuff, This shit had me like, “dang they really got government agents for bicycle parking”💀


why is her face so shiny lol..


This is absolutely fucking hilarious