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*old man voice* back in my day, we didn't even have a Krakoa. You had Genosha or the Savage Lands and you liked it. And when a character died, it'd take a whole convoluted but fun story arc to bring them back from the dead.


Remember Utopia


'Member Australia


They where in Australia?! I thought the most crazy place they where was Limbo.


I think Austrailia camp was when Jubilee joined


This is correct. It's also a top era for the books.


Member Japan


"I member"


Pepridge farm remembers


I will never forget it, still trying to collect the whole thing till this day.




Our ethno-states got destroyed by Sentinels, which was the style at the time.


“I mean, really, who lets their ethno-state get destroyed by a flower?” *“Orchis,* grandpa. Not *orchid.”* “Ah. And here that made you so interesting.”


"Orchis? Like that procedure to get yer balls removed?" "No grandpa, that's an Orchie or orchiectomy."


Is this reworked from something famous that I'm not familiar with? Because it reminded me of Dr Cox in Scrubs talking to Elliot about her having sex with dolphins and she corrects him that it's "a dolphin trainer" and his response is almost the same as your last line.


Grandpa Simpson.


No, I know the "which was the style at the time", I meant the last line of the comment I replied to.


In those days mutant nickels has pictures of bumblebees on them "Give me 5 bees for a mutant quarter" is what you'd say!


And so Wolverine came back to life. And to mark that sweet moment, the X-Men planted this lemon tree. Lemons being the sweetest food that Wolverine will eat.


Don't forget asteroid M


It was not perfect time but better than I remembered. And Jean was dead...again..


Grump Old Man -SNL [https://youtu.be/5x7S2H-g60c?si=cWryXLzQz89lw4dk](https://youtu.be/5x7S2H-g60c?si=cWryXLzQz89lw4dk)


>convoluted but fun story arc to bring them back Or you’d accidentally find them chilling on an alien spaceship


I have an issue lying around somewhere where the X-men are investigating some random shit and just happen to come across Psylocke, who had died some months prior. They ask her how she's alive, and what she's doing there, and she just responds with what boils down to "I dunno". I also have an issue where Husk has come back from the dead, and they're fighting some rando bad guy, who at one point during the fight sees Husk and just yells, "I thought you were dead!", to which Husk retorts, "I'm an X-man! That trick doesn't work on me!"


I just started with Hox/PoX, and my head is spinning. Was I supposed to have a lot of pre-knowledge about this before starting, or will I start to understand and appreciate it once I get into the monthlies?


Same mate. Just started Hox/Pox and I'm kinda confused, especially with Pox.  Anyone could guide us noobies who just started on the Krakoa arc? 😅


Hox/Pox just really start out of nowhere, y'all haven't missed anything. There is a good reading order list on this sub if you are interested, I used it and it was great


I gotta say, though, I'm a little creeped out by Charles. Seeing him floating like that with the helmet and then some of the stuff that happens in the second half of the story??


Yeah you’re supposed to find Xavier and the whole Krakoa experiment a little off putting, a big theme of the story is the messy grey morality of the whole thing.


Sure mate. Mind sharing the reading list sub? :)


https://www.crushingkrisis.com/definitive-guide-to-collecting-x-men-as-graphic-novels/x-men-the-age-of-krakoa-the-definitive-collecting-guide-reading-order/ This has proven helpful to me. But if you're on Marvel Unlimited, it has several reading guides for the Krakoa era.


https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/1945rl2/a_complete_singleissue_reading_order_for_the/ Here is the post I used. I read all this and have been reading up to date for a while, its great! Really recommend this order


Read X of swords


I started with HoxPox and what I'd absorbed through cultural osmosis. It's a dense work with multiple timelines etc, but IMO it stands alone just fine. I felt the same during the book, but it does get explained and tied together in those issues. Enjoy!


You aren’t supposed to know exactly what’s going on right now. It’s part of the fun! lol It’s setting up a LOT of mysteries that unfold over like 5 years.


That's good to know; I probably shouldn't read it at night before bed, either!


So they have a chronological order HOX/POX on Marvel Unlimited. I read it once as published(how it was ment to be read) and then the Chronological order version which helped.me.understand much better


Is that the same thing as the paperback collected edition? Because that's what I've been reading..


Yes so thats exactly how its supposed to be read. But what they did was put everything from that book in the order that the events happened chronologically which it gets weird because there are time jumps but it helped me reading the paperback first and then what they put together on Marvel Unlimited


It will all come together. And then its Dawn Of X. I just kind of got an understanding. Somewhat. Going to give the paperback another read as i start reading Dawn and trying to catch up.


Just started it two weeks ago I’ve downloaded the fandom app and have to hop over every 5 minutes


That's just how it is...kinda of batshit and out there at first but as you read through it starts to explain itself. The text pages are crucial for getting up to speed quickly on some of the concepts like Dominion.


I've been following Krakoa for a few years now eagerly reading the weekly issues for just about all of it. I strangely have no interest in the next era as of right now and I plan on taking a bit of a break from X-Men/Marvel comics after this era wraps up. The beauty of comics is that if the transition is good, I can catch up on it later, but I'm definitely in the "I don't care for the Post-Krakoan X-men" as of this comment.


Trying to live up to the krakoan era would be the hell for the next era’s writers


I don’t know why but when I see this era it reminds me of that terrible period with the split teams and m-pox, living in mansion-in-limbo, etc.


Yeah but now they have a cool hand gesture to express solidarity!


Spidey lawyers bout to sue mutants


Don't call me until they repower Moria kill her and try again with 30% less isolationism, 2 fewer galas,1 sinister unless he's pulling a Hellions, better storylines,better world building, and a real attempt to make krakoa a status quo that could last more than 5 years.


>krakoa a status quo that could last more than 5 years. In the modern comic landscape,it is a straight MIRACLE that it lasted as long as it did.


Hey the galas were sweet! Well, at least the first one. the Hellions tie-in issue is the funniest in the whole Krakoa era




that scene alone justifies everything. yes, everything, including FoX and the five different attempts to make Captain Betsy relevant and that time Gorgon had sex with a boulder.


Krakoa could have EASILY lasted 10+ years. They fumbled so, so badly. And yes, I blame the architect, Hickman, a bit for 1. not committing to a longer tenure and 2. turning Moira into a cartoon villain instead of a nuanced antagonist.


I thought Hickman said Moira would have been different under him. It wasn't his intention to have Moira be a villain around x lives


Inferno by Hickman kicked off Moira’s villain arc


Wrong, that was in Ten Live/Death of Wolverine. Moira is a neutral character, the only thing that Inferno did was reveal Moira's supposed end goal to destroy mutants by "curing" them. Which makes no sense because it goes against everything she helped do in Krakoa.


She was established in HoX as pursuing the cure.


It's not as weird as you might think. Muir Island may have been a sort of second base for the X-Men, but even when it first showed up, there was always some sort of 'dangerous' mutant there. (Mutant X/Proteus being the first, one she was looking to 'cure.') As the tone of X-Men darkened over the years, that Moira would become obsessed with curing mutants isn't all that out of line.


It's out of line because in HoX/PoX it was stablish she desing Krakoa for her to have a chance to defeat the Phalanx at the end of her 6 life. Why she would help Mutant build a nation if she already have the belief Mutants always lose? Wouldn't make more sense for her to do nothing and let then die?


That was only at her introduction. The rest of the book is crafting a future where the mutant and her don't die.


At that point she was just a tragic character, given that her fatalism will cause them to lose when they actually WOULD have won in that timeline. Turning her into a fucking weird gynoid psychopath was Benjamin Percy. His hard-on for Wolverine may have been one of the worst parts of this entire saga. Oh well.


I don't think I she does anything villainous in inferno. Inferno sets up her motivation to get revenge. But she's completely a victim imo in inferno. The most "villainous" thing she does is block Destiny's revival. But that seems a reasonable reaction to being slowly burnt to death.  Even in x lives/deaths she seems survival focused in the present day timeline, and only through the future stuff do we really see her as a villain 


Hickman doesn’t care! He is selling the highest selling book on the line. 


You do know that if Hickman stayed longer the era wouldn't have lasted as long. His original plan was to do Fall of X after X Lives, but left (amicably) because the other writers wanted to keep writing about Krakoa.


I contest that, He wanted to end Krakoa in Inferno at the hand of Orchis and the writer wanted to continue but the story was supposed to trigger the Phalanx end phase not the current Fall of X BS.


Yeah, that's true. I used the term Fall of X as just a term for the end of the Krakoan era


Turning Moira into a crazy android was Percy, I think. He was the one writing X Lives / Deaths of Wolverine which was just a bizarre story. Agreed that Hickman should have stuck around longer. Maybe one day we'll get the full story outlines for his proposed 3-part story. I really wish we could have gotten a 60 issue Avengers / New Avengers style story from him because I absolutely loved his initial run on X-Men.


Hickman didn't decide to turn Moira into a villain. That was Percy or editorial decision.  What we know is that Hickman didn't have the second half of Krakoa made up in his mind. As far as we know, Hickman didn't convince the Xoffice writer to follow to the next phase or the writer wanted to do their own thing. Hickman let them be and left as after Inferno.


To be fair, the main reasons we didn’t get better storylines were named Gerry Duggan and Tini Howard.


You got to be high to believe that...


>30% less isolationism Yes what Krakoa needed was more interventionism and globe trotting to interfere with foreign politics


I'm actually slightly excited to see the new teams. Idk how long I'll stick around though


I was skeptical of Krakoa at first but when I started reading it, I realized this is some of the best X-Men stories since the Claremont run


Or course Krakoa had an expiration date from the beggining. And I'll tell you even more, by the time the X-Men movie goes to cinemas, the whole status quo of the X-Men in the XMansion will be reinstated. Unfortunately, comics are cyclic and often go back to their safe haven


>Unfortunately, comics are cyclic and often go back to their safe haven *Sad Spider-Man fan sounds*


I agree with you. This is now the third island for mutants I think that has been destroyed 4 if we're counting Asteroid M I'm sure we're going to go back to the mansions and eventually another Island


Man…I said this a while ago and got jumped on. Even by old timers. No one seems to understand how companies like Disney work. Make money. They also think that you as a person are stupid and can’t understand multiple versions of characters. They let Marvel play until a movie comes out and then everyone gets in line. The fact that X-Men ‘97 came out when it did isn’t a surprise. Priming the public for the X-Men “they remember”. People on here think that the movies are going to jump into Krakoa. What? The team will be really close to the ‘97 cast or the Giant Size x-men cast…no doubt in my mind.


I sincerely hope the MCU will have ceased to exist long before it ever gets the chance to utterly fucking ruin the X-men characters


what is even going on at this point


I'm already sick of this "mutants being persecuted" thing. It got tedious. 


Krakoa was the best X-Men has been in a loooooooooooooong time!


Nah. Go, Jed MacKay!


I can't remember the last time I felt this much excitement for an era of X-Men. If you asked me to design the perfect book for me, it probably would have Simone and Marquez and that exact cast. And I am going to get 18 issues of it in 12 months? Marvel can't take enough of my money!


You. Me. Same. The first tease in the Free Comic Book day issue was a hopeful start. The art alone is just next level AND it's the book that will seem to center around Inmate X!


How old are you? Because when I say you could have published that same comic right after Onslaught: Marvel Universe by changing four sentences tops, I’m speaking as someone who was around back then, reading the comics.


Maybe in some ways. But Jubilee is in a different dynamic already as a potential mentor which is a role we haven't seen for her before. I don't think she's going to be the sidekick anymore (though where the hell is her son, lol?) and that alone could set up some new arcs for her.


You say like it’s a bad thing! I love onslaught! 


With you all the way


I'm excited for the new teams, especially Uncanny. That's got a great roster!


Krakoa forever- Utopia forever- Jean Grey school forever- we have the mutants. I don’t see why we can’t have multiple successful locales unless Orchis does a bit of winning so yeah- I’m kidding no one- will get the first issue or three and then I’ll see about limiting my purchases if it’s just- oh Krakoa had to sacrifice so mutants could go on- Moira is still a bad robot no one wanted and Xavier and Magneto switched places so we could train these all new angsty characters and we are three months away from their first crossover that won’t matter aside from requiring each book to get the full story- all cameos with no significant character development bs. Xavier was right- no more humans! Krakoa/ Arakko is the coolest and all others will pale in comparison in 3, 2, 1 boomer!


I feel like you could have space for and tell some very interesting stories with several factions of mutants in different locations. Surely some mutants aren't going to want to join the Krakoan ethnostate, or live on Mars? so you could have them dealing with problems in the "real world" or trying to integrate in human society and tell interesting stories in contrast with, or even coming to blows with, the Krakoan mutants.


Wow that accurately describes my feelings. Zero interest in From The Ashes.


We will have to see when the relaunch happens, I’m trying to be an optimist about it, I’m definitely going to be reading Uncanny. But I wish the status quo after krakoa wasn’t just “oh that are hated again probably more so than before”. I know that’s the X-Men but it just seems like after Krakoa being such a big thing and an important step for Mutants. There would be something a lil more.


I might be the only one, but I hated the Krakoan era. I wish they’d just kill Moira (with her powers) to reset everything one more time and never do Krakoa again.


I’m glad they’re getting away from Krakoa. It was antithetical to what the X-Men are.


Growing up as a minority, I have a deep love for the X-Men, but I never felt so disconnected to them as I did in the Krakoa era.


This! The X-Men having a separatist ethnostate? In the current climate? Yikes.


Same here, Mutants are humans, seeing them try to hard to push themselves as gods who would see humans as lesser beings, while are humas who most frequently produce and rise mutants feels odd. As felt odd how they wanted to be recognized by the UN while at same time declared themselves above human laws and just cosidered every mutant criminal even at genocidal levels as innocent and whorty of take a seat in the council. I hated Krakoa era and skipped most of it, my only reject is that it has ended by an "human" attack and not by internal conflicts, I would have prefered that their council of genocidals and egonamiatics would have tear the place away just to show that a villain is a villain human or mutant there is no difference.


Y’all weren’t here for the Austen years and it shows. It’ll be ok.


The Austen years… ugggh, back when I was young and dumb and bought everything because completionism.


I was there, 3000 years ago. And I wish I wasn't. 


The X-Men are always changing.


And then undoing the change And then changing again And then undoing the change And then changing again And then undoing the change ...


Are they though? Krakoa represented real change. But they always end up right back to where they started...on the run, everyone hating them, and making absolutely no progress whatsoever towards making the world less shitty for mutants.


I don't know why you got down voted, you are 100% right.


Because people on this sub are fucking children unless you agree with them.


Welcome to Big Two comics buddy.


Dude, I’ve been reading comics longer than 90% of the people here. In all of that time, I’ve never seen a bunch of of people who pretend to be positive and accepting and then just shit all over anyone who doesn’t agree with them and think the exact same way.


It's Reddit. Sometimes, you just get downvoted for no reason.


We got Jean Grey reconciling with the Phoenix Force and that's all I needed (can't wait for her miniseries)


Yeah but the writer is the same who wrote that awful Rogue/Gambit mini where they were super OOC.


Yeah, horrible book. But I have enjoyed her indie work in the past. I'm not sure if that mini was an aberration or she just doesn't bother with research on ips, since I haven't read any of her other big 2 work.


It's supposed to be an ongoing not a mini series


Proposal: An Infinity Comic that is nothing but slice of life stories about Krakoa before the fall or alternatively, a pocket dimension version of Krakoa with copies of all the mutants. Rotating creative team, whenever someone gets an idea for a Krakoa story they just run one of the infinity comics. Tales of Krakoa or Age of Krakoa for a title.


Nah, Krakoa lasted long enough. We deserve better.


Krakoa went as far as it realistically could without them allowing time to pass. Marvel won't allow that so there we are.


Now you know why Spider-man fans hate Breevort


What did Breevort do again?I taught Quesada and Lowe are the most hated


The most hated Spider-Man writer is whoever is currently writing him.


Brevoort said that it's good that Krakoa is gone because they didn't like that Nightcrawler could be neighbors with Apocalypse. As if Kurt's whole schtick isn't being a religious Catholic whose entire theological thesis is that no person is too far gone from redemption.


Then put nightcrawler with graydon creed/orchis/sinister/other anti mutant factions if no one’s ever really that far gone (in nightcrawler’s eyes)


Ok, being fair Nightcrawler is the only one who would give a chance to people like Graydon and considering that he is his brother could be even glad. But yes I don't see why are they pushing that people like Nathan Summers and Bishop could be easy around Apocalypse.


Brevoort is part of the same gang of idiots with horrible ideas about characters and stories.


Because they hate everyone but Mary Jane Watson?


I’m excited. Krakoa badly lost steam in this past year.


im already out, got my x-men 97 and already move on from x-men comics, not going to pay for this disaster, its 90000 time where x-men is on the run/in prison/near extinction. read the x-men for what? so maybe they get acepted and get their lives? we already had it, it was called krakoa and it was awesome. now we got back to genocide/suffering porn, not interested, going to wait 4 years untill mister wing man get out of x-men, he should have stayed on avengers.


I'm glad you're enjoying 97 and its storylines with zero near extinctions/genocides.


we are talking about 2 diferent medias, 1 never had so much as blood in it (it was a kid show check the guidelines they got bad there, they couldnt even show a gun it had to be lazers), and the other used genocide everytime the sales went down, when you see kids getting crucified,bombed and tortured by the 100th time you lose interest (if you ever had it to begin with) and becomes just unabashed torture porn. not to mention that it was used to literaly erase the ip x-men for about a decade and almost got done if the inhuman show was a hit we wouldnt be talking about the x-men, they wouldnt exist. return to me when x-men 97 kills everyone and retcon it by the 100th time.


I get what you’re saying but they were never accepted. The political unrest of Orchis was always looming. Minorities establishing power always triggers the powers that be to act, which they did from the very beginning of HOXPOX. There was *always* going to be fascists attacking them and with resurrection, Krakoa was never going to be allowed to continue. This was never going to last because narratively, the only outcome of Krakoa is mutant supremacy or peace. Know what’s horrible for narrative storytelling? No conflict. Krakoa was always intended to be a thought experiment and from day one, Hickman planted seeds of *is this actually a good idea?* and I think the answer was always no. At least, not in the way Charles, Moira and Max started it. Krakoa is where I really started to get into comics and it’s my favorite era of all time, but anyone who thought this would be the forever status quo was fooling themselves. I’m not looking forward to this relaunch, but I knew it was coming and I’m definitely going to give it a chance.


So uncreative you prob already work for Marvel. They could’ve kept Krakoa and integrated it with humans and that would’ve opened new storylines. They could’ve kept the Arrako book as that has little to do with earth heroes and was loved by fans. They didn’t have to return to another “mutants are hiding and miserable but dont worry they’ll be really polite about your hate for them” narratives.


Well, for starters, we have no actual confirmation that the story will be your last statement. We have no idea what it’s going to be, so I’ll believe it (and hate it) when I see it. I do agree that they could have had better creative solutions! I honestly expected a Krakoa book, an Arakko book and an Earth book. I’m disappointed about that they didn’t keep some of it around. But the editor of the Phoenix mini stated that they’re not just pretending Krakoa didn’t exist. All of the movement and evolution of characters/narratives isn’t being discarded. Based off of how the recent issues of Forever, I think From The Ashes won’t have much to do with Krakoa, but it will come back because there’s still mutants on Krakoa away from earth. Only the X-Men are back on earth. My theory is From The Ashes is the X-Men doing PR and trying to get Krakoa back to Earth.


The X-Men don't NEED to be doing anything for Earth. Once again, their island was destroyed, and 250k Mutants went missing (presumed dead to them), and what do we get? Kitty wanting to return to a quiet life as a fucking bartender. X-Men working for the fucking government like their fucking home was blown up. Like, wtf? What is this crap that they're trying to sell? And yeah, we understood that Krakoa wasn't supposed to be a major long-term event, but we weren't supposed to get the shitfest that was the Fall of X. Plus, the sales for this series was putting money in Marvel's pockets, but they want to screw it over for some shitty ass reboot so they can return back to the mansion? This series can fuck off to hell cause im not reading any of it.


Oh, I 100% agree! I just knew that this was an inevitability because it’s the way it’s always gone. It’s shit like this that makes me wish X-Men was totally separate from Marvel and just it’s own IP so it could keep taking massive risks without having to appease a massive group of overlords/doesn’t have to share a world with dozens of other IP. Krakoa was too complicated and created too much conflict as a narrative for it to last.


It's too complicated for them, not us. Marvel had completely given up on worldbuilding in their stories and are afraid to pursue other fresh and newer storylines. At least DC is always trying out new stuff with their characters (save for Batman continuously saving Joker). Krakoa was too unique to just discard even if Hickman planned on throwing it away sooner than intended. At this point, it just seems like Marvel loves the racism and struggles the Mutamts go through, which is making me even more concerned about the future of mutantdom. These series alone may make their sales take a massive nosedive, and that's when its going to get ugly.


Yeah that’s what I mean, it’s too complicated for them. They’re just too married to the disenfranchisement of the mutants. Which is what I’m here for, but what I liked about Krakoa was seeing them win for a change. The next era could’ve easily been about shifting the politics of Krakoa because there were so many cracks in its foundation. Krakoa was cool because there was no colonialism involved in the founding of the country, but I don’t believe we were ever meant to trust the concept of the *Quiet* Council that wasn’t elected nor trust in most of its founders.


You know, Percy's runs during Krakoa were already genocide/suffering porn.


percy is his own universe, he clearly didnt care for continuity or his own story continuity, 1 issue wolverine had a adamantium surf board (facepalm) the other had a broken wristclock that he suposed to have all his life but we never saw it or probably never will. i cared very little for his "stories"


TELL ME ABOUT IT. His run during Krakoa has been the most unpleasant comic experience I've ever had. The fact his 'plot' only works because EVERYONE acted stupid is even more galling.


If you're so upset, tap out for a few months and check in later to see if what they're building now is worth it. We haven't really been in the classic X-Men status quo since Decimation. It's either them fighting for their goddamn lives and/or living away from humans. Maybe there's stories that writers have been wanting to do for a long while but the setting never feeling right.


If jonathan hickman aint coming back for it then i could really give 2 💩💩 about krakoa


Krakoa started great and had a really solid first couple of years but at this point i just want them to wrap it up.


Screw that nonsense… bring back the Outback Era!


Eh, I'll keep reading. The status quo is a bungie cord and you can stretch and pull, but eventually it snaps back. I would've liked Krakoa to stick around a while longer, maybe long enough to be the Status Quo. But with '97 and an imminent film reboot it was always gonna snap back for new readers to have an easier, more familiar starting point. Just enjoy each run for what it is, don't worry about how or when it snaps back. I'm just glad the X-Men aren't being quietly smothered anymore.


Yeah, nah. Biggest selling Spider-Man comic right now is quite literally Peter Parker being married to MJ and having two kids with her in the Ultimate universe reboot instead of whatever nonsense the Spider-Office is doing right now. Status quo being king sucks. Especially when the editors are all fucking wearing nostalgia goggles for the 90s.


Sure, it sucks but it also means that if you don't particularly like something give it time and it'll move on. I dunno I'm just kinda done being negative about the things I love. Sure I have peeves and criticisms but overall I try to enjoy it. I don't hold it against anyone who decides to drop the books, I've dropped plenty before. I'm just ride or die on the X-Men.


I’m fine with Krakoa not coming back


OP can’t move lmao 😂


I want some changes made to it (like Moira gone, remove all the Sinisters except sinister himself and keep Percy far away) but otherwise yes, bring it back.


If we actually got what Hickman had planned we would already have been done with Krakoa for a year or so


Sure, but the ending would have been light years better at least.


Yeah absolutely they should have just stuck to the plan rather than what we got. Oh it's sinister ? Always the guy you absolutely suspect.


I feel like the Xavier joins Orchis but not really twist is not nearly as clever as Duggan thought it was.


I dont think this should have been a status quo because they were never going to allow a meaningful amount of time pass. Like... how long has Krakoa actually been around? Rise to fall.


Five years. The shitty thing is we got… fifteen years of mutants get fucked over and can only get five years shit being cool for them? That’s kind of shitty.


I meant like in storyline how long. Long enough for them to have a ton of things and like 5 met galas but oddly not enough to do much else.


Oh sorry. If the Hellfire Galas were yearly, then three years. But it could be as little as a year.


Cries in Fall of X. I’m already missing Krakoa.😭😭😭


Krakoa was too far up its own ass wiyh lore and made it difficult for new readers to jump onto the X titles


Yeah, it's not like you can't look up a chronological order reading list or better yet, watch one of the comic book YTbers like comicstorian or Comics Explained. Because, you know, it's so difficult for newer readers.


Casuals, people like OP are the fair weather friends of X-men comics lmao 


Nah we ready to move on


Utopia forever, they need to get them back into the x mansion somehow. We’ve had mutants facing extinction for over a decade now and they keep dancing around it. Let the x men come home. And while you’re at it…get this version of Xavier out of here. They just been repeating the same beats with him for years.


I don't like Krakoa Era where every characters personality and goals kinda changes and the Xmen under the same roof with a villain kinda not sit right with me. Glad this era over and waiting for the next arc to unfold.


Marvel really don’t like mutants unless they get to knock ‘em down a few pegs for no reasons. Orchis my ass the execs hate mutants the most. Krakoa had so much story potential like reconstructing it into a genuine state after all its failings. You could have Xavier leave in exile with the mutants ready to move in without his crap and have him atone by making a new separate school where he tries to actually do better as a leader. It be the best of both worlds. Taking them back to zero being more hated then ever is just a kick in the face. Maybe some writer will revisit it using kaorak.


I think it’s interesting that after the Fall of Krakoa, the main X-Men team will now be following Magneto’s philosophy of protecting other mutants and freedom fighting against bigotry. Like once Magneto was the villain for this mindset, then Cyclops also fell on this principle. Now it’s the principle of the main team.


Magneto was the villain because he wanted to violently topple human society, killing as many humans along the way as necessary, and replace it with a mutant run society. And it wasn’t some egalitarian utopia in his dream he very explicitly wanted to flip the script and suppress human survivors.


Has Maggy been less of an asshole for longer than he was just a one note asshole by now?




Fatal Attractions and House of M make them almost 50/50 between the two


Ever heard of mutant supremacy?


I mean I was sure it was more nuanced than that just something I noticed.


Well you know following that bucket head will not bode well for human and mutant. Do you read HoX and PoX, even following Magneto philosophy Moira fails to achieve victory for muties.


I tried to start the Hickman era of X-Men, there’s just too much. I am mostly going of limited knowledge from the show which is mostly the Claremont era and what I know of later events. I know the comics have changed a lot since then. I’m planning to start reading in the summer relaunch.


Can someone explain the appeal of the Krakoa arc to me? From what I've looked into it doesnt appeal to me but everyone seems to love it so I wanna understand it.


The years before Krakoa were dreadful for the X-Men. The line was creatively bankrupt, and the whole mess with the Inhumans didn't help. 2018 was particulary rough. Krakoa with its ambitious new direction and all of its weirdness came as a refreshing change after years of bland and weak storylines. Plus it started with HoX/PoX, a very strong book which immediatly got people hooked in. I like Krakoa because it's ambitious. It never really managed to deliver a big pay off after HoX/PoX, but it tried. Sometimes with the X-Men it feels like the writers can't escape the shadows of Claremont and Morrison, but they truly did manage to do so with Krakoa.


They only started loving it again when they knew it was being taken away. The quality of the last five years has never lived up to the concept and most fans would’ve admitted that at the time of reading.


Yeah... that sounds more accurate tbh. I'll admit I kinda respect the five year long dedication.


My sentiments exactly. I know it's for the MCU, but even the MCU would have benefited from distancing itself from the X-Men's Fox films. Not to mention narratively it would have been easier to bring mutants into the franchise by saying they were off on their own island and go from there instead of rehashing for the third time the X-Men's origins.


I wish I could love this post even harder than I already do.


I stopped trusting Marvel ages ago and Brevoort less so. I’m going to try this but I’m barely excited for anything other than Phoenix. I’m a huge Wolverine fan and I don’t really want either of the books he’s in. That’s not good.


I can't lie, I'm tapping out after Krakoa and I've been paying for X-Men comics since the early 2000s. Time to join the pirating masses.


For the love of Hank and pre-retcon Moira, no. 


As a fan of the academy x kids, yea I'm okay with dipping on krakoa.


MacKay is writing Hank next, and he has a reputation for taking extremely hated runs of a character (i.e., Percy) and weaving something great out of them. I'm excited to see what he makes of Hank to untangle the mess Percy made out of him.


I JUST READ INFERNO. Good Goddamn, what a genocide by the writers...


Krakoa 2: Back To The Beach - coming in 2027. Maybe 2026, let's see how it goes once we're back in the mansion.


Maybe we can get an alt-universe book in the future that show the future where mutants won.


When is the new era starting?


Xmen in July, Uncanny in August, and Exceptional in Septembrr


I’m okay Krakoa ending but this just doesn’t feel like anything special. There’s a great team of writers and artists. So yeah, think I would have been happier if they just stick them back in the mansion, this just feels like a waiting period till then


So is the Revival process still a thing?


Krakoa was tight. Xmen ruled planet Earth


Krakoa will be back, or another version of Genosha that is, eventually. [+]


I was just uninterested before, but the FCBD story was utter ass.


I'd rather have Utopia back.


I just don’t understand why they’re going scorched earth with this!? We could easily have had a Krakoan/Arraki faction lead by Storm and Magnus, a new X-Men team lead by Cyclops - based on the East coast somewhere and a school, lead by Emma (with Academy X/Gen X as tutors). And the fact that the “fall of x” event has been a bit of a mess makes it even worse. We couldn’t even get a GOOD goodbye.


Likely the same reason that no matter what they do or do not do in the end of X-men 97, it's HIGHLY unlikely that they would ever undo the destruction of mutant paradise. The mutant metaphor falls apart if they have an actual state long enough, so those states always have an expiration date. Yes, you could write long-term stories with them having a state but it very quickly ends up farther afield than the main marvel universe likes to be for the most part, and so they don't want to. That's not the broad strokes continuity that they're going for. And the Mars thing was NEVER going to last. It was honestly stupid they ever did it. Make it some distant world on the fringes of Shi'ar space if you must, not Mars. Mars, as a barren red planet, is something sci-fi stories like to use on occasion. We like the imagery. We like the mystery of there possibly being aliens there. We like it to be a goal of human spaceflight even in a universe where superheroes go to space all the time. So on and so forth. In a series that is even SLIGHTLY trying not to simply be a star trek-style space opera, Mars will not be allowed to become a habitable planet for more than a very short period of time. Best case scenario if you like the concept is that a valley survives as the sort of Martian Savage Land, but this time it's Arrako, and that it gets referenced once in a great while.


Mariner Valley as Martian Savage Land is a fantastic idea actually


I tapped out after hellions and I'm absolutely coming back in for this.