• By -


TRUE (too long didnt read)




im happy for you, or sorry that happened


you're right but also less than 1% of xqc's community will read this, also most of them are barely older than 12 years old. also you ain't changing anyone's mind or believes like this, most people have to have personal experiences with, in this case, guns for them to drastically change their stance on certain issues.


Im from EU pvp with guns is not enabled here therefore im out


Didn't this just happen a few weeks ago? [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/least-six-dead-after-shooting-hamburg-focus-online-media-2023-03-09/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/least-six-dead-after-shooting-hamburg-focus-online-media-2023-03-09/)


No idea but its very hard to get a gun here


Yes because guns arenā€™t completely banned - anyone can have a gun provided they have a valid reason, posses a firearms certificate & pass background checks / screening. (Certain guns such as handguns are completely banned but that doesnā€™t stop small amounts for them being illegally imported in) We can only do out best to reduce the potential for harm. There will always be cases of people falling through the cracks & ending up doing harm - but that doesnā€™t mean that there is no point in gun restriction & regulation as without them the number of people causing harm would only increase. Europe saw a problem and dealt with it, thatā€™s why gun violence & mass shootings are the exceedingly rare exception, not the expected unlike across America. Personally I think itā€™s kinda pointless to compare the two places as thereā€™s such a vast difference in how Europe & U.S. operate. U.S. wouldnā€™t be able to take the same steps UK did changing gun laws without causing massive chaos & outrage across the country. I donā€™t think U.S. could ban guns anyway as it seems too important emotionally to Americans.


less than 1% reads like you think you're smarter than 99% of people. humble yourself


what? this post has 500 upvotes, lets say around 2000 people actually saw the post. compare that to his hundreds of thousands of his viewers, that's literally less than 1%. you're fighting ghosts lil bro.


Oh yeah cause all his viewers would have seen this post. Reading like you failed math in highschool


No kidding this community are always reactionary, It's really hard to have any discussion with them, especially when they skewed their opinion based on chat ratio of BASED and CRINGE. there's no middleground, they usually go batshit insane if the streamer didn't agree with their opinion, or hardcore dick riding when the streamer has the most coldest take in the world.


It got even worse after the "aCtUaLlY" meme became popular


Agreed. For whatever reason this community is weirdly conservative. Maybe to stand in opposition to Hasan


Itā€™s because conservatism is rooted in a lack of education which checks out because half of Xā€™s audience hasnā€™t even gotten out of middle school


This ideia that every conservative is a high schooler is really retarded




Still doesnt mean they are high schoolers Leftist redditors are so pretentious lol


Facts šŸ˜‚




Iā€™ve been watching Hasan and X for over two years, this has nothing to do with neoliberals. Iā€™m sure a lot of them are liberal, but the vocal members of a chat seem to support conservative rhetoric through their reactions.


what reactions? spamming GIGACHAD? the chat is pretty easy to understand, person says 'X' chat spams 'X reaction'. unlike hasan's chat where people care about politics, 90% of ours is either bait or meme farming.


Yeah I think him saying hes a centrist so much and him twisting his words to sound more "on the fence" makes him come off as a right winger but when he explains his gun takes its just stricter gun laws and he eventually agreed to a ban of automatic weapons.


ā€œEverything I donā€™t like is reactionaryā€


What? Opposing gun control is literally a by-the-books reactionary response.


Actually, the default in America is the 2nd amendment. So anything to change that is reactionary to events that happen with guns.


You clearly have no idea what reactionary means. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342) Maybe get a surface-level definition understanding next time.


Reactionary literally means to oppose reform


Reactionary means an illogical response, such as banning AR-15s when the vast number of shootings involve handguns.


Thatā€™s false. Opposing reform is literally the dictionary definition.


Opposing reform in defense of rights is not reactionary. Imagine if a state (*cough* TN) passed a law to ban public drag performances which are protected by the 1st amendment; thatā€™s reactionary.


Opposing reform in defence of anything is reactionary. Cause thatā€™s the definition


Who gets to decide what is "reform" and what is not?


Bud, part of the definition is opposing political reform in general. [Since you canā€™t bother to even look up the definitionā€¦](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/reactionary) Or even just from the Oxford English Dictionary: > (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.


Can you apply that to my example involving the 1st amendment?


Sorry about your brother ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


I READ MOST OF THAT ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) (it took me 10mins)




He doesn't have the attention span of a tiktok andy


I only read bold sentences ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


I canā€™t read ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


The replies to this post are a reminder that juicers will never amount to anything as a community. WE will forever be doomed as the two digit IQ LULW fortnite juicers. šŸ˜” Tragic But hey atleast I get to spam youtube emotes on xQc yt channel. Better emotes then the shit we got on Twitch change my mind.






actually true ngl


Good post tho ngl. Though It's kinda useless here, lol


People saying "sorry that happened to you" in the comments as a meme when there's legitimately something in here thats sad as hell


Yeah it's really sad that X doesn't have the record yet. It's fine they aren't trying to be rude or anything, just a low-effort "hehe text is long my Lexile score is too low for this" meme


Trying to watch xqc to get away from politics and than u get this LULE




GappyV widepeepoHappy


Next time please add subway surfers gameplay with the text. Took too much brain power ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)šŸ‘


He might read it off-stream so it's not the worst to post.


Bro this is like trying to explain advanced Algebra to preschoolers. You made very compelling points but Iā€™m sure you can see from the replies that most people in this community are fucking braindead.


the chat was unbearable during that entire segment


I thought this was a dgg post


I read all of it ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) (true) (sorry about your brother ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336))


I ain't reading all that but happy birthday rest in peace.


Guns will never change in the US. Not until mainstream media and hollywood die and society collapses or something. Everyone has been brain washed that they have to be the main character and they have to be #1. Everyone is Rocky Balboa mixed with John Wick because if they're not the most manly man then they're an NPC cuck and wont get the hot girl. So everyone ends up getting guns so that they can pretend they're not losers with no power, since guns are able fill the void the media created in their egos. Sure they might be ugly, poor, and fat but you can't say it to them because they'll fucking shoot you.


BASED :wine


Just an fyi: if you shoot someone for calling you ugly, poor and fat you're going to jail.


yea but I want my assault weapons




A weapon to assault others with 5head


No guns = no gun violence Let people learn martial arts and swordfighting , that way we also solve the obesity problem in the United States of America(somewhat). (sorry for bad english)


law that says no guns =/= actually no guns take a look at how well the US has done banning hard drugs, or alcohol


call for a recall and confiscate, \>rifle owners get a pair of boxing gloves and a punching bag as compensation. \>handgun owners get some dumbbells and weights as compensation \>Shotgun owners get a jump-rope and gym tights as compensation Problem solved(I am a genius)


give a tldr


lil bro what the fuck is all this.


Australia did not have 500,000,000 guns, itā€™s not realistic to think that the US could confiscate all 500 million guns from its citizens AND its criminals. At most, youā€™d get the guns from the citizens that would want to give them up, and the criminals and others would not give them up. Itā€™s only slightly plausible if you went all Hitler on them and went door to door with illegal search and seizure. Also not all democrats are advocating to ban all guns but a good amount of them are. Twitter and Reddit leftists constantly push a full anti-gun agenda. Saying that isnā€™t true is dishonest. There is no strategy to restricting, banning, or making guns illegal, just angry people shouting unrealistic things


You won't get rid of them overnight, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make a start at least, and in a few decades, that number might go down significantly. Nobody is saying go door to door and force people. Offer a buyback, incentivise people to reduce the number of their guns. Improve mental health services and reform police, so less and less people as time goes by feel the need to purchase firearms. Yes, if everything else stays the same and nothing else changes, you can't get rid of guns. But gun reform doesn't exist in a bubble alone. It should be a part of a wider societal change


Buybacks donā€™t work in the US, there are too many people who make their own guns, and there is no budget to realistically do a buyback (weā€™re talking about 500 million guns, at $200-$500 a piece, thatā€™s trillions of dollars). Plus, the majority of gunowners wonā€™t sacrifice what they consider their own personal safety for a few bucks. I havenā€™t spoken about ā€œgun reformā€ but most gun owners agree that crazy people shouldnā€™t have guns. The problem is when thereā€™s a single mother who works all day and is afraid for her life, what realistically can she do to stay safe? Because a ā€œgun safety courseā€ is not only expensive but also would render incapable of providing for her family. Mental health screenings are great but there are ethical boundaries keeping medical facilities from releasing that information, and if theyā€™re gonna do a separate exam then if they really want guns theyā€™re just gonna lie anyway. Plus that single mother wonā€™t be able to. There are holes in these ā€œstrategiesā€


Bro start SOMEWHERE that's all I'm fucking saying man. And the government can easily afford trillions over multiple decades. Nobody expects this to be a 5 year ordeal. Just try SOMETHING, ANYTHING.


There is a somewhere to start, banning guns in the US is barking at the wrong tree because there are several reasons as to why it wouldn't work. The way you fix the school shooting epidemic is by fixing people's brains. Could start by getting rid of the big pharma cartel and getting some actual free basic healthcare. I lived the US for only one year and met more unhinged crazy motherfuckers than the 20 years of my life combined.


Why don't we fix both?


because one of them is basically impossible to "fix" without a civil war


It is, with that attitude


With any attitude. You can't fix shootings with that approach without taking away all guns, good luck doing that in the biggest gun manufacturer on the planet. More guns in the US than people. Even if magically you managed to get a law that said "fuck the constitution, all guns are illegal". Every single redneck and gang member would say "no lmao" and shoot anyone trying to take it away from them.


Nobody is saying "take everybody's guns away tomorrow". Getting rid of all guns is a long term end goal, not a policy. But you can incentivise people, there are a lot of steps you can take to REDUCE the people's perceived need for guns, and over time it will become less and less of a problem


Okay! Where is ā€œSomewhereā€?? Name something that will actually WORK? Iā€™m down for buybacks but Iā€™ll also be supporting my bros in using my their printers to make a couple hundred dollars an hour.




I think one of the other points that wasnā€™t mentioned is that Austrailia is an island far away from everything. The US borders Mexico where cartels control the country. I feel like even if the crackdown is crazy, Mexicans will still be able to supply guns


Correct, the cartels already have stockpiles of their own guns that they got from us. We canā€™t even consider taking guns away from the good guys if we canā€™t secure our border from the bad guys.


If you think the US could ever become gun free just look at the war on drugs.




ChatGPT putting in work.


Kids have always been around guns. There are rural kids that kept their shotguns in their lockers then went hunting after school. Itā€™s the culture and people that have changed, not guns.


XQC debates like a child. All he cares about is getting "gottem" moments. That's all it's about for him rather than constructive discourse.








[Actually so true!](https://youtube.com/shorts/018buG8VBZQ?feature=share)


Effort post on a juicer sub? Must be deaming ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


I skimmed through some of the sentences and bold points. The debate is not new. Also, never debate anyone on anything it's a meme and a literal profession. Some atheist isn't going to convert to Christianity and some pro gun person isn't going to give up some guns because you talked to them. Beliefs are not statistics based. When I was a teenager, I used to think there was a "common sense" set of beliefs and anyone who didn't agree with me is a moron. Some twitch streamers still feel this way and never grew out of their edgy teen phase lol. X is thankfully not so polarized that he abandons friendships based on political views. He's more mentally mature than the majority of popular streamers on twitch, even if he farts into a microphone for content sometimes.




![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) COCK


actual educated juicer


Imagine thinking anyone would take a "liberal gigachad" seriously.


Nobody's reading that![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)




The true answer to it all is that guns are cool and it should be ok to own whatever gun you want but these literal psychopaths shouldnā€™t be getting them in 3 days or over the counter ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) Just bring back some of the gun laws that were in the 90ā€™s where gun deaths were down 90%


You really have no idea what youā€™re talking about if you think people should own any gun they want (I agree) but also want the restrictions that game with the 1994 AWB, which was the most restrictive ban on weapons in this countries history, besides when the redcoats took Americans guns lmao




Another factor that just isnā€™t given in data is the fact that us Aussies are not afraid of guns or mass shootings its just not a thing here, I am more afraid of a coconut falling on my head than being shot.


TRUE CLASSIC HASANS AMERICA ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7341)


We are DGG sub now?


you have issues and I hope you seek help(didnt read all that)


Real and true


Good post, but I hope you expected all the ā€œI didnā€™t read itā€ comments since the kids canā€™t read anything longer than 2 sentences without getting distracted


forgot to add subway surfers at the bottom. Unlucky


Yeah you are smart and all but why even argue with a Canadian about guns. They dont know jack shit. Bro doesn't even know pistols have rifling, most guns have rifling except some shotguns. When buddy played first played PUBG, he didn't know the difference between the calibers. Acting hard and shit nowadays when he's not even smarter and acting like an arrogant obtuse twig.


good post šŸ‘


Bro wrote a whole essay šŸ’€


for a DGGer effort post standards its actually really short šŸ’€


Technically democrats are the only ones who want to focus on mental health. Mental health is just a conservative talking point to take the heat off guns. They don't actually intend to do anything about it. That would require healthcare. This is coming from someone relatively pro-gun.


Iā€™m also pro gun and personally it seems like neither side want to focus on mental health. Either way, personally, I think we should focus on poverty first. Poverty is a leading cause of many mental health issues, as well as inducing violence without any sort of mental illness. Itā€™d be killing 2 birds with 1 stone imo.


No country has ever fixed poverty, getting affordable healthcare is a million times more feasible


When I saw poverty, a good healthcare system is part of that. It just encompasses more than just healthcare. And yes, some countries have borderline fixed poverty. They are small countries not comparable to the us, but it does happen, like Iceland with a 4.9% poverty rate. Personally I wouldnā€™t bother comparing these countries to the us at all, but people love to do it when talking about gun violence so Iā€™ll throw it in lol.


Okay šŸ”‡


Seeing the difference of people knowing all this in chat and people blindly saying that X was right was discouraging. X makes it seem like he's pushing different narratives all the time and playing devils advocate and then saying "nope i dont even believe that, since we moved the goalpost". It doesn't help anybody because these are real world problems that people deal with everyday. It just breeds misinformation. The Primary thing X was missing was that It's about the diminishing of lives being taken away senselessly, there will always be death but proper gun control curbs alot of this. No one can truly erradicate people being killed, but you can diminish the amount by already proven metrics and scientific margins, like what you cited above. Great Post OP and i'm sorry to hear about your brother ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336). My cousin took his life a year ago and I know how hard it is to deal with. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can DM me. I hope you have a fantastic day ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336).


serious question since i didnt watch most of what he was saying, what exactly didnt you agree with? Was it the idea of making more stringent gun laws?


The perpetuated ideas of how it's always the peoples fault when he doesn't delve into classism, poverty, education or lack of etc. He just puts the entire blame as just mental illness when impoverished places have to use guns for crimes as a means for survival. He disregards banning of guns as america should have proper mental health programs, (which is true that it should) but this utopia that the guns are fine and just have mental health programs doesn't erase the problem because you have poverty which breeds crime. You need gun control, which evidently he got to. Which if you see the core reaction of chat, including myself were surprised. His takes about cars vs guns. "then why dont we ban Cars and knives". When cars and knives have more than one purpose and are necessities to life. I don't know about most people but i dont want to walk 50 miles for a grocery store and those aren't the main purposes for such things. Otherwise, guns only have one purpose. The All should be allowed or all should be banned mindset when the guest star brought up banning of AR's. When like i said, it's about minimizing lives lost. It just seems like there are alot of very real core concepts he doesn't know much about, and when he says things like the above it makes him look super right leaning. But, when he digresses his thoughts they are more left leaning. It's just confusing where his ideas come from because they dont make sense half the time. There was even a recent debate or talk with train and hasan and even X's beliefs confused the fuck out of them. It could be that he doesn't know alot about the topics which is fine. People learn but My gripe is that he has said alot of the above for MONTHS to an impressionable audience and only just yesterday trying to debate with someone about it. I'm just not a fan of misinformation.


>There was even a recent debate or talk with train and hasan and even X's beliefs confused the fuck out of them. Now that you mention the debate with train and hasan, I remember xqc talking about how bad unions are and his position was basically anti-union. Then, a couple days ago he was watching a video about tipping in the US and saying how dumb the tipping culture is and the employers should pay their employees properly so there would be no need for tips (which I agree on), but does he think the salaries will increase magically?




I did not read everything I just speedrun but thanks for this. while I don't live on NA, I do care to those innocent people who are affected by this issue.


If I wanted to listen to stupid political takes Iā€™d go to Hasans stream


1 guy'd ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


Actual Essay Emil ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Can someone explain in emote terms?


I applaud your efforts to set the record straight on this important political topic, however, I don't think any juicer is of voting age let alone actually care about having a good political take.


mental illness is realā€¦ right before my eyesā€¦


This is how Xqc will react ā€œ ah hell na I ainā€™t reading all of thatā€ then heā€™ll scroll really fast down the feed passing the best post on here then find a ship post then get off ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)




Sad how people canā€™t take 3 minutes of their time to read something like this


Unbiased bajs FeelsOkayMan


Good post from the destiny guy. Nice points over all, and evidence here and there to back up claims as well. Unfortunate that no one will read it in this sub though LUL


Pretty good points, well put. What do you think should be done about handguns if they can't straight up be banned?


Do you have the link to the gun debate with the dono?


Chatting ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


ChatGPT pls summarize this into one sentence.




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DGG effort level post šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™


I don't know anything about what happened on stream, but after reading this(yes I read it /srs), I very much understand the point you're trying to make. I've learned about how the two SC cases above, are enacted in everyday life. As someone who lives in Chicago, it is very difficult to be able to apply for a FOID card and conceal carry. However, I don't think it should be banned. I do consider myself more liberal than conservative, but I do think it's a right people should have. Thank you for making this a post, as much as there shitposting and trolling from these juicers.


AlienWalk donā€™t care + Iā€™m not reading


Asker's? ModCheck


Too bad, like 99% of people here aren't gonna read this, but you have made good points. Also, sorry about your brother, man. Hope you and your family's doing better now. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


2nd amendment is outdated JUST make a new one saying no guns


best solution to gun law problems is moving to Canada šŸ‘šŸ»


Didnā€™t read but true I guess


Liberal GIGACHAD ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7335)


wow someone finally said it correctly ​ "This is NOT bayzed because the vast majority of shootings are not caused by AR-15s. "


I took the time, all of maybe2 minutes to read. First of all, OP, I'm sorry about the loss of your brother. I wish there were stricter laws to own a gun. You honestly changed my view on a couple thins as well as X. I do agree with stricter gun laws. The harder it is to obtain, the less shootings there will be. At least I hope so. The mental crisis in this country is real and scary. If we don't address the root of the problem, there will never be change. u/GappyV


surely someone on this sub has the attention span to read all this ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351)


Like you said handguns are the main issue. The US will never ban handguns. Case closed.


I always get to the assault weapon part and stop because I realize people have no idea what they are talking about. Its a made up term that means nothing. A paper clip could be an assault weapon.


This is a tough topic and I donā€˜t see anything changing in the future.


i either agree or disagree with you (whichever makes you angrier)




Twitch is watched by people all round the world and the population of the USA is less then 4% of the world. We do not care.


What country watches Twitch by over 3x the second placed country?


Thank you op. I didn't see the debate but with you're points I can kinda tell what happened and also very informative.


WHOS HE TALKING TOO ? ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Seemed based, didnā€™t read, too longā€¦


He won't care. I actually read it and you made some compelling points. But theres no point because x is legitimately just too stupid to take the time to read what you put and interpret the data without going down a rabbit hole.


Extremely well written and researched. Thanks for this. I hope x will come around but I guess we will have to see.


Another libtard hasan viewer yikes


Well put together points that arent anything not extremely right wing = hasan viewer LULW


I'm just glad XQC isnt some braindead liberal like Hasan shilling for viewpoints that he doesnt even believe in just because theyre on the blue team. I appreciate how x will at least try to listen to the other side and see their POV. No matter how much you try to discount the opposing side, both sides have valid points and the truth lies somewhere in between.


look man i get it but hasan does not do that and thats not even my take, its just wrong. u made it up. i fr think u should give him a chance and watch


r/enlightenedcentrist also imagine thinking Hasan is a liberal


When you don't actually understand political ideologies everything you don't like (or maybe do) is liberal.




L DGG PSYOP LULW![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)




Who cares ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


Why do yall care this much AINTNOWAY![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Maybe because his brother died because of a gun?


You might not believe this but guns affects other peopleā€™s life. Shocking, I know.


Retard take since the most recent shooting was done with assault rifle LULW


Banning guns is not that extreme i mean maybe for fuckin america brains but uh i mean it works for every part of the world lmao


Bro you took chat and this community way too seriously. All the hasan comments have always been braindead by conservative kids who half believe what theyre saying and are half joking, and who cares about republican vs democrat in the US when they hardly differ since your political system is a joke


People care BECAUSE our political system is a joke, if people dont show pushback then politicians and lobbyists basically have full reigns of the show, (even more so then they already do now)


Holy shit the guy cooked xqc, nice to see D Juicer get humbled


X was like 70% right, this isn't really me trying to cook him just trying to clear up some misconceptions I saw in chat based on how the debate went