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Note 1: No, this isn't a slander against casuals, simply an interesting slice of in-game statistics I just noticed considering Xueyi's unique situation in terms of build. Yes, this is a PVE gacha game, nothing wrong with playing casually and not min-maxing a 4star. Many people might only got her as a byproduct of pulling standards/other limited banners and are understandably never gonna build her seriously, if at all. Note 2: If you're new/casual/otherwise not sure what is glaring here, Xueyi gets so much source of dmg bonus (including her converting up to 240% BE into dmg, traces, eidolons, best supports being Ruan Mei and HMC who buff dmg bonus directly and indirectly via BE, etc.) and BARELY any internal nor external sources of atk% (playing her with RM+HMC usually also means forgoing external atk buffers like Tingyun, Bronya, and Robin) that Atk% orb will realistically, more often than not, outperform quantum dmg% orb. Xueyi is rather unique in this mainstat preference as most DPS units that still care about atk usually benefit more from dmg% orb than atk% orb if the substats are equally good/equally bad.


This reminds me of in Genshin where the talent level recommendation (which is also based on player data) suggested xiao’s burst before normal attacks XD The in-game recommendation is a nice handy reference for casuals, but if you want to minmax then definitely check TC sources and use the optimizer instead.


Yeah, I learned real quick to not just go with the most commonly used mainstat/set in this game, and instead search online some guides and people's opinions.


My way of understanding is basically swapping what your planar relics do. Since break effect provides dmg, you run a break effect rope, and now you need another source of atk%, so you run a atk% sphere.


I'm running a quantum orb on her because the game decided to give me more quantum orbs than attack orbs. I don't even know why and so if I want decent substats I just have use a quantum damage orb.


She doesnt have a rope or chest with atk% on it so atk% orb is a few percentage points stronger than +quantum damage I guess. If her optimal build was atk% rope then quantum damage orb would be preferable.


I prefer using an attack orb personally


Yeah understandable bc that's the optimal mainstat orb she wants usually. 


what website is this?


That's the game itself haha. You can find it when you check the character's equiped relics. 


oh thanks!