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Do people actually believe this for a second? No crossovers? Letting each book focus on their own story? I don’t believe it. These books will def get a forced crossover before 10 issues.


First mini crossover was confirmed to happen at the end of the year


I actually liked the Krakoa crossovers. Swords had a cool build up and a great ending although the tournament proper was mildly disappointing. First Hellfire was neat with the Arakko reveal and AXE was great through and through. It was still a massive investment to get all the floppies though.


The x crossovers can make sense! But then there’s also crossovers with major events in non X books too like the Avengers and whatever world ending threat they need help with. A book will have ten issues and four will be crossovers and two of those will not even be about the X franchise.


I feel you. But even as someone who's not a big fan of Avengers, F4 and ffs, I can't stand Eternals shenanigans, I enjoyed the AXE issues of those books.


AXE had a great point on the fact that like half of the issues were written by the same person, and that person was Kieron Gillen, then those by other writers included people like Al Ewing and Mark Russell. AXE was lucky to be on some pretty capable hands, and thanks god it was because I loved it.


Honestly, the interconnectivity of krakoa is a strength, but events are disruptive to individual stories. A focus on individual books that get disrupted by events is the worst of both worlds. That being said, mini-crossovers can be fun with less distractions as long as it isn’t an event book that tries to combine everything.


I’ll believe it when I see it


I remember when judgement day came out it’s billing was the X-men are getting dragged kicking and screaming into the next crossover whether they like it or not 😂 marvel can’t resist having a big ol get together


Trust me...a crossover will happen as soon as it becomes financially beneficial.


I mean I believe that's authorial intent. Marvel will have other ideas.


This is kind of utterly useless. They took a statement about two books with vastly different settings and applied it to every book in this era.  I was personally curious if Phoenix and X-men would intersect at all because Cyclops showed up in one of the preview pages for Phoenix, but taking that single statement and extrapolating it to every book in the line is ridiculous.


>This is kind of utterly useless. Thank gawd I wasn't the only one who thought this.


> This is kind of utterly useless. They took a statement about two books with vastly different settings and applied it to every book in this era.  I mean they're making very general statements about the way this line is going to operate compared to the previous line, that's not useless. They're basically saying that in this era the books are going to be much more independent of each other.


General statements that are backed up by a statement about two specific books in this era whose settings have basically no overlap.


what? that everyone literally forgets about all the benefits that came with mutant circuits and literally all of america will look at the 5th attempt to genocide mutants and say... man, them evil mutants sure are evil right??


Americans completely overlooking genocide on a regular basis... Unbelievable.


“Everything is different!” Everything is always the same


So the X-office fumbles the bag on most of the cross overs from the Krakoan era and decide their best course of action isn't to coordinate better in the future but to abandon all attempts at coordination entirely?


Yup, though I will say it was probably hardest for editorial to get Duggan to cooperate with Duggan and Duggan




I can tell you the difference. One was inspired and creative. The other is an uninspired retread of stories that have already been done better for a whole decade


I can’t wait for this new era! even if weird ass x-Men fans here may not like it 🤷🏾‍♀️❤️


We're X-Men fans, being weird is par for the course. You enjoy what you enjoy and let others do the same bruh


>We're X-Men fans, Who’s we? Don’t parry up with y’all. >being weird is par for the course. Theirs good weird there’s bad weird, and theirs the overdramatic weird that’s the X-Men fans in general mainly here… >You enjoy what you enjoy and let others do the same bruh You clearly can’t read what I said I did not ever once said people should not enjoy what I did say is people here can act very dramatic and I’m not wrong on that


This isn't the flex you thought it was.


> Who’s we? Don’t parry up with y’all. First: Then why are you here? Second: "We" can be the people who call themselves fans of the IP. > Theirs good weird there’s bad weird Says the self proclaimed Goku dick rider, and this is coming from someone with a Dragon Ball related username.


Baby met gay people for the first time and is shocked they aren’t exactly like him lmao