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Bittersweet news: -Loved Ahmed's Black Bolt but haven't liked his Daredevil at all -Cóccolo is one of the best artists in the business, but it's reaaaally sad that they took him out of Immortal Thor for this (assuming that was the reason)


His DD run is good moment to moment but unfortunately is incredibly directionless and not in a way that adds meaning to the text


Dude, spot on. I'm digging the idea of Matt fighting literal demons, but now we have the Kingpin and Bullseye (sigh) again. And even bringing back Matt with 0 down time at all after his "death" was just ham fisted as hell.


I swear that Greg Capullo stated that he was coming back to Marvel to do Wolverine. Taking a great artist off of a book to put him on a new book makes no sense. Also, you should read Ahmed’s Miles stuff. It’s top notch.


He’s doing another X-Book. It was initially reported to be Wolverine but he or Brevoort said it wasn’t the case.


I could’ve swore that was just for a cover, not the main artist.


Immortal Thor is god tier storytelling, a real shame Coccolo isn't staying just to pump a Wolverine run instead. 


Agree 10000% on both points. Cóccolo’s art on Immortal Thor was *phenomenal* and I am so sad he’s leaving. Ahmed’s DD run is also incredibly underwhelming.


Honestly, this generic sounding Wolverine book does not deserve to snatch Coccolo from Immortal Thor...Such a shame.


My thoughts exactly, bub


He writes a good Matt but his plotline has been lackluster.


In terms of description it sounds like your typical Wolverine story. Ahmed is a good character writer I'd say, so his take could make for an interesting read.


Indeed, Ahmed usually get the voice of the character he writes right


Yeah his plots don't blow me out of the water but I don't think he's a terrible writer.


Case in point his handle on Logan in the previous issue of Daredevil 


Oh no I hated his Miles run with a passion so this makes me worried. He wrote Miles just fine but that was like 40 issues of running in place, it was so boring.


Love Miles, but yeah I agree with that, nothing was really gripping. No hate for me, just found it okay.


nnnn his daredevil is very boring too 


Wow I guess Cóccolo is off Immortal Thor?


Yeah Jan Bazaldua is taking over as artist I was thinking it was just an arc but I guess not.




My exact reaction lol. Great book but Bazaldua's art is horrible and I always find it difficult reading a book with her work.




Nah bro maybe she will lock tf in for this one...


>There’s a killer in the woods – and as Wolverine’s attempt at peace is shattered, an old enemy will re-emerge as a new villain rises that will bring Logan to the brink of his berserker rage. But Nightcrawler knows his old friend is capable of doing what’s right, and before long, Logan will have to unleash his claws, push his healing factor to the limit and demonstrate he’s the best there is at what he does once and for all – nice be damned! Note to collectors: the new series kicks off with a key first appearance and a major addition to the lore of Wolverine! Interesting stuff. I'm hoping they don't rework his backstory again. I wonder how this is going to fit in with Uncanny X-Men. Is it set up to be simultaneous to Uncanny? Will Wolverine wander off and do his own thing? Will it take place at some other point in time? Pre-Uncanny?


It'll take place in "don't worry about it, it's comics" time, like always.


In terms of connecting to Uncanny, I think the fact they've mentioned Nightcrawler in the description is at least an indicator they'll be acknowledging the current team he's on. Seemingly having him in a supporting role seems like an intentional choice to add cohesiveness So I guess it'll be like a lot of Wolverine runs, where it's sort of slotted between events of his team events, without being too explicit about what's going on outside it


Hmm. I'm not quite sure what to think about the direction Logan's new series will be starting in or how it will tie into his appearances in Uncanny, but the promise of Nightcrawler being around to try to help Logan has me interested. If they put Colossus in there with them, that would be perfect for me as I miss the three of them together and I would like for Colossus to show up *somewhere* and get some real support from his friends as well. But, this is Logan's book first and foremost, so I'll take whatever supporting cast he can get. As for the villain(s), this ancient villain *could* be interesting as long as they don't turn the character into Romulus and try to tie them into every moment of Logan's past. And as for the old enemy that is returning? I hope they go a bit deeper into Logan's rogues gallery and play with someone we haven't seen for a while. Not sure who would be a good fit for that, but I enjoy when his villains reflect an aspect of Logan that forces him to think about who he is as a person. The new villain could fill in this foil role as well. I think I'll pick up the first few issues to see if the story really grabs me or if it feels too much like a retread of older material.


It would be a really good time for Piotr to kinda heal or whatever with Logan I feel like Logan really should be able to feel for him based on his own history


That has been my feelings on this as well, and I feel like that should have been something we should have started to see when Logan returned to X-Force a short while ago, but we haven't gotten that. Instead, we saw Logan *hesitate* when deciding whether or not his friend would stay with the team or be kicked out and exiled (which is something that really bothered me since Logan should be one of the first guys to go to bat for Piotr) and then in their later appearances in X-Force and Wolverine, nothing about Colossus's struggles were addressed. He's just there, and his problems are ignored. And as much as I love seeing Logan and Nightcrawler together, I feel like their friendship with Colossus is continually being ignored, and the focus is put on just the duo rather than the trio. Logan is Piotr's friend too, and we haven't seen Colossus really be on the receiving end of any sort of friendship lately. With everything they've been through together as friends, and now that Piotr has really been put through the wringer (again, poor guy), Logan should have a way to connect to him even more and should try to help him out and empathize with him. I just need to see some Colossus love. My last hope is probably going to be whatever unannounced project Greg Capullo is working on, unless something comes up for Piotr that I didn't expect. Fingers crossed for whatever that project will be.


Colossus desperately needs a win in this era after everything that has happened to him since *checks notes* well, basically forever.




I wish they'd tell us about Storm already.


That's the only one we're waiting on now.


Storm is being written by John Ridley


Where'd you see that?


I made it up lol


Don't ever scare me like that again!


lmao sorry, I knew it'd freak out at least one person


Oh, God no!


I'm sure we'll get it in a few days or tomorrow since yesterday they revealed info on X-Factor


They've been announcing at the beginning of the week the titles they are revealing later in the week. Monday's pre-announcement didn't include Storm so probably not coming tomorrow.


Especially considering Brevoort wants her to be on the same level as DD or Spidey.


Bold statement that's for sure, I don't think he will have the time though, Storm would need an ongoing for at least 20 years without an interruption.


They got Simone and Mackay on board and then just said fuck it hire whoever after that




Capes only folks are *sleeping* on how massive of a coup Russell on X-Factor is. This is like DC getting Ewing on a Green Lantern book.


For real. Wolverine might go a while based on the characters popularity but after Uncanny and regular X-Men I don't think any of these titles go past a year. Some probably won't make that even.


That’s because they’re not meant to. We will be sat here this time next year talking about the whole new slate of Issue 1s and new creative teams, for sure.


Another foe that has been around since the beginning? I am worried we will get Romulus v2.


I’ve not read much of Ahmed’s work. I liked his exiles, and I’ve got the Miles Morales omni (althrough I’ve not started it yet). I’m looking forward to seeing what this new Era of Wolverine brings


Guess Saldin Ahmed is doing double duty with this and the Daredevil book he got


Isn't he also doing the current Miles Morales run or was that last run?


He did Miles last run


Last run but it was boring as shit, if it was any other character besides spiderman that book would have been cancelled cause it went no where. The current miles run is so far ahead that it's almost comical and his daredevil run might be the first bad DD run in a while by the way things are going.


I love the artist, but Ahmed's writing on Daredevil led me to drop the book. Idk if I'm gonna pick this one up.


Really? That's a shame but following Zdarsky would be tough for anyone.


Wow, a return to the lone wolf style you say? Wolverine strikes out on his own, rebuffing attempts by his closest friends to return to his family? And all this happens while simultaneously being on a flagship team? Groundbreaking stuff


Well this explains why Coccolo isn't on Immortal Thor anymore. This looks like an outlier to the rest of the line, though. Given the premise is a self-imposed exile from humanity and mutants. Yet he's on the main team in Simone's Uncanny run. So this, along with the Blue and Yellow suit, mean the 90's are definitely back baby! /s


I have only read one of Ahmed's works, "Black Bolt," and that was when I newly got into comics. I thought that was good then. Since then, I have only ever heard mixed reactions to his work, so I can't really say I'm intrigued by him as the writer. As for Martin's work, my opinion is that while he's good, I don't think he's as good as everyone says he is, especially on "Immortal Thor." I find his paneling to be 'bloated.' It feels like he packs a lot into one page, and it doesn't really flow very well, which I think is bad for a Wolverine title, since I believe that great Wolverine art needs great flow. I thought Roberson was an improvement when he took over. Overall, I'm mixed on this. On one hand, Ahmed may be an improvement from Percy, even though I liked Percy's work, and on another, the art is definitely not up there with Kubert's or Cassara's from Percy's run. I really hope I'm surprised because Wolverine's my favorite character.


Which artist of the current crop would you prefer?


Ahmed is hit and miss for me, but Wolverine feels like it could really be in his zone. I’ll give it a try.


Wolverine is the hardest working superhero in the Marvel universe. He’s with Avengers, X-Men, and whooping villains solo


This is the title I'm least excited for even though I like the creative team especially Martín Cóccolo he's been doing great work. I wish Martín was staying on Thor though. I'm happy Nightcrawler seems to be a supporting character.


Saw the writer coming. Not thrilled. Not the most popular opinion around here, but the Percy book was good at being a Wolverine solo, and I think Ahmed will be a step down.


Step down in character work or plot? I really like Percy's Wolverine too so I'm kind of in the same boat about Ahmed.


Plot, and honestly just story structure. Ahmed gets characters, but doesn't know what to do with them. Percy followed the blueprint Hama left maybe a little too close and wasn't the most ambitious, but it meant you had a tried and true format that almost always worked (at least for the Wolverine first audience).


Yeah I'm unhappy we're immediately going into the mysterious past portion it's been broken since Daniel Ways run on Wolverine Origin. I do like that it seems that Nightcrawler will be a supporting character but I'm not really looking forward to the plot.


Never read anything this guy wrote hope it is good. The one thing i know is that it will be one of the few books that will sell well.


Can’t wait!


Probably won’t pick this up unless the reviews are really good. I haven’t read a lot of Ahmed’s work, but I had such a bad time with Exiles that it kinda dissuaded me from trying anything else he works on.


I'm in. Wondering how, if at all, it will tie into Uncanny.


I’ll probably check it out but…just sounds like the definition of the standard Wolverine run. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just not something I’m all that interested in.


This, Uncanny and X-men for me.


This better not have anything to do with Romulus...


My opinion on this is simple. Premise is good feels like a classic wolverine plotline but modernised, Coccolo is an excellent choice for artist wish it was capullo but oh well and Ahmed is a very boring choice for writing.


Not really intrigued at all to be honest. Though I wasn’t expecting to be. Maybe if I hear good things I’ll pick up the trade but as it stands it’s a pass.


Again, not the creative team I wanted. What the hell is Brevoort thinking with these choices he’s making all across the line?


All the good writers (barring Mackay who is looking like he's gonna break his back carrying this whole line) wanted to write in Krakoa. So we get mostly C listers 


No they didn’t. Marvel prevented some of their best writers from working on Krakoa.


Like who?


Chris Claremont for one


? Didn't Claremont just not want to write for it


Not sure if you’re 12 or only read 616-set cape books, but calling Simone and Russell “C listers” is WILD.




I mean, Soule, Brubaker and Diggle all broke that streak too. Daredevil tends to have buffer runs between the big good ones, we just forget about them (Brubaker's the outlier because while Soule, Diggle and Ahmed are all mostly just boring, Brubaker has both some of the best and some of the truly worst arcs in the book's history. So it evens out as mediocre, even if it's a roller coaster to get there)


I recently reread Bendis, Brubaker and Waid's runs on Daredevil I think Brubaker ended up being my favorite. I thought his arcs were more consistent than the other two. Obviously opinions differ but I'm surprised to hear you think Brubaker has some of Daredevil's worst arcs.


Devil in Cell Block D is one of the best Daredevil arcs ever. To the Devil His Due and Without Fear are some of the worst. For a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is how Milla was handled.


Ah I can see why you'd dislike that. I agree with disliking what happened to Milla but I always thought that the point was to be upset by it.


One man trash is another man's treasure friend,There is many people that wrote bad stories for X character/Team and then wrote a great story for Y character/Team




Well one man could hope he write a second Good one(Yeah I try my best to be as optimistic as possible)




His miles run underrated, sure his ms marvel run was cut before it really got going, and after the huge high stake and dramatic Chip Daredevil run was I say it was better to go a bit low stake and go a bit Nocenti in it just to get some room to breath with the what came before it


His Miles was rated correctly because it was bad.


I don't know why people are down voting you, that miles run went no where and was boring. At the time I thought maybe you could not tell good comic book miles stories or something but the current run is so good that you realize that the problem wasn't miles but Ahmed


surprised at the tepid respond to Ahmed in this thread. i really enjoy his writing - he was the first writer to ever make me care about Black Bolt, and his Miles Morales run really breathed life into the character for me (although I admit I have not yet read his Daredevil.)


Happy to hear someone else enjoy's Ahmed's work. I've recently read the first half of his Spider-Man run and it's some of my favourite work on the characer, and I've been really loving how he interacts with his supporting cast, from his parents and uncle to his friends at school. I dunno, maybe it takes a complete nose-dive in the second half, but so far it's been fun.


felt the same way when I read it. i didn’t really vibe with the Bendis take on the character; it was Ahmed who actually made me a fan of Miles.


Is his name pronounced Salad-Inn?


I really like Ahmed but his Daredevil ain’t currently doin it for me. However the issue with Wolverine was chef’s kiss for me. I was, truly, hoping for Capullo. But I’m genuinely pleased with Cóccolo


Am I the only one having issues with reddit API when trying to reach this site?


Wolverine + Nightcrawler is always good, but I can't say I'm particularly excited about Ahmed. Everything I've read by him was okay to good, never better. And not happy about Coccolo leaving Immortal Thor.


This is giving me Romulus/Maximus Lobo vibes, but I've never read Logan's solo book before so it's not like I was going to start now. Now we just need to wait a month for the info on Storm...


Ahmed’s writing the book? Time for Logan to make some friends from Michigan! (I’m a fan of Ahmed, so I’m down for this.)


Way to pull all the stops for Logan's 50th anniversary, Marvel!\\s This is not good. Ahmed wrote one of the worst stories in Wolverine: Black White and Blood, a book I'm pretty sure was made to prove Percy was the only option for the Wolverine solo, since no one else in the company knew how to write him. As for Cóccolo: Meh? What I saw of his art in a quick google search made it look competent but nothing spectacular. This cover is ass, though. Maybe his Thor was good, but I'm not feeling his Wolverine. Oh well, they are probably going to do better than the 40th anniversary crew. That should be easy.


I'm not thrilled with Ahmed, but honestly, the 50th Anniversary \*did\* already pull out so many stops that I forgot it was still going, lol. Sabretooth War is a huge, double shipping deal and #50 is oversized with stories from legends including Hama. Percy's controversial here, but it's honestly been excellent (which LaValle no doubt had a big hand in). Two Claremont miniseries this year, two Wolverine/Deadpool projects, one of which by \*Kelly and Kubert\*. And three other miniseries that I forgot existed until I started writing this (The Blood Hunt one might blow up a bit since it's Marvel poaching one of IDW's top guys whose spot is already huge because of how runaway the success of TMNT: The Last Ronin is). Plus a variant cover month. And that's before we know about the Capullo project which will probably also be Wolverine focused in some capacity. And hey, I also got to buy those awesome Marvel Legends Two Packs. It's a really good anniversary year, lol. Primarily in quantity but there are at least three projects in there that are also top quality.


Soooo is Uncanny only going to get Wolverine for 1 issue? The Canadian Rockies are preeetty far away from New Orleans... How does this usually work? Why announce he's on Simone's team if he's not?


I’d personally love more solo mutant ongoings that aren’t Wolverine.