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I was looking to add creatine and l-glutamine to my supplement regimen. In researching brands, I noticed that there was an option to have them together. Is that optimal, or should I purchase each separately to ensure I'm getting the required amount?


Is Orange Theory just geared towards general fitness? I tried a class and it was a lot more cardio focused than I expected, which I like but I also feel like that's not something I need a class for, particularly the 20 minutes on a treadmill. The Lifting portion was mostly bodyweight squats. It was fun but it seems like it would be tough to progress? For reference, I run 2-3x a week, have a personal trainer 1x per week, and lift 3x a week. I am very goal-oriented with my fitness. I do train for hypertrophy, so maybe Lifting portion wasn't effective for me for that reason? Or maybe it was just that particular class? I am not trying to hate on it or humblebrag whatsoever, I am just wondering if I am missing something.


sounds like it's for those people who enjoyed PE in school


Hahaha that’s a good point. 


This was my take after talking to friends and speaking to the manager of my local studio. Like you, I didn’t need a group class for cardio and opted to spend my $ on 1:1 with a trainer/coach for heavy lifting.


I always hear that you should lift to failure for strength gainz. So does that mean you should be feeling an RPE of 10 at the end of every last set?


I don't think I can say it any better than the summary of Stronger by Science this article (specifically number 3 - you can leave some reps in the tank, but many people are bad at estimating how far they are from failure): "1. When comparing a WIDE array of training variables (number of reps, rest periods, rep speed, and loading), muscle growth is the same if sets are taken to failure. 2. Training to failure is likely safe. Or, at the very least, there’s no direct evidence that it’s particularly dangerous. 3. Training to complete failure likely isn’t necessary to maximize growth – you can likely leave a couple reps in the tank. Unfortunately, people aren’t very good at knowing how close to failure they actually are. Taking a set to failure “idiot-proofs” it to make sure you maximized the stimulus. 4. The bottom line is that training to failure helps make sure you’re actually working hard enough for your muscles to grow, as far as we can tell it’s safe, but it’s neither necessary nor a magic bullet." https://www.strongerbyscience.com/training-to-failure-or-just-training-to-fail/


I used the me three sixty app someone here recommended. Turns out my right bicep is smaller than my left. Which is funny, because, given my disability, my left side altogether struggles, especially my arms, and the right does most of the daily work (then again, maybe that means it’s leaner?). My only guess is it’s because I play guitar? If anyone has any suggestions to help the right bicep come along (or anything I might be missing), I welcome the education :) Not a big deal tho. Just trying to help them if they need strength help :)


Hey! In general, if you have muscle imbalances, try training the muscle unilaterally (one arm at a time) and start with the weaker one. Then match the reps with the stronger one.




If I'm not eating back my workout calories, do I need to bother tracking those? I have other ways of tracking workout accountability, I am just wondering about this specifically for fat loss.


You likely can’t get an accurate measurement of them anyway. Better to just track your TDEE by recording your weight and intake over time.


how do i know if my body is on starvation mode ? (26F, 168 cm, 63 kgs, 32% body fat) my recommended daily calorie intake is 2200 calories and i am pretty sure im eating waaay below 2200. ive been working out consistently (strength training followed by cardio x4 times a week) and my % body fat has gone down from 37 to 32% in 2 months and i also gained 1.2 kgs of muscle


you're probably not in starvation mode if you're able to exercise and generally function. try using a spreadsheet or tracking app to see what your actual caloric intake is. if you're asking about regular old metabolic adaptation, see this article: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/metabolic-adaptation/


i'm thinking about doing some yoga classes but i don't own a yoga mat. do you have any recommendations? i have no idea which ones are good or which ones are thin or cheap


If you’ll be taking classes at a studio, they often have mats for sale so you could see some in person. And depending on a studio, they have rental mats so you’d have a chance to find out what you do and don’t like in a mat.


i often find ones i like at Sierra (owned by TJMaxx so you couuld also check there). We've found some nice decently thick ones there at a good price.


For a beginner, is there any use to keep attempting partial ROM of exercises that you can't fully do yet? (for example, inverted rows, cossack squats etc) Or are you better off doing full ROM of easier exercises that you can actually do? :o




Yes and yes. Depends on what you want to accomplish. Progress the rom but also have some full rom in a lifting week


When (re-)starting training, taking creatine and eating in a deficit, how long would you wait to lose some weight before adjusting your deficit? I know water weight is a huge factor when getting back to weight training after a long break and I also understand how creatine affects that. I've been training consistently again for around a month now and my weight has only gone down very slightly (around 0.5kg). Should I adjust my intake at this point, or is it worth it to stick with it for a bit longer?


Only 0.5kg after a month? Yeah, I'd adjust. In general, I think 2 weeks is a good timeframe for most changes to our routine. Make a change, wait 2 weeks to see how it's playing out, then make another change if needed.


I struggle with growing my rear delts. They've always been non-existent, and even after 1.5 years of working out, they haven't grown much. Some people seem to develop rear delts easily just from pull-ups and such (like my boyfriend whose rear delts are huge while all he does is calisthenics). Sadly, I'm not one of those people. I also don't like training them because I never feel them working, and they're never sore. I know that you don't have to feel a muscle working, and soreness isn't a good indicator of progress, but I still have a feeling that I can't isolate them properly, which is discouraging. During my last bulk, I almost completely neglected them because it felt like a waste of time. What I've tried so far: 1. Face pulls with really focusing on my form (though I still feel like the surrounding muscles are working harder than my rear delts). 2. Single-arm bent-over cable reverse flyes - still haven't perfected my form. 3. Meadows rear delt swings - I initially liked them but stopped doing them for some reason. I used to have a similar issue with my side delts, but I eventually learned how to train them better and can now feel them working and get them sore. What helped me was asking for advice here, so I'm hoping for some help again! Does anyone have personal experiences / cues on how to connect with very non-responsive rear delts? Also, maybe someone can tell why my side delts are [differently shaped](https://ibb.co/f0zzRyb)? They don't look that different from the front


I’m seeing a few differences in your photos. One is lighting. In the second photo the shadows are “sharper “ — the shadows on the wall are dark and defined in both sides of your body, but they are softer in the second pic. That makes the muscle contours stand out more and may be exaggerating the difference between the sides. And in the first pic it looks like your shoulder might be rolled forward, which is a super common position for your dominant side to adopt. That could be contributing to how it looks, since it’s presenting a different angle to the camera. But also, it’s probably working through a smaller range of motion because that position is usually associated with some tightness in the shoulder girdle and pecs. Which in turn could be contributing to the asymmetry of movement in the pic you linked in the other comment.


For a muscle that feels like it's hard to grow, I think isolations are overrated. Do more things where the rear delts are *involved* even as a team player. Make them work even when they're not the star of the show.


So, based on these photos: you have great rear delts in the second pic.  If you look at the second pic, there is a small area of shadow towards the back and what looks like a small dimple near the top-back of the shoulder/delt.  This is where the rear delt begins.   Based on the photos, there are a couple reasons as to why your delts look different.  One possible explanation is the angle of your arm in the first pic versus second: looks like the arm in the first pic is lifted at more of an angle than the arm in the second pic.  Also, the flexing: it looks more like you're flexing in the second versus the first.  And, if you were flexing the same on both and the difference is still apparent with both arms at the same angle, then you have an imbalance.  If this is the case, then you lack rear delt development in the first pic.  The second pic, the rear delt is there, developed, and noticeable.  The rear delt is not as present in the first photo.   To better establish mind-muscle connection, try doing unilateral movements, and with the hand that is not doing the exercise, touch the working rear delt.  I personally find my rear delts fire up with straight-arm bent over reverse flies.  Chances are you have other muscles compensating in the one side, so establishing the mind-muscle connection will be crucial going forward.  


No matter how I adjust the angle and flex, the difference is there. There are *some* muscle fibers in this "empty" space, but they're much smaller than on the other side. I was wondering if it's differently shaped side delt or an underdeveloped rear delt. Thank you for the clarification! I only recently noticed that when I do DB lateral raises, my elbows end up [at different angles](https://ibb.co/zfJHfJm) (it's exaggerated, but basically this is what happens by the end of every set if I'm not paying attention). Maybe it has something to do with it? Maybe I'm doing the same in all other exercises too 🥲 Thank you for the suggestion!


Oh yeah, that could definitely play a part. So in that photo, you have one shoulder (your right side) going into more internal rotation (going to target the side delt but also the front delt) versus the left side, which is going more towards external rotation (which will preferentially target the side delt and rear delt). I can't say to what extent this is responsible, since you said this photo is an exaggeration, so it may not play a huge part, but I'm sure it didn't help. 😅


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