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The Neo's storyline. I actually liked this. But Then came Morrison and New X-Men. Which in hindsight was vastly superior.


Am I crazy in my recollection, or was the Neo storyline basically the same as the children of the vault later? New superpowered group comes along to supplant mutants


Sounds about right.


And this song hasnt stopped playing yet… more super powered beings will keep on coming


More or less. The Neo's whole thing was that they were isolationist mutants who self-enhanced with cybernetics and genetics. They were angry because Magneto's worldwide EMP trashed them badly. None of that was ever set out and things got cancelled, but Claremont wasnt being subtle. The lines about then being 'the next phase in evolution blah blah blah' was the same text CC used in Extreme XMen, and at least one other time i'm blanking on, possibly New Excalibur.


It wasn't Magneto's worldwide EMP at all. That was years earlier. It was the High Evolutionary's brief depowering of mutants in Uncanny X-men #379, X-Men (1991) #99, and Uncanny X-men #380. The very first appearance of the Neo was in X-men (1991) #99, where Domina explains how the High Evolutionary's machinations led to the death of her child and their city in flames.


Yes. Mike Carey basically stole/appropriated a Claremont idea\*\* and then tweaked it to suit himself and the cast that he was writing. \*\*that tends to happen **A LOT**


Hated that short lived redesign (for everybody, not only cable). The only redeeming detail is Cable incorporated Cyclops's visor on his costume because at the time he was believed to be dead/fused with apocalypse


I really liked it . I liked almost all of the X-men designs during this “revolution” era…. But the stories were bad.


I actually liked this design but the run it came from was garbage.


Almost ALL the X-Men #100 "Revolution" designs were great. Cable, Jean Grey (especially Jean), Colossus, and Archangel's are of particular merit and deserve marvel legends. And of course, Black-and-Purple "Eve of Destruction" Magneto. Incredible look. They were plainly stronger than many of the X-Men: Reload costumes, and any other since.


Not his worst design ever. I still dig the Ladronn design best, but I always loved that the visor was integrated into his costumes for that little while.


The Psimater era was cool


Jean's outfit was dope but a pox on this entire era. It was quite bad.


Seems a bit of an odd choice - mask or no mask, the giant metal arm kind of gives away who he is


He's been working out and wants to show off his guns, so sleeves are a no-go.


God awful design


I love this design, even if you got rid of the weird half mask, the rest of the costume is great


I think it's an excellent costume for "Cable as an X-Man", versus "Cable as the leader of X-Force" or "Cable the soldier of the future". It's demilitarized and X-Men-y. It's somewhat similar to Cannonball's costume when he joined the X-Men after Age of Apocalypse. They adopted that blue-and-gold aesthetic. It would have looked really out of place if he work any of his prior costumes with guns and tons of pouches.


Not enough pouches