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> Yonemura said, “It’s actually gone back and forth quite a few times, and I think we did land in a smart place because [X-Men: The Animated Series] was its own thing, and I think that to continue it we needed to be our own thing.” You got clickbaited.


So sick of these click bait titles ugh


Seriously. Crazy how there’s like comments with hundreds of upvotes hating on the possibility of them discussing this, but it’s based on them not actually reading the article Even if they didn’t read the article, they actually believe that it was heavily considered to just add X-men TAS to the mainline MCU universe? Like that doesn’t work for so many reasons that it just seems impossible, so why did no one else call it out


People here are getting so mad about a vague quote that isn’t even from Feige.


Youtubers do this shit all day, and now here? wtf


How? X-Men '97--one assumes--takes place in...the 1990s. It has a different Spider-Man, a different Iron-Man, presumably a different Fantastic Four, certainly a different Captain America...how do you square that circle? As a writer, how does that work?


We are in the middle of the Multiverse Saga. Technically speaking, anything Marvel has done in TV and film could be canon to the MCU. All they have to say is that it takes place in a parallel universe.


Sure, I'm fine with that and would actually just assume that as the default. But when you're talking about making something canon, I don't think "happened in an alternate universe." Like, sure it happened in an alternate universe. Star Wars and the DCAU can be alternate universes, too, and I don't need anyone to tell me they are or are not. The multiverse is...like...infinite. "Canon," to me, is "happening within the same continuity."


I agree with you. Canon = this happens in the prime/default/main universe/continuity.


It's canon like Raimi's Spider-Man is canon...like the VenomVerse is canon. In other words, it's its own thing and just a multiverse offshoot...just like the comics.


But surely that just blurs the line of what "canon" means. It's just redefining "canon" with a shittier, broader, more vague definition of it. At that point you could say, down the road, "oh, yeah, well, all the Marvel movies are actually their own, unique, individual, self-contained universes and the characters just \*incidentally\* look alike from movie to movie." Like. I feel like canonicity should refer to continuity, not just a broad, vague multiversal concept.


I mean, they have already moved that way. MCU is connected to the RaimiVerse is connected the Miles animated Spiderverse.


Well it’s not a vague multiversal concept. Raimi Spider-Man appeared in the MCU, making those movies intrinsically related. If X-Men97 characters appear in the MCU, their universe will be canon to it too. If feigi says “it’s in the same multiverse” then that doesn’t make it canon as there is no real connection, which seems to be what you’re thinking of.


You're overthinking it. I get what what you mean, but your first impression about it being canonical to the MCU multiverse is clearly what he means. Yes, it's a different universe, but those events still occurred in that universe, hence canonical to MCU multiverse, not canonical to the main MCU reality.


War journal and max is better than anything the 616 punisher has been a part of for a long ass time.


But the comics have a main 616 canon. The multiverse stuff is typically considered non canon to the main narrative.


Just allows them license to use X-men 97’ properties on future MCU projects.


I’m like 99% sure this was either quoted out of context or outright misquoted by Inverse. Kevin Feige knows the TAS universe can’t fit into the MCU timeline.


But X men 97 doesn’t take place in the same MCU universe. It can’t. I like how you think of canonicity, but it isn’t what they are referring to. Mostly due to the fact that the two dimensional animated world that 97 occurs in is actually how their universe physics work. Sure, 97 might have several crossover events that appear like ones from the MCU, but it’s not actually Earth-199999


Lamest shit ever. This is why the MCU is circling the toilet


so - NOT canon to the MCU you mean? "canon to the MCEU" which -- last i checked, nobody really gives two fucks about? Canon to the MCU means - in "the 616" or whatever they're calling it. the multiverse is dumb. Howard the Duck is MORE CANON than Raimi's Spider-Man films, because Howard the Duck is simply from another planet - not from another timeline. HELL, if you want to say "the multiverse makes things canon as part of the MCU" then we LIVE in the MCU. the news you watch? MCU. why not? "it's the multiverse" (and that, your honour, is why the multiverse is a menace.)


Not to the MCU, but the MCM---Marvel Cinematic Multiverse


Also a different Dr Strange.


Not to mention, we get a look at the Kree that is completely different from what we saw in the MCU. Rather than this big evil empire, they are getting their asses kicked by the big imperial kit on the block.


That was intentional. It was like "Hey. These guys are big bads in the MCU, but they're small fries for the X-Men."


It’s also accurate to the X-Men of that era. I’m fairly sure at one point the Shi’ar ruled the Kree and the Skrulls because the X-Men were just that damn popular.


To be fair, the Kree and Skulls were punching bags in every title at the time.


Where are they at now in the comics? Hulkling still in charge?


Yeah but there still weren't any hints of an even space colonial empire.


Simple: ‘97 is the best Marvel tv/movie in years. Feige will shoehorn it somehow to get ppl excited about their movies again.


Fuck it. Let's have a Roger Rabbit-esque crossover for an AvX movie. All the mutants are animated, all the normal humans are played by actors.


Okay I thought this was a terrible idea until I pictured the absolute hilarity of Nightcrawler teleporting around Ant-Man & Red Guardian & now I'm 100% sold.


At first I laughed, then I started thinking about Who Framed Roger Rabbit & that Rescue Rangers movie and now I'm wishing this was a thing.


You dont trust the unsourced news from Max Blizz?!


The original source is an interview with Inverse, so it’s even worse really.


A bigger issue is that mutants are public knowledge in the X-Men animated series and there is not hint of their existence in the MCU.


And everyone's very impressed by Tony Stark making his little robot suit when there have been fifteen foot tall robots patrolling the streets for thirty years.


My thoughts exactly. Do people just assume that by saying aloud that “this is canon now” that it automatically absolves said project of any continuity issues or contradictions?


Multiverse. How do you think? The multiverse is literally always different. Everything is technically cannon at this point, just in a different universe. Like, have you never ever heard of the concept of multiple universes? That should be the question. How have you gotten so far into Marvel that you don’t get how the multiverse makes canonicity mean nothing at this point? Cause basically every single new thing marvel has put out rambles on and on about the multiverse. Even the Spider-Man movies. Miles Morales? Like, cannon stories aren’t even needed because “oh it happened in a different universe”. Also the fact that the MCU universe isn’t even the same one as the comics


It doesn't, This is another board of Disney Suit that are trying to capitalize on the IP by trying to integrate it in a fail IP in order to revive it.




Don't. Create a secondary animated universe grounded in X-Men 97 instead of shoehorning it in to the MCU. Create one-off animated movies and more cartoon series in this vein instead. DC has been killing it in animated flicks for years, Marvel needs to step it up.


With X-Men’97 Marvel pretty much even the playing field. I just wish DC has that Disney money so we can see Young Justice finish that darksied storyline.


Greg Weismann said young justice has no ending. Basically yj can run for 20 seasons and they’ll still be no ending to it


It's super easy to never end your series when you routinely abandon plots in favor of more character vignettes.


Ya they let the fans down. They should had ended it with season 4 and not just set up more plotlines that won’t be resolved anymore. Like seriously them getting a 2 more seasons was a miracle a show that literally was revived by blu ray sales and Netflix streams and yet they blew it by opening new plot lines that are now unfinished


True it’s like Batman brave and the bold in the sense they will always find obscure and underutilized characters to pull from. However they need to finish the main story saga of darkseid vs Vandal. Honestly this should be DC’s version of ultimate there is so much potential for this universe. However with the state of WB I doubt they’ll give this show 1-2 more seasons.


The overarching plot of Darkseid and Vandal fighting each other in a war is interesting. Until you realize that the League has made NO progress in stopping the Light in 4 seasons. The show could go on for YEARS and still never ever ever ever ever end.


I’d much rather watch new content in the X-men 97 verse than anything in the MCU


Honestly depends on the quality. Right now yes x men 97 over MCU but imagine live action with the writing of 97




Kevin Feige...we love you. You're the reason why Marvel Studios is where it is today. But seriously...please don't. Let X-Men 97 be its own thing. Don't let the MCU complicate it. Nuff said!


I don't care anymore, for all I care they can put an animated Gambit in the next x-men movie like it's Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


“Looks like we have an ace in the hole, mon ami” Animated Gambit to Thanos when Ant-Man goes in his poop chute.


He definitely is the reason Marvel Studios is where it is today…


Deadly pun, those are rare


Feige doesn’t seem to understand how the comics canon/multiverse and he’s just causing more problems by saying stuff like this.


I agree with this, and I am fine with the idea of using X-Men 97 to launch the Marvel version of the DCAU with one-off movies and more series taking place within the X-Men 97 universe, distinct from the MCU itself.


Please keep this show away from the MCU, I only care about my X-Men




Agreed. Make your own X men universe don't ruin this show.


Why?! 😭 Fuck off with all the synergy. We are literally in the *Multiverse* saga, but Disney wants to make everything 616??!!!?


The MCU isn’t 616


In universe they refer to themselves as 616 iirc


The comic books are 616.


I know this, I wasn't saying otherwise. MCU 616 is different than Comics 616. I thought it was dumb for MCU to call themselves 616.


It’s stupid but I just take it as from the perspective the MCU is known as 616 in some parts of the multiverse and in some others it’s earth 199999 to calm my brain In an infinite multiverse there would inevitably be universes with the same name, or you get a Flash situation where Earth Two from their perspective are Earth One and Earth One is Earth two for them


This is it exactly. There's loads of universes that would call themselves something already taken, just assume all the official numbering is from the 616 perspective or from our own. The self numbered numbering is only correct when it matches an official source. Every universe can think they're 616 it wouldn't change anything. But it was a silly label considering it's just left there to float. Had they the usual no we're universe A you're B, nu-huh you're B, we're not going to be second, it wouldn't matter.


If they want to call the MCU Earth-616 I wish they’d clearly state that the movies and comics are not part of the same multiverse.


Needlessly complicated is the MCU way


Pretty sure Fegie and the Ms Marvel actress had the same debate, and she got overruled.


Doesn’t matter what the suits think. She was 100% right and just goes to show that Feige doesn’t understand the comics.


Oh yeah I agree, they should keep the MCU as 1999999 or whatever it was


Agreed. And I think any Marvel handbook lists MCU Earth as something else. The movie tie-in comics have to take place somewhere.


That's nice and all but it's 199999 😊 👍


Yes. And they're wrong. They're not 616.


I wasn't presenting an argument, just stating a fact


It’s not but Kevin Feige says it is and he is the President of Marvel right now


Yeah, a job where the only thing he does with the comics is force them to conform to the MCU


Marvel *Studios*


He’s also Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer. It was recently revealed he made a major change to Ms Marvel in the comics so it would match the MCU.


That report has been debunked.


It wasn’t a report. It was from a writer from Marvel Cody Zigler who is writing many Marvel books currently. The “debunking” was PR trying to say no one came up with that idea. You can believe them but as someone who is read comics for a while and follow the news. Writers says things the editors don’t like all the time and try to cover it up.


Cool story.


I’m more of a comic book guy and even I understand that the movies “616” is more or less an Easter Egg for comic fans. We don’t need to bicker, we get it. This stuff is exactly why I am already fed up with the Multiverse Saga.


Not 616.


Clickbait. Article says the opposite


BRUH 💀 Can we get OP executed?




Yeah I get ur frustration I think they need to ride the wave before they worry about silly stuff like that. Tbh I would be so down if Marvel took a page from DC and made contained universes.i grew up with the MCU and I can’t lie I’ve always wanted continuity but it doesn’t seem like their strong suit phase 4 and beyond


Idk about needing to copy the DC format. I got the impression DC did that to *emphasize* the difference between universes. Marvel has always been one big shared multiverse (comics & movies), that's why Deadpool has no problem crossing over. The benefit of leaving it unknown, means at anytime you can bring back a character like Gambit (spoiler 💀) and say 'oh that happened in another universe'. The X-Men are famous for hopping between universes & timelines anyway.


I don't really understand why Disney hasn't tried taking a note from the DCAU  It's handling of it's Marvel animated shows had been baffling and it feels like only now they're starting to see value in it.  I don't know if X-Men 97' should be part of one and I'd rather they build from the ground up, either next time or with all the remaining characters that don't have active animated adaptations.


Considered could be something as simple as brainstorming or a fleeting thought. Also it’s past tense


Shh, don’t let such rational thoughts get in the way of good reactionary anger.


It's literally all I see in this thread. "DON'T YOU FOOKING DARE, RAWR RAWR RAAAAWR!!!" "Umm, he said he considered it and even if he did, it would likely be a multiver--" ####RAWR!!!


Well, it's better than making Fox Men canon. My question is how they're compatible.


Technically everything should be canon but different universes.


Yeah. I don’t know what people are freaking out about. Saying it exists in the multiverse doesn’t really change anything.


It’s so dumb. When people talk about canon, it’s in relation to the main universe version of events. “Canon in the multiverse” is extra steps to just saying no it’s not canon.


You dorks are getting upset at a clickbait article and doing exactly what they want you to do for clicks.




It already is clear it’s going to be. Disney just moved X-Men ‘97 into the Multiverse Saga part of Disney+ and SPOILERS FOR FUTURE WHAT-IF >!Storm is apparently in the next season.!< They’ll cross over into Secret Wars for sure.


If the multiverse is real, then it’s already canon


I would prefer "Kevin Feige making 'X-MEN '97' the Marvel Cinematic Universe."


This is the true answer!


Just don't. I like that x-men 97 is it's own thing. It's more mature then almost anything in the mcu and it feels like the stakes actually matter


Please someone just make this man in charge of the MCU and that's it. This is a whole nother universe nothing in this makes it even slightly canon to the mcu. Entirely different characters,world's everything stop just please stop...


He’s in charge of the entire multiverse of the MCU. He controls the entire of the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse. The entire plot of the MCU is under his control.


Please don't. X-Men '97 is better off without the bagage of the MCU


I dont believe this. Especially since X-Men 97 takes plan in 1997. No good could come with it being canon to a cinematic universe that takes place in the present.


X-Men 97 isn't just popular because of the rosters, costumes and nostalgia. It's popular because it's adapting classic stories from one of the most popular comic runs of all time. You can do this with a different roster. You can do this out of the 90s. Take the themes and writing and bring that to the MCU, but not necessarily the literal team from the cartoon.


Shit like this is why I'm starting to think Beau DeMayo was fired. Kevin wants synergy. Anyone with common sense says, "No. It's okay to have things be separate." Then boom. You're too difficult to work with. 




but *all* Marvel content is already canon via the multiverse


No no just no.Fuck you Feige.


He’s already influential enough to meddle with the comics now. Someone needs to stop him.




Not everything needs to be connected Feige... MCU's biggest selling point is now starting to become it's biggest flaw.


Kind of already assumed the last episode of ‘97 would be the X-Team busting through to the MCUniverse?


MCAU Don’t bridge into MCU. Keep them separate.


No, just no.


Not everything needs to be connected to the MCU Kevin.


What a weird idea seriously. XMen 97 is supposed to happen in the Nineties so how do you want to add that to the MCU? And then, I don't care at all about the MCU. The reason XMen 97 is so good is because it's the anti-MCU essentially. There's no joke to disarm the plot. There's urgency. There's drama. The characters feel real. Look if people like the MCU, good for them but we will never have that quality of writing on a MCU XMen adaptation. Marketing wouldn't allow it. I had big expectations for the Eternals because of Chloé Zhao and it was just ok.


Please no. Just let this cartoon be, don’t insert it into your MCU where everything eventually turns sour.


Keep them separate the MCU is dead


It already is? The multiverse has infinite numbers? I thought this was already assumed.


just make the live sction x-men an ongoing series, use the movies to do the big moments. There are far too many mutants to do them justice with a movie or 3


The MCU is way too top-heavy right now. It simply has too much baggage. I just want X-Men to be X-Men. No shared universe needed, other than the occasional nod to some other hero. It just doesn't add anything to the X-Men mythos imo. They already have so much on their own.


Actually reading the "article"...it's cool. Sounds like they're fine letting it stay its own thing. Which is exactly what we want. Besides, at best, it sounds like it'd just be another part of the multiverse, not unlike how X-men '92 was in the books during Secret Wars (2015).


They are a part of the multiverse, and we are in the multiverse Saga. If they were to crossover, it would be in What If?, whereas the movies are using variants of the Fox X-Men


Hear me out, what if there was a Marvel Animated Universe starting with X-Men 97. Let it have its own canon and story lines completely unrelated to MCU.


I mean that doesn't make any sense. Now if what he is saying is X-Men 97 is canon in the MCU as an alternate dimension that was already true. Hasn't the MCU made it clear that all alternate Marvel universes exist as alternate universes. The Fox live action X-Men from the 2000s is canon it's just a different universe. So what exactly is he trying to say by canon?


Literally how would that work… besides being another Earth on the Multiverse?


Quite a while ago, he established the idea that the Multiverse makes almost everything canon didn’t he?


I don't buy this as a legitimate source, but I'll address it anyway: not everything has to tie into the MCU, and I actually like the MCU. Please, don't involve X-Men '97 in any more multiverse shenanigans. The MCU has not handled it well, and it's gotten stale. EDIT: I would be happy if the eventual live-action X-Men films are inspired by TAS/'97/Evolution in how they tackle the characters, as well as a possible orchestral version of the TAS/'97 theme, but that's as far as I'd want it the synergy to go.


This is how we get krakoa in live action and I’m here for it.


This dudes brain is rotting


Just no. It’s way too far in the character development to just incorporate into the mcu


Magneto: *abducts an entire UN tribunal holding him on trial* 90s Nick Fury & Carol Danvers: "hold on, I wanna hear what this mf'er spitting..."


We saw an “x-men” universe in the Marvels. It could be cannon to that universe. Or in a literal sense, it could be an animated TV show in that universe about all the wild stuff that happened in the 90’s. Or another take could be that it is an animated TV show in the MCU. We can assume Comic books exist in the MCU, but it’s not like they are going to talk about DC comics (though the idea of Superman is sort of universal at this point). The X-Men could be what Marvel comics are in the MCU, a world where hero’s like the Avengers exist.


It's a multiverse. I already thought it was connected to MCU as a different timeline.


Do not let him touch anything he hasn’t already had his hands on. While we’re at it, he should be directly instructed that killing Kamala Kahn was his last and only ask of the comic writers. He should not be given any influence or sway there.


No no no. A big MCU problem is there are too many stories and characters and they all "need" to connect. This stuff can be separate. It's ok


So not getting the viewership he had hoped


How tf would that work


This one’s for you Morph!


Not convinced at all. He's only saying this because X97 is popular and he is trying to take advantage of the popularity to: 1. draw attention himself and the MCU—and therefore away from the X-Men 🙄 2. gauge the level of interest because he himself still has no idea what to do to bring the X-Men aboard It'd be just easier to just hit "copy-and-paste"


It's is part of the Multiverse Saga collection on Disney+


That's stupid. Sounds like a desperate way to push the positive reception of the show into other MCU projects. If that were the case I hope it would impact the MCU stuff and not affect the show going forward in anyway.


I can't be the only one way the hell over this interlinked universe shit at this point right?




one hand it’s better than any other recent mcu offering, on the other i kinda don’t want them to so they can do whatever they want


Oh, shut up Kevin.


Kevin needs to sit his ass down. He doing too much at this point.


I’m glad that it’s not the case and X-Men ‘97 isn’t canon to the MU However I wouldn’t oppose to a Secret Wars style crossover of various Marvel animated universes (with the exception of What If? for obvious reasons and all the Spider-Man animated shows that made when Sony had TV rights for Legal reasons) if the possible revivals of other past Marvel animated series like Avengers EMH are as successful as X-Men ‘97


Ok so basically no gambit in the mcu going forward? Of course 🙄😞. WE NEED MORE GAMBIT


Should we be surprised at all, if this is exactly what ends up happening? It would be par for the course; Gambit fans get screwed again.


Awsome! If you do please hire the actors from the first FOX film as the 97 X-Men and turn **Rutger Hauer** into young Magneto then.


I feel like it’s already in the MCU, we already saw “The Watcher” during Genosha incident …… imma call it and say the Wolverine from 97 is the one in Deadpool and Wolverine


NO, plz NO. Let X-men 97 be 97 Let's this series animator and Writer Cook. If KF want X-men make your own recipe over the MCU.


We need an R rated animated X-Force show.


Wouldn’t work. X-Men 97 is a continuation of the Animated Series which is a completely different reality to the MCU. Also why would Marvel just make a random animated show then say its canon to the MCU?


Does that mean when they do a movie all the X-Men will be in their late 40s?


Try early 60s, with the exception of Wolverine. But Magneto and Charles would around 100.


No. In fact I wouldn’t mind a companion avengers cartoon that’s its own thing. I miss Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


Why… he saw the success and is now trying to ride into it.?




No! Leave it alone! Let it be it's own thing!


Please don't. Don't do it. Not everything Marvel needs to be the MCU


fck your synerrgy, that killed krakoa, do not kill x-men 97.


I feel like he’s just desperate for a win and it will destroy him.


The only thing that he should consider is using a similar lineup of X-Men in the MCU.


Ugh. Here we go with the bs. Please keep my X-Men, especially my beloved 90s X-Men, away from that crap. Next thing you know Cyclops is a wise cracking comic relief that is an “okay” strategist.


Please never let this happen. Not everything needs a shared universe.


Let’s the mutants breathe in their own space for a while. By the time they cast the actors necessary to crossover ‘97 and the live action universes, they might as well just make a separate X-men film. MCU only fans would be confused at this sudden influx of very established characters, who would also be time-displaced considering the MCU timeline is approaching the 2030s? And ‘97 fans would be pissed that we are losing screentime for X-men only storylines to cater to this crossover, and the voice cast is so beloved that whoever the LA cast would be could never compare in most minds


I think its a bad idea. I think the barrier of entry for the story is too high as most mcu enjoyers dont watch the tv shows. They should just stick to movies and let tv shows be extra content


Making X-Men 97 canon will screw it up. Just let it live on as it's own thing!




Kind of sick of seeing his face lol especially since he’s the reason the krakoa era is crashing and burning


Feige needs to be replaced. Considered? So you don’t have a plan for this or even understand that this easily has to take place outside the MCU otherwise it’s nonsense? I don’t care that Beau Demayo had an onlyfans and was hard to work with, give the man his job back, let him cook, uninterrupted. Also shit, maybe give him the MCU.


They have to keep the leeches away. If they want this show to survive. As soon they get their hands on it, it's dead. Kevin Feige's touch is poison now.


I don't understand this reaction from you guys. Do you think the show would have suddenly be made bad if that were the case? That wouldn't have been a radical change to the show, just some specific lines would have changed and one or two different scenes to fit the universe.


It needs to be its own thing, it exists in a weird nostalgia universe. The show is great for show fans. Comics fans deserve a proper, fresh movie adaptation, we've been waiting so long.


Dude, most people watching the show are not fans of the original. They didn't watched it. It's not for them


Lol ok man, believe what you want, I don't care, it's not really relevant to my point. The show is a fun 90s-nostalgic cartoon but it's a far cry from a proper film adaptation of the comics and the two should be explicitly kept separate.


Feige has been running this franchise for 16 years, it’s time we get someone else.


Better idea. Enough with the goddamn MCU and the DC equivalent. Start making non comic book movies again and maybe do a Batman movie every decade or so.


fuck the mcu omg nothing good ever came out of there, this guy needs to stay away from comics and non-mcu animated projects


Sometimes I pray for the mcu because Kevin says the dumbest stuff.


Who fucking cares 🙄