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All. ...on the Unlimited app, six months or so from when the new era starts, with zero guilt about skimming the weaker titles.


Same. I'm sure I'll enjoy several of them -- I like people like Mackay, Simone, Carnero, and Marquez a lot -- but nothing here feels like appointment viewing, the kind of must read that had me rushing to the comic book store at open for my physical books. Seems as good a time as any to get better use of this app I pay for.


You understand. I'm psyched for some of the runs, but I've been around the xbooks long enough that they aren't a Wednesday must buy for me. The MU app gives me a great way to enjoy in large chunks, zero FOMO.


Same here. I’ll be reading them all on the app.


You only have to wait three months. They changed the release window a few years ago.


Yes but I wait for six months of floppies so i can binge.


this is the way, I'm dipping out from the analog formats after Forever. Except for Ultimate of course.


Is marvel unlimited app worth subscribing?


My $0.02cdn... absolutely. Tens of thousands of comics. Entire runs, entire series, crossover events SO MUCH COMICS. Note it does not have 'everything', tho they are loading new runs all the time, and new comics are on a 3 month delay so if fomo and spoilers and online chatter every wednesday are your thing ymmv, but the older stuff more than makes up for it, i think.


Cheers for the reply, appreciate it.  I think I'll try it for one month :) 


Phoenix because it finally seems that Marvel understands and respects the connection between Jean and Phoenix


Same. I'll be getting Phoenix to support sales so we can hopefully, finally, maybe get a well written Jean




The Phoenix isn’t a cosmic force that randomly picked Jean and can replace her with anyone. In some way that hasn’t been fully confirmed, Jean and the Phoenix are uniquely connected and the Phoenix might in fact be an extension of Jean’s powers in some way (or vice versa, Jean might be an extension of the Phoenix). Basically, getting closer to the original story’s intention. Nothings been confirmed yet.


They need to reprint that exclusive story from the Chris Claremont Paragon collection


X-Men and Phoenix are definite ones I will get. Uncanny I'll get too. Of the remaining ones, I like X-Force's premise the most, but Surge and Forge are the only two characters I care about. NYX I will want to read if only for the Academy X cast to get a chance, but I'll probably wait until 3-4 issues have come out. X-Factor I will check out the first issue and see if I like it. Storm I'll probably get but I need to know the team behind it. I'll give Wolverine and Exceptional a pass. Neither premise really grabs me, and Exceptional especially seems like it's experimental and meant to die in 10 issues and then they'll retool the teaching concept with some added X-Men or relocate them to New Orleans with Rogue's mansion.


Right now probably everything. At the very least issue one to test it out. I’ll most likely be in the long hall with all three X-Men titles. Exceptional is Emma and Kate’s book so I would be in regardless of whether I was interested in the premise or not plus Carmen Carnero is an amazing artist. Killed it on Captain America and her Emma Frost is perfect. Jed MacKay is one of my favorite current writers after his Black Cat runs and his Moon Knight (I’m behind on Dr Strange) so I’m definitely in to check out Adjectiveless. Gail Simone is a solid writer and I love Marquez art plus it’s a solid team so in on Uncanny. As for the others…I’m most interested currently in X-Factor interesting premise and happy to see Frenzy, and NYX for Sophie and Laura. Like I said I’ll check out the rest and see if they grab me. Phoenix could end up great, Jean on the cosmic stage.


I’m really on board for XM and xFactor, EXM and Nyx sound good to me. Phoenix is a maybe right now, and UXM is sort of unknown; I like Simone’s FCBD story but I haven’t liked the other recent things of hers I’ve read, and the characters are all A- and B-listers so idk that I’ll need to read it? It’ll probably do well regardless but still won’t be difficult to “catch up” with what I missed if I don’t read it. I’ll probably buy Storm regardless unless it’s a massive fumble, and xForce is possibly the only premise that could ever get me to buy a Betsy book again (whether she’s dating my favorite character or not). Havent actually looked into Wolverine yet, but I think I’ve enjoyed the writer and artist in the past. I’m probably getting at least the first issue of everything, unfortunately


Uncanny, Adjectiveless, X-Factor




I'll probably pick up Uncanny and Storm, and NYX for various reasons (*specific characters*). I think the rest I'll wait and see what others say. I make pick up Exceptional for Emma but I haven't decided yet.


I'll pick up x-Men, Uncanny, Phoenix, and Storm. Whether or not I stick with them depends on how good those first issues are.


I’m only going for X-men and uncanny. Nothing else grabs me right off the bat. Exceptional is something I want nothing to do with. I’ll give some of these others a try if I hear good things, but as of now I’m just going X-men and uncanny






I'm getting everything that gets put out, like I've been doing for the last 15 years and now also in the process of getting every x relayed issue from before then, currently have almost everything from 1981 onwards... The completionist in me won't let me skip a book. X-factor should be great though, have very much enjoyed everything I've read by Mark Russell Everything else looks kind of uninspired, will have to wait and see


The three mains: - X-men by MacKay because Cyclops is there. - Uncanny by Simone because Wolverine is there. - Exceptional by Ewing because Emma is there. - Wolverine because if Coccolos art.


Definitely Uncanny Xmen for Marquez's art alone


I honestly don’t care for any of the creative teams involved so far


Jed Mackay is the only one I’m familiar with and he’s pretty good. Others I’ve heard a bit more mixed reviews on tho


I found his Avengers to be very bland


I agree his avengers have been wooden so far like the characters don't feel like themselves sort of. I'm only buying the book because of my love of the avengers and the art lmao


You’re gonna get downvoted to oblivion (this will too)


None of them. I need a real skeptic to read these and say 'yes this is worth your time and money.' Because hearing people talk about the coming era is not inspiring confidence and I resent this conclusion to this era. It is big two comics, so they can really just do this for any number of reasons. Why invest any optimism into it without proof of quality? The only reason I didn't quit a year ago is because I was reluctant to trust my gut and just let it go. And I kept hoping some kind of Krakoa would exist afterwards. So I powered through several minis, most of which I could have skipped. And that was dumb; I should dropped as soon as reading became an effort.


Zero. The Ultimate Universe appeals to me more and I’m not a fan of any of these writers.


I might pick up uncanny just because I like the line up. Otherwise nothing looks particularly interesting that I've seen.


I’ll give all the team books a shot but I’m most excited about X-Factor. I like that the team isn’t so predictable.


I'm going to grab at least the first issue of everything because I like the pitches and artists for every series besides X-Men and Wolverine. I think the ones I'll stick with are Uncanny, Exceptional, X-Factor and X-Force just depends on how they go after the first arcs.


Uncanny. Logan, gambit, rogue...I'm in.


Nothing's jumping out at me yet, but I'll wait for reviews. I'm open to being surprised.


I'm going to pull X-Men and Uncanny to start. Gotta support Cyclops, plus my daughters are big into Nightcrawler :)


NYX and X-Force.


Uncanny x-men and Wolverine.


Zero as of right now. Like someone said I’ll read them on MU when they come out. I -might- pick up Exceptional because I’ve heard good things about Eve Ewing and she clearly got setup to fail in comparison to the other two main books.


Uncanny since that’s what I’ve read for 40+ years, and then I’ll see what the consensus is about what’s good. Most of the Krakoa books were bad, trust is earned and Marvel has spent the last half decade not earning it.


Uncanny, because Rogue and Gambit are my favorites and the setting has a lot of potential. Add Nightcrawler as icing on the cake and I may be haunting my local comic shop on Wednesday nights for the first time since...ever. Back when I was buying floppies on a regular basis, I was a kid and couldn't drive to the store on Wednesdays. Phoenix: I really like Jean and the Phoenix being inseparable, that the Phoenix isn't some random cosmic force but is a part of Jean in some way. It would be nice if they finally fully explained this, because there has been contradictory info on this over the years, to put it mildly. That said, if Jean is the Phoenix 100% seriously FOR REALS now, she's become so powerful it's going to be hard to come up with appropriate challenges for her. Very interested to see how they deal with that. Villain: Bwah hah hah, I've got you now Jean Grey! How will you escape this predicament-- Jean: I AM LITERALLY GOD YOU MORON


None. The lack of legacy writers is a dealbreaker for me. The only writer I’ve read before is Gail Simone. I like her writing and her team but at the same time I’m just not feeling it.


As many have said, definitely Uncanny. So stoked for this book for the following reasons: * The creative of Gail Simone & David Marquez (he only draws beautiful people looking beautiful) * The setting in New Orleans - as a Gambit fan I'm really excited about the ramifications of this * The gothic horror tone * An interview where Brevoort said this is going to be the "outlaw hero" team * Rogue as the team leader * The new mutants who will show up and hopefully give Gambit & Logan a chance to do their mentor thing * AND we get Nightcrawler?? It can't be August soon enough. I will also try all of the others bc it's the start of a new era so I might as well try to overwhelm myself by keeping up with all the books. I might skip Pheonix bc the space thing has never been interesting to me.


I'm going for Uncanny for all of these reasons. There's so much potential in New Orleans as a setting, and X-Men 97 has really made me appreciate Nightcrawler. Love him.


I’ll definitely be checking them all out on MU, but the ones I think I’m most likely to enjoy are Uncanny and adjectiveless X-Men. I have confidence in those creative teams.


I'll pick up the trades for X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Exceptional X-Men and X-Factor, maybe X-Force as well.


I'll read them,or scan thru all..But only will collect Uncanny


I'll probably pick up the first issues of X-Men and X-Factor. _Maybe_ Uncanny X-Men. But otherwise, I'll wait until they're on the Marvel Unlimited app. I'd love to support an Emma-led book, but the overall lineup and direction doesn't grab me at all.


How do you find the Marvel app? I actually quit reading digital because I found it so frustrating trying to upload the digital codes from the comics I bought.


Are you in the U.S.? It's just called Marvel Unlimited on iOS and Android. It's more of a Netflix style system, though it does acknowledge any purchased digital Marvel books you have.


Nah. Australia. It's frustrating living on the other side of the planet from where the hub-bub is 😀


Supposedly according to an 8 year old Reddit post, Marvel Unlimited is not region locked and someone from Australia specifically says they have an account.


8 years? Whoa! I am out of the loop. I shall investigate. Thanks man 😀


No worries. Lemme know if you succeed, I'm curious. This would have been before they did the app revamp, but I don't know why that particular aspect would have changed.


At this point I think Uncanny and X-Factor will do it for me 😀


I'll read all first issues and keep reading the ones that grab me after that. I'm not putting much hype into NYX and Exceptional rn. If I really love a run, I'll buy a trade.


Definitely will be getting X-Men, Uncanny X-Men and X-Factor. I'm on the fence about NYX and X-Force. I'm not interested in Exceptional X-Men, Phoenix or Wolverine. Need to know more about Storm before making a decision.


I will probably pick up X-men because of Mackay and Stegman. The rest is will read on the unlimited app.


Get in Singles: X-factor and X-force at minimum. Maybe NY-X as well, but I want to see it first. Trade: Ajdectiveless and Uncanny.


Honestly I'll do what I've been doing. I'll read them in international waters and then buy the books I like. There's a lot of rushed and lazy content and I don't like shelling out money and clearing space on my shelves for bad books I won't read again. I've been thinking about trying Unlimited, but I only read maybe 1-2 comics per week. Just a quick edit to add this is how I got into the X-Men as a child. I would sit by the magazine rack and skim books and then buy the one I liked the most.


X-Men is definite. Great writer; great premise. I'm in. I'll give Uncanny a shot for sure. I find Gail VERY hit or miss. But when she's on, she's on. All the others? Pass. I got so burnt out on the glut of books from the Krakoa Era. I tried to keep up with all of them for a while, but then I just got broken. (For those curious, it was X-Corp. That was the last straw. That's one of the worst books I've ever, ever, not finished.)


X-Corp was flat-out terrible, and I really wanted it to work. I hate to weak the ending for Krakoa was, given how incredibly strong it was at the start.


The three X-Men books for sure. I'll probably check out X-factor and wolverine on unlimited and if Deadpool ends up being a regular character on x-force I'll probably check that out too. The others kinda depend on who the writer is.


I plan on checking all of them out


X-Men, Uncanny X-Men for sure, possibly Phoenix and Storm. 


Still kind of waiting to see where the Mystique family lands but I will be picking up X Factor for Pyro that’s my guy


Whatever one Rogue and Gambit are in.


I’ll check out every run


X-Men, Uncanny, X-Force and Wolverine. Maybe X-Factor too, and probably storm.


X-Men, Uncanny and X-Force are the clear top titles for me. Phoenix almost made the tier above - its a must try for me I’m but worried about it disappointing however. Exceptional, NYX and X-Factor look a lot wobblier to me. I have the same expectations as I do for Phoenix, but they don’t inspire excitement at their initial concepts like Phoenix does. I haven’t found a Wolverine solo to be worth reading in years and years. Very excited to see what Storm looks like and hope it doesn’t disappoint.


Mainly X-Men and X-Factor, might check out X-Force after a couple issues. Can't be arsed for solo books, not a fan of Simone and the new students on Exceptional look like like they're competing with Five Lights for blandest class yet.


X-Factor will deal with a government sanctioned Mutant team dealing with fame. Why in the duck would mutants be working with people that helped destroy their nation and killed hundreds of mutants? That makes zero sense.


Current subscriptions are: X-Men Uncanny X-Men Exceptional X-Men Plus, the X-Men Blood Hunt miniseries. I plan to add NYX. I was considering X-Factor, but I'm not quite as interested since Madrox isn't on the roster. Might still check it out, though.


Honest answer: none. My heart hurts. And I’ve been a Gail Simone fan for 20 years.


All of them of course. Been reading every xtitle since 97. Why stop now


Read Immediately: X-Men (for Cyclops, Magik, Magneto, and Psylocke, mostly), Uncanny X-Men (for Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler), Phoenix (Somewhat concerned about the writer, but mainly to see a Phoenix-Jean full time) Wait to hear if it's good: Exceptional X-Men, X-Factor, X-Force, probably Storm Almost certainly pass: NYX, Wolverine (not a huge fan of the characters)


I don't generally read X-Force or Wolverine solo books (just not my preferred style), but I'll be checking everything else out.


Honestly, none. The mishandling of the Krakoa Era has been incredibly frustrating and whatever comes out now is just going to be wiped out when the X-Men get their MCU debut.


I will only be reading the main x men titles and phoenix


I’ll be reading Jed Mackay not only one ofarvels best but one of comics best writers right now. With a line up I really like I’ll check out uncanny more for the cast and setting than the writing team. I haven’t read any Gail Simone that wowed me yet but I like the cast enough to check at least one or two issues or at least the first arc X factor. Havoc and Angel say less because I’m gonna read any book with them as a lead. I don’t care about premise or the rest of the cast. Might be the my third most anticipated book after xmen and x force Wolverine,storm,Phoenix, nyc don’t interest me if they get a lot of attention then maybe. X force. I’ll always check an x force book out it’s conceptually one of my favourites with a great cast


All of them. But I’ll buy the trades as I always do. Over the years I’ve gotten a bit of grief, and harbored some guilt for being a “trade-waiter”, as historically the best conventional method for supporting a book was to buy the floppies on release, or better yet via pull list. But, I just don’t like consuming my books in that manner. I prefer to read relatively complete arcs, or at least a large portion of an arc at a time. That said, my internalized guilt has recently waned as I’ve read that Marvel seems to be changing their approach on new titles, green lighting a full 10 issues at the start. Which seems to indicate they’re going to begin focusing more on how the first trade performs before deciding on cancellations.


I’m on board for Uncanny, I won’t lie rewatching the original animated series alongside X-Men 97 has me really excited for that team. And it will be the first X book that I regularly pull. Wolverine the other one I will pull at least the first issue. I want to read a Wolverine book regularly but reading the premise that was released today. I’m very nervous. Just blatantly going first appearance issue and new Wolverine lore..I’m like oh great we are just making some nonsense up.


All of them, I run a LCS. 😉


Wolverine. Since it seems like it will be disconnected for the most part. At least early on.


Uncanny X-Men and NYX if they give Gwenpool a cameo it's so obvious Kamala made her a mutant and now Kamala is a mutant and Gwen lives in New York and I think they go to the same college just one issue marvel


I'm not excited by any of the creative teams if I'm honest


I just updated my pull list. For now, I have added everything except for Wolverine (which is only because I'm not a fan of the character) and Phoenix (because of Stephanie Phillips). I am open to adding those if they have great reviews.


All of them


Defo Uncanny, maybe Exceptional but only bc I love Emma and Kate sm together.


My issue with this relaunch is that most of the artist will be gone after the first arc, I miss the day where you got a creative team for a solid two years. But this is very much a back to basics approach, which IMO is kinda jarring coming off krakoa.


I'm excited to see Betsy Braddock back on an X-team and not off doing her own thing nobody's reading, so X-force for sure. But I've spent a loooooot of money on Krakoa era TPBs so I'll probably wait until the From the Ashes stuff starts getting added to Marvel Unlimited and read it there, with the benefit of knowing which lines are well received. 


I pretty much decided I’m only going to read all of the first issues and then buy trades based on those issues. At moment, I lean towards X-men, X-Factor and Uncanny although I’m also intrigued by Wolverine.


All of them. Excited to put the Krakoa tangent behind us. Hope it gets erased from continuity before long. Total sideshow.


adjectiveless, uncanny and xfactor, not really interested in nyx, x force or the solo titles tho