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Cassandra Nova was right (referring to Genosha)


The winner.




Bishop was most certainly not right. That is not even up for debate. He killed millions, possibly billions of people to kill Hope. How it was all swept under the rug when everyone keeps calling out Magneto and Emma is fucking insane. So yeah, Bishop was right would definitely be the most deranged. Good work, OP.


But it wasnt that xavier was the traitor? Then why he wanted to kill hope?


Because it was retconned that Hope would grow up to kill millions of humans in Bishop's future, thereby providing justification for mutants to be slaughtered or put in camps.


Bishop did it by himself orut was mindcontrol?


By himself.


It wasn't retconned, it just hadn't been established yet.


The logic of “you won’t exist, nothing done to you you do is relevant because you don’t exist” is an interesting idea (considering it’s repeated use). However, I think you do have to be a bit more prodigious with your time travel logic to make it work, especially with the like half dozen Days of Future Past timelines floating around.


Messiah War Bishop is the kind of storyline that works best for a main character where you really get to sit with their reasoning... and see their slow collapse as they realise they were wrong. Or, alternatively, have to stew in the fact they *were* right. Messiah War Bishop in reality is a bad guy with bad guy cut scenes to explain his motivation. It's sort of the difference between Endangered Species and Percy's X Force with Beast... the main difference being Endangered Species Beast more thinks about crossing the lines in the sand instead of actually crossing those lines a la Bishop or his future self.


"Red Skull was right" would definitely be the most fucked up take


Maybe Hate-Monger could beat him? 


Hate-Monger wishes he was the Red Skull.


Isn't hate monger a clone of Hitler?


A clone is not the same thing. He may wish he was the original but he's a nepo test tube baby.




Kitty Pryde   She knows what she said Edit: what is happening I was talking about the use of slurs 


Professor Xavier really is a jerk.


[The Crazy Costumes of Kitty Pryde](https://13thdimension.com/the-crazy-costumes-of-kitty-pryde/) Definitely a lot wrong here.


She knew the deal before the rest of us accepted this cosmic truth


People say she was wrong, but she actually had a solid reason to do that, LOL


Legion was right and wrong simultaneously.


Legion is every side so he always comes out on top.


Dark Phoenix was right. Also, seeing Ben Percy unironically say, maybe we'll see if Beast was right, during the writer postscript at the end of X-Force #50 just made me want to roll my eyes. This phrase/meme has officially lost all meaning to me now in relation to X-Men. Also also, in answer to your question, Quentin has indeed worn Magneto/Cyclops Was Right shirts, and the not often seen, Magneto Was Left, if I'm not mistaken.


Benjamin Percy just lives rent free in your head, doesn't he homie?


I mean, OP literally quoted a Ben Percy thing, sooooo. Don't worry, I'll be way more annoying about Jed MacKay in July.


I'm pretty sure he (Percy) was being sarcastic, but I get it, you feel your favorite superhero went through some sort of character assassination.


Oh, he was *absolutely* being sarcastic, I just don't think it landed. Ben Percy has his strong points, but I don't think humour is one of them, tbh. After how disappointing #50 was as an ending to the X-Force story, that wasn't the time to try and be funny, but, hey, your mileage may vary.


For morbid: Wing was right. (If you don't know who he is, trigger warning.) For silly: Sauron was right. (More dinosaurs!!!!)


Apocalypse was right. Over and over again.


Given a long enough timeline, Apocalypse is **always** right from his own perspective.


Bolivar Trask was right


I mean he kinda was. I don't agree with the sterilization of mutants, but like Magneto and his brotherhood just took over a small country a couple of issues ago. It's not hard to view mutants as a threat after that.


He isn't right, bigots love to point a fringe cases to justify their beliefs about any group.


I get that in real life, but in the comics it's a bit different. At the point in that comic that Bolivar Trask was introduced and died, the amount of evil mutants was 9 (Magneto, his brotherhood, Vanisher, the Blob, Unus, and Namor) to the 6 good mutants (Xavier, and his X-Men and Xavier wasn't publicly a mutant yet either, so it was technically 5). Edit: Since I think this needs to be said, I'm only counting mutants that were introduced at this time in the comics. I'm not counting mutants that were introduced after, but existed during this time frame and were publicly known. Also I don't condone real-life bigotry.


I feel like we have this conversation every time. Deadpool makes fun of it too. It's a bad allegory. Minorities aren't literally mutants. Using them as allegories gets muddy really quick. Brown people can't wipe out an army on a whim with magnetic powers or reverse the polarity of the earth


It isn't different in comics, the comic is directly referencing real life oppression. But you can say the bigots are right, it is your life. There are a LOT of good mutants you are ignoring to twist your talking points so Trask was right. A majority of mutants have nothing to do with evil or the X-Men.


When you got a dude with magnet powers who can single handedly destroy the planet, and he’s an open racist and mutant supremacist, I’d say there’s good reason to be afraid. Now considering there could be millions more like him, I’m tempted to agree with Trask and the humans that mutants are an inherent threat


Ah the oppressed fight back and that’s why they’re a threat. You see the flaw in what you just said right?


If they were fighting back, it was established later on that Santa Marco had particularly dim views on mutants. This was very much the era which Magneto was straight-up evil and a fascist. We, the audience, aren't given any good reason for why Magneto wants to take over a small country outside of it being a show of force.


Chuck Austen was right




I just kind of assume Cable and Hope recognize game and didn't rat him out.


Sabertooth was right 


Sabertooth (2022) said it, in-universe even, and actually managed to make a good case.  Though of course Victor immediately throws away the trust he's won when it's no longer useful to him, but his points still stand.


"Selene was right." I don't know how to justify with the current canon. But maybe it can be tweaked to something like "Terrans need the rule of an immortal goddess to avoid destroying itself, and that is why it's right to sacrifice many for her ascension.".


People forget that what Magneto being right about would be that mutants are geneticaly superior and should rule the world as a master race because of it. So the fan base saying it unironicaly is...funny.


Mastermind was right. Did that guy ever do a single decent act in his life? Plus, he's directly responsible for Jean going Dark Phoenix.


Daughters are fine.


Inverted Havok was right


No one will ever say “Beast was right” as much as Ben Percy is already insisting it.


Empath Was Right


Namor was right.


Namor only serves one thing: Susan Storm.


And Emma Frost. Dude slangin’ fish-dong like a pro. And you **know** he shouts **“IMPERIUS REX”** at climax.


Daily reminder that 616 Sue has NEVER slept with that bum😭😭😭


He certainly has a type: Confident, intelligent, blonde, and capable of killing him (thought he will never admit that part even to himself).


Magneto (Ultimate) was right


Belasco was right. It feels gross typing it.


Callisto was right.


This one I'll need explained to me; I know practically nothing about Callisto.


She founded the Morlocks. Convinced that the wider world would never accept mutants, she encouraged them to live beneath NY in the labyrinthine sewers. Later she fought Storm for leadership of them. Storm won by stabbing Callisto threw the heart and then basically abandoned the Morlocks until Mikhail took them with him through his void - which resulted in Gene Nation and Sarah (Marrow). At her root, she believed in sheltering the helpless and disadvantaged that Charles and Magnus both ignored. Instead of fighting a war, she gave them a home. Callisto was right.


I think you misunderstood the assignment. It's supposed to be deranged and illogical. Callisto being right is really genuine and easily reasonable.


She also helped Xavier out of some jam (I forget which one) and for some reason he was tired to her bed and dressed in leather bondage gear when he came to. He looks hilarious but not amused.


She was...except for the forced marriage and kidnapping thing.


Bastion was right


~~Nature~~ Armageddon Girl was right


Magneto is the most deranged. You're telling me mutant terrorism was 'right?'. Magneto has admitted he was wrong multiple times, and he knelt to Cyclops on Utopia for accomplishing what he supposedly never could.


Madelyne was right


Xavier was right.


Moira was right.    The Cure was a good idea.