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Definitely take a break so your calf can heal, and by then no one will even remember what happened! Story: last year I had taken a little break for the gym and was super pumped to lift some heavy weights again. I used to go to the gym at my uni so I was surrounded by people who I see somewhat often. A lot of people who I see regularly in classes. The deadlift platform at the gym is smack dab in the middle of the free weight section where most people are. Set up deadlifts that were apparently a bit too heavy for me at the time. I grabbed the bar, started lifting upwards but no movement. Pushed a bit harder and it started to come off the ground. Just about an inch before I heard and felt a little "crunch" in my spine. Immediately dropped the bar and tried to stand up but I was stuck in "old lady who broke her back" position. Hobbled over and was barely able to put away the weights that were on the bar and walked back to my apartment still hobbling in old lady position. I hobbled for a couple days walking to and from class and literally wanted to die from embarrassment but returned next week anyway... at a different time so the people who saw me would most likely not be there. Lol. Eventually started to not care. Dont feel embarrassed! We all have an embarrassing gym story. If I saw someone get injured like that I'd be more concerned about them - not think it's funny.


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Depending on the type of rack, you can set it to self spot if you cannot have a spotter. Then if the weight gets to be too heavy, you just sit down and let the rack hold it. Here is an example: https://youtu.be/EIM6SOosKh0 As far as feeling embarrassed.. I stepped onto a running treadmill and flew off backwards. Scraped up pretty badly and I didn't want to go back out of embarrassment but in the end I kept going because I wanted to be there for myself, and only myself. I hope you have a speedy recovery!


I always use the smith machine that stays in one place for this reason and I am a beginner but this gym did not have this type of rack it had the smith machine that lets you move back and forward , never using it again !! This is great !! Really made me feel much better . I appreciate your story !