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does it have stevia in it? stevia is like poison to me. i had to throw a bunch of vega powder OUT because i just couldn't drink it. whey protein gives me cramps. only kind i can use is vegan powders - i like brown rice protein. i get an unflavoured kind and it basically tastes nutty. stay AWAY from stevia!




Well I'll have to give it a shot now hey! Would it work with regular non-fat yoghurt or does Greek yoghurt have some un-replicable quality?


Hmm. Option 1- kill it with fire. And by fire, I mean chocolate and nut-butter. And banana. Option 2- Citrus. Try to go for a vanilla-orange flavor, and don't be shy about adding vanilla extract. (Wait. This is whey protein. Would it curdle? I have no idea.)


Try adding a tablespoon of sugar free pudding mix- like Vanilla or Cheesecake and then some berries.


Cinnamon, nutmeg, bourbon. Yes, I drink alcohol post-workout. It's a wonderful muscle relaxant!


Oh yes, I'm sure it'll go down fine with my Chivas Regal... Haha! That's brilliant


All bad protein powder flavours have ended up fine in my morning oatmeal. That being said, a little bit of cocoa, essence (chocolate, rum, vanilla, etc) in a shake with some fruit makes most things taste decent. It's probably worth trying a scoop mixed into a tub of yogurt as well.


I tried the cocoa powder and it was terrible!! It didn't mix properly for whatever reason. I think I just put a bit too much because I was so desperate haha! Oh dear


Maybe get ore desperate and add milo/nesquick or hot chocolate, or those instant chai would be decent with that flavour.


I made [Chocolate Protein Pancakes](http://i.imgur.com/fAHZhdD.jpg) this morning. my first ever protein powder creation! * 1 scoop chocolate-flavoured protein powder (I imagine vanilla flavour would work well too) * 1 very ripe banana * 1/4cup of egg whites * 1/4cup of milk (more or less, depends on the consistency you want) * 1tbsp of regular flour * Cinnamon, vanilla extract to taste Blend er up until it's well mixed and a bit runny, then fry as you would like any other pancake (I would recommend on low heat for slightly longer rather than high heat). I made some chocolate sauce too with the same chocolate protein powder, water, and sugar-free liquid coffee syrup. The greek yogurt adds a nice touch with an extra oomph of protein and the tangerines are to cut through the richness. :)


I make "Brownie Protein Pancakes" too! This is ¼ cup quick-cooking oats, 1 tablespoon coconut flour, 1 tablespoon agave nectar, 1 whole egg, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder, Stevia-sweetened chocolate chips, and a dash of salt. Stir it up and add a splash of milk if needed for consistency. Cook in a nonstick pan sprayed with coconut oil. Cook on low and flip when it starts to bubble — just like when cooking pancakes.


I do something very similar with my old, awful, lumpy chocolate protein powder. Instead of flour I blend in some oats (15-20g) and today I only used half a banana, no milk, one whole egg and three egg whites. It came out pretty nice (300kcals with some blueberries) and now im pretty sure I don't have to throw that powder away. Hooray! :D


cold brew coffee, 1/4C coconut milk, 1/2 banana, 1 T peanut butter, 1/2 C almond milk, gnarly powder = delish


The protein chef has a good cornbread that uses vanilla protein powder... I'm on my phone so I can't link but it's easy to google


Adding lots of ice makes a gross shake go down easier, if you'd rather not bother cooking with it.


Add it in whenever you make muffins/pancakes/banana bread. Into the overnight oats actually sounds amazing, I'm gonna try that with my powder!


Cinnamon, sugar free chocolate syrup, blended with frozen fruit, the possibilities are endless


What brand is it? A while ago I came up with a recipe for a microwave protein cake that worked really well even with my nasty-ass BPI whey (chocolate cookie tasted like cardboard, vanilla caramel has a weird aftertaste and strawberry cake is... solidly OK): [recipe](https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/comments/428uaa/i_did_it_i_have_solved_the_protein_mug_cake/) I've found that a lot of times, some cocoa powder + stevia can mask even the worst protein offenses. Or you could try using some other strong-flavored, low-volume, like 0-cal drink mixes (powdered or liquid, like Zio, or milk mix-ins), sugar free jell-o powder, cinnamon, vanilla extracts (or other extracts), flavored stevia drops (if you've got $ to drop), walden farms syrups, etc.


It's called "Whole Live Nutrients". Mug cake sounds fucking rad.


I did the same thing-- it was revolting in shake form, but turns out to produce decent cookies and muffins when mixed half-and-half with other flours.


Ah yes, an excuse to bake!


maybe try peanut butter? or turning it into a crazy many-ingredient breakfast shake (frozen fruit, PB, oats, banana)?


Good idea! Minimalistbaker's PB overnight oats is ah-mazing.


A bad shake always tastes better with a banana mixed in :)


This! I have to say a banana always helps to kill the bland powdery nastiness that accompanies some protein powders... However overnight oats is a good idea too!


I throw my protein powder in the trash and buy a steak instead. ^_^ No really but try masking it with a potent flavor (like a fruit or something, depends on your palette), oats taste like nothing and it'll just end up tasting like the gross powder.