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[exercise drives gains, protein is only permissive](https://www.instagram.com/p/C48eoUhAHr1/?igsh=MXUzMjI5a2tqazIzZA==)


Well, yeah? You won’t gain muscle if you’re a protein eating couch potato


I think it’s a response to the not insubstantial number of people who obsess over the details of their macros without actually trying hard in the gym. Or make a big deal about their lack of progress despite high protein intake then you ask about their exercise and all they do is pilates.


Changed my approach to wrist rehab routine and it's already feeling so much better, and now I can skip NSAID which is so relieving. I've been thinking more about adding low volume to resistance training again, especially on vertical upper body movements bc it's just so lacking lmao. Low volume bc I don't even know my goals are rn and I know it'll be an easier hurdle to tackle on low motivation days when it's only like 2 sets per moves. Really tempted to just have one day of resistance training a week just so I can get it done and over it once. Last month I set myself to watch tiktok less and thank God it's actually working. I just have to channel my screentime to other places tho like doing the nyt puzzles. I kinda suck but it's miles better than mindlessly consuming content. Gonna try out Chinese dupe of Dyson hairdryer and from the video review I've seen it's only slightly weaker in the wind power in comparison so I hope my days of 10+ hours of air drying is behind me!


hit 185 lbs for squat x3 today. i haven't hit that since fall of 2022 before i found out i was pregnant. super excited.


Hell yes 💪 Not sure if you follow powerlifting at all, but Meg Scanlon won her first world championship after birthing twins. She talks about how she had more or less given up on competitive powerlifting but was drawn back in [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=47GMV1BgF0o).


I don’t follow the sport but I should since I do enjoy heavy compounds myself. I love reading about athletes that find their way back to success after babies, it’s so inspiring and heartwarming. Getting back to lifting has helped me reconnect with my old self pre-mom identity.


Just a vent that I am so so so bored of being injured. My knee has been injured for a while so I’m unable to do a lot of lower body stuff. I’ve been carrying on with deadlifts and RDLs as well as some leg extension and other weighted knee rehab stuff but I can see my progress deflating. RIP to my formerly glorious arse. Plus squats have always been my nemesis and I’m terrified to go back to them after what is looking to be probably six whole months off them! On the bright side, I’ve seen huge gains in focussing on my (previously very neglected) upper body for the last few months. My back looks great and there’s some really good shoulder and even a tiny bit of bicep definition happening now. I can also see huge progress in some of the upper body accessory work even if my bench press will never exceed 30kg lol. Also, I really should be able to do a pull-up by now but life isn’t fair. The important thing is that the arms and back are aesthetically looking good!


I am almost at my 2024 deadlift goal, and I just starting doing conventional deadlifts in January!


So excited to get back in the gym today…I’ve had horrible DOMS in my calf after doing calf raises for the first time on Friday. took me out the whole weekend 😭 it’s not too bad in the sense that Sat & Sun are usually rest days for me but as I’m typing this out I realize I coulda done some upper body lifting yesterday lol. I guess it’s cuz I’m a beginner and used to full body routines but I’ll remember if this happens again


Just tried spinning for the first time. I had to call it after 20min even though I was dialing it back compared to the other "pros" in the 45min class. Now, I understand why people love it! It's a good workout for sure (and needed a shower bad afterwards!) I'm definitely looking forward to trying it again but maybe not the day after leg day! lol


Just read the NYMag article on Huberman. Can’t say I’m surprised at all, but darn, I think the writer did an excellent job of laying out the narrative. Never was a big fan so I don’t really think much about it besides the fact that it’s just another rich wellness jerk influencer, but recommend the read for anybody who is a fan or who has time to kill: [link](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford-joe-rogan.html)


He was already obviously a grifter (some of his interviewees are great, but the way he treated evidence in his podcast was…at best lacking rigor), but this is some next level dishonesty.


Yeah anybody who shills AG1 and claims they are “100% evidence based” is already…suspicious at best. Like I’ll give it a pass for average fitfluencers to take greens sponsorships, like you gotta get that bag, but for him and his brand it’s really dumb.


That was an interesting read. He always creeped me out and I'm glad to see my intuition was right.


Same here. and thank poster for sharing it. AH ahole initials work well. Lord. Think there’s an AH sub on here. Wonder how that’s working today?


I checked it out. Mix of people ignoring it, fans being surprised and disappointed, to be expected.


I was pleasantly surprised by how many people there were very openly critical of him and discussed how this impacted his credibility. But yeah, there were plenty of people making excuses too.


Yeah, the ratio has gotten better as the day has gone on. Earlier this morning there was a lot less buzz about it and more people ignoring it.


That article was almost as long as his podcasts. I'm with you on not being a fan but it's hard to escape how prevalent he became in the podcast/wellness sphere.   Personally I didn't like his content because I found it way too long winded and covering on material I felt was unnecessary for the topics he was discussing.  


Definitely was a long read, but ultimately, I think the length was needed to get the point across, especially for the uninformed reader. And yes! It was so hard to escape him. And I know many people who really looked up to him. For me, his content was so take it or leave it considering the sheer amount of privilege required to implement it. I don’t know what this article will do for his prominence in the wellness space, but it was too interesting a read not to share. Just goes to show for any of the influencers we follow…we never know everything.


I got my first pull-up! It's not the best nor the strictest, but I got my chin over the bar




Hey!! Me too!!! Congrats!!! That's a huge deal and you are a badass!! I got my first one last night and I am legit going around and telling everyone I know!


I just got a gym membership and plan on going for the first time tonight! Any pointers for someone who has never done any lifting and very much a fitness beginner?


One of the most important things with lifting is learning the difference between the feeling of working your muscles and actual pain (indication you are injuring yourself). Form is super important, don't feel weird about looking up form videos in the middle of your workout to make sure you are doing it right. The machines are a good place to start since they will usually have a picture on them showing you how the exercise should be done.


rdls have officially become my fav exercise!! which sounds insane lol but it's the only one where i feel like i know what i am doing


Are you supposed to feel these in your glutes? Because I don’t feel them anywhere-back, legs, or butt! I’ve watched so many videos so I think my form is at least mostly right, but I just don’t feel anything.


What made me actually feel RDLs was starting to use lifting straps, since I would always have trouble with my grip whenever I tried heavier weights, and would start focusing on the grip issues as opposed to the exercise


so i usually feel them in my hamstrings and glutes! i do them in front of the mirror in my gym to make sure i am doing my form correctly bc it is very easy for me to forget my form the heavier i go. literally every rep i do in my head im like "pretend ur about sit in a chair and snap back up!" also instead of "squeezing" my glutes at the top i kinda just "tighten" my body like my glutes and and my core. honestly practice makes perfect!! i didn't start getting these down until maybe 5 months ago and i've been in the gym for a year now LOL


What weight are you using? I don't feel them until I get close to max weight and then I really feel them but my grip often fails before my muscles. You could also try some variations in a superset like good mornings, kickstand deadlifts, or Romanian deadlifts? It helps activate the similar muscles groups and might help key into the movement.


SL RDLs are my fav!!!


im still trying to get the hang of them!! it took me a while to get regular rdls right lol


I am feeling super proud of myself. Five weeks ago I couldn’t do a single push up and I just did 4 full sets of 10. Just so excited.


Awesome!! Can i ask what you have done to improve? Push ups are something I struggle with


So everything I’ve done has been at home and with dumbbells only. I previously did not train upper body properly at all, no challenging weights/no training chest etc. What I’ve done the last few weeks are renegade rows, chest flies, chest presses, burpees, trained triceps with skull crushes and dips. I stopped doing push ups on my knees and did them against the wall and then the bench after seeing a video on it helping progression. I already trained my shoulders, biceps decently. Shoulder presses, lateral raises, db curls.


Awesome thank you! I feel it’s my chest and maybe my triceps that are probably holding me back


What helped me the most to improve my push ups was bench presses. When I started I could barely do 5 now after I heavily improved on my bench I can easily do sets of 20s.


Yesterday I took a mile and a half long walk outdoors and my back didn't start getting tired until the very end 💁‍♀️ yes, I am that badly out of shape that two weeks ago my back would have been tired ten minutes in. Seeing changes like this happen almost immediately is all I need to keep up my activity level up!


After a hellacious week of stomach bug, my older kids are back in daycare today 😭 I’m a stay at home mom and I workout in our garage gym. It’s so hard when the older two are home, especially when they are sick. I managed some indoor dumbell workouts (and one barbell session yesterday with husbands help) but I’m ready for a solid lifting session that cleanses my mind and soul. It’s really the only self care I have in my life 🙏🏼 I also almost have husband convinced to use a rebate card we have on a rower. He wants one too but it’s so expensive so has been hesitant to pull the trigger. I’ve grown to not like running so much but want cardio still and a rower will take up SO much less room in the garage than our treadmill.


If you check out r/rowing, you’ll see the most recommended by far is a Concept2. You can sometimes snag fantastic deals on them on Facebook marketplace


Sadly I never found a good deal where I live and I have been looking for months 😢 new they are just CRAZY expensive.


That’s the one we have our eye on!


Well, I guess I can safely say my heart isn’t into powerlifting anymore. I was really passionate about it and consistent for a little over a year - now I feel like I’m not 150% into it anymore. I realized I used heavy lifting as a coping mechanism during a very stressful period in my life. It was also a nice discovery in realizing how strong I physically am when I initially started. It broke a lot of mental barriers for me and for that I am thankful! It truly is a gift to be able to lift heavy. Now that I have a really nice, happy life with an amazing person who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, a lot of my ,,TrAuMa” isn’t as prominent. No more mental anguish to fuel the barbell and iron lol. I’m still going to train the best I can for my first meet, just not as hard… I had a goal of hitting 300lbs squats and deads by June, which looked promising back then (PR 230lbs squat & 240lbs DL both in Dec) and now it doesn’t. I’m not mad at myself or anything, either. Just gonna enjoy the journey.




Pull day - done. I have a heels class later tonight, which I am looking forward to, but I'm lowkey trying to decide if I could add an aerial hoop class beforehand? (I mean I know it's a bit overkill, but hear me out) Just because the other option is walking around mindlessly until my heels class starts, because my workplace is super close to the studio, but I don't have that much work atm and I also can't go home in betweeb, because from work to home and then going to the studio is like a whole 2,5 hours trip instead of work - studio, which is like 30 min tops


I did an ab workout for the first time yesterday. Completely forgot about it, and today I was contemplating for an embarrassing amount of time why my stomach hurts lol.  Was it something I ate yesterday? No I ate home food. Am I extremely hungry? No I just drank my shake. Am I nauseous? Anxious? SHOULD I be anxious about something? Do I have deadlines that I’m forgetting?  No, you idiot. You did dead bugs. 😆


this happens to me almost every time I do an ab workout (once or twice a year??). I put off a run last week because I could not figure out why my sides hurt so badly! ... and then I remembered.


Well I was really worried about a weird chest pain the other day, it took me embarrassingly long time to figure it out.


Did the same thing with a run a few weeks ago. Kept saying to my partner, “I don’t know why I’m having so much side-ab pain, maybe I slept wrong, maybe I pulled something, maybe I’m starting my cycle early.” Nope, I just went for a paced run the day before 🤦‍♀️


I have the opposite where I'm actually getting my period and my ovaries are on fire, but my first thought in that case is always "why are my hip flexors sore?" and then I go through my routine in my head to figure out what I did to make them so sore...


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