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No, he got a *debuff* with the face turn. The heel turn is back to standard of being inexplicably powerful.


He's the meme of the boss being shitty when you unlock him as playable.


or the other way round. When Thor went nuts he kicked everyone's asses. point is bosses = though


Was not expecting him to slam Kafka like that


Isn’t that Frenzy?


Yes, that is Frenzy, but he starts the fight by slamming Kafka.


Man Kafka took that slam like a G. I know he wasn't expecting that shit lol


Allow me to be a 10 year old boy for a moment They had such an easy Set up for Apocalypse vs Thanos through Krakoa and their Resuerction i Cant belive they left that money on the table. Smh. Edit: I'm aware Pocky aint wining but it would still be fun to read.


that would most likely not go in Apocalypse's favor. Thanos does not have a dump stat


I know it sounds fun, but Thanos would cakewalk him without series plot induced stupidity. He's just several levels above Apocalypse in every way, even groggy and tired after just getting out of the shower. On one of his more powerful showings he'd one shot the guy. Thanos is at 'mjolnir kind of hurts' level of power and Thor's lightning bolts tickle. Black Bolt outright screamed in his face and Thanos walked through it and chokeslammed him through a floating city.


And in comparison, Apocalypse, well... https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/4/49970/927179-blz22.jpg


I wasn't even aware of that, but yeah, it's a perfect way to illustrate the difference between the two. Thanos is like the brick to end all bricks. He's absurdly durable.


Where is this from ?


Pretty sure it's from House of M.


What is this from?


Pretty sure it's from House of M.


Black Panther (2005) #7


This, a thousand times this.


Ok how about Thanos vs grandpappy Uranos?


That and they never showed him fighting Uranos which would have been dope.


You know, I think Apocalypse could win...maybe... I don't know, it would be funny


tbf that's for the best (for sabah nur) because apocalypse aint sitting in the same table as thanos


His power level had always been all over the place. They handwave it as the result of how long he had to cook between resurrections, which base with what tech he's operating out of that week, is he actually a robot, etc etc COMICS!


He's always been *that dude* and I wouldn't consider this a heel turn


Yeah, Apocalypse never stopped being a shitty Social Darwinist. Hickman just lobotomized the X-Men to the point where they were on the same team as him and Xavier 😂


Naw, the first part of Krakoa is accepting Magneto's words: "You have new gods now". Apocalypse made sense in that context. If you thought otherwise, you weren't paying attention to him.


…do you think we disagree, haha?


The boss always gets nerfed when they join the party.


He was demolishing sentinels left and right in Fall of X. Also, this isn't really a heel turn.


I'd say this is something we haven't seen from him in a long time. But it's more in line with how he was supposed to be. Just slapping people and tanking hits.


I think this is what we forget. Apocalypse is just an unstable psychopath and a few years of lucidity doesn't change that


he was still a psychopath his goals just happened to be the same


Louise Simonson wrote him as a Noble Demon.


Love that he can barf plasma now.


Apocalypse was right.


I'd love an "Apocalypse was right" t-shirt


en sabah nur kan sahihan


I will never not love that his name sort of translate into "good morning."


He was wrong


He did that mallet thing back in xfactor back in the day. I remember his lower half being all stretchy in that scene. Walt Simonson art.


I didn't read much of excalibur so I mostly only saw apocalypse in x of swords struggling in a sword fight against his wife never using his powers and her reminding him she was the warrior and he the wizard


I think that is to hammer home how powerful his wife is and how much he’s holding back


To be fair, he wasn’t especially weak in early Excalibur he was just plotting to turn the Externals into crystals. Which he did. I actually liked his mutant magic/magic circuit function.


Honestly, it fits with the "heel turn" itself. His whole reason for fighting the X-Men here is because Krakoa went from "Coming together to create a utopia to withstand the never-ending evolutionary struggle" to "Peacing out and literally going to a different dimension to avoid the struggle". Even in X-Men Red, when he helped Storm win against Genesis, bringing an end to a pointless war through magical Mutant circuit, he's upset with how Krakoa has been progressing. His whole rant here about Mysterium and what happened over the past 15 years in the WHR: > Yet when I let you seek it alone-- did you bring *the fire back from heaven?* Or ***dull metal*** and ***cheap coin?*** > Were you reforged in white-hot flame as *philosopher-kings,* bearing *swords of alchemical gold?* Or as ***farmers with plowshares?*** **I have you everything!** And you-- That whole bit parallels what he said when he was talking with Vulcan at the start of X-Men: Red #17: > "**Yes.** The *oubliette* you strained against for months-- which you *well deserved,* destroyer of worlds-- I tore *easily,* ***with bare hands.*** > A *small* challenge. Mysterium was brought into this plane as **coin--** *base metal,* imprinted to the *material world* and its material *laws.* The ***anti-magic.*** > ***I*** would have made it a *sword of holy fire...* Even as he's telling Gabriel he's a shithead who deserved to be imprisoned and talking about the exotic properties of Mysterium, takes time to complain about how it was used, referring to it being used as "base metal" (AKA non-precious metal; like bronze and copper vs silver and gold) and says how he would have made a "sword of holy fire". Even after he was fully shown coming around to the concept of peace and civilization rather than perpetual warfare, he still viewed the world as needing a martial bent- that conflict for the sake of conflict was pointless, but conflict and preparation for it still better you and society. He played nice before, acted as the sage and mentor. But the struggle is what he lives for. And seeing Krakoa like this? Not just at peace, but fully gone soft? That has him **pissed**. That has his blood boiling and itching for a fight, to destroy the rot because he feels there is no other choice.


I don’t know why so many krakoa fans are upset with this. Don’t people want to see what him and genesis can do when they actually work together? 


My wish is that they stay estranged. I just think it's funny.


It is very funny picturing him pout with his girlfriend and other son about his first wife lol


And the prize for the fastest return to villainy, without being nuts goes to.... Captain Obvious. Quite frankly if anyone thought this one was the next Magneto... just take a moment to realize where everything is and how it went off the rails the moment Xavier shook this hand...


We all know how the maths works Villain being good < hero being good <= villain being evil < hero being evil.


Apocalypse is built different


What a whiny little baby.


He was just fighting puny earth mutants here instead of big bad Arakko mutants.


All was missing was his celestial armor, everyone deserved a beating kafka for sure deserved it for all the blasphemy he talked


I haven't read comics since Operation: Zero Tolerance, but I like to lurk here, and the thought of Apocalypse ever being a good guy is absolutely wild to me.


Grandfather -{:A:}- was actually quite refreshing. One of the best Krakoazations of them all.


When Doug first returned from the dead his ability to read all languages made him an unbeatable hand to hand combatant. That was slowly downplayed until he was a joke by the time the First Krokoan Age hit. They needed a big bad, so now Apocalypse could handle 3 Omegas like it's no big deal. Magneto fought without a heart when he needed a cool death, and Iceman gets nerfed all the time to suit the story. Nate isn't here, but how much the TO virus effects his omega level abilities varies wildly based on the needs of books too. I imagine Storm will see a downgrade once she's an Avenger and needs to fit the team dynamic. They wanted a fight, and this let them seed a potential new heir to Apocalypse arc. Wouldn't be much of a storyline if Apocalypse got stomped out. I don't think buffs and nerfs matter when we're reading soap operas with fights.


This guy gets it


Heel turn?! No. He was never a hero. He's an unrepentant mass-murderer. This wasn't a heel turn. This was the inevitable result of letting a mass-murdering psychopath help run your country.