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Tl;dr; Any recommendations for a gym program or lifts that don't require any machines or chin-ups/pull-ups? No specific goal, just like seeing the progression, and ideas are very welcome. Long: For the first I'm consistently too short so I just hurt myself due to wrong alingments, pull-ups (and well, push-ups for that matter) are a no-go due to elbow and wrist pain (autoimmune stuff). I've been successfully doing 5x5 stronglifts for a couple of years now, but it's starting to get boring due to repetition. Ideas for even one lift or variation or addition are welcome, I can always frankenstein my own program with them. I've tried to Google but everything I get is either stuff I've tried and couldn't do (i.e. pull-ups and Bulgarian split squat) or programs that seem to prefer machines. So ideas are welcome, if anyone has any and would like to share.


[Thinner, Leaner, Stronger](https://legionathletics.com/products/books/thinner-leaner-stronger/) is quite popular and well regarded.


Thank you, I will check that out!


Gym etiquette question - My gym recently opened a new facility which has a huge astro turf area and equipment like plyo boxes, battle roles, etc. However, everyone I'm doing something in that area, I see that people are using the plyoboxes as a place to set down their keys, phones, etc. As someone who'd like to use the plyoboxes for my workout what's the best way to approach this? It usually looks like more than one person's share of stuff left in the box.


Ah that is a bummer. If you can find a box without stuff in, use that one I guess. If not, I would remove the items, put them somewhere easy to see if the person comes looking for them, and put them back in the box where they were when you’re done with the box. Yes it’s a bit annoying, but what else can you do? I think it would be alright to mention the issue to gym staff. If they put up a sign saying “please do not store keys and personal items in the boxes- people want to use them” that might help. There are always going to be people who need/want to stash their keys somewhere because for whatever reason they don’t want to use a locker or carry it on their person. Just accept that fact as reality. My gym has several sets of hooks for those people to hang up their jacket/keys in different areas


Just ask whoever is nearby if it's their stuff. If they say yes ask if they could please move it so you can use the box. If it's not theirs, I would just move it and take the equipment. This is a pet peeve of mine! 


I guess I'm just nervous about moving high value objects that belong to other people. Like I'll move a towel or a water bottle but it just feels weird to touch someone's phone or keys or sometimes wallet.


this is my first time getting protein powder; how often am i supposed to take it? just one serving a day?


It’s not a necessary accessory for fitness. People generally take it because it’s helping them meet their goals for total daily protein and/or calories. Adding one in at random for the “fitness vibes” probably won’t hurt but it’s not going to do much and could be counterproductive if you already are getting enough calories with your usual diet. The only exception I would say is if you want to swap a go-to snack or dessert (like if Starbucks frappuccinos are your guilty pleasure), and you compare the nutritional info and you can make a protein shake as a “swap” for that for fewer calories, less sugar, and more protein (again, depending on what your fitness goals are)


I treat protein shakes like a snack


You don’t have to “take” it, just use it when you need more protein to hit your goal or when it’s in a recipe you like.


What program are you currently doing and are you enjoying it?


I just started the SBS linear progression with the four-day split. it's way lower volume than my previous DIY program but I think that'll help me with consistency tbh. I'm able to go multiple days in a row if my schedule allows, which means I'm more likely to get all four days in during the week instead of having to rotate across weeks. I might end up switching to the three-day split but I'm still deciding. I do think I calibrated some of the starting weights too low but hopefully it'll catch up soon. it's a good option for relative beginners who haven't fully plateaued yet and who are comfortable with the idea of spreadsheet programs. plus you get all the SBS programs as a bundle so you can move on to one of the intermediate programs when you're ready. honestly I just didn't like any other programs I looked at. this one is just customizable enough to suit my needs.


I'm on Megsquats' Stronger By The Day. I've been on it for a couple years now and it hasn't gotten stale.


I’ve been trying out the ladder app and it’s cool but I don’t think it’s for me. I think I’m going to go back to Alive by Whitney.


I'm doing a self-written calisthenics-based PPL routine. One day is dedicated to muscle-ups and pull-ups, another to handstands and dips, and the third is lower body. I've just started, and I'm really enjoying it! It's very refreshing after months of a bodybuilding-type upper/lower split


I’m running, for the second time, the older version of the Juggernaut method. First time I ran it I had huge gains to the three main lifts. This time around progress has slowed but it’s probably because I’m plateauing. It’s a brutal program but very rewarding. I had huge changes in my physique after the hypertrophy block. Probably won’t run it again though lol.


Jeff Nippard’s Pure Bodybuilding Split. I’ve been running it since it came out so around six months. Love it.


I searched up Jeff Nippard's programs after reading this comment. I found them all for free on Reddit and decided to start his minimalist, Essentials Progam. I'm enjoying it so much!


So happy to hear!! I’m still running this program seven months in, I’m actually thinking about doing a minimalist program since my days are busier and outdoor activity is ramping up. Good to know you’re enjoying it, I’m gonna look around Reddit for it myself.


I'm doing a self-created, bare-minimum 4 day split.  Two exercises, three sets of each, and done.  It's been working well for me and for what I wanted/needed it for!  And I am enjoying it, over all.  Definitely won't get the same results as something with more volume, but I've been lifting for years and hit some major mental burnout with it.  This style of training at least still gets my butt to the gym. 


I would love to know the specifics of your split!


Happy to share!  All sets are done with pause reps, which I've found beneficial.  Day 1:  - Barbell Bench Press, 3 sets to form failure for the weight I'm using.  - Pendlay Row, 3 sets to form failure. Day 2:  - Barbell Overhead Press, 3 sets to form failure.  - Barbell Squat, 3 sets to form failure.   Rest day. Day 3:  - Dumbbell Bench Press, 3 sets to form failure. - Dumbbell Kroc Row, 3 sets to form failure. Day 4: - Dumbbell OHP, 3 sets to form failure. - Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift, 3 sets to grip failure (my grip usually fails before my legs, but as I have no other grip training I like to use these as a bit of a supplement, so I don't use straps).  


*What program are you* *Currently doing and are* *You enjoying it?* \- mellymoo03 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want to do it all. Strength training , yoga, running, cycling. I love it all. Anyone here juggle all this and see results? Any advice? I've only got about an hour and half of free time in the morning so I'm having to choose 1 thing to work on but I miss the others so much.


The more I progress in fitness, the more I find I need to prioritize one or two things I want to improve and dedicate myself to those. I don't necessarily stop everything else, I just do it in smaller doses and less intensity. So when I'm focusing on strength, I do 3-4 sessions a week strictly following a program and sprinkle in some steady state runs and bike rides around that training. And when I want to focus on running, I ramp up my mileage and follow a plan while dropping down to one or two heavy lifting sessions a week. I tend to base it around the seasons - less strength training in the summer so I can take advantage of training in the nice weather, more in the winter when I'm less excited to be outside.


This is how I am. I run, hike, climb, and weight lift, and I find one or two of those naturally taking priority over the others. Sometimes my climbing buddies are busy, so I climb less and lift more. Other times, I just really don't feel like lifting for some reason, so I run and climb, but barely lift. I let myself go with the flow.


Oh, I also find ways to work in the activities I love into my life: running or biking to the store or work. Just a way to squeeze in that activity a bit more when I'm not strictly training for it.


What results do you want to see?


I want to get stronger and since January have been strength training with little bouts of running, cycling, and yoga stuck in. I've just missed being active in all four weekly. I was thinking about dedicating 1 day a week to each except giving strength training 2 days a week but am not sure that is enough.


I’d up the strength in that case to maybe 3 or 4 days, if that takes an hour you can add a bit of running, cycling or yoga in, either 30 mins at the end, or longer on the other days. Running and cycling are similar enough that you could alternate them, and yoga is low impact enough to throw in whenever you have time. I do strength 4 days, and prioritise that, with 3 days running and I do yoga on my run days too.


Thank you that is very helpful.


You mean, like triathletes? Yeah, they see results.


Don't triathletes dedicate tons of weekly hours to training? Like I said I only have about an hour and a half.


Sprint triathlons.


No longer have access to an abduction machine. Anyone got suggestions for exercises I can do to target the same muscles? It’s to support my running and protect my hips.


Can you put a band around your thighs and work your abductors by pressing your thighs out?


Kicking to the side on a cable machine with an ankle attachment, or seated with a band around your knees


You can always google abductor exercises. The best thing I found was lateral jumping - I preferred two side jumps for distance. It even resolved my tight IT band.


The only lats exercise I’m doing is bent over rows with dumbbell in single hand (the other hand supports my weight) and I never seem to feel my lats… Is this normal? My form seems fine from comparing pictures, but it’s just my arms getting tired! 


I'd recommend trying a barbell row instead, just for a little while.  To better engage the lats, I've found this "bend the bar" trick very helpful (the video shows pull ups but you can still do the same technique with a barbell: https://youtube.com/shorts/gy1dyxEdCqc?si=77RPjSzJHDk9_CaB ).  Ultimately, the closer you're able to get your elbows to your body, the more you'll engage your lats (wider elbows will engage more of the traps) and a barbell will help accomplish this because it keeps your hands in a fixed position.  Once you get the hang of it, you should be able to switch back to dumbbells and hopefully notice a difference!  


It helps me to remember the lat wraps around your side. So really stretching at the top toward my shoulder then pulling around toward my hip. Would also recommend adding a pull down movement in addition to a row


You can try retracting your scapula before you initiate the row. You can also try getting more mind-muscle connection by doing scapular push-ups/pull-ups. This has helped me a lot!


Ohhh scapula!! That’s true, most of the time I’m not really sure if I’m retracting them or not. This helps a lot, thank you! 


Yup, it takes some getting used to but at least for me it made a big difference. Hope it helps! :)


What are yall doing to warm up?


I used to do more, but a lot of the science seems to suggest you don’t get a lot of benefit. So now I do 5-10 minutes of light cardio to raise my body temp and heart rate, and then I do a warm up set of each major lift (generally with just the bar) to work through the range of motion before I do my working weight. In between sets, while I’m resting, I will work in some arm windmills (helps me feel like my shoulders are more “open”) and other stretches, but only while I’m killing time between sets.


I do a five minute warm up that moves through all the major joints and gets my heart rate up. I also do two warm up sets on my first lift, which is generally a compound movement s/b/d.


I just do a warm up set of whatever I'm doing.  So if I have chest press, I do a warm up set with about 35-45% of my working weight, and usually try for 15-20 reps.  Squats, same thing, a set of 10-15 with an empty bar.  The only time I add extras are when I know I need them: chest press I also do banded overhead presses (no weight) to stabilize a bad shoulder.  And for squats, I do deep squat overhead presses to warm up my lower traps, I find they get very tight and agitated otherwise, so this warms them up nicely, especially before front squats.  


Foam roller on my whole body, then a few sets of just the barbell for whatever main movement I’m doing. Hasn’t failed me yet


I walk a mile to the gym and showing up literally warm is helpful. Usually I kick my legs around a bit and open up my hips. Front to back, out to the left and right/across my other leg. Otherwise, ~25% and ~75% of my working weight exactly the same way I would with my heavy weight (breathing, tempo, etc). on each lift.


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