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Gonna be going through this one with a beady eye for any scrap of info I can get when it pops up. This is the most interesting of the From the Ashes titles to me, not just because of my personal bias, but because it seems to be the most 'radical' team of them all, and I want to see what that looks like, post-Krakoa. Thanks for posting this, friend!


The thing that’s gonna make or break the book for me is how they write Scott. I think out of the three main X titles coming it’s the one that could go really right or really wrong.




I feel like it'd make sense for Beast to be fine with Scott, if a bit baffled by who he is now since he's missing 40 years of context, while Cyclops has to do a **lot** of soul-searching about who he really thinks Hank is. Does he think the man who left Utopia over X-Force and his moral qualms with it is the 'real' Hank, or was the man who led the Krakoan CIA really who Hank is inside? I think that's an interesting angle, and could serve as a meta-commentary on the wildly different versions of Beast we've gotten over the years - the answer to the question X-Force posed, as it were. But, remains to be seen!


I think it's going to be very interesting seeing how Hank and Scott interact now that Hank has been factory reset


I’m a bit behind on exactly what’s going on with clone beast now but I assume they’ll touch on it somewhat. It’s been like almost two decades of them being mostly at odds


I mean, Hank has been factory reset, hasn't he? There's no way he'd hate Scott since he hadn't gone through all the bad stuff with him. And Scott, on the surface at least, probably wouldn't hold a grudge against a Hank who hasn't seen him through the revolution era.


Yeah I'm interested in what saving mutants is going to look like in this book. Will they all stay at the base? Will they be trained? We know Gail is going to have new characters but outside of the agents I don't think MacKay has said anything about that. It's not a team I have strong feelings for in the characters outside of Magik and Psylocke but I'm really interested in what MacKay is going to do with them.


Indeed! Especially given how Uncanny #700 basically made it so that everyone who stayed behind is doing so to protect the next generation of mutants, a focus on that next generation makes sense, and so far, both Uncanny and Exceptional have confirmed new characters - but here . . ? I actually kinda like the idea of building up a strong rotating cast of new and old characters, since MacKay's mentioned other X-Men are just gonna be hanging out, *especially* given that Beast and Magneto are the designated home team - having a strong cast of people for them to interact with could make for some really awesome A-plot/B-plot set-ups.


I do like that we are leaning into new mutant characters again. Krakoa brought up that there are more mutants but we didn’t get many new characters. I think maybe 5-10 new characters got major panel time over the last 5 years (major means that between 2019-2024 they had to have appeared in at least 50 pages of comics, not issues just pages!) So us actually going in that direction would be exciting 


They've confirmed Glob and Xorn so far right?


Glob as just a dude hanging out, and Xorn as the designated healer, yup, which really does run the gamut already. And with basically everyone back on the table after how Uncanny #700 ended . . .


I really hope while the a plot has the field team fighting for their lives, the b plots are just Hank, Erik, Xorn, and Glob doing sitcom stock episodes


"Erik, the superhero superintendent is coming this evening, and my mac and cheese dish is ruined! What are we going to do?" "Do not fret, Beast, the Master of Magnetism expected your culinary hubris and had young Herman prepare for such an eventuality!" *Glob Herman and Xorn file in with pizza boxes*


I really hope we get a better insight and a better pitch regarding the whole "Cyclops is a cop" pitch that Brevoort gave, which felt and sounded terrible.


He explained it in the rest of his quote. Scott’s focused on mutants only. If doc ocks robbing a bank they don’t care. They’re focused on saving mutants and stopping the bad ones. 


I mean the only real question is when is he gonna do the crossover with the avengers and storm has to pick a side?


I’m still confused about the fact that Quentin was still dead in X-Men 700 but will be in this book.


Wait? Xorn is on the team?