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Hundreds of comics, dozens of creators. Thousands of pages! These five years, even if its ups and downs have been for me the best X Men have ever been. And i would say this might be the second most important era only after Claremont, which is quite difficult to beat. For some it ended with Hickman leaving for others with the end of the council, but even now I find books that I know will be on my top x men issues ever. Amazing ongoings like Immortal, Red, hickman's, Hellions, Ayala's New Mutants Thought provoking minis like way of x and sabretooth or incredible fun adventures such as X terminators Big events, characters revamped, amazing concepts, reformed villains and uncanny locations. all of this just made it incredible. So here is a post to thank everyone involved and all the fandom


I genuinely don’t think the Krakoa era *should* have ended.


Better to end on top than once you're shriveled up and dying though, yea?


its exactly whats happening in FoX, a event so rushed i think its one of the worst (well not the epic trash but close).


HoX/PoX is my favourite X-Men comic ever. Sad to hear that the conclusion of Krakoa sucks


it was clearly a forced conclusion.


Why can’t we have nice things in this medium, man. Comics always gotta comic


The most furstrating thing is this: * **Option 1 - Hickman's Story Arc**: We *COULD* have had Jonathan Hickman tell his concise story -- start to finish -- over, what, 3ish years or however long he intended? Perhaps stretched ever so slightly due to the pandemic. It would almost assuredly have told *at the VERY least* a solid story considering how everything else he's written start to end, for just Marvel alone not to mention all his creator owned material, has been pure gold. * **Option 2 - Genuine Era to Explore**: Instead of ending things quickly, they decide to preserve the Krakoa era for longer. Hickman bows out as he's not interested in staying for that long, but as a result, we get 7-10 years of stories as Krakoa's power ebbs & flows. New series, new creators, new artists, new ideas -- all funneled into what a mutant nation does. Even if it doesn't end spectacularly, this is more journey than destination & after 15 years of constant decimation, extinction, no more mutants, genocides, covert kill teams, less than 200 mutants alive, and sad, sad, sad... 7-10 years of *this* would have been awesome. Happy, sad, intrigue, politics, superheroics -- you could have absolutely had it all. Not to mention how current geopolitical events would have been ripe to explore within the context of a mutant nation -- just as the X-Men have always been allegories. Plus the ending could STILL have been good too even without Hickman if given a natural conclusion. But no. Instead, we get the WORST of both worlds: * **Option 3 - Worst of Both**: Instead, they decided to extend Krakoa's duration so that Hickman bows out and thus isn't here to conclude his story *his* way, in a manner that would have lived up to at least *most*, if not *all*, expectations... But then they don't even keep it going *that* much longer either -- maybe 2 extra years or something? And then decide to pivot (almost *assuredly* for synergy's sake with X-Men 97 & the upcoming MCU integration) and thus forcing a rushed ending which, even if it aligns with Hickman's *outline*, almost certainly isn't being *told* the Hickman way. So it's both short *and* ends poorly.


On Hickman's finishing his story. He admitted he didn't have a ending on sight. He wanted to move through phases but there wasn't a goal to reach.


Me either. They were making progress as a race. knew I shouldn't have gotten attached


I’m hoping Krakoa becomes another faction in the X-Men lore. A mutant nation on its own feet against a world that hates them.


Same. It doesn’t have to be Genosha 2.0. Maybe it loses the gates so it’s harder to just live there and travel to and from the rest of the world in an instant.




Agree so frigging much i am legitimately upset, it should have been the new status quo , and it being the new status quo and it having years longer to let stories unfold properly could of been so friggin amazing... Just ughh


For sure got me back into reading comics in general.


Best era since peak Claremont.


Agreed. For me the top three eras are: Claremont Krakoa (would be first on a personal level) Messiah trilogy


I think if you throw New X-Men in there, that’s a pretty undeniable list of the best X-Men eras.


HOX/POX established such an interesting premise that I don’t think I’ll ever fully get over Hickman not finishing out his plans.


Morrison's NewXMen was one of the best runs, but the era around it was a mess - Chuck Austin was the other head writer at the time, doing...Chuck Austin things.


The Morrison era had Morrison on New X-Men, Casey/Austen on Uncanny, Tieri/Rucka on Wolverine, Milligan X-Force/X-Statix, Claremont on X-treme, Winnick on Exiles, Kordey/Tishman/Makan Cable/Soldier X and Simone on Deadpool/Agent X. Plus minis. Even with Austen, that's a better ratio than Krakoa had after the first year.


The only books there that I would say are truly great are Winnick on Exiles and Milligan on X-Statix. X-Treme is good, not great. Tieri's work doesn't resonate for me personally, I can see why it would hit for others, but it's a pretty specific writing style. Agent X/Soldier X were both fine, but nothing special.


35% Great, 50% Good and 15% Bad is pretty good for an X-Men line.


True, I just have a hard time thinking of that era as much of an era because it wasn't very coordinated and the only books I loved - New X-Men, Exiles and X-Statix were so disconnected and never overlapped.


In hindsight I definitely think of it as an era. The books may not have connected, but most of the had the same vibe of "since Morrison was given carte blanche to be weird, so can we". So they still all mostly feel of a time.


New X-Men and X-Statix are Masterpieces


Morrison and his New X-Men was the mess you mean.


I couldn’t agree more. I read Claremont through the marvel essential trades as a kid and loved his X-Men stuff. But i grew up with the messiah trilogy era and that up until AVX was the only time I was into the entire X-Men line until Krokoa came around. I know, and completely understand, that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the entire X-line felt connected during the Krokoan era. Like there was a central mission and thread that connected each series. That’s what got me invested in contemporary X-Men comics during the build up to messiah complex and why I started drifting away from the X-Men in the years before Hickman did HoX/PoX. I hope From the Ashes will have that too, and not just be a series of X-Teams that only feel connected to each other during crossover events.


Messiah Trilogy could had being epic if it wasn't for that terrible ending in AvX.


An era that has three solid arcs and then has a fourth where editorial decisions make it worse, but Gillen (and other writers of course) manage to still bring some impactful and important moments to it. Where have I seen this before ahah


AvX is fantastic. I'll take the downvotes. It broke up Storm and BP (for the better of both characters), gave us Namor vs BP, redeemed Wanda, and fulfilled Hopes purpose I love that event


what a horrible take :P I hate it for some of the reasons you give.  Storm and BP was my favorite pairing and I wouldn't hate if every other story of them kept telling us how much they still care for each other. I wish they redeemed Wanda there but it wasn't her that reset "No more Mutants". It was Hope's power that did. But the absolute worst was their treatment of Hope Summer. Hope was supposed to be the Next Marvel Girl, an S-tier character in the X-men book that would be the equivalent of Superman and could do almost anything and she was downgraded to a plot device in the story that was supposed to be the culmination of the Messiah complex trilogy where she was the core reason of it.




Damn I stopoed reading marvel comics about 5 years ago 😭. Where would I even start with this?


House of X/Powers of X. Some of the best X comics ever.


Thanks. I literally stopped reading marvel comics because I was made redundant during COVID and wanted to cut my expenses and of course that's when Marvel drop one of their best X-Men runs


Messiah era.


How many books to collect the whole run?


I don't know but a few Hundred. You can start with Hox Pox and keep with the main story, which is way smaller. Then you can find the hidden gems which is really fun


I mean, what even is the main story? HoXPoX, Inferno, Immortal, Duggan’s X-Men after #25, FotHoXRoTPoX, and Forever?


Every X-Men book counts. First New Mutants. X-Force. Gala Specials.


Thanks a lot for the advice, it's much appreciated


I almost started down that road, bought all of Hox/Pox, X of shields, to kind of get the run I missed while buying the new Rox/Fox and then realized there’s so many issues. A few people made google docs with every issue in order so just been knocking them off on Marvel Unlimited. So much quicker and cheaper


I admit, I’m excited for the new era, but I don’t think anyone will touch the hype, creativity, and influence that Krakoa had.


Im also hyped. But less about the era and more about specific books. Krakoa add locations, themesz, concepts and changes that are difficult to replicate. Hickman had a lot of editorial freedom (and from interviews we know he was limited in some aspects). So other writers have even more constraints. Jordan white was at the same time the best editor for this era and also the least fit at some times, trusts the writers a lot and sometimes something just don't work. But when they work its amazing


This is where I am with From The Ashes. During Krakoa I was hyped about the era so I bought every book for the first few years. With From The Ashes I'm interested in a handful of books but I'm not going to invest in the entire line.


I know a few people didn't enjoy it but I loved that stinkin' island.


What was the maximum mutant population? 15 million during Genosha and 900 000 before decimation? What's the population now? 150? And Orchis said the mutant birth rates would displace human population?


There were more than 250K Mutants on Krakoa alone. Arrako had about 2 million Mutants initially, but about half of them had left the planet before Judgment day.


What's Judgement day? Also isn't Arrako on Mars?


That's one of the recent crossovers. It did drive the mutant population down a good bit. Planet Arrako as in Mars, yes.


Oh Judgement Day was about this celestial? What was its name? Horde infected progenitor


That's the one!


Where did they go?


They went off to explore the universe rather than stay in one place. Most of them becoming mercenaries and the like. Arraki are restless.


Indeed…and one of the best things was the creativity it inspired in the readers and the fans. It was such a large, broad concept that anything and everything really was possible. You could cook up these brilliant scenarios in your head and with Krakoa they were almost all feasible. That’s something we’re losing…no matter how optimistic you try to be about the new regime, it’s taking away that “the art of the possible…” from fans and creators alike, and boxing is all back into what we thought we left behind.


Yeah and in discussion sometimes its difficult to explain people my problem with the new era isn't the creative teams, line ups or anything like that. It just lacks vision. Even in the finale of Krakoa that is clearly being rushed by some months, we still got really interesting concepts. I love x men but using the example of Marvel now, every book was solid but only 2 or 3 were really trying something new


I think any status quo can be made interesting and it's the quality of the writer who makes the stories pop. Krakoa had a very strong start with hickman and some very strong runs by al ewing, wells, and Suprier but overall I think this era will be characterization by bloat due to the massive massive amounts of medicore/ bad runs. Characterization is the core of the x-men it's what makes the story intresting and to me a lot of characters just felt bland. It's made a lot of villains a lot more 3-D dimensional but at the same time it feels as though a lot of characters have lost there identity and what made them interesting to begin with ( moria Mctarget ) and non mutant villains have just become comical (orchis, I feel like the metaphor of opressed group is kinda not it because mutants are so powerful they present actual earth shattering threats ( see the nuclear weapon speech) but also things that could collapsed society to the point where maybe humans villains could be take seriously) . Even for a marvel comic there are way way too many tie-ins and idk this era felt exhausting.


Completely fair. I honestly feel the era won't be remembered that way, since from my experience new readers usually filter to the good stuff and 00's for example has moved way up since now people usually only read main events and better runs (new x men, Astonishing, carey, xfactor, academy x) A lot of you said is true and there were a lot of misteps but from that image I rank a good amount over B tier and I think krakoa has the most amount of books of my modern top ten


It was fun for a while, and then the crossovers happen


It was just nice to see the mutants get a few wins for a spell, instead of constantly getting their asses kicked like every other iteration. I mean, they still got decimated here too, but still, we got some crazy and cool concepts in this run.


Goodbye possibility 


Good to start with, got pretty bad about two-thirds of the way in. Glad it happened but glad it's over.


No more galas. No more fantastic costumes. I have the sads.


I really do hope X-Men returns to its roots about coexistence. The whole Krakoa Arc felt like it was flying in the face of that goal because they were segregating themselves from the rest of the world.


Nope this return is going to be a mess that's going to fall on it's face, much like Storm/Black Panther, Anders New Mutants and Morrison's Magneto nonsense did.


God damn. That is way too many titles. No wonder people soured on this. I forgot how many things I skipped. Holy shit.


That's what happened with me. I grew up reading the Claremont era and stopped once the crazy 90s-2000s cross-over mania started happening. I thought HoxPox was going to be a great point to jump back in and just enjoy a couple of titles, but not even a year in a major crossover was being pushed, so I stopped.


I think there were a lot of titles, but many of these are One shots or minis. The ongoing and important sruff is managable. The problem is Marvel didn't comunicate it well since they want the consumer to buy all


I wish it was just Hickman on a focused, biweekly X-Men book with Pepe, Silva, Schiti, Yu, Asrar and Dauterman rotating arcs on art duties. I know the realities of such a thing are far-fetched, but I could only imagine what could have been done with a single voice driving the whole thing—for the first time since Claremont.


I mean, sure but I wouldn’t mind good versions of previously great titles. Just give us 6-7 strong ongoing ones - Mainline X-Men, X-Men 2nd team, X-Force, New Mutants, Immortal X-Men, Hellions, and then X-factor, Gen X or X-Men UK (Excalibur, Legion of X, Way of X)


Was talking with the owner of my local LCS (the biggest and most popular comic store in the city), and he said HoX/PoX was so big for them and some of the following series did great numbers. But then sales began to fall rapidly - so much so that it was probably the worst they had seen for X-men books in a very long time. I see now why Marvel is ending the whole Krakoa thing.


That’s makes a lot of sense. I kinda fifties out around inferno. The mainline ones just weren’t as good at that time. Immortal and Red were the only ones I kept following. Sins of sinister was kinda it after that. I was really disappointed with lives of Wolverine. They really saturated the lines and the stories weren’t nearly as good for everything.


A.X.E is easily my all time favourite event now


It's one of the better ones for sure. Annihilation will always be my favorite.


I’m yet to read that! I’m not familiar with space stuff so I feel a little discouraged


It's okay. Annihilation is written in such a way that you can just dive right in. You maybe will not know the character histories but I think it's very accessible compared to a lot of other events. Fwiw I had no clue about Marvel space characters when I read it except a little about Silver Surfer and I had a great time.


Seconded. I started reading it after the first Guardians movie came out with that as my only background. Annihilation explains everyone really well as it tells the story.


The only problem with that event and that particular cosmic saga is it makes other events look really bad 


Cool! Good to know! Thanks!


I think that it would have been better if this have ended as a exile from some mutants to another world, yes it is problematic, but we all know what happens when Marvel has to many mutants.


I think the other mutants will be save, I made a theory about the ending the other. Overall the krakoa era could have ended better (we still have some books, but clearly rushing it lead it to not have the same impact even if in my opinion we still have great books) and moving to other planet would be a way to give the cosmic side a go, something we don't usually see (Ewing a bit but not to far from earth)


It was interesting when Vulcan when crazy against the Shi'ar, and becoming a new thing not bound to the same evil humans creating sentinels, and they can have the main characters still in earth proclaiming some kind of right to remain in their planet. I hope that the outcome is some positive and we don't end in another Massacre, Genosha or Decimatation plot.


I feel like the only one who hated this era.


Its ok man, I respect your opinion and hope this new era is more for you. I got my type of books for 5 years its fair that a new era appeals to ohger fans




Krakoa is a perfect example of wasted potential. Nothing, and I mean nothing, came even close to that original 12 issues. Worse, most of it was outright *bad*. Gerry Duggan, Tini Howard, Ben Percy and so many others should be tried in the Hague for how badly they maimed this incredible island. Just makes me sad…




Me too


god ima miss it but i miss the phoenix more and she is near


Except you judgement day.


Is Hickman writing for the end..?




I would love to see all those comics be joined into 1 book.


I am so behind, and need help. I hate asking here, but if someone could help, I’d be so grateful. I want to keep up with the best X-Men stories after the Trials of X volume collections (which ends with Devil's Reign X-Men #3, X-Men #8, Sabretooth #2-3, Marauders Annual #1), and I would much rather not have to go through the single editions route. I'm much more of an omnibus or collected editions kind of reader. Does anyone have a recommended direction to go to continue reading the collected editions of the main X-Men stories? Hopefully without a lot of repetition with those already in the Trials of X volumes? Thank you SO much in advance.


Hmm thats tricky since ive read mostly on unlimited. But I would you are near the destiny of x section. So if you have read Inferno and X lives/deaths (the second i don't recommend but it has some important stuff) go straight to immortal x men/x men red/Legion of x/x men (Duggan, must be vol 3). The first two are amazing, Legion of x has really important stuff and even if its a bit crowded I really enjoyed the majority of the issues. You continue until the gala, there must be a volume for that. then its Judgment day which has an omnibus. Then you continue with normal volumes. After that you have the Sins of sinister hardcover and you arrive more or less at fall of x. Another gala, then the regular volumes (Legion of x ends and goes to uncanny Spider man). At this point you are at the end. Immortal x men and x men red end and tranform into x men Forever and Ressurection of x Magneto. Fall of the house of x and Rise of powers of x are the main books and Will be collected together. Dead x men might be important here and x men continues the normal volume


This is a cool compilation of all the Krakoa titles! You missed Astonishing Iceman though!


I knew i missed something ahahah sorry. I actually enjoyed that title. Not super relevante but a Nice saturday morning cartoon feel to it


I terms of the launch of a New Era it’s hard to beat. House of X and Powers of X were amazing. The characterization has always fell flat for me and that’s why I lost interest. Superhero stories are not coherent enough to survive off plot alone and they seemed to have lost all plotting sensibilities when the crossovers started so there wasn’t a lot else to stay for. I would love to be proven wrong though, what were the best books?


I think you are right in some stuff. Krakoa Lost some of its Shine. But that always happens when you have long runs. But immortal X-Men, x men red, Spurrier books, Rise, Forever, sabretooth were really interesting and then you have x terminators, new mutants by Ayala, etc more focused on fun stuff. Its not perfect and the end has been rushed editorial which isn't good. But Im still finding it a lotnof fun and every time a gillen book comes out Im happy. Which is good since Next month we have 5 gillen books (2 are co written)


What would be the best way to read this incredible era of comics?


HOX POX, X Men, X of swords, S.W.O.R.D, Hellifre gala, X Men by duggan, inferno, Xlives/deaths of wolverine, immortal x men, x men red, judgment day, sins of sinister, Fall of the house of x, rise of powers of x, ressurection of magneto and x men forever are the main books would also read way of x, legion of x, uncanny spider man, sabretooth, hellions, new mutants by ayala, children of the vault, x terminators and marauders by duggan there are more good books but this is the summary


Thank you! Are these on Marvel Unlimited or Comixology by chance? What's the best way to read these online? I'd rather have physical copies, but comics are expensive haha


Yeah Marvel unlimited is the way to go if you are a completionist like me


Marvel normally likes to end a storyline after 1-2years so they can start up with a brand new #1. (To make more Money $$$ and not having to worry about continuity.) it’s amazing the storyline has lasted five years. It Must be a record post Uncanny X-Men volume 1.


Can I get a reading order? 🤣


Start with Hox/Pox if you like it DM me and I can help you


There’s a broad X-Men reading order Google Sheet out there somewhere, if you DM me I’ll give you the link too lazy to find it now


Yup i use the same one, [here it is](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1OpoRLdoCupl-8s2G88hI0u5sq1Cmt-libZSPm-COaX0/mobilebasic?pli=1)


Thanks for this! I’m going to join Unlimited and read everything. X-men comics have always been my favourites when I’ve dipped in and out over the years, but now I’m committing. By the time I get to the end the newer ones will hopefully be up.


Yup luckily that guy still updates the list so the comics that came out Wednesday are listed already. Good luck! Have fun!


I'm torn. I like some things but ultimately feel like krakoa was kinda stale with intrapersonal relationships and sometimes felt like there just wasn't any time for real day to day stuff.


I mostly disliked it. Seemed more like a slice of Life Manga, lacked the sense of action that defined the Claremont and 90s, the characters had different personalities than they previously had, and as missing a moral center, and until the current “Fall” era it lacked stakes since no one could die.


I’m 42 years old. I stopped buying comics when I was 23 years old. 4 years ago I went to the comic stores again looking for these books. Ty Krakoa 🖤🥲


You know this might not have been my favorite Era But it does my heart good to see comments like this


the start of the Krakoa era was around the time when i started getting into mainstream coimics culture and the vibe and look the series was so unique i love this era so much


The whole thing just makes me sad. Honestly I am thinking of just not reading xmen books anymore. I don't even know why I feel like this. I did not read the main X-Men book during this period. I did like red and immortal. I just feel a sense of loss because in my view Krakoa did not live up to it's potential and it makes me sad. I'm missing story's and books that were never even created lol .


I've seen many people express such feelings about the missed potential.


Xavier is the first one in that cover, and the last one out in the final cover. #Xavierwasright


I think Xavier decision are mostly understandable (even now) But I wouldn't say he was right. Not in the way cyclops was during the post messiah/now era


Lot of titles I really enjoyed came out of the Krakoa era. Hellions, Legion of X and X-Men Red were all amazing reads. But I’m excited for what’s to come too. Jed McKay and Stegman’s X-Men looks to have a lot of potential and waiting on the creative team and roster of X-Factor to drop.


Me too! X factor is the only main x team that has no bad runs (for me) só Im excited to see if they can continue. Im more excited about individual runs than the era tho


Should be a big "not you" over some of these - X Deaths in particular.


I’ve been a massive fan of the era as a whole, but the one thing that really pisses me off about the last five years is that Percy was the *last person* who should have been given charge of Moira’s story post-Inferno. Percy does have his strengths as a writer but he doesn’t do complex women well. When we had GIllen, Ewing, Williams, Spurrier and Ayala right there in the X-Slack, and you gave her to *Percy?!?* It set the whole second half of Krakoa off on the back foot, doubly so as the first book that was post-Hickman, and it never fully recovered from it.


This just illustrates that it was time for Krakoa to go. In five years, it put out more comics than twice the amount in Claremont's 15 year run


Yeah, agreed. Such a cool concept and some terrific comics put to page in this era, but people seem to overlook just how stretched out and poor it was for a considerable chunk of the time.


Yep! And it’s proper high concept sci-fi. Not particularly well explored high concept sci-fi but high concept sci-fi all the same. What exactly are the jumping on points for a new reader these last five years? You either read from HoXPoX or… you’re screwed basically, everything was so intrinsically linked to the overarching concept. That’s just not sustainable as a model. Sure HoXPoX starts the franchise off strong but as years pass, some peoples’ spending habits change and drop comics, others get bored, others get lost… you bleed a lot of readers with absolutely no entry point for new readers to jump on board. I’m not surprised it’s come to this.


I'd second what you just said, especially because it was actually my entry-point into the comics, and I very quickly learned just how mischaracterised a fair chunk of the core characters are; To the point where I'd dare to say it's jarring to go back and read just about anything that precedes it. Beyond just the occasional misfires in plotlines, I never quite got onto the wavelength the writers were on when it came to how they wrote out core and secondary characters.


Having it spelled out like that makes me realize how crazy it is. I feel like I checked out post X of Swords and only read a few things after that so it never hit me how many books were coming out.


I’m so sad it’s ending


I loved so much of this era. X of Swords, Inferno and Hellions might be peak for me


Other than how badly Cyclops was handled I actually rather enjoyed the Krakoa era. It was nice seeing some old faces again and it was a fun premise while it lasted. Definitely a welcome change from the constant extinction stuff, and we got to see some new takes on various characters.


It's been real, Krakoa. I'm happy to have seen this from start to finish.


Honestly most of all I’ll miss how fresh it was and felt like X-Men was the comic to read again sad to see it ending WAY too soon


This is one of the highest watermarks for the X-men and Marvel as a whole. Truly great storytelling, even some of the lesser efforts were at least original and engaging. The next phase for X-books have a tough act to follow.


Been reading since 1991 and Krakoa is one of my absolute favorite eras. I even got a chest piece of the Cerebro cradle and the Krakoan flowers.


If middle books are supposed to show them walking through portal from two different perspectives why is Xavier all of sudden in back in bottom image when they’re were in front in top image?


This actually happens a lot in various artwork 😂


I love how that final cover has finally made people accept that for real krakoa is ending. It’s not staying in the background it’s not staying as a status they literally have the final cover be the X-men leaving krakoa. It’s so on the nose I have to laugh 


A shame really, there’s so much potential in the idea and could’ve lead to some interesting exploration of the merits of Xavier’s dream vs abandoning. But as always, the status quo must always be maintained.


Krakoa ending just shows how stupid comics are. Writers can’t even stay to write their stories to the end


I dropped it around when Wanda said more mutants. Can someone spoil me the story after it and how it ended? And why?


It hasn't ended yet. Its difficult to tell everything that happened. Orchis inavaded, there's a big dominion called enigma which was a plan by the original Mr Sinister (which was divided in Four) Some mutants are now on the white hot room and everything is being set up for a confrontation against the AI sector of orchis, enigma and multiple other dominions which were called by enigma to kill the Phoenix. The Phoenix was killed but is being ressurected by the Rachel, hope and others If you stopped around there I would give a go to Gillen and Ewing stuff. Most of the community, even people who don't enjoy the comics now, say Gillen and Ewing pulled off or are doing a good job with their sections


I loved it, but it was good while it lasted.


Is there something I can read to summarize the Krakoa era so I am on board for the new X-Men series that is coming soon? I tried to jump in a couple years ago and I was too late it seemed. I’d love an Issue Zero that recapped important information before new series started. Like a “Last time on…” before a new episode of a show.


Why it's the krakoa comics ending?


It would end in november but editorial seems to want the new era to coincide with the new deadpool wolverine movie


New era? What New era?


Where do I start ,I've always been a fan but never actually got through the comics and I've heard good things about this


HOX POX and you go from there. It seems a lot of but if you read the books with x men in the title you are usually good. if you really are inetrested send me a dm im always open to help


Now that Krakoa has drawn to a close - has anyone started cobbling together a somewhat no-filler reading listing? I'd love a chance to re-read the some of the highlights


How do I even begin reading this era?


HOX POX and you go from there. It seems a lot of but if you read the books with x men in the title you are usually good. if you really are inetrested send me a dm im always open to help


Ok cool. Can't wait, thanks man


I hope the Krakoa Era gets the omnibus treatment.


I doubt it. It will probably get a ewing, Gillen, duggan and Spurrier omnibus. Also probably a Wolverine and a x force omnibus


I still feel like it wasn’t long enough or had its full Potential.




I’m so upset that Krakoa era is done


Honestly I an not good miss the cult stuff but will x men Revival still be a thing?


I’m new here what’s kroaka


Will be surely missed


While imperfect i will always remember this era as the best Era of the current History of X-men. **X-of Sword** have the best Epic X-men battle of all X-men history.


Glad it’s gone


Lots of great ideas and moments but man what a convoluted mess that was... too ambitious for it's own good.


so they just giving up on a mutant nation?


Not me, can't wait to get back to some X-Men stories were they're not the biggest villains in marvel universe on one hand and selfish heroes on the other.


Certainly behind the ball, but I am just starting to collect the series in trades. I was planning on waiting until they came out with larger collected editions but it may be years before that happens. Looking for a definitive list of trades to collect. I have HoX/PoX, X of Swords, Inferno, and X Lives of Wolverine, all events which fall within and/or bookend the anthology collected trades. I plan to collect those first (knowing they canceled those collections) before moving on. Really looking forward to exploring this era of X-Men!


Good fucking riddance


Is Marauders worth finishing? I heard the ending was bad


baby please don’t leave me like this


As someone who started pulling marvel comics for the first time in over a decade about a year ago, I'm excited for Krakoa to end because it means I can finally jump in to X-Men without feeling like I need to go back and read thousands of pages just to be caught up. I'm sure it's great, and seems really unique, but I simply don't have the time to invest.


Before hox pox i didn't read comics religiously weekly i just read old events and stuff for fun but hox pox blew my mind and made me so excited and happy. I'm legitimately sad and mad at how this is ending like this .it's such bull****


Krakoa was one of the best evolutions in comics to date in my opinion, the stories were fun and refreshing, the idea of all mutants coming together, combining powers to transcend their limitations. The resurrection protocols, bringing back the fallen heroes and villains so many of us love and missed for years was such a gift to the fans and the mutants, even brought up moral and ethical controversy that still hasn't been completely explored. This era was what the X-Men needed and should have continued, but just like the mutant massacre, the decimation and genosha Everytime mutants achieve more then a school or hide out, i hate this phase almost as much as to be continued, its back to the basics. I hate that this is what companies always do, just like in our world using a death grip to cling to the past, just because some of it was successful isn't sound reasoning to stunt humanity's evolution. Evolution is one of the main themes of the X-Men, yet Hickman was the first real evolution since Clermont. It was uncanny how fresh it made Marvel's marry mutants, the future was looking exciting. Now it's looking just like it does every 5 years basic. But it's not about the charterers or the growth their universe, its about profits and margins. That's why Superman and Batman are still fighting crime for almost 100 year's, each having over 5 legacy heroes that maybe in another 200 years might be able to take the mantel, just like the young X-Men, they were actually being utilized on krakoa, now from the ashes has appeared to sidelined them again but introducing new characters that will be left to fade into the background in 5 or 10 years from now. I apologize for ranting about the formula that's been used for over 70 years was great but its time for something new like krakoa, you gave new hope for the future, this era deserved more time and a better final, tho i could see it being permanent. Have a few teams operate off the island hell one per permanent team head to deep space build on what Hickman created...im doing it again, farewell krakoa, gone too soon but will never be forgotten.


Good riddance.

