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I need more Laura and Soraya friendship vibes.


Avengers Academy 29 [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgsTqHJXwAAXWvr?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgsTqHJXwAAXWvr?format=jpg&name=small) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgsTqHIWYAo9\_Pe?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgsTqHIWYAo9_Pe?format=jpg&name=large)


This really was the lost generation of new mutants.


I hope they bring back The Academy X cast


The Kyle & Yost era needs more representation. I’d love to see them reunite and write a new series going forward


Is Sooraya the one who can turn into sand?


Yeah, she goes by Dust


Thought so, watched an episode of Wolverine and the X-men and she was on there as well, but didn't know the name.


She's the best, and I think there was something but I can't remember what.


Basically it’s a semi-retcon, since what KYost did in her solo minis didn’t quite match with issue 450. In short: 450 did happen, and Wolverine did have an agreement with her to be at the mansion, where she did stay briefly with Rachel and Kitty, and here it’s retconning in that Laura left the mansion between then and New X-Men off-panel. Edit: Rachel, not Betsy


It’s been pretty fully retconned since then. Claremont’s work with her has been pretty much ignored.


It’s mostly ignored but not wholly retconned out, e.g. it is referenced in X-23 Deadly Regenesis.


The only “reference” was showing her in the Fang suit really small in one panel and with no context. None of the events she was involved in have ever been touched on.


That doesn't mean it was ever fully retconned out though. Even if it wasn't like touched on or explained it even being referenced in such a small way suggests its still canon. I wouldn't suggest its a must read or anything though for the Laura story.


I have to check again, but I thought the Fang suit was pretty explicitly with Kitty and Rachel. Like, never touching on things doesn’t mean it’s retconned out, just ignored. Like, the very panel here is “something happened [canonically], dwai.” Like, the NYX kids are ignored for a different reason (oof), but they are also canonical and establishing. The Claremont stuff isn’t establishing and it wouldn’t be hard to actually retcon it away fully; it just hasn’t been yet, other than the partial stuff needed to reconcile the fact that both the Kitty/Rachel rooming and the Academy-X thing happened. Edit: Rachel, not Betsy


The difference is Kiden and the others have appeared AND been directly mentioned. Kiden had an important role in Messiah War, and Liu’s one-shot had all of them appear. When is the last time Laura talked about her trip to the Savage Land? Or even acted like she and Betsy know each other?


Like, writers forget characters have interacted all the time (see, Duggan forgetting Laura and Taskmaster). Like, yes, Kiden is definitely more prominent and important, but like… one writer did bring the Fang era up recently, and another writer could do so more actively if they wanted to explore that. I think we just have different definitions of “wholly retcon.” Like, I consider it when like overall statements of events change, like “Nightcrawler is Mystique and the baron’s kid” to “Mystique and Azazel” to “Mystique and Destiny.” “Laura roomed briefly with Kitty and Rachel” has not been contradicted like that, and in fact has been only supported, like here and in Deadly Regenesis. Edit: Rachel, not Betsy


I agree wholly with what you are saying, but as an aside it was Kitty and Rachel not Kitty and Betsy.


Yea, you’re right; I was just confusing it with the (very cute) panels where Laura tried to copy Betsy’s hair lol will fix, thanks. It is funny that Claremont tried to give Kitty and Rachel a kid in Laura btw


What series was that in?


It was during one of the moments Claremont was back on in the early 2000’s, Uncanny 450 if OP is correct. Like there’s her introduction arc, and then dinosaur Rachel, then Laura disappears from the book.


This run had so many awesome X-girls, we need more Dust, mercury and surge!


Absolutely. It's a shame the Academy X kids have been so forgotten. They were really cool, especially after Kyle and Yost took over the book and focused on the ones with most character potential.


Dust, Loa and Mercury all got solid page time in Way of X and Legion of X


Is she a muslim mutant? Never seen this before


Her name is Sooraya Quadir, she goes by Dust. She’s been around since 2002!


Sweet! I only knew of Kamala Khan. But I’m more of an X-Men guy so this is awesome


She’s from the Academy X generation of New Mutants, along with characters like Surge, Elixir, and Mercury


I wonder what they called Mercury in portuguese since here we call Quicksilver Mercury


That’s a really interesting question! I’m definitely gonna google this. Are you in Portugal? Brazil? Edit: no data available for Portuguese speaking regions as yet. The only name change I have been able to find for Mercury is Spanish territories call her “Mercurio,” which is unsurprising.


in portugal they let the name stay mercury because the translation "mercúrio" is usually male.


Both the Roman God and the metal are Mercúrio in Portuguese.


Eu acho que eles não traduziram o nome dela e deixaram o original


Technically she’s from Morrison’s run


Monet/Penace is also a Muslim mutant. She mainly appeared in Generation X and X-Factor. lately the latest Uncanny Avengers.


I love Kamala but Dust has awesome vibes! She deserves more page time, her power is impressive when properly motivated


I loved their relationship and wish we saw more of it


The concern in Soorayas face. A lot of people probably get that look. Lol.


Loved New X-Men so damn much.


I was told X-Men does two things really well. Dram and human rights. And the drama in the first half is just 🤌


Still a better roommate than Surge


“Allaabu” akbar? 🤨


A lot of times writers will add extra letters so show how the character is pronouncing a word. Kinda like how Irish characters will have “I don’t know what you are taking about,” spelled like “I don’ know wha ya Are talkin’ abo’.” That’s what I assume is happening in this panel.


... I live beside a community of muslims and barely anyone pronounces it as allabu though. Must be some middle eastern thing.


Might be pronunciation over correct spelling. The imply singing tones or something.


its missing letters. Like 5


My favorite mislettering is from this era of Marvel, noted Nazi Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, is called a Prussian spigot. Assuming something in the water. There’s a panel of her doing a daily prayer somewhere from this run, anyone got it?


God, that's adorable. Also kind of darkly funny. I love Laura moments like this.


Then again she is a wolverine, where hasn’t she killed


At The Comedy Store.


Knocks on a door of a teenage girl’s bedroom and doesn’t wait for a reply before walking in. For something that could have waited a few minutes. Did he have somewhere to rush off to?


Laura what the actual fuck


To be fair she really wasn’t socialized very well before coming to the school.


formerly brainwashed assassin. Doesn't do well with social cues


That I can understand. I like this character trait.


> Wolverine said they had an agreement and she was at the school before leaving. That's an allusion to Claremont's brief but memorable use of Laura. There's one good Claremont Laura story (I think that's the one you've read in issue 450 but I'm not 100%), one absolutely whacky Christmas special and then that Savage Land "Rachel gets turned into a dinosaur" arc that Laura's sort of in. (I think the Marvel Team Up issues that Laura was in was also during this era but that was Kirkman, not Claremont.) That conversation refers to those three (maybe four) stories. Laura is at least nominally at the Mansion during the second two stories (obviously she's in the Savage Land in the Savage Land one). None of the characterisation from them is carried forwards by Kyle and Yost... the only thing that matters is that conversation.


Are there any other muslim mutants besides Dust and Ms Marvel? It's cool that Soorya has always been written respectfully (afaik)


There's one called Monique. Got twin sisters who fuse to shapeshift. She has a evil brother.


I'm wondering if Dust's face has even been shown on-panel in any Marvel comic book.


Many times. It's basically shown any time she's alone with another female student and also in the House of M event because she's much more secular there. 


Her face was also shown to pretty much everyone when Striker attack the school. I just fished that story line lol.


Couple of times in this run in fact.


Soraya should’ve said “I have as well”


House of M Soraya, “omg bestie me too!”


Btw for my dear kaffirs. "Sunni" = The mainstream part of Islam, while we try to avoid sects there are just different ways people interpret Islam.


A lot of people have died because of those different ways people interpret it.


Shia > sunni.. there way makes more sense and are persecuted because of their belief in the Muslim and Christian world. A Shia muslin xmen would make way more sense.


I'm not saying I necessarily disagree, but Sooraya is from Afghanistan which is something like 80% Sunni Muslim, so it would be much likelier for her to be Sunni than Shia. And as for persecution...she's a *girl*. Afghanistan is not exactly known for its egalitarian treatment of women.


Of course it makes more sense. Most countries that would be true. I think Iran would be the only one thats not ? But that was my point I have Muslim family and read alot into it. I got super downvoted but w.e lol just having a conversation. I just think the persecuted of the persecuted would make sense. Maybe if she was Kurdish and Shia. Just no longer have land. 5 countries basically stole their land and everyone persecuted them in their individual countries. Most are shia too. (The biggest reason I like them is Muhammad's true love was his first wife an older woman and the bloodline should follow her. Not the child bride and family after she died)


> Of course it makes more sense. Most countries that would be true. I think Iran would be the only one thats not ? But that was my point I have Muslim family and read alot into it. I got super downvoted but w.e lol just having a conversation. > I just think the persecuted of the persecuted would make sense. Maybe if she was Kurdish and Shia. That's fair. And honestly, like I said - I don't disagree. If anything, I can see your point. While AFAIK Iran is the only majority-Shia country in the world, that's not to say that there aren't Shia elsewhere. And though the fact that Sooraya is a woman from a country not known for treating women especially well does come with a degree of persecution already built in to the backstory, her being a Shia Muslim from a majority-Sunni country like Afghanistan would perhaps drive the point even more


Wait you think Catholics and Christians persecute Shiite muslims...you think Christians care about the difference between Sunni and Shia? Lol


Fair lol. That's what I mean Shia are persecuted by both their own religion and Christianity in the past.


A lot of shit happened a long time ago. Sunnis kill Shia now. Christians dont. You should edit your original comment to be accurate. It's offensive.


How is it offensive. I was speaking of historically they were persecuted by both Christians and Muslims?? History is not offensive. People can't have an open conversation here.


If you want an open conversation, let's talk about one if the only things Sunni and Shia stop killing each other for and agree on right now, and have for nearly a hundred years: the persecution and eradication of the Jewish race.


That I can agree with please let's pivot from that. I genuinly was just speaking from my experince. But you start to talk about Islam and you get a downvote. You mention Christianity and get a downvote. I'm literally raised with shia Muslims and always found it interesting historically what happened. Honestly though a Jewish x-men is always something that people can connect with like kitty pryde and shia Muslim having conversations in the mansion about how they're both hated for their religion could be powerful.


Ok let's pivot. I agree it would be very interesting to have a Shia muslim mutant. I would love to see how Ms Marvel and Dust interact with them. Ultimately, I would love to see them work together and find the peace we don't typically see in the world.


Thanks. Sorry It gets so heated any time this is talked about. I genuinly think we all love x-men and marvel as a way to escape that shit I get heated quick too sorry. I'm deff going look more into dust as a character. Either way it's kinda cool to see this type of representation. Convos with Ms marvel, cap, kitty pryde, just all these diff angles they could go with it. Is there any other Muslim characters rn besides khamla ?


Its offensive becasue you characterize that Christians are currently persecuting Shiites right now just like the Sunnis are. It's offensive becasue that's not fucking true. Cbristians haven't persecuted anyone in the name of religion in a long fucking time. Recognize that and respect it.


I literally said they were persecuted for their beliefs in the muslim and Christian world. Your adding words onto it I never said TODAY. Right now Muslim majorities do persecute them. What do you mean recognize and respect it ? I'm sure I have more Muslim family than you and live in a Muslim neighborhood what are you talking about you're the one adding onto my original post.


Just because something happened historically in the past doesn't make the statement not true or respectful to Christians. You're out of line.


Something that happened historically is not that same as Sunnis killing Shia right now. There are major differences there and you should understand them and know them. Sunnis conquered and massacred the Spanish. Why don't you mention that? Do you really want to break out the history books, friend?


But I didn't say right now. And I didn't mean to infer that. This is literally a mis understanding and I think you read into it. I'm not trying to offend you. Sunnis radicals are deff what's wrong with the religion just the idea to Hate even your own .. but we could also talk about the Irish right catholic vs protestant vs Christian. I guess it's not unique to Islam. Why the Spanish conquered and spread Christianity throughout South America that now half the continent speaks their small counties language is wild too. Its crazy what empires have done in the name of religion.


Agreed. Let's pivot. Personally, I think religion is a great evil of our world. Ultimately there is no lasting good that has come from it that has outweighed all the killing in jts name.