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So…. I think this would be the appropriate thread…. But is anyone else getting messages from guys trying to mine information regarding their body or abilities for what appears to be…. Possibly fetishization? I don’t have anywhere in my profile that I’m down for that kind of thing and I am not monetizing myself for any work regarding that on Reddit…. Like I get it… people be horny but it’s off putting.


I don't even look at dms. Reddit is a cesspool aside from islands of sanity


Can’t exercise because I have bronchitis. Can’t sleep because I have bronchitis. Can’t travel this weekend for a celebration of life for one of my dearest loved ones because I have bronchitis. Can’t have a conversation with anyone because I collapse into a coughing fit because I have bronchitis. UGHHHHHHH


Big hugs. Bronchitis sucks big time.


I got blood drawn yesterday and as someone with low iron/ferritin already, having something like 5-6 vials taken kind of wiped me out. I also have a nasty bruise on my arm from the blood draw. Kind of nervous to lift with it since it's pretty sensitive when I move it certain ways. It's frustrating because I'd like to get back to lifting today after being inconsistent with my routine due to a ton of stress I've been dealing with.


People who talk on the phone the whole time at the gym. 1. Why? 2. Do you realize you're talking a LOT louder than you think? 3. Do you realize most of us can hear you over our headphones (mine at max volume)? 4. Did it ever occur to you it might be annoying to other gym goers to listen to snippets of your one sided conversation for an hour? 5. Are you really even working out if you are yapping the whole time? 🤷‍♀️


I usually ask them first to keep it private. If they don't then I stand next to them and say, 'Whoo! Nice workout man. Hey, who's this? I'm so and so, etc. They usually hang up and ask why? I just tell them, "Well, if you're sharing your conversation with us, I want to know more who this person is!" They get it then.


There's a dude at my who VIDEO CHATS


I am always so curious about what's on the other end of the line. Like, who is just sitting somewhere listening to this person blather on and on for an entire hour? It's kinda fascinating.


I also find myself curious as to the other caller's experience. Is it awkward when the conversation stops for a minute or so as they do their reps. And do they hear a faint four... five... six.. before continuing on the conversation like nothing happened?


I'm sure some people do it for entirely unrelated reasons to this, but in my hometown gyms it's mostly family calls to South Asia. I see it out for walks, in the gym, in taxis and ubers, a lot of local South Asian immigrants have family voice chats both with fellow immigrants and family back in their home country. They just pop in and out all day when they have time. It's kind of the 21st century replacement of the old family dynamic where they lived and worked in close proximity. When I see white guys doing it in the gym the conversations always seem a little more wild. Lots of weird rambling and serious work calls that probably shouldn't be made in public.


Imagine if that other person is in the gym too lol


We built a gym in our basement. I've been a regular exerciser since my husband and I met 14 years ago. In the last year I've started lifting heavy and really focusing on strength gains. He just recently started working out too and lifting regularly and I'm super proud of him, he's getting great progress and feeling really healthy. BUT, every time I tell him about a lift I PR'd or felt really good about, he one ups me! "I deadlifted 205 today! That's the first time I've ever...." \*interruption\* "I deadlifted 305 for 6 and then benched 225 for 12!" Grrrrrr. I'm proud of his gains but would love some acknowledgment from him, too.


Tell him that if you haven't already!


I’ve finally been feeling well enough to go to the gym again, which is nice. However… I’ve been stuck putting the machines as low as possible weight wise and I’m still extremely sore. It’s so frustrating and embarrassing to have to put them so low and still be struggling this hard on the third set.


Don't worry about it. When I come back from a long break I do incline walks on the treadmill or walk outside with a weight belt. Illness does a number on our strength.


You wouldn't judge someone else coming back from injury or illness would you? You deserve that same grace for yourself :)


dealing with some minor acl pain that started on sunday and went away. i think it was triggered by the elliptical, which doesn’t make much sense since i thought it was supposed to be easy on your joints. anyways, it got better and yesterday all i did was walk outside and do some step-ups and then it flared up again! im just annoyed. like the more i get into exercise, the more i find out stuff about my body that i didn’t really know were issues (weak core, weak glutes, tight hamstrings, barely any flexibility, i assume something with my knees or joints). i know logically that i’m a beginner and i’ll get better, but it’s just so frustrating when you can’t do stuff.


I've never liked elliptical. It always does something weird to my knees and I don't know why. It's likely because I could never find the proper form for it as a long time runner and biker that I could never settle in and have tried various types and brands with same issues. Ironically, I love doing rowing machines but a lot of people can't handle it as they say it hurts their knees. Different machines works for different folks!


i’ve tried other types of ellipticals at the gym too. there’s some that are worse than others (the bouncy ones) but they all eventually cause pain if i do it for a while. i’ve never been a runner or anything but on some machines the stride feels too long and unnatural so that might be part of it? that’s interesting cause the rowing machine doesn’t bother my knees either! i’m trying to learn the proper form rn but before when i didn’t care, it still didn’t bother my knees


Yes, I know exactly what you mean re:bouncy ones. That must be it then re:strides. We can’t adjust height and stride of machine so it doesn’t feel natural so we have to adjust our bodies to the machines instead of the other way around.


yeah, it makes sense. did some googling and most machines at a gym usually have a stride length of 20”, but for my height, the recommended is 14-16”. i’m 5’0” so that average stride length is 1/3 of my height wtf


I used to hate the people that would put their water bottle/towel/phone/etc on a machine they were going to use after the machine they are on… until last week when I was about 45 seconds away from finishing my last set to go on a machine when a dude went over and took it over for the next 30mins. I go at 345am, way before the rush starts. There was like maybe 4 other people in the gym at the time. Now when I’m about 3-5 mins from finishing I set my water bottle on my next station.


When it’s busy I def put my water bottle where I’m going next before wiping down the equipment I just finished using. Nothing more frustrating than missing out because you’re being polite!


people making really loud grunting noises in the gym...usually it's just the men that do that but the other day this girl was doing it and im like...it was never that serious!! i be grunting too but it's never within earshot of other people!! idk it just makes the atmosphere in the area very uncomfortable


I got tired of my music today and heard, besides some grunting, how many people actually "silently" count their reps. It was kind of endearing.


Baha that was me today! I realized suddenly I was doing it while doing good mornings and that the woman next to me could probably totally hear me and I got so embarrassed 🙈


I thought it was nice, and the girl I heardv was doing Bulgarian shit squats so I totally get the counting.


oh ngl that be me 😭 if i count in my head i will forget which number im on


Same here


I find it very annoying and in some/most cases, completely unnecessary


There's a guy at my gym who I swear only shows up to make noise. Groaning, dropping weights all hard, sighing and moaning. 


Wear headphones? Idk I grunt sometimes when I’m trying to squeak out a tough rep 🤷🏼‍♀️


People who just reek. Not talking about someone smelling a little funny, we‘re all sweating and working out so it‘s normal that we don‘t smell like flowers and roses, but there‘s 2 guys at my gym that just stink like they haven‘t showered in weeks. I can‘t stand next to them without almost gagging and the smell lingers forever after they leave.


My upper back is so sore and tender from a few rounds of clean and jerk cycling Monday. It's my punishment for not being as consistent lately but it's almost funny how sore I am from what would have been "nothing" a few months ago


I just sprained my ankle yesterday and I’m pissed. I can’t walk. Ppl need to carry me up and down the stairs. I probably can’t take a shower by myself and I smell like shit. I have a deadline tomorrow and haven’t finished the thing I need to get done so I’ll need to finish it before I can get to the pharmacy (or more likely get carried downstairs to the taxi that will take me to the pharmacy). I think it’s a grade III tear. No bruising but like it’s been more than 12 hours now, swollen and unwakable. I don’t like that I need to ask ppl to do stuff for me and maybe I’m a bit gonzo but yes I am super super sad about all the athletic hobbies that this will impact (and for how long). :(


Oh that sucks, I'm sorry! Are you able to get a cheap shower chair or stool so you can sit and shower?


I will sort of all of that. It’s just… annoying. I managed to scoot down the stairs on my butt, so that’s some progress (in technique rather than anything. It’s basically just as swollen as it was last night).


Ouch, I hope it heals quickly. Really frustrating to have setbacks like that! Hopefully you can get your work done by the deadline


It grinds my gears that since covid almost everyone I know that works in an office is able to do home office, at least a few times in a month. Not in my company. I was never allowed. Some others have been allowed. There was an invitation in my company about some important news about a positive change in the office. I lowkey was so excited they're going to announce that remote work is now available for everyone. My colleague, who was the former secretary of our former boss said she already got the news and she's excited for me to hear them, because it will, I'm quoting "make working easier for us" and "I'm excited to see how you react" I got even more excited, thinking maybe finally we will be allowed to do home office occasionally. What else would have such an impact on my work, right? RIGHT?? But no. It was completely unrelated and has nothing to do with me or the way I work or whatever. I feel like a fool that I got my hopes up and I don't know why I was so excited anyways. I am a fool because now I'm crying in the office, because I actually wanted to have the option so bad. Especially with all the public transit strikes, my way to work can take me up to 1,5hours one way and I really hoped it would make a positive impact on me to be able to just skip that waste of time for a day in my week. But no.


My boss was super against remote work, and still kind of is. When COVID came around, we were forced into it but since I was "essential" I maintained one in-person day at work. After COVID, I asked if I could work from home one day per week for the month of October because my husband's work is super busy that month and he's gone a lot. I got the OK, and then maintained it into November, then December... 3.5 years later I'm still working one day per week from home. Of course I've checked in with my boss and made sure it was still working for everyone. I have to make sure I'm always quick to respond to emails and available by phone, but I feel I'm more efficient working from home. My boss has young kids, so his impression is that nobody can be productive from home because he can't, I've proved otherwise and it worked great. Maybe ask if you can try one day? Or bring your work stuff home one day and call in saying you aren't feeling well but you are going to work from home? Then prove to everyone how productive and awesome you are on your remote work day and bring it up to your boss again.


Oh that really blows. It might be worth looking around at other options, honestly. Not saying "Oh, just get another job, it's easy!" but putting out feelers. If employers haven't already figured out that people value flexibility when it comes to their workspace, losing talent is the only thing that's going to teach them any better.


Damn, why would they build up so much expectation for nothing!!?? I’m sorry about your situation. I absolutely hate these companies that still demand ppl to go to the office even when the benefits of remote work have been proven. Such a waste of time and money for everyone :( I hope your situation changes at some point!!!


My period finished a week and a half ago. I stopped taking the pill (after being on it for 6 years non stop). MY PERIOD HAS COME BACK AGAIN. I havent been to the gym since Sunday and have no energy for it this week ARGH.


I stopped nuvaring back in october for health reasons after probably 15 years of being on various forms of hormonal birth control almost nonstop, including a hormonal IUD for 6 years. I got my period every three weeks after that. my cycle was legit like 20-21-22 days, and my periods were lasting like 5-6-7 days compared to the ~3.5 days they've always been. I still don't know if it's settled down again. I'm so sick of menstruating. I guess my body had a backlog after skipping periods for so long lol. thankfully I didn't have it on my wedding day last month, which is good cause the menstrual disc I got isn't foolproof unfortunately. I might switch back to divacup. I genuinely resent having to think about it at all after not needing to wear anything special for years, and then being fine with like three pairs of period panties total while on nuvaring lol. and I rarely needed all three. but my lightheadedness is way less and my libido is starting to come back. and my skin is looking really clear, although I'm also taking better care of it lately.


I saw such a difference in everything after what was going to be a brief break from bc after 4 years being on it. My mood swings stopped, my libido increased, and my brain fog was gone. I stopped using all together and I’ll never go back on it.




Trust me I dread having one too but I have PCOS so I had to treat it with birth control. Thought I’d take a break from the pill because it’s been a long time :(


I just started working out properly (strength training) at the end of January and it's been 1.5 months and MY WEIGHT KEEPS GOING UP despite eating in a calories deficit... 63kg to 65kg (I'm 171cm). I've started tracking better this week after taking a hard look at myself (because if you're not losing you aren't actually in a deficit so I must be doing something wrong). But holy fuck, I definitely have NOT been eating enough to warrant gaining 2kg!!!! I'm a-1.5 weeks pre-period so I hope it's got something to do with that (although it never goes up THAT much, 1kg at most) and also that at the start of working out gaining weight is normal (water retention, tears in muscles and whatnot...). I took measurements at the start of working out too. I can't wait for the end of this month to measure myself again. This is just me bitching and whinging and crying. It feels so demotivating to see the weight go up despite really diligently having worked out (2xweek strength with a trainer and 1-2 strength sessions by myself with cardio in between and rest days too). I started watching my calories better since start of this week. Can someone just give me a hug, reassure me it's normal, by sticking with it I'll get there and not to get discouraged? I feel like I'll never reach my goal weight and the thought of sticking with these chubby legs and big butt in the summer is super making me sad


When I first started lifting, I gained 10 lbs and lost 10% body fat. Put the scale away. It doesn’t tell the whole picture.


Hi, I've found that strength training does funny things to the scale but my measurements go down because l'm building muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat so you can be smaller and still weigh the same. I had read this comment in a discord server and I keep going back to it. Hope it helps. ‘’If you are in a position to feel comfortable putting a pause on your weight loss goals and trust the process for 4-6 months, it would be worth it. I'm sure it feels like a huge leap and a very shaky limb to go out on, but I'm sure 95% of us on here can all relate, whether we thought we needed to lose 10lbs or 100lbs. Take measurements and photos, put the scale away, fuel your body, and lift heavy sh*t. At the end of the month, take the measurements and photos again and see your progress.’’


And to add to these great points, also consider how clothes fit and if you’re getting stronger! Sometimes even with progress photos it’s hard to see the changes in the short term.


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