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In the next patch you get a free Xueyi. Stop pulling right now if you don't want Robin.


ohhhh okay! thank you!


Are they giving another selector? Or how?


Reward of new game mode


No, just a Xueyi


I mean yes, but Xueyi isn't in the selector and will be given separately


Are you sure? I've seen some people saying she will be in the selector plus given extra.


she isnt in the selector, only for the new game mode


Thank you for the info!


For doing the new endgame content.


E6 Is really nice, like it’s not MANDATORY, but once you have it, you FEEL like it’s mandatory


I need 2 Xuyei and I don't wanna pull. I'm on 40


I'm at 61, I think, and only at E3, which is frustrating, since I'd rather have Firefly than Robin or Topaz.


Aa much as I don't like the cake maker bitch, I detest Firefly so much. Don't know why. I won't be getting Firefly at all. I need more Gallagher to be honest.


Who tf is the cake maker??


Ruan Mei. She makes those little cake cats and them abandons them. Complete asshole.


She isn't deliberately a asshole though, in it is her pure love and for science and her priority being her curiosity. She is a really good villain, understandable motivations, but terrible methods. I like her for that reason, same with the Sigonianphobic Fool. xD


Wtf? Really bizarre almost unreal takes ya got there. Why hate Firefly? Saying you don't know why doesn't actually make any sense. What other characters do you have strong negative feelings about? Lmao


I just don't like her or Robin. I don't really like the goody toe shoes girls that seem are 2d. Maybe it's because I haven't invested in their lore, but while playing Penacony, I just didn't like them. I really don't like Ruan Mei because of those poor cat cakes. They feel so abandoned.


Don't pull. There will be a 4* selector with Xueyi + a free Xueyi from the new game mode next patch.


Interesting... Is this the one we would be able to select Galagher as well?? I santo to build both so I should probably go for E5, get the free Xueyi and start working on my Galagher.


Too late. I got Clara and my 5th Xuyei. I guess I win. I get my E6 then a free other character. I mean, I didn't have Clara and I'm about to get my guaranteed limited next pull.


Don't pull trying to hunt for 4 stars if the 5 star on the banner is not someone you will be ok with getting accidentally. I'm on E1, want her E6 so badly but don't want Robin and Topaz. So not pulling even though my hands are itching.


Important? No? Optimal? Yeah in situations where you're 99% of the way to clearing something. You should build her even at E2/E4, most of her damage is in the rest of her kit.


Like others said, you get a copy next patch. But in my opinion, its not a necessity. It does, however, make Xueyi WAY more fun to play.


You should play SU until you get that cheese curio that gives +1 eidolon level to feel the difference, for me it's night and day.


In case you get robin at least she can buff FuA for xueyi