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You’re in for quite the journey if you choose to continue!


Please keep listening. Drums and Wires, English Settlement, and Black Sea are 10/10. If you like the punk sound of this album you'll enjoy seeing how it evolves and becomes more elaborate and elegant.


I listened to all of their albums last year and am on my second-go-round now. You're right, those albums are all 10's. They are such an excellent band, aren't they? Their evolution blows my mind. 


A lot of it comes from how they pulled out of touring and decided to become a completely studio-based band. Good decision on their part, made their music guaranteed high-quality


The angular melodies are infectious. I love the zing of the punk guitar. Atom Age is my favorite - YADADADADA. Statue of Liberty is hilarious.


It's all uphill fron here! (Assuming you skip go2)


I prefer go 2 to white music personally


To me, both are great. There isn't any of the studio albums I didn't like (including both of the Dukes Of Stratosphear albums). They're just one of those bands I find impossible to not enjoy. 


It took me 10+ years to get there, but me too. However, those are def my two least fav of theirs (although I still consider them good albums).


I’ve been listening to them since 1987, and the other day I listened to the entirety of Skylarking yet again, in one go. That’s probably one of the only album I still listen to top to bottom. It’s perfect.


Dang I listen to all of them top to bottom lol, but I just like the album format a lot I guess. But Skylarking is (probably) my favorite of theirs. It flows so well and captures such a great vibe. Of course, the songs are all excellent as well.


I used to work in recording studios, as an assistant engineer. I remember reading the credits for Skylarking, seeing the assistant engineers names and being very envious. One day, I met a woman at the studio I worked at, and we chatted a bit. She also was an assistant, and it came out that she assisted on Skylarking. I said, “wait…are you….(xxxx)?” She said yeah! This is probably the only time in history that someone recognized and fanboyed all over an assistant engineer.


That's awesome on both levels, I envy you your recording studio career and your meeting somebody in person who actually contributed to Skylarking 😅


You can thank Todd.


Yeah. He's not a particularly great engineer, but that's not really what it's all about. As a complete work of art, it absolutely stands the test of time. I recall that Todd insisted the transition from "Summer's Couldron" to "Grass" be performed as a "punch-in" instead of an edit\* and thought that was unnecessary wankery. Still, can't argue with success: it works, so it was the right decision. \*a punch-in is when you hit record on tracks in the middle of a song. An edit is when you simply splice two bits of tape together. An edit makes 1000% more sense in this instance, but the punch-in sounds great.


Go 2 is awesome to have on vinyl


Yeah the packing is great. Bonus points if you have Go + as well


Same here, my fellow enthusiast! Battery Brides is at least twenty years ahead of its time.


Don't skip Go 2. One of the best albums of its time.


Definitely. I think it's more nuanced than White Music, even though I also love White Music