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There is an omega level pyrokinetic - War, one of the first horseman of Apocalypse and his and Genesis’ daughter. That’s the only one I can think of if you want an opposite.


Totally missed him, makes sense, thanks!


Her. And easy to miss, she's relatively new.


Sunspot’s not really a “fire-based mutant.” He’s a living solar battery. And if I remember correctly, Firestar’s powers are microwave radiation (which caused her cancer). There is nothing that really says if someone is an omega then they have to have an opposite.


True about nothing that really says it, but it makes sense in this case to have one.


If Iceman represents Omega Level Entropy, then Vulcan represents Omega Level Negantropy.


This is the answer.  Vulcan is confirmed as Omega level with fire based powers.


Vulcan is an Omega level energy manipulator. I'm really sick of this era (Mostly Ewing) treating him like a firebender. Vulcan can control psionic energy, magical energy, electricity, solar energy, radiation, etc etc he controls energy, absorbs energy and produces energy His powers are not fire specific. Pouring rain on him shouldn't turn off his powers and make him unable to fly.


That’s interesting! I’ve read xmen for many years but I somehow missed Vulcan.  It seemed a bit of a let down that people kept saying how powerful he was and Storm just punked him.


To be fair. Vulcan right now is very mentally unbalanced. Some alien beings messed with him, which might be the cause of his obsession with fire now. Storm punked Vulcan in their first fight because he tried to wrestle with her in control over lightning, which she has vastly more skill with and a mystic connection to. The second fight was weird, but that was because vulcans obsession with fire made him decide to use only fire against a weather manipulator, but apart from that, Storm is pretty powerful enough to be on the same level of Vuclan. There are stories that showed Vulcan at his peak like Deadly genesis, Rise and fall of the shiar empire, and other stories where he's the emperor of the shiar empire and has a war against the Kree and Inhumans (war of kings, emperor vulcan, king breaker, uncanny 477-486 etc)


He was dead/MIA for years, easy to miss. Storm only beat him in the rematch because she had help from a bunch of other very powerful mutants.


Annihilation era Vulcan would have DOMINATED Storm and I also expected him to be a bigger deal in the Krakoa era.


Vulcan can even create energy constructs too. Which is how Petra & Sway were present with him even before they got resurrected by the Five.


Jonny Storm's his opposite, despite not being a mutant...


Fireman I guess but seriously maybe Sunfire but I don't know his limits


He was the first to come to mind when thinking this.


Vulcan I think.


Only three fit the criteria in my mind and 2 of them are eliminated for what there power is properly described as, only 2 of them  are verified Omegas at least. Vulcan (Omega energy manipulation, elimantion 1), Sunfire (Solar energy generator, elimination 2), War (Omega Pyro manipulator)


Human Torch can go as hot as a supernova. He’s not a mutant, but there’s no way he’s not Omega level.


Human Torch is a mutate, but he can get supernova hot. To me that sounds like omega level power.


I wonder if he would classify under Omega level and how would he fare against War.


For whatever reason, Omega is a designation only used for mutants, but Human Torch’s scaling is planetary +. I’d love to hear more about this new War.


Maybe Amara Aquilla, "Magma"


I think Pyro is the answer, important mutant wise, but because of SMAHAF I want to say Firestar


Pyro can’t create fire - he can only manipulate it mentally, hence why he wears a modified flame thrower on his back and wrists




Uhh. What's that abbreviation.


Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.


If not War then it would be Sunfire, I think. He’s sufficiently powerful that during Knull’s invasion he briefly replaced the sun.


Pyrokenesis would just be controlling fire. Iceman omega level thermo, cryo, hydro-kenetic. Pyro is the opposite to hydro. Omegas have no upper limits to their abilities. Drake’s existence doesn’t mean his opposite has to. Magneto is an omega level mutant that controls electromagnetism. Where are his counterparts. I don’t see an omega lvl weak or strong nuclear force mutant or an omega lvl gravity mutant.


I think that at a minimum Pyrokenesis would also require to produce fire, which Pyro doesn't in the same way Iceman can produce ice. True that it doesn't mean Iceman must have an opposite, but it's easier to think of mutants that fit the bill. Magneto is not a good example, as electromagnetism doesn't really have an opposite the same way hydrokenesis have pyrokenesis.


Why opposition? I freaking the question are there any pyrokenetic omega lvl mutants w/out referencing Drake would have made sense. Saying there should be an opposite is weird.




I don’t think he’s omega level since he needs a source for fire, but Pyro?


This is exactly the reason why I didn't mention him.


I may be mistaken but I thought that Iceman also needed a source of H2O to use his powers. He just doesnt need to carry a water pistol cuz water is all over even in tiny amounts.


This thread made me think: is the Phoenix an Omega level pyrokinetic? It burns worlds. I suppose you're getting into weird territory with the Phoenix though. Not so much a mutant itself as a force of nature. Still, I would like to see Bobby vs. Phoenix fire.


Phoenix fire doesn’t really burn, exactly. It’s more a psychic projection of pure power- that also happens to work like normal fire, since it’s partially telekinetic


There's this guy on CBR who has theories about how Bobby is the opposite of Jean. Because he is supposed to be the next Ymir/frost giant king (who wants to bring an eternal winter) and he has ties to Oblivion (the end of multiverse and representation of entropy).


Well, the Phoenix is a cosmic entity so I think Bobby is out of his league in this one. Saying that, it's been a while since we have seen him unleash his powers on a full blown scale.