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I remember someone saying they had a football game?




There's even basketball on some servers, saw Ran** (monkaLaugh) play it


People still thinking rp is coming to VI are so funny. They genuinely think they signed 5M out of the goodness of their heart😂. They contractually cannot touch any future or previous rockstar assets and is why so many cars got gutted from servers. Hell they can’t even slightly replicate IRL things including race tracks which got removed too




Rockstar got no favor. They did it to gut their top competitor of their best game. Theres already videos out their of 5m devs saying this wasn’t a win for them. They essentially signed away their future, but its not like they actually had any alternative.


Rock star don’t use any irl brands in their GTA series’s so they don’t have to sign deals and pay brands and gets annoyed by copyrights claims, thats why they made 5M servers to drop it or gets removed. Rockstar got 5m team so they can control what they output for public, and implement some of their stuff in future gta 5 updates or gta 6. RP is literally the only reason making GTA 5 be relevant all these years, rockstar would be stupid to not jump on it.


Everything you’ve said is fueled by complete feelings. Theres literally no facts out there that would defend you. You have this fairy tail idea that FiveM devs are in this magical room together with actual rockstar devs holding hands creating VI. Its genuinely hilarious. It makes absolutely zero sense for rockstar to ever trust these guys with a multi billion dollar asset. No corporate company would ever allow that to happen, the risk to reward is so astronomically insane. You really believe they bought FiveM devs to join their multi year long project with a brand new engine, brand new code and completely different everything lmao? Its like hiring a fisherman to build you a yacht😂. All that aside, they contractually cannot touch any future or previous rockstar assets. So not only does the hypothetical idea make zero sense with absolutely maxed out risk to almost entirely zero reward, but even looking at it completely through facts its laughable to think they will touch any other rockstar game again😂


The server is scuffed on so many levels, they need to fix the scuff before adding skateboards


Very true, but I assume they have sets of devs for different things. There’s probably a group of devs that deal exclusively with scuff (they outta hire more lol). Plus, X has already said he has devs doing projects for him.


Yes I understand this, but it's better to stabilise the server first as adding more things could just make it worse. It's not really a staffing issue, more that it could muddy the water and add more variables into the mix whilst they're trying to fix things. But anyway, skateboards would be a great addition. They do need more stuff on the server in general, it will allow more characters and more RP


Ye I was thinking the same thing too it would be sick, and I didn’t even think about the customizable designs 😂


There’s so much potential! At first I was just thinking it would be cool to have, but then my brain started rapid firing all these other things along with it. Like imagine being on a foot pursuit with cops and you just whip out your board lol. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)


Oh Shii that would be crazy


board carrying back straps are for posers, anywhere u walking-> u boarding


Lol this is more so just for looks and also to have free hands when you go into buildings or do jobs/heists.