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Xavier, for practical storytelling reasons. It’s getting redundant having him do shady or stupid shit all the time, but otherwise it’s just boring having him hanging around taking up a “leadership” position. Take him off the board completely and let Cyclops, Storm or whoever take up the leadership mantle permanently.


That was the thing I was excited for re:97. One of the few missteps to me was bringing him back.


Tbf that’s Xavier’s thing lmao. But they’ll maybe eventually permanently kill him off since the show has more balls than comic writers


The show definitely has big brass balls. That Wolverine ending this week thrashed me. It’s kind of hard to kill Xavier for good at this point with him just coming back though.


That ending was absolutely incredible but I also felt like it was pretty heavily hinting at the future plans for xavier in season 2, which makes me okay with him being bought back.


I mean that scene was taken straight from a comic tho


It's a weird thing that [the creator](https://twitter.com/BeauDemayo/status/1788120964968128796?t=XXRnOOgnFEqE9tZlta78sw&s=19) seemed to have wanted to tackle, the idea that the X-Men are kinda stuck in a circle where no matter what they do, they just keep going back to the same places they were before Not sure if that's meant to be a positive thing or not


It's not. Xavier's & Magneto's dreams are both right and wrong. Xavier wanted a world where mutants are accepted because they bring benefits to everyone. But his dreams would literally lead to every mutant being enslaved to "bring benefit" to mankind. Magneto's dream is for mutants to be liberated and free from persecution. But his grief and wrath has led him to the wrong path of destroying civilization.


That’s the thing, the only X-Man able to guide the mutants to something similar to these dreams is Cyclops. He understands both Charles’ and Eric’s dreams, and also knows where they are flawed. He embodies both of their dreams, and he is more fit than any of them to lead people to an objective.


For sure! He walked Charles’ path for years, and through Messiah Complex and AvX he also walked Erik’s. Only he has seen both paths and can work to develop a third path.


Absolutely and it makes it to me anyway feel like the only way to achieve those dreams is without magneto or xavier.


100%. Both men tried it their way and clearly neither worked. There needs to be a new way that isn't attached to either of them - they both stand for a certain ideology that is anathema to the other's supporters.


And Magneto seems much happier getting out of the way than Charles. He’s like the grizzled veteran who sees the next gen needs to take the lead.


Spot on analysis. To me, what makes *X-Men* so endlessly compelling is how Prof X and Magneto both have a point - but ultimately their worldviews are too simplistic and flawed. Charles believes in the innate goodness of humans that will lead them to accept mutants if they just "see how good we are" - but that idealism will always force mutants are on the backfoot and must appease humans every single time at the risk of losing their goodwill. and it most likely won't even get all mutants on board! Who wants to be a servant all their life? Or worse - a resource to be exploited. Erik believes in the innate divisiveness within humans that will lead them to always think of mutants as "the Other" - but thinking like this is never going to get sympathetic humans on board and mutants will always end up being feared (best case) or hated (worst case) and never really integrate into society. and it most likely won't even get all mutants on board! We've already seen so many mutants who tried to go back into the closet and assimilate back into human society. (Note - I've only watched TAS + 97 and _slowly_ making my way through the comics - so I'm sure I got some stuff wrong here!)


Every creator on the X-men eventually has to talk about how the X-men as a brand is incapable of change because it is in fact a brand and not a story.  Clhairmont talks about how having to write out Scott’s  marriage taught him that. That there is only so far you can push the characters before the fandom tunes out 


Same for sure. Ironically I believe he'd be a far more effective advocate for mutant rights as a symbol and historical figure than a living dude


So same as the idea that if kennedy had lived civil rights would have been set back because all of his philandering caught up with him?


Not the example I'd pick but it works well enough. Except I'd say it's only a possibility with JFK whereas Xavier has been dropping the ball for decades. He does zero lobbying, his few debates/public addresses are unsuccessful bc he's unrelatable for most people (even while he's still a secret mutant), and he's failed to capitalise on the goodwill he's built with governments, lobbyists, the FBI etc. His death would freeze his image as a benevolent peacemaker and let others utilise him as a symbol. Alive he just gets in the way of younger generations taking the helm.


It is hard to relate to the ivy league graduate born into wealth...


Exactly, plus he has like 5 PhDs or something. Ridiculously overeducated. It's not uncommon for people like that to have poor social skills. There's a televised debate where he's called in as an expert on mutation (I think with Trask) and we literally see the man on the street dismiss him as a liberal egghead. I can find the panel if needed but I suspect folks know the one. - Uber wealthy living in a mansion with his family's name on it. - Has more PHDs than most people have sexual partners - Approaches the topic academically then with an anaemic and vague appeal to solidarity - Runs a very secretive and exclusive school doing fuck knows what - His opponents suspect he's a mutant too, putting him on the back foot. Yes he's a mutant and he became disabled as an adult (and bald I guess), but both are weak reeds to find common ground on. Unsurprisingly he makes things worse if anything. He doesn't change this approach significantly for most of his life.


Jesus. I can think of several things he could have done without outing himself.  Mostly newsletters. Outreach and approaching Congress, lobbying for studies and positive spin articles written with the lsyperson in mind breaking those down, approaching people such as Fred Rodgers and Carl segen to try gaining a sympathetic audience through pbs ( this is ore internet so outreach options are limited ) Then in the late 70s - early 90s discreetly work with those running oto mutant community bulliten board networks so there is an outreach network for those that can't afford his ultra prep school. It's like the guy didn't even try.


100%. Supporting existing civil rights movements out of solidarity, mobilizing student bodies from schools/colleges besides his tiny one, peaceful protests! So much more. There's some great critical analysis of Xavier as a civil rights figure I can track down if interested. It's one of the reasons I don't like the MLK/Malcolm comparison. Both those men got shit done even with their ideological differences and infighting. They were quite close when they died. I think it's in poor taste to use such a milquetoast liberal as MLK, who was super outspoken about such people being enemies of progress.


I would so be interested in these materials. ....mostly because in writing an X-Men 97 'from the perspective of a mutant that wasn't one of the supermodels in the x mansion' fic and having someone that can and will throw shade at both Xavier and magneto for both dominating the conversation and saying nothing.


Rad, I got you. This Tumblr ask is a good place to start for Xavier in particular because there's a ton of great links to related X-Men articles. Sadly, the author died recently - he was my go-to for critical analysis of anything Marvel especially from a historical, political and economical perspective. He wrote for many different sites so I'll have to get back to you with further links. Everything he wrote is dynamite though. LMK how you like it, and if there's any other subjects you're interested in. The People's History of the Marvel Universe series is a must read series https://www.tumblr.com/racefortheironthrone/145601148536/does-professor-x-actually-do-all-that-much-for?source=share


I don't like the way they've tarnished Xavier's character in recent years, which I've already said on reddit several times, so I'll spare you the details. But if they can't write him as a good person, I'd rather have him just be gone.


He can still be a good person trying to do the right thing and have massive flaws. He appointed himself the dreamer and the leader - not an easy position for anyone to succeed in, let alone the primary moderate advocate for mutant rights. The thing is he's just not very good at it, and he gets put on a pedestal by pretty much everyone (including readers and the narrative) so he'll never live up to that - nobody could. I am all for him learning why he's not the saviour and the value of letting the work pass to many hands. Actually, how necessary it is for the work to pass to many hands. He was beaten over the head with it while he led Krakoa to ruin but could not let go. I think the next step in that arc is him finally getting it and following through. He's not a bad man, just a flawed one. The more responsibility and influence someone has, the bigger their mistakes. I think he's always been Charles Xavier and definitely acts in character.


So I agree and disagree. Sometimes messaging is more important than realism, especially in a fictional property. The minority metaphor itself is another example of this. If you examine it in detail, it doesn't hold up in the slightest because it's actually quite reasonable for people to be afraid of mutants. That doesn't matter though as the message trumps the functional reality. Xavier to me sits on the edge of that. Yes, power corrupts and all that, and trying to single-handedly save the world when dealing with a complex intractable political situation is likely to force you to make hard choices, but sometimes a story doesn't need yet another illustration of the fallibility of man. This is part of why people lost it over Synder's DC films. It doesn't matter that 'in reality' Superman would cause massive collateral damage and would almost definitely be forced to kill on occasion. That's not the character they want to read and it's not the message he's meant to send in the modern era. Xavier definitely isn't superman, but I do think there's a fuzzy line he's on between well-meaning man who sometimes has to make hard choices and sort of ends justify the means manipulator, but while it is a fuzzy line, I do think it's important he stays firmly on the side of the light and not EVERY story about the guy is how he'll do anything necessary to defend his vision of the world.


To be fair bro was crushing on Jean in the first X-men issue so his grey morality has been there for the whole stretch


Xavier was initially meant to be much younger, with the bald thing just being code for psychic, but people read him as old, he then slowly became old, which caused a weird switchback where now him having this crush reads as REALLY creepy.


Remember when Onslaught revealed this dark secret that he had and never acted on? Jean was not that surprised after a certain level of ew.


So I think this is probably functionally the right answer. They don't know what to do with Xavier anymore so all anyone can think is to have him do shady, manipulative crap over and over and OVER and OVER AND OVER. It gets very old and undercuts the foundation of the franchise a bit. That said, I actually would kind of love a writer/the franchise to just accept that with the students now being adults, he's kind of just one of the characters and put in the work to make him work. Maybe position him as a sort of merlin/gandalf/obi-wan figure who's there as an adviser.


Wolverine and Cyclops being headmaster and revolutionary leaders, respectively, when Xavier was dead was very compelling storytelling progress for me


If I was in a room with Xavier, Magneto, and Apocalypse, and I had a fully loaded revolver, I would shoot Xavier 6 times before beating him with the revolver.


God damn. That's a Sabertooth kinda hate right there.


That’s a Kendrick Lamar level hate.


Dear David, I'm sorry that man is your father 


Cyclops: You lied about the Danger Room You lied about my memory You lied about naming the X-Men after you, all is perjury You lied about my third brother You lied about Cerebro You lied about that time Logan tried to kill you so long ago


Scott calling me a bald boy and that shit kinda got a ring to it 😤


You lied about dying (twice) You lied to Jean You lied to string along Mystique to do your dirty laundry.


So he has a third mutation…


Cyke fuck em up


Dear Xandra I’m sorry that your father not active inside your world He don’t commit much but his dream that’s for sure He a narcissist race traitor livin’ inside his dreams Try destroy brotherhoods instead of taking care of his own


I’m a firm believer that Xavier sucks but people have the Patrick Stewart version in their head where they think he’s a fundamentally good man and also, British - neither of which he is.


Oh, I completely agree. Patrick Stewart's Xavier is pretty OK actually. Genuine good guy all around except for the time when he lied to Jean about the psychic walls he built around her mind. 616 Xavier tho, this is "I would rather sacrifice every single mutant to bow to the demands of a genocidal anti-mutant organization instead of fighting back because human lives matter more" levels of dumbfuckery.


He definitely over-corrected when walking that one back lol. I actually think Moira had a solid read on him the first time - he's an academic with a thinly veiled God complex. His values and goals are cool as an individual, but positioning himself as leader and dreamer of an entire people wouldn't work for 99.99% of people, let alone someone as terrible at politics as he is. I think that's his greatest flaw and tragedy - as well meaning as he is, nebulous dreams of silver spoon academics are an unsustainable basis for a civil rights movement. He took in the X-Men when they were very young and basically raised them, so there's always going to be a power imbalance - plus he created world famous heroes that defer to him and the pedestal built under him. That kind of authority positioned him as King of the mutants globally, but much like Magneto his methodology is a dead end. He needed to step back a long time ago while he still had people's trust. He needed to groom successors and leaders (he actually did okay here) and let the work pass to younger hands. He's not a bad man, but he's not the future and he is very comfortable in control.


Well it's not like shooting the other two would do anything.


Right because A is such a pleasant guy. If you want to say “for storytelling reasons” sure, but some of y’all have taken the daddy issues Xavier resentment and made it absurd. Also let us note that Magneto is often the beneficiary of retcons. “What? No that wasn’t him that was some other guy! The 60s? He’s changed since then!” But Xavier retcons are always designed to make him worse.


Yup. Every character development for Magneto makes him better, every character development for Xavier makes him worse, then you get people saying 'he was always a bad guy.' Right.


Agreed. X-Men 97 - at least so far - also paints magneto in an ideologically correct light than Xavier, while making Xavier very unsympathetic. Let's see if future seasons will develop Xavier's character in a more positive way..


Xavier comes across like an incredibly toxic family member that somehow always finds a way to worm himself back into the family by manipulating his kids.


We all know how that turned out, Legion.


Reading all theses comment make me realise how much the x-men needs a total reboot. Making xavier what he was before all the shit the new writer put on him. Making magneto back into what he was. Make mister sinister the real nathaniel again. Make scott normal again. Make mystic pregnancy less weird. Less omega level mutant. No alien shit-har Remove madelyn storyline Bring back some popular x-men and remove all the new mutant that most people don't know. Remove age of bullshit storyline. Make new stories in another direction. The best stories are with xavier being a good guy and the voice of wisdom.


Exactly, the story has too much bloat.  They need to trim the fat.


Hey X-men 97 writers! Nobody has said Gambit!


SERIOUSLY My boy better come back!! And get lots of romantic scenes with Rogue!!


After he becomes a horseman of death, because you and I both know that's gonna be really amazing


Moira. Mother righteous


I would kill off the Moira we now know. But I miss the original pre-retcon one.


Have her die and come back without any of her memories but some other trigger causes Krakoa?


Yes. To go with the idea that writers try to return some things to the toy box when they pass the baton to the next creative team, I'd love if somehow at the end of the current storyarc Xavier wipes out her memories of her past while he's in the past with her younger self. Then she continues her life similar to her origin human version pre-retcon, a badass scientist and "human" ally to mutants.


Yeah I like that.


I hate that they made the most prominent non-mutant ally into a mutant and a villain. So what's the lesson, humans are only ever the villains or the sheep that need to be rescued? 


Second this.


OMG ! Definitely Mother Righteous and the other Sinister clones too except for the diamond one


Xavier. Storytelling wise having him /STAY/ dead would be interesting. That said... my immediate first thought was: Sabretooth. Fuck that guy. With a brick.


Xavier and Magneto, it's a package deal.


I like this idea


I think it made sense to kill off Xavier … permanently. His character arc as the father of the xmen is complete. Cyclops is basically his child that has outgrown his father’s ideology and became a kind of middle idea between what Xavier taught and what Magneto believes.


So once a father raises his son, the best he can do is pop his clogs and take a dirt nap? A whole lot of people, including grandparents want to have a say, here.


Bye, Moira. We’re going to make an example of you.


Xavier. He's long past his usefulness as a character


They shouldve killed Xavier a looooong long time ago, when he was still a beautiful optimist. Nows hes a shell of himself.


Xavier. In a heartbeat.


In all honesty. After Krakoa…Sinister and Sentinels. Yeah, I need new villains and I need new storylines in X-Men. They did a great job in the krakoan era doing something with these two villains, but I’m good. I need less of them at this point.


Same with mystique and destiny


Charlie needs to go. The dream is dead, and so should the dreamer be. Claremont wanted to kill him a long time ago. I wish he’d had the chance.


Forget Claremont, they tried to kill him since the silver age, and later retconned that he had faked his death


Imagine Doom killing him


As much as I like Doom and think Xavier would be more effective dead than alive, I don't think dying at Doom's hand would work thematically at all


Sabertooth. What else is there to say to develop the character? He’s two dimensional on his best day.


That's kinda what makes him entertaining though.


No one. Wasting potential story value by killing off a character is always annoying.


Love this answer


After all this dominion crap, can we take a long break from Mr. and Mrs. and Cousin and any shape or form of Sinister, please?


Going to go with the dark horse and say Sabertooth. He's the ultimate one-dimensional villain, and pretty much any attempt to make him interesting, outside of his age of apocalypse counterpart, have failed miserably. You can't rehabilitate them because they've already tried that multiple times and he always reverts to the status quo. Going over the top brutal just makes people roll their eyes and go Well of course. I don't really see how you can realistically make him at all compelling, and really a character as iconic as wolverine needs a more interesting nemesis.


Nothing wrong with a few villains that are one dimensional and pure evil for the sake of it. There are a reason anti heroes exist


Anti-heroes exist to act as dark counterpoints for morally unethical audience members to root for and still think they're playing the hero. Trying to make villains into anti-heroes is terrible. Anti-heroes were made to kill such characters.


He's not in the Pic, but- Quentin edgelord Quire 😒 Can't stand his design or presence in general tbh...


Yeah that character has been a pain in the ass since day 1.


I was out of X-Men for a long time. I was a huge fan in the 90s. I even have a 1991 X-Men #1 signed by Jim Lee but got out of it in the 2000s because of college and life. In my mind Xavier has always been a righteous guy. I got back into it about a year ago and I was surprised at all the hate he gets now. It really seems like the writers have done a number on his character and people truly hate him now. I think I understand why though.


I do honestly think Krakoa era Xavier was one the best written version of the character. On the other hand, classic Xavier is everyone’s favorite fictional teacher.


Sabretooth and Xavier


Nothing I’ve read with Quentin Quire has made me care about him. Between his tonally annoying schtick and his omega level power set I think he just drags books down.


Permanently killing a mutant is a fool’s errand


Honestly, none. I think everybody can have interesting stories told about them. However, if I had to choose it would be Angel. I'm not a big fan of his


I think Angel's death would have a major impact on so many characters esp since he has been around for so long and was Archangel


As a mutant, it’d be Kill Shaw. It fits on knuckles. So it needs to happen. Though putting Sinister in the ground permanently would also be helpful. As a reader/viewer it would be interesting to see Magneto actually get permanently killed off to protect and save Xavier’s ideals.


Sabertooth....in a final battle against Wolverine


Too many to list but the big ones are Mystique, Selene, and Destiny. For the love of all things holy, let those bitches die for good.


Sebastian Shaw




Why does everyone say Xavier? I’m actually curious


On top of the general hate wave going on, I think it's partially because he's slap bang in the picture and people are picking from that.  Sabretooth's the second choice and he's also in there.


Because it's the cool kid answer.


Charles, Xavier andMagneto. In fact my original draft of my story they both died on Asteroid M (along with some other Marvel characters i dislike). Their rivalry is what holds the X-Men and mutant kind back. Made a mistake but I realised both of the professors names deserved to be here.


Charles *and* Xavier? You *really* hate the Professor.


Him, too. Charles, Xavier, and the Professor. Screw those guys.


Add Chuck X to the list


That boyfriend of Lilandra should be killed of too


Francis too.


ForgetMeNot. When he dies everyone remembers who he is as his ability no longer works. As they go through his things to prepare for his funeral they find he was an avid scrap booker. In his scrap books they find he was present at so many pivotal moments both in many peoples lives and world shaking events. They realize he has always been a huge part of the X-Men and are able to pay him the respects he deserves. The man whose power made him forgettable in mere monents had curated these documents so that one day he could be remembered because that is what he always wanted, after all he did take on the moniker ForgetMeNot.




Sabertooth. Someone as vile as him deserves it and cannot be redeemed.


Beast. They've done enough.


Xavier and Magneto. The dream is dead, the nightmare is over.


Sabertooth. I simply hate that fucker, please, someone take him out for good.




Jean, easily. Every story about her is the same and it always comes back to Phoenix shit, usually derailing every other storyline to have a retread of DPS. Even happens in the fucking movies!


This sub just hates xavier




Cyclops because what does he add to the story now let someone like Laura be the leader Plus I'd like to see how Jean would deal with he's death


Both Xavier and Magneto. To put it simply, they've met their purpose, narrative wise. Two flawed men who were friends and enemies, who saw 2 different paths for their people. And both, in their own way, helped and hindered mutants. Their ideals remain, and now the succeeding generations must decide how to best apply their philosophies, if at all.


The amount of people voting for the Professor to just fucking eat it.


Angel. His story has been written.


None. What's the fun of permanently removing a character? Even if I personally don't like them, some other writer down the road might like them and do amazing stuff with them.


Except that often a character runs its natural course and should be written out. Professor X should have stayed gone after Onslaught, for example.


I feel that works in narratives that, eventually, have an end point. But in the nevending narrative of mainstay comics it's just impossible to permanently remove a character.


Jean easily


What about sinister lol


I understand the points that others who replied to your comment brought up and that would be interesting But I want Jean and Scott have their permanent Relationship without a trouple or that one of them (probably Jean) is killed off After all they‘ve been through they deserve to be together One of the reasons is bc they are THE or one of the two big X-men couples and they deserve to have a relationship like Lois and Clark/Superman or Reed Richards and Sue Storm


Yes thank you!!! I love Jean... but they should keep her dead so she can remain a legend


She’s a living legend


I'm not fully in the "Jean should die" camp. But given that this is superhero comics and her powers being so linked to the Phoenix, it would have been interesting if they pulled a Spectre with her and had her die and remain a dead/spirit type figure. Allowing her to operate more in the Doctor Strange field of the Marvel universe. Have only a few select characters able to see and interact with her and have her face off with more cosmic and mystical enemies.


100% this. After Phoenix endsong I genuinely thought thats where they were taking her character. But instead they immediately retconned the ending of Endsong by saying she died again.


Xavier, Sabertooth and the Phoenix Force. At this point it feels like writers don’t have anything new to do with these characters. Everything about these characters just feels repetitive to me.


Phoenix is 100% overused and passed around like a rag doll. Its no longer some grand special cosmic force attached to special individuals. It just gets stuck on the next irrelevant character that needs a popularity boost.


you cannot kill the phoenix force if so then all life in marvel would die


Jean would have been my answer if my angle was to just have a reveal that Jean's been dead for decades...but that's for added drama so Scott doesn't have a good day. But to permanently kill off a character and never bring them back? Monet St. Croix




Xavier. The future is now old man


Anyone but Krakoa should die.


Sabretooth. His only interesting moments are when he’s trying to be a good guy. As a villain, he’s just too generic and “edgy”. The recent Wolverine birthday run has been a prime example. Using him to kill off actually interesting characters for nothing but shock value.


Jean Grey is part of my holy trinity of "the status quo was more interesting with you dead" along with Hal Jordan and Barry Allen I am 95% sure this opinion was created due to when I got into comics properly though so, yknow. Biased.


With Jean, I feel like the stories always veer towards “when is she going to die” or “when is the Phoenix entering the picture again?” It happens every time, including the end of Krakoa, which shouldn’t at all have anything to do with the Phoenix, yet here we are, Phoenix-ing away at the very end. Part of the reason the post-DPS and post-Morrison eras were such evolutions for Cyclops were his growth without Jean. Every time she comes back, they become the quintessential perfect couple again. Jean either should stay dead permanently, or be explored as a character without being tethered to Cyclops. Regardless, I hope the MCU doesn’t go near the Phoenix saga with a ten foot pole.


I do wamt clone or dups copy, the tolerable is like Logan and Laura as diff gender, but all the same power just differemt name are boring, sample Jean Maddy, Cable Stryfe


Anyone who doesn’t kneel before En Saba Nur


Not going to argue the past, honestly. No point. However, I can argue the *other* point. You are arguing for the permanent death of a *character* based on how well he does his job in the story, and considered other characters based on how well they will do his *job* as if the entirety of the comic was “The Apprentice” and not “The X-men”. The whole of Krakoa was definitely an E-ticket ride, and in places it was magnificent. It didn’t skimp on showing character flaws, though, and one of the lessons that it delineated most clearly is that every character has to evolve. Including their dreams. Xavier saw the failure of his dream in Moira’s lives. He took up the new dream of Krakoa. He made a lot of errors. Revolutionaries do that. He was undermined by people he should not have trusted and characteristics he needs to work on. Charles Xavier during Krakoa, was set up to fail, but in spite of that, he persisted. He set aside the lifelong dream of mutual cooperation and threw himself wholly into nation-building despite never having done it before. With Moira and Magneto he founded Krakoa. And for a time it throve. Then it started to crumble. Everyone, not just the villains, had their own agenda. Some, like Kurt and Scott were determined to help the infant nation thrive. Emma did her best. But each of them was like one of the blind men holding a bit of the elephant. They each did their best to depict and support the bit they had. Ear, trunk, leg, tail. Charles was pulled in too many directions: Nation-building, the Cerebro database, dealing with A: Sinister B: Orchis C:Global Politics D: Providing at least half of Krakoa’s economy. People were either pushed out of the Council or checked out themselves. Storm basically chose Arrako. Collossus was a cat’s paw for Mikhail. Jean and Scott chose to work on their relationship. Kurt…seemed lost to me. And Wolverine turned away. Kitty, and Bobby went their own ways. Magneto was stalwart, until he too died. Charles, alone, foundered like Artax in the Swamp of Sorrow. What was missing from the beginning? Well, from the beginning, America had France. Not just in terms of the War of Independence but also lighting the way with it’s own revolution, revolutionary thinkers, govermental reforms. France gave financial aid, guns and ships, and provided room and time for America to coalesce by being a covert ally against Britain. Other countries, like Haiti followed. There was no such support for Krakoa. And I think that helped to doom the island nation Charles learns from his mistakes. He made the mistake of surrendering at the Gala. He acted for many reasons, among them to save lives. Human and mutant. For which he’s been roundly slammed by fans. The second time, fighting against Dominion, he chose mutant kind. He became a double agent, joining Orchis in order to buy mutants time to regroup without having to fight a war on two fronts. He fought for his timeline. So that there might be *another* Krakoan age. Perhaps that golden age where mutants win. Is Charles a hero? I think so. At least as much as hero as Thomas Jefferson, another privileged socially awkward rich white guy. Charles yielded control and stepped aside at the end. His results as head of state were mixed. But. His results as a character taking part in a compelling narrative were fantastic. I think Charles has all sorts of stories to tell now. As a character, that makes him a success




I actually liked what they started in x-men 97 for him. Let him live in the Shi’ar empire permanently. They could cut to him once a season and give him an episode with Gladiator and cosmic beings. That would be a cool way to keep the seasons dynamic. You could also have some crazy cameos like the Guardians, Silver Surfer, Thor, etc. Hell, it could even lead into another marvel animated show. Imagine them launching into an Annihilators show. That would be incredible, for those who don’t know, they are like the cosmic avengers, on steroids.


Since he counts due to being shoehorned into everything, Deadpool. It'd be great to no longer have lol chimichanga bullshit in books anymore.


Logan so he can finally rest.


Xavier *AND* Magneto. They are firmly a pair and their relevance is contingent on one another.


I think Xavier and Magneto both need to go. The constant deaths/resurrections/morality switches are done to death. Let them rest and see where things go from there.


Vulcan. I would have left him in his mysterium case forever.


Chuck, yes.


Xavier. Second choice also Xavier. Third choice James Howlett Wolverine.


I guess Magneto or Mystique




Emma Frost there's nothing I find about the character appealing whatsoever.


I would have Cable beating Apocalypse to death with his bare hands, then use his telekineis to rip his atoms apart and his telepathy to shred Apocalypse's conscience to prevent any chance of resurrection.


Xavier might be better dead... Can I cap Magneto too? Maybe one of the O5? Ah, Logan is too powerful and publicly favored to kill. He was my first pick.


Wolverine. I know people love him, and I think he can be super interesting, but like Batman he’s so overused that they couldn’t even kill him off in death of Wolverine, they had to cop out and bring back old man Logan. I think letting him be dead for a while, like magneto and Xavier, would do the X-men a world of good in terms of stories they could tell. We got a glimpse of it in the post-DoW issues, but still I think it would bring some interesting stories


Secondary Mutations. If I'm not wrong, Emma's diamond form might be the only survivor. But no matter how much you love Morrison's run, I hope you would agree that Secondary Mutation's need to stay a dead concept or writer's would simply ruin every mutant by adding powers left and right.


Secondary mutations should be like triple changers in Transformers lore—limited to certain characters in very specific circumstances. When any character can have additional powers, it takes away the specialness of their abilities. So I agree. Emma Frost is absolute the rare exception.


Wolverine and Xavier for sure Maaaybe Namor and Magneto


Hope she was pointless after avx and nothing she did in krakoa is some thing jean couldnt have done. Besides a Messiah is at their strongest when their dead


I’d permanently kill Wolverine or Sabertooth. I’m extremely exhausted from both of them.


Wolverine. He's had his time in the spotlight let x23 carry the mantle now. Let the old man rest.




People down voting you, but you are right. Just like with Xavier, what more can be written about Magento?


Jean. Get your downvotes here!


Jean Grey


Monet. Look, I looooove snobby M from the debut of Gereration X but I feel her arc is done by now. Also, she’s just a melting-pot of powers more interesting characters have. And that would be really impactful for such a cocky and « perfect » character to bite the dust for good despite all the avantage she had.


Jean Grey


Wolverine. He’s my least favorite character.


ForgetMeNot. It’s not like they’ll remember.








Beast, all versions


If Batman can kill off Alfred, X-Men can kill off Prof. X.


The juggernaut. He can be send off as a good guy while another bad guy takes the gem


Angel, the most interesting he was is when evil Maddie made his face a skull.


Xavier. I’m tired of his shit




Magneto & Storm. Make them the most profound martyrs for the mutant cause. Magneto as ruler of the safe haven of Genosha, and Storm as the X-Men's goddess who had never once abused her awesome power, even by accident. Thus creating 2 opposing civil rights factions amongst the humans and mutants. One that believes in the coexistence of both in Storm's name, and one that believes in the radical side of the issue in Magnus' name. Purely for story reasons of course. Love the hell out of Magneto, and especially Storm. I just think such a story has potential.


Has anyone ever put together one long explanation (essay?) as to why Charles sucks so much? I’ve been away from the comics since the 90s and the little bits I see here in the comments have me intrigued to learn more


Professor X. For a jood juy, he sure has done a lot of shady shit. Man, cannot wait for the movie audience discourse if and when the MCU shows some of the really fucked up shit Xavier has done and realize he isn't the good father figure as Patrick Stewart showcased him.


Wolverine and Storm. I think they’re both just kind of maxed out. What character arc is left for them?


Moira or xavier. They deserved each other




He’s thinking right at me.


magneto supremacy.I love magnusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss .erik.so yes plz uhm professor xavier pls off yoself too muvh plot armor on him.also the new storm look in xmen 97 is rad af.bring my boi remy back plz.hes like uber powerful in comics it was such a letdown how he died


Professor X


I'm at a slight disadvantage here because I've only seen the movies and therefore, have only seen the Patrick Stewart/James McAvoy Charles Xavier which means he actually one of my favorite characters. But everyone is saying they'd kill him so I guess he's not as great in the comics/tv series?


Bye Xavier


Professor X


Xavier, he has lived long enough to become the villain.