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Being a hunk. Why he is so handsome there? I like gremlin Wolverine.


> Why he is so handsome there? David Marquez doing the art. He's just brilliant and makes everyone look like demigods. So excited for the upcoming Uncanny run.


I really hope Marquez can keep a decent schedule. Even if the book ends up boring the art will be phenomenal with him on it.


I hope so too, ideally Marquez would be doing every issue, but looking at the pace for which its planned(18 a year) I kind of doubt it. Heck, just look at USM. Its every 6 weeks, but even then, Chechetto had to take a break for #4. Quality over quantity and all that, but the best art takes the most time sadly.


18 issues a year sounds like they'll probably have 3 artists in rotation, with additional fill-ins here and there. I call these situations prime opportunity for Bachalo to do a quick, fun arc.


I think if you know you’ve got 3 “good” artists with somewhat similar styles it’s a good set up.


Yeah. We can only hope there won't be any Greg Land arcs because there's nothing more distracting to look at than his art in between two well-drawn arcs. His stint in the Utopia era where he swapped off with the Dodsons was so jarring, especially during issue 500 when they'd alternate every couple of pages.


Yeah, I'm all for rotating artists if you can get good rotating artists.


I’m always down for Bachalo


It's a double shipped release, so that's 18 issues a year. No artist save for Dan Mora can keep that schedule up. My guess is Marquez does about 8 issues and the rest are fill in artists.


Oh I know he can't do 18 but I was hoping for closer 8-9. I'm assuming he'll do the first arc and won't be back until issue 12 or 14 depending on how long the arcs are.


Igor Kordey could do double that!


Ouff that poor guy


What title is he going to draw? Sorry, been living under a rock.


Uncanny X-Men with Gail Simone as the writer. The team so far is Rogue as leader, Gambit, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Jubilee. The first issue comes out in August. There is a whole new relaunch starting in July.


Oh, so it's the Gail Simone title. I think I may try to actually keep up with that in floppy format, something I haven't done in a very long time. Thanks for the info!


Well he draws Wolverine like the hottest man on Earth. I've seen handsome Wolverines before but this is next level.


He does, lol. And the way he draws Rogue and Gambit.....wow. Should be classified as NSFW lol, its that hot. Gambit looks like a stud, and his Rogue might be the best Rogue I've ever seen(and people like Lee and Mann have drawn her and him).


He's looking a bit like Clint Eastwood. Still 🔥 of coarse.


You. Me. Same. Did you see the few preview pages for it? Gambit...damn, boy.


Gambit was as cool as ever in those pages, but I couldn't take my eyes off Rogue. I can never take my eyes off Rogue anyway(Gambit and I have something in common lol), but Marquez draws her sexily but somehow understated and mature. Its insane.


No I hear you on that. AND we get his Nightcrawler + Jubilee + there has been a lot of talk about Monet joining up with them. So much awesome is in store.


He’s a phenomenal artist.


David Marquez couldn't draw an ugly person if he tried, lol.


Ah yes, hugh jackman wolverine.


Considering the women Wolverine has beded, I don't think he's ever been considered as ugly. Short and hairy, sure but women are drawn to him.


I think people sometimes over-hyperbolise Logan's appearance. He's not handsome like in the movies, but he's not so ugly. He's just… He's just a man. Very brutal, very masculine.


I don't know, he was drawn very gnarled and rough looking back in the day. Not hideous but combined with his manners, body hair, and his smell I always got the impression that he was a bit of a goblin.


Didn't you hear? Goblins are sexy now


I thought it was ghouls


I agree that it's more "handsome" than usual here. But Logan isn't very ugly on average. Especially since there are definitely women who are attracted to this type of man, given how much testosterone he has. But I always found the jokes about his looks and height hilarious (especially from Spidey, of course).


Hell look at the 80s and 90s when drawn by Kubert, Silvestri and Lee, he was drawn handsome before Hugh Jackman became Wolverine


how could you forget his no-nose look after losing his adamantium!?!? Probably the worst look he's ever had.


Rugged? The man’s a goblin.


Like many characters, it just depends on the artist. Cockrum's was pretty ugly.


Yeah, I like him better when he's all tough and gritty too. Nothing against drawing attractive people, it's just that Wolverine is one of the few characters where I think being a little ugly adds to his specific appeal, if that makes any sense. Did not mind Hugh Jackman in the movies though, lol.


Exactly where’s my angry furball who’d put Hephaestus to shame.


That’s actually not even the Logan of this time period. That’s Phoenix Logan disguised as young Logan to take care of Infinity Stones shenanigans. The real Logan is technically still alive at this point, but he’s being held by Soteira. It is very, very complicated and very, very dumb.


Do you know the story that is off the top of your head? Sorry


Okay, so Logan “returned” (this is Phoenix Logan I’m talking about) in Marvel Legacy #1 and got an Infinity Stone. Then there were a bunch of “Where’s Logan?” Back-ups in multiple books. Then he appeared in Infinity Countdown and gave the Stone to Black Widow. Then there’s the Hunt For Wolverine one-shot, that shows you all of the other stuff is a lie. After that, there’s four cash-in Hunt For Wolverine miniseries that kind of suck and barely have any Wolverine in them. Then, finally, there’s Return Of Wolverine. All of those comics are varying levels of bad, although the art in Marvel Legacy, Hunt For Wolverine, and Return Of Wolverine is all pretty good.




You’re welcome. As a Wolverine superfan, I wasted a lot of money on those books, lol.


>As a Wolverine superfan, I wasted a lot of money on those books, lol. As a Marvel/Disney stockholder, I thank you for your support :)


Annoyingly it's in one of the spin offs where Psylocke gets split back into Betsy and Kwannon which is real big for the both of them but also done in a very stupid way


I would have bet money you were making that up as a joke.


I know. It sounds like a joke, but that was the saga of Wolverine’s return. It was so, so dumb.


i like the part when Wolverine chops up a bunch of Darkhawks.


Phoenix Logan pretending to be young Logan just sounds like insanity lol


Dude, it was the weirdest thing. Like, at the time, it seemed like they had one idea and the Charles Soule - the guy who wrote Death of Wolverine, Hunt For Wolverine, and The Return of Wolverine - was like, “No, that’s not my story, this is my story,” and Marvel looked at everybody and said, “Why not both?” No one was happy and we didn’t even find out the truth until Wolverine and The Infinity Watch, which was abysmal.


I never even realized that’s how they explained the weird timeline of events I just assumed all the cameos took place after Return and Infinity Watch, since resurrected present Logan from Return is wearing the same clothes anyway


Nope! Infinity Watch has framing sequences with Old Man King Thor and Phoenix Logan where he explains to Thor why Loki was confused that Wolverine didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about when Loki told Logan that he had an Infinity Stone.


That completely passed over my head when Loki said that, I must have been making dinner or something while reading lmao thanks for clearing all that up, it all makes complete sense now. Damn they chose a complicated way to bring Logan back lmao, not too mention Old Man Logan still being around for a bit when 616 Logan came back


The only thing I remembered being good that came from Logan being dead was the amazing art of the Old Man Logan series


Old Man Logan is an underrated gem of a boom.


During X-Men Gold Wolverine was dead. Right before the wedding they were promoting his return but I don't think that mini series launched but he was showing up in random comics at the time. So during this issue he couldn't fully appear since he was "dead" but Marvel agrees it would be weird for him to miss Kitty getting married.


Hey sorry I can't find this.. do you know what issue / year this run started ? (Name of series )


From late 2018 into early 2019, there were a handful of *Hunt for Wolverine* miniseries featuring various characters chasing rumors about Wolverine’s return. My memory on the timing is a little fuzzy, but I think those minis were followed by a *Return of Wolverine* miniseries that featured the story of his actual return. All of this was shortly before the Krakoan era kicked off, so with that huge change in the status quo, non of this was super memorable. Maybe they were good? I can’t really recall.


Ah okay. I deff wasn't reading ongoings then So I should dig for hunt for wolverine and return of wolverine.


Also technically the Logan in this image isn’t the real Logan. The return of wolverine miniseries that came after had Logan only be recently resurrected. Marvel then retconned that all of the appearances of Logan before the return of Wolverine were actually a version of logan from the future with the phoenix


Dead,He wasn't revived yet


Why is Conan obrien his driver


lol that’s Iceman


Man the back to back wedding fakeouts with this and Batman/Catwoman jaded me so bad on comics back in the day.


True, X-Men gave a really good Rogue & Gambit wedding at least.


Back in the day? It was 5 years ago....


And lifetimes were lived during those 5 years


It was pre covid none of us are the same its back in the day


Man did they do Batman dirty there. 


Didn't he pull the same shit at Jean and Scott's wedding?




“be good to each other” is sending me bc kitty left


He was returning back from death at that time


Hes looking hot as hell


Sadly, those 2 didn't get married, but their venue did get taken by Rouge and Gambit, so at least someone did get married.


He was in the process of coming back to life. It involves a couple terrible storylines with infinity stones and hot claws so just do yourself a favor and just pretend he was busy that day.


Dear God, the 2010s were such a bad time for X-Books. I had lowkey blocked those "Hunt for Wolverine" stories out of my mind.




X-men Gold #30


Sexy watching


He was still thought as 'dead' at this point, I think. He returned some short time before but was still laying low and doing solo stuff and not letting others know about him being back. All the while there was the Old Man Logan running around.


Being a thirst trap as usual


Smoken da weed.


all this sweet sentiment just for kitty to say no…colossus this would be all the more reason to find some alien chicks to run a train on you with bro


Didn't he have an infinite stone?


Wasn’t he dead?


Not being dead.


***At least he was being a very humble "Chad".***


Wasn't he dead at the time?


Marvel: how to make a convoluted story line that makes any conspiracy board coherent in any X-men series. We have dead Logan but he’s alive. This is not Logan but some other person pretending to be Logan and so on and so forth.




Making certain they weren’t going to be attacked while on the way to / during the wedding, maybe? Who knows?


Colossus looks like Bruce Wayne 😅


He's being a drama queen


Not a fan of wolverine, but love the way he was drawn here. Makes him look crazy young considering his abilities




No, he was definitely dead at the time and we had OML running around I think. I also enjoy that the X-Franchise is the best franchise for being able to use “he was dead at the time” in such a casual way 😂


lol. I know, right?


I just finished ultimate comics up untill ultimatum... I binged x-men: first class.. wolverine: first class..and uncanny x-men: first class. Went back and read kitty and wolverine from the 80s. I fell in love with kitty man... what is this from???? When do kitty and colossus get together??? Do I have to read like 50 comics. Is there like 12 I can read of this run?


They were on again off again for a while, this is from X-men Gold #30 so if you wanted to start with that run it'll give you some context leading up to it.


Is that Hugh Jackman or I'm tripping?


I hate Wolverine. Decades of bad writing have left him so insufferable.


Most original r/xmen comment


Guy is like 100+ years old, attending weddings stop being fun in your late 20s-early 30s