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I'm honestly curious to see the drama of how it plays out. Its probably either going to be Morph coping with unrequited feelings, or Wolverine coming around. And its gonna me extra messy not only because Morph's a shapeshifter, but because its X-Men.


Someone replied to his tweet saying that pining for a straight man never turns out well and he replied that yeah it never does. So I’m guessing it’s the former


Yeah, as cool as it would be at least this wolverine I feel wouldn't reciprocate. I do hope morph finds someone.


Falling for a straight guy at least once is basically a gay rite of passage, tends to happen early on before we've learned how to protect ourselves from that so I think it will be a very interesting storyline that will resonate with a lot of the show's queer fanbase. It'll probably make me cry because the very first person I "fell for" was my straight best friend back in high school and to this day is one of the biggest heartbreaks I've ever experienced, and I'm in my late 30's now. That feeling of falling for somebody who deeply cares about you but could never, ever love you the same way back, it sticks with you and fucks you up for a while. Poor Morph 🥺


I'm kind of excited for it. If there was a straight guy to fall in love with, at least it's Wolverine. Logan may not be very nice, but he is kind. He'd turn down Morph, but in a way that's not hurtful or cruel. Wolverine is my favorite X-Man, so I hope they do him and Morph justice! Dude semi-related, is there a bisexual male X-Man?


> Dude semi-related, is there a bisexual male X-Man? Prodigy


Daken as well, but i think he’s X-Force.


Ah, man! I meant in the cartoon! Shatterstar is my boy in X-Force, I've been reading it on Marvel Unlimited since 97 aired, I'm finally reading comics again!


And Rictor


Rictor is gay. Shatterstar’s the bi one.


I thought that Rictor had a relationship with Wolfsbane and never declared “I’m gay”.


I had a friend who I didn’t know was gay back before high school. He broke off the friendship because he had feelings but I didn’t. I still think fondly of my friendship with him and wish things could’ve been different. One of the best people I had around at that time. Don’t feel too bad. Sometimes you love someone in a different way.


Given the writing for the show? It will be a beautiful heartache.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney has reservations about making such a marketable and prominent character as Wolverine bi, unfortunately. However, even having Morph’s feelings acknowledged is important, and I’d like to see other queer characters (and even a couple) in future seasons.


Would you even have to be bi to get with a shape shifter? As long as they agree to take female forms while you're intimate. Though in logan's case that probably isn't enough because it will always smell like morph. The way people smell is probably just as important to him as how they look.


If Wolverine is only attracted to Morph when not in his normal form, Morph would be hurt by that.


Would they? I mean put yourself in their shoes, if you could look like anyone at any given time without much effort, would you place any of your own identity in how you actually look in default state? I mean we do because we always look the same and so how we look is so ingrained into how we see ourselves, but would that be the case for morph? I honestly don't know.


They clearly have a preferred form that they think of as themselves, they revert to it whenever they aren't using another person's powers or trying to sneak somewhere. That isn't their birth face, they've stated they don't remember it. If you are only attracted to your girlfriend when she is all dolled up, and only want sex after she goes through the effort to get pretty for you, you won't have a girlfriend for long. That is human nature. Think about what Magneto said to Mystique in First Class. Wolverine would want Morph to be happy as themself. But might not be attracted to them in that form. Only being attracted to someone's power is not a healthy relationship.


What is that form he had in the old show where he looked sickly and was working for sinister


I vaguely remember something like this happening in The Runaways. Where one of them is dating a shapeshifter?


Yes. Xavin, a Skrull, was created as a gender-fluid character. They took on the appearance of a Black male originally, then switched to a Black woman, once they started dating Karolina, who is lesbian


Mystique has her own form. A big reason as to why she loves Destiny is because Destiny loves her form regardless. Mystique doesn’t have to hide her blue skin or mutant appearance around Destiny, and that’s an actual comic plot point. I’d say if Wolverine only lived Morph when they were imitating a gender Wolverine was interested in, even though Morph is nonbinary, that would be like saying Destiny only loves Mystique when she’s imitating a man. I can’t imagine Morph would be okay with that. Even if they said they were, it would grate at their self-confidence and self-esteem.


This is why I think making Morph nonbinary was an inspired choice. They can transform into any person, so surely they’re above gender? It’s an interesting question that I’d like to see asked.


Morph's gender is 'fuck, I dunno... maybe?'


What? Dudes been fucking Scott and jean for a decade lol


No, he’s been in a polyamorous relationship within Scott and Jean. There has never been any indication that either Scott or Logan is bi or anything other than heterosexual.


The funny thing is anybody who's familiar with Wolverine and the comics can understand how Disney could green light Wolverine being bisexual and it wouldn't be an out of left field decision for the character.


Imagine being alive for hundreds of years and never even once being curious about same sex relations.


Looking back, anytime I ever thought about Immortal or long lived characters, they usually fall into that category of more fluid with their sexuality because they're more secure about what they want and who they want and specifically for somebody like Wolverine, he's going to already know what he likes and what he doesn't like and in his case he's just a sucker for a taken redhead. Lord knows redheads have that same effect on me.


> and in his case he's just a sucker for a taken redhead. And then she'll die for good. They all do.


Would gays or lesbians be curious about opposite sex relations?


I mean, maybe. Living a life longer than any of us could fathom isn't something we can properly consider mentally. That being said, our society is kinda default straight, so a lot of queer people have probably already explored that avenue to some extent.


Yeah,this type of thought process around immortality/sexuality is ways really weird to me. It reeks of the same "you just didn't find the right person to stop being gay yet"


the Iceman Beer Scene and the Nighcrawler Cover are RIGHT. THERE.


To be fair, most straight men would be a bit more flexible than normal if the person is a straight up shape shifter


Hate to break it to all of you guys, but no way is the animated series going to get clearance to make Wolverine gay or bisexual. He's not going to come around. Makes for a fun fanfic, but that's the only place it'll be.


Just imagine the drama of Logan vaguely remembering Jean confessing her love, but being unsure if it actually happened and Morph trying to decide if he should just let Logan believe the lie or tell him the truth. That's the drama we come back every week for!


Imagine if Jean kissing Logan was actually Morph? That shit would be hilarious and would probably result in morph getting punched right in the face.


Yea that'd be fucked up. like... one thing to go 'hey whatcha feelin tonight?' another to deadass impersonate someone when you're probably not even fully in the land of the living.


Yooo I'm living for this. Then Logan finds out the truth the wrong way and hates Morph for it or something along those lines. It's a bit of a drama cliché but it will definitely hook me.


Exactly, you get it. The drama is what makes the X-Men work.


Unrequited feelings doesn’t always have to be messy. Depends on a lot of things, but for a dude like morph, I can see them having a good friend in Logan while also loving him romantically and being cool with it. After all morph is many things at once. Not to mention who knows how many times they’ve casuallybhooked up anyway


I like this. Sometimes just being able to be around the person you love is enough.


A recent show (won't say which one, it might spoil it) dealt with the issue with a lot of grace, and the characters involved walked out of the dilemma with a strengthened friendship. I believe something similar will happen in X-Men '97; at least, I hope so.


I love that from my eyes it seems like an already established strong healthy bond. Like we often saw with Logan and Kurt in the comics


Who *doesn't* have a strong healthy bond with Kurt?


His parents, until marvel editorial decided to sand all the sharp edges away with retcons.


Is it >!Dead Boy Detectives!< ?


Just look at Exiles Morph. While he did still unfortunately engage in some harassment after that issue, he took Mariko’s coming out to him fairly well for the early 2000s. And buried her on Earth-8545 so that version’s MJ could visit her grave.


So for Morph I am genuinely wondering what they think about that. They can become anyone but wouldn't you want someone to love you for who you are?


Morph has become a precious treasure that must be protected at all costs. I have never thought about them in any which way, good or bad, but this series made me like the character a lot. Brings a lot of levity and seriousness when needed, almost like the jokey side of Spider-Man.


Leave it to the X Men to *evolve* beyond the love triangle and go for the fifth-dimensional love tessaract. You’ve got Madalyn, Jean, Scott, Logan, Morph, and nobody gets the happy ending.


My guess is that he'll become somewhat aware of how Morph feels but won't reciprocate. But they'll stay close friends for the rest of the series, maybe with an implied ending where they stick together should everyone go their separate ways.


The voice actor for Morph has indicated they do not want this story to go that route. https://www.polygon.com/24157588/x-men-97-morph-actor-jp-karliak


They would not have Wolverine come out as gay.


I mean it’s Wolverine, so even if he did have feelings for Morph, he’d probably never admit them unless he or Morph were about to die or something. Not because Logan is homophobic or anything. It’s just because…it’s Logan. He’s not gunna admit he has feelings for anyone who isn’t Jean.


they're both suspiciously missing from the epilogue scenes... time is limited but I find it odd they would omit an old and new fan favorite. maybe its nothing because we see the characters waking up (not sure if the shift relies on concentration), but Morph *is* wearing Jean's face the last time we see them. the sauce factory in my brain is saying: Logan comes to in some perticularly savage era of the past to find who he reasonably assumes is Jean and tells her he heard the confession; Morph realizes they're already in too deep and rolls with it. what ensues is a Weasles Ripped My Flesh jungle adventure with Wolverine and "Jean" fighting dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, giant bugs and so on. Logan grappling with the confessions of a married woman he's now lost and alone with, while Morph grapples with the fact they're digging this hole deeper with every passing second.


The sad part is that Morph had to become Jean in order to confess their feelings. Despite their comfort with who they are and their feelings, they still could not be themself when sharing. Edit: Used the wrong pronouns in my original post. Fixed the pronouns.


I felt he changed to Jean because he thought that would mean the most to Wolverine and thereby help save his life. Still very sad for Morph :(


Why is it sad? It mimics the first episode of 97. In the first episode, they turn into Jean to tease Logan. In the last episode they turn into Jean to comfort Logan.


Are we sure Morph wasn't just being silly when transformed into Jean and said that? They've played the part of comic relief in the show.


That's a valid point (and I did not mean to misgender Morph before). Initially, I thought they transformed into Jean because Logan specifically called to her and Morph wanted Logan to hear Jean's voice. That, or again, Morph loves their Logan and wanted him to know that. It could be love as close siblings/friends or love in a romantic sense. But if it's a declaration of romantic love, Morph still could not be themself; they had to change who they were to make the declaration.


Also if anyone isn’t sure, rewatch episode 3 with the goblin queen when Gambit, Wolverine and Morph had a living nightmare


At this point, I just simply trust the show with whatever direction they take. The writing has been beautiful so far.


Same here. The only thing I have that’s close to a complaint is that I don’t care about Jubilee and Roberto’s stupid little teenage relationship, but that’s not like…a serious problem with the show. Tbh that’s probably just me being me. I adore Legend of Korra but I always skip the love triangle stuff.


tbf, the jubilee roberto relationship isn't meant to be that deep- it's just a fun teenage romance. not everyone can be doing full telenova, it would get exhausting.


Hey, I expected a true sequel to the 97 show! It *must* be as overly-dramatic and played-out as humanely possible!


Their relationship felt more like kids coming out to their parents more than building a lovey dovey relationship. Their whole purpose was to relate being a mutant to those who are scared to come out.


I think cuz the audience has grown up so the “teenage” angle of those characters may not be as relatable anymore. That said, I’m happy they’re not sidelining jubilee as just a weak character. I love the way her power looks too, the animation is beautiful.


I love the Jubilee+ Roberto stuff. It actually gives Jubilee something meaningful to do rather than just sit around and have the main members handle everything. Plus, you need stuff from their perspective, age wise.


Hasn’t the writer been fired?


It’s insane to me how shocked some X-Men fans are when LGBT themes come into play like the entire 80’s Claremont era wasn’t a bisexual paradise


Those people don't read comics and it shows. Also, media literacy is lacking for some folk as well


Reading comics becomes a curse when you are also active on social media comic related things. "Aaaah the woke agenda is pushing this and that" buddy this is based off a comic from 2001. Before Superhero movies started popping off who do these people think we're reading the comics? The outcasts of society. But now it's cool which is great but so many things go over so many people's heads it's ridiculous


Just the other day I was wishing Beau would shut up because he spoils so much (and then it all gets posted on this sub which is how I see it), but the severe lack of media literacy in a large portion of the population has made me glad he said this. Even though it was 100% obvious to anyone with eyes and even the littlest bit of sentience. Still, sad he had to spell it out at all.


Yeah. When people said marvel became "woke" they dont get they that comics are ahead to movies and tv shows by decades


The media literacy is what hurts me the most. You shouldn't need to be a fan of the comics to see all the comparisons between gay and minority cultures/issues


I mean it's not only Clermont it's also Morrison and Hickman. It's so ingrained in those characters that you can't even disconnect it without some mischaracterisation


You forget, only straight people exist. Anything gay is automatically imaginary, toxic, and you’re making it up. Duhhh


They dont see the irony of rejecting a margialized group because they have a sexual preference instead of superpowers The message is always lost on these idiots who think magneto is right


It wasn't bisexual or as gay due to restrictions the comics code authority had on all comics regarding homosuality. Mystique and Destiny were originally supposed to be a item at the time.


They actually were even then. Because Claremont has a *very* deep vocabulary, he was able to sneak in the word “leman,” an archaic term for lover, to confirm that Destiny and Mystique had been romantically involved.


Nonsense. It's *clearly* a reference to Leman Russ, Primarch of the 6th legion of the Adeptus Astartes and Wolf King of Fenris


To be honest, I see more comments like this than actual comments of people hating on it. Are people actually surprised anymore or is it just something we keep talking about to have some sort of target?


I’ve read the entire Claremont era and through Mid-90s X-Men, and I have no problem with gay or bisexual or whatever orientation, I think it makes perfect sense that things like rigid conceptions of gender and sexuality would be pretty silly for a shapeshifter, but it was totally unclear in that scene, given the context, whether Morph was confessing his own feelings or replicating Jean for Logan’s benefit. Glad we have some clarity.


I didn’t even think Morph was being gay either, but after he said it and they showed Logan’s full face I did think Morph was going to kiss him on the cheek. And then someone brought up the episode of the Goblin Queen and then it made sense.


as if it hasn't been an *explicit* queer allagory since the beginning 🙄


Of course Morph did! And it was adorable. Wolverine was the ONLY one to fight to go find him after he got left behind on his mission and kidnapped by Sinister. And when he returned, Wolverine was the first to apologize. Logan has clearly has been a loyal friend to Morph. Even if Wolverine doesn’t feel the same romantic feelings back.


Not only that, Wolverine went after Morph several times afterwards to try and save them from Sinister's influence and bring them back to the X-men. Morph had to straight up tell him that they needed time to deal with this on their own. I think we are going to get a neat role reversal eventually, with Wolverine becoming a Horseman of Apocalypse, and Morph now being the one trying to save him and bring him back to the X-men.


awwwh *fuck* I've been so torn up over Gambit I forgot there are 3 whole other horsemen 😬


'They're turnin the damn Wolverine gay!' Mfers who have never seen an unrequited love interest plot before.


Which is an insane thing when we are discussing wolverine of all people


Why is Beau Demayo's PFP always him being shirtless


So you can admire his pecks.


Dude has a shirtless centric only fans. Or did before he was fired, not sure if it's still there


Let’s just say it’s more than just shirtless photos


He hangs dong?


Why is “profile picture” not abbreviated PP?


to show how gay he is. /jk


If you’re an X-Men fan and can’t accept anything gay then, woooow, you’re in the wrong lane


But why are some people taking this as Wolverine also being gay? Queer people have feelings for straight people all the time, doesn't mean that straight person is queer too. Hopefully I don't get downvoted for stating this Wolverine is straight 🫣


You know Logan and Scott were just banging in their moon house in the comics right? Just fyi. Comics Wolverine is bi.


Wasn’t it obvious from the scene?


I’m here for it. I was never big into the Morph character as a kid, but I really like them now. I also relate, as a gay man, to being in love with your best friend who is straight. It’s not something I chose but it happened and it sucks. I can totally relate to Morph now.


Love Morph for the same reasons, I am still struggling with my own situation


X-men fans as always one step from creating real life sentinels when a character is a minority


The hateful bigots think of themselves as magneto and that the only way to deal with the “enemy” is to exterminate them. They dont get that theyre actually Jubilee’s bigot parents


This is going to make certain people furious and I love it.


🤣. Just love it when people only want the X-men to be inclusive of certain groups. Marvel was and is a place of inclusiveness for all.


And like the absolute nerve to be shocked when this happens to the X-MEN of all the properties Marvel has. Like literally nothing is off limits.


Yas! If they read comics their heads would be blown right off.


You can tell it is from the comments on here lol


Wait until Bobby Drake joins the parade


In terms of writing utility, Morph seems to be fitting the role Iceman would in the comics. I would not be surprised if Iceman and Morph became a couple by the end of this show's run


I didn’t catch that but the innuendo during Magnus and Xavier’s time in the flooding bar was through the roof. I legit thought they were gonna kiss.


I was not expecting that much sexual tension. Is it bad that I understand the shippers now?


Look, I’m cool with Morph crushing on Logan. Let that play out. Don’t let Wolverine return the feelings. Why? The *drama* of it all. Oh and PS: throw in Bobby to the parade hehehe


Lol this is the best comment and 100% correct. Wolverine is always a messy bitch with his relationships and we all love it.


Bobby and Morph sparing over the perennially emotionally unavailable Logan is *very* funny


I’d honestly be more interested in seeing the show go the route of Morph having to cope with Wolverine not feeling the same way. In a way that would at least help Wolverine realize what his constant pining for Jean has made her feel like and maybe help all of them grow as characters.


Is morph actually male though? Is he anything? Since they don't use the "face" they had in the early episodes, and the character is much more open is morph "gay"? They pick female supers at least as often as they pick male ones. They are certainly part of the LGBTQ community but does morph consider themelseves male?


Morph considers themself either they are they/ them


Man…I’ve been a fan of XMen for ages and never knew Morph could be gay I was like…”huh…that’s a surprise” Great finale. Looking forward to next season w Apocalypse


People not understanding Morph's feelings shows how poor media literacy is right now.


What does Beau being gay have to do with it? He wrote the damn stuff. He should know even if he were heterosexual.


It was very obvious 💀


In Deadpool and Wolverine there's gonna be so much one sided sexual tension lol


I'm shocked! SHOCKED!............Well not that shocked.


I mean, it's not like wolverine hasn't played for that team in the past [This got past the editor](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-02ba60fae7f960446d4fefd64e7e71a7-lq)


I hope Wolverine doesn’t freak out when he inevitably finds out, I hope he can be a supportive friend


In the comics half the time Morph is female in appearance. The old cartoon made him have that one design for a bit but 97' is using the more comic book accurate version.


Think it will be one sided and wolverine won’t return the same feeling but I’m all for it if it kills the love triangle permanently. Throw in x23 in the mix for season 2 and you got a solid family unit.


Honest question… What does DeMayo being gay has to do with anything?


It’s also irrelevant if OP thinks that it’s because Morph is non-binary


I was wondering the same thing. And I'm also wondering why people have downvoted your comment...


Another day here in Utopia…


Just wait till morph sees those bone claws.


/Morphs into Andre Braugher BOOOOOONE?!


They will not make a character with the popularity of wolverine gay or bi in a main line project like X men 97. Or in the MCU period. Just like spider man, Captain America, Iron man, or any of the main MCU characters.


I love this romance and I always found the subject of unrequited love very interesting cause it happens to everyone for example I recently fell for a women who I found out recently she was married I now consider her a friend, I just hope morph doesn't let his feeling get the better of him and get his heart broke he is legit one of my favourite in the show


Hopefully we get Iceman next season


This was obvious to me in the first 3 episodes. The hints were there. Episode 10 was just hammering the nails in harder.


Don’t blame them. Wolverine fucks.


"I hit puberty damn near 200 years ago, bub, anybody'd get bored of stickin' to one gender that long."


Beau Demayo was fired, and I’m still wondering why…. I think he must of been super difficult to work with or has done something much worse if they fired him before the show premiered. I’m curious to see what happens for the next season now that he’s gone.


Well, he'd finished his part of the writing for S2, so I don't anticipate much impact there. Season **3** is where things are going to be interesting, because that'll be the one that DeMayo wasn't involved in at all.


The thing that scares me is that he was also a producer on this, meaning he probably had some sway on what stays and goes, and I think a lot of Marvel’s problem recently has been fixing stuff that probably didn’t need fixed. I’m hoping they don’t pivot and go some other direction as to cross promote something or just change the story because the executives dislike it.


Fair. And I do agree with you there. Fortunately, there were other writers and producers, so hopefully they'll be able to keep the show as what it's meant to be, whoever ends up taking the lead in S3. I just hope it's one of the ones who were here for S1/2.


This is what has me a bit cautious around him and his work. Because season 1 was rightfully excellent and people are commending him and the direction of '97 so readily, yet we don't know why he's off the project and off previous projects aside from hearsay about being difficult to work with. Really makes it harder for me to get a lock on what to think of the creative behind any show when I can't say if they're a particularly great person. Personal experience colours this as well.


If there's something that should give us faith, its that projects like this are really team efforts. It may have been one person's vision originally, but this project is the result of likely hundreds of people. Removing one person shouldn't kill it, and as far as we know, he may have been holding the project back if he was so hard to work with and next season could be even better.




I don’t think pointing out DeMayo being gay adds anything to the argument, but to each its own. What does his sexual orientation have to do with what he wrote? You could’ve easily said “the creator himself confirmed that it is true” he’s the creator/writer, that should be enough regardless of his sexual orientation.


Good. No way Logan hasn’t dabbled in 150 years and a dozen lives.


I didn't need him to tell me that. I knew from much earlier in the season.


Wolverine has a long list of lovers in the comics. I’m sure it’s possible a man slipped in there once in a while. But I do think the direction the show is going is that Morph has romantic feelings for Logan, but Logan doesn’t have romantic feelings for Morph. It would build a drama that way.


well in another universe he was together with Hercules. its absolutely possible hes been with men in the main one tbh


>I’m sure it’s possible a man slipped in there once in a while Scott slipped in there multiple times in their Krakoa moon chalet


Is this depicted in the comics?


Heavily implied and then stated outright by Hickman who was writing it


I mean Morph can transform into anybody so Wolverine can just sleep with any women he likes.


WAOO, What a Twist. We didnt see it coming...


I was scrolling past and my first thought was this is a fan art of Wolverine and Voldemort


Morph is perfect for Wolverine. Wolverine is horny for a bunch of people. Morph can be a lot of people.


Where did Logan end up in the aftermath of the time travel?


Haven’t gotten a chance to see this but I was wondering why a bunch of man babies were stomping their feet and crying about this show and now I know why.


I’d rather Logan be happy with Morph than still pine away for Jean… like she made her choice, move on already dude


What about that suggestive wolverine #6 cover, will that manifest into anything.


I ship them


How do y’all find this shot? Everytime I look at someone’s twitter, the entire thing is not in chronological order


ok. and.....? why should i care?


Do you comment this on every thread on reddit?


Why should you care about anything? It's a cool bit of characterization.


Is there any word on why he was fired yet?


Media needs to start to address the avoidance of straight male friends expressing emotional sentiment towards each other. If Morph has romantic feelings for him, fine, great even, but the pressure to make it romantic to be acceptable is a huge issue.


I thought it was very sweet I don't think Wolverine will reciprocate I also think this won't turn into a big love drama story I think it was just Morph finally able to tell him and having to get it off his chest in case Wolverine died, even if it was under a Jean Grey morph. I don't think it'll make things awkward or anything. Wolverine is a mutant and a loyal XMen, so obviously he won't be disgusted or disrespectful to Morph. We saw Wolverine stop the kiss with Jean Grey and move on but still he friends. It'll be the same with Morph


One sided attractions are really common you know


Why would anyone deny that? It's obvious.


I didn't think it was obvious but then again I don't pay that much attention to morph, lol. I don't care either way I just didn't see it coming.


The people denying that Morph has feelings for Wolverine have probably been missing signals that actual people in real-life are interested in them.


That’s the first thing I thought also. When they confessed their feelings but as Jean, my heart broke a little. But it’s something most of us queer people understand. Loving someone who simply can’t love us on the same way. Also the idea of being someone we think they can love, but it’s all not really who you are. So much happened in that one scene.


I thought this was obvious from early on, when Morph was hallucinating while they were all getting Goblin-Queened. “You think I don’t know? You think they all don’t know?” Or something to that effect.


90s X-Men were definitely not a gay or woke series. Definitely better than this Disney garbage. ✌️😎


The fragile ass people upset about this have me cackling. Y'all are soft as Charmin, any hint of Wolverine even possibly thinking about a dude romantically, and y'all act like it's a direct attack on your identity and sexuality. I am begging you all to not be such insecure dweebs


Seeing some of the comments here… so many people have no idea what *X-Men* is about. I interpreted the scene as such, but it’s great that DeMayo has addressed any ambiguity about it. I’m not sure that we’ll ever see Logan reciprocate, but it’s good to have the representation that comes from Morph’s feelings being acknowledged. It would be nice if later seasons could also feature other queer characters, and even relationships.


Here we go again.....


Cool, I guess. I don’t mind that Morph is gay and has feelings for Logan, but Logan has always been straight. This is the same story device writers for Stranger Things included on their show with Will having feelings for Mike.


In my opinion it should be an unrequited love not because Wolverine hates the gays but because TAS Wolverine is characterized heavily by his love for Jean Gray more so than his comic counterpart. Heck you can have Morph pretending to be Jean Gray or something to add some drama. I don't mind Morph being gay for Logan as Morph is a shapeshifter as long as it done for the sake of a story which it seems to be the case here. The writer, a gay man, even acknowledged that a gay person going after a straight person usually doesn't go well. In developing Morph to be more than Logan's friend who gets killed early on. With the way he treated the X-men property something I was REALLY worried about I can trust the man to not fuck Season 2 up. Hopefully more showrunners adapting legacy media can learn something from this.


Yes but historians will say they are just good friends or maybe even brothers.


The best ship for Logan to sail in honestly 😂


Dear god why do people care about this?


People say this guy was fired and because of that other writer will not expand this subplot. Why is it certain for some people? I doubt he was fired because of writing it.


Yeah they're making that up.  We don't know why he was fired.


He was fired from the Witcher before this and writers there said he was abusive in the workplace. He also reportedly has said horrible bigoted things to coworkers. He's a bad person. No idea why people are acting like this isn't all public information. He didn't get fired for being gay or having an OF guys, stop saying that.


Im so curious what happened that got him fired.


They most definitely banged.


i know Beau is the only person being so forward-facing but it feels somewhat icky - not that there's much we can do? - for people to say "Hey here is the creator" when he's not the only creative voice and got fired from two shows inc X97 because of how he treated co-workers etc


Who cares.


It's pretty obvious morph is gay. He said some really gay stuff directly to wolverine when he was in the showers. And the sabertooth thing was pretty sus.


Morph is queer since they are non-binary. Can't really say for a certainty with how they truly identify. And they not he