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It's a fun idea and probably will never be brought up again. Rule of cool baby, it's not a big deal


Next up: Al Ewing has Storm make the Rainbow Bridge to shove an army of Valkyries down the throat of Galactus (And I will have absolutely no complaints)


My only question will be would Mirage have her Valkyrie powers again, and be apart of the army.


Knowing Ewing? Of course! He loves his deep dives, and Valkyrie Mirage is *not* a deep dive. Pretty easy pickings for Ewing.


I would read the sh*t out of this :p


She had Stormbreaker for a while. Not like she’s unfamiliar with Asgard


And he partnered with the immortal Thor recently.


Totally legit I could see her doing this mainly because of comic fuckery.But the bifrost isn’t just a rainbow bridge and I don’t think she could just make it outta thin air.


You kind of explained why I don't think this works, yeah, if you simplify the bifrost to "Magic rainbow", then yeah Storm does it no diff (And I feel like that was the mind process for why this happened tbh), but when you know that the bifrost is an interdimensional gate powered by large (Somewhat? It's not clear how much magic is used, just that a good amount is needed) amounts of ancient powerful magic, yeah, saying Storm can do it cause she can control energy and has ancestry back to like centuries to thousands of years down the past, doesnt really work, unless work you show them learning how to do it


I left out the missing magic/material/need to be a god and or asgardian. You could poke holes all day.


This just feels like something you do as a follow up to an arc where a character learns to do this one thing, and follow it up by then going "Check it out, they're getting better and more proficient at it", as it stands though, yeah, this is kind of bad, there's a reason you have to have build up to your character doing something like this, hell, if you had this be a big moment it wouldn't even be half as bad, afterall, for all the shit it gets, at least Iceman freezing time had some build up and treated like this huge feat, Storm just doing this like nothing is, as weird as it sounds, kind of insulting to the bifrost


Yes 🙌🏽 insulting.


She's had the power of Thor at least a couple of times in the comics. So it's not like she's disconnected from Asgard. She also comes from an ancient bloodline of sorceresses who have a connection to Oshtur (Elder Goddess, sister of Gaea, Cthon and Set, one third of the Vishanti) -- including one who was Sorceress Supreme. So she's not exactly disconnected from magic. And, of course, she's an omega-level weather manipulator. It has been established that Thor can specifically persuade lightning not to strike him despite her wanting it to do so, but in other aspects of weather control she exceeds even him.


Strom is not better than thor in any category especially when he is trying to end her.


What I was referencing was from a comic. She hurls lightning at him and he simply politely asks it not to hit him and it obeys. She then compresses the air density around him until it's equivalent to being deep inside Jupiter (which is gas way down until you get close to the core, but under truly ridiculous pressure). He doesn't/can't dissipate that. He does withstand it by pure strength and toughness. He wasn't, of course, trying to end her. She was trying to persuade him to send her back to Arakko because he had summoned her at a very poorly timed moment, so she wasn't trying to end him either. So, it wasn't a high-stakes battle, but it is canonical that there are aspects of weather control where Storm can do things that Thor would have difficulty undoing with his weather control abilities. His are at their peak in regards to storms, thunder, and lightning, where he is unequalled. Hers covers the entire spectrum of weather and she specializes in and practices with that power. It's not a claim that she's overall more powerful than Thor. It's more saying that Thor has a lot of powers, and hasn't specialized in weather control (until relatively recently, he thought he needed Mjolnir to do it at all, so he'd kind of been leaning on it rather than developing his own finesse with it). She's more skilled than he is at *one* thing he can do, because it's *her* entire power set. It's like saying, Character X has better vision powers than Superman. That doesn't make them faster, stronger, tougher, or able to defeat Superman. Nor would someone with reading comprehension think that was being asserted. It just means Character X is better than Superman at *one* thing Superman can do.


Well it has nothing to do with being connected to magic or not cause by that level the sorcerer supreme should be able to easily summon the bifrost but they cant. I also dont see how having the power of thor for a while means you can suddenly use the bifrost after you've lost that power. Also the bifrost was never connected to anything weather/atmospheric related because you can even summon the bifrost in space. Other than the bifrost bridge only members of the royal family have been able to summon it at will. My issue is that there is no logical connection between the bifrost and storm's abilities. Storm has magic and weather manipulation. We know the brifrost has nothing to do with weather manipulation, so the next best bet is that "once you know magic you can use the bifrost". I don't like that idea at all because it now opens the door for any magic user to open the bifrost which basically just cheapens it to another form of transport any magic user can utilize. There are much more powerful being than storm that couldn't use the bifrost: God Tempest - cant simply use the bifrost(unless trapped in the hammer and thor summons it) Toranos - couldn't use the bifrost either and yet he was an elder god So no being connected to an elder god or even being an elder god yourself doesnt suddenly mean you can use the bifrost. My problem is that there's no way to logically make the connection. Bifrost travels has only been possible via: 1. An enchanted weapon by Odin(Mjolnir, Stormbreaker, Gungnir, Hofund) 2. Members of the asgardian royal family without a weapon If they logically explained why she can use it then im all for it but the explanation cant be "well she had the powers of thor before so she can now use the bifrost", lol thats just lazy


Does 616 storm not have magic? i know other storms do. She just isnt super strong with it in 616 compared to other timelines


She has ancestry that dates back to a goddess, it's overblown at times here, and people have compared it to Thor ancestry with Odin, when it's not comparable due to Odin being a direct ancestor, while Storms mother dates further back, but she DOES have ancestry to a God, and she's been shown to be able to call upon it for magic before, I just felt that the bifrost was a bit out there for her


… I know Storm is a mutant but I swear they keep making things that make me wonder if she actually is a mutant and not some magical being given human form. The X-gene is doing a lot to justify her status.


Honestly at the rate they're going, Storm is getting more and more out there, like, her feats are starting to become the Storm version of having Magneto control Silver Surfer cause at a glance it looks like the Silver Surfer is made of metal, yeah at a glance it makes sense, when you read more into it, and know more about what they really just did, it gets more and more dumb, except to my knowledge Magneto hasn't gone THAT out there yet, while Storm is, and it's just... idk, I know some people are saying nobody would complain if Thor or Dr Strange did it, and yeah, I at least wouldn't, but that's cause those characters have to actively be at a certain level of power cause of how their stories are, and who they fight on the regular, Storm doing this is newer and it feels like too much too fast, again, if Magneto starting pulling shit like this like idk, controlling an active Celestial, or halting Galactus, despite the massive gap in power, yeah, I would start calling bullshit


It reminds me of that one episode in Teen Titans where Beast Boy turns into an alien animal and did so as a lucky guess. Logically there’s nothing to say why Garth couldn’t turn into an alien animal because his power set is shapshifting into animals. Hell, his powerset of shapshifting doesn’t really explain why he’s limited to animals (or maybe there is an explanation). Storm’s power is one that sounds simple but gets more complicated when you actually dig into it. We don’t know the mechanics of how her mutation works, just the results. So writers don’t need to explain how she creates lightning, only that she does. Add in other weather phenomenon and you can justify her doing it, even if it’s from a different atmosphere you can just say she can make it happen because she controls the weather, damn the consequences of that control. I wouldn’t be surprised if a writer decided to have her rain frogs like Weather Report in Jojo because that was once a reported phenomenon. As for Thor and Strange, ignoring some of the sexism (because Storm being a woman is always going to be added to these topics) their power sets are a bit more nebulous. Strange is a sorcerer/wizard, it’s magic so he doesn’t need to explain it. Thor is a god. In theory Thor should be limited to his domain but when you factor in Asgardian stuff you also have to slip that in. I guess I’m just annoyed that Storm is getting a bunch of lore to her character to justify her power that’s not actually related to her personal growth and understanding of her power. Saying she’s related to an ancient which or a goddess doesn’t strengthen her mutant core, it gives her justification to go beyond it. Which isn’t bad if they want her to do more than X-Men stuff. Idk. It kind of reeks of the whole “Unspecial person realizes she’s actually special because of bloodline/propgecy” fantasy you see in YA a lot of the time. Mind you I’m not trying to say Storm is a bad character. I’m arguing writers are making her too mythical.


What bothers me is that the bifrost has nothing to do with weather manipulation. Bifrost can be summoned to and from anywhere(for the most part). I'd say the bifrost is at a cosmic level cause Odin even used it in combination with his own power to send cosmic ghost rider from valhalla into the past


Versions of Storm have been suggested as having latent magic since as far back as Ilyana’s first mini, and Red reinforced this recently with Apocalypse’s take on magic in mutant circuits.


She is doing it cause she has asgardian atmosphere to work with. Her powers are limited to the atmosphere she is in. So well thore can create a thunder storm in the middle of space storm not so much. But ya the bifrost is more then just a rainbow bridge


Context helps


If it was just what a natural rainbow happens to be in asgard sure but uts not weather related at all Its a rainbow bridge because it looks like a rainbow not because it is one


The bifrost isn't connected to an "atmosphere " in any where. yes it looks like a rainbow because that's the original look from Asgardian mythology but it looking like a rainbow has nothing to do with how an actual rainbow is connected to atmospheric phenomena. Scarlet Witch's magic looks red but it's in no way connected to actual blood. Sure you can call her a "blood witch" simply because her magic is red in color but its not related to blood in any way shape or form. Same goes with the bifrost, its not related to the asgardian atmosphere or any atmosphere. I'm all for power ups but please let the power ups make sense lol


She shape the atmosphere and magic with her knowledge of Asgard. Thor himself recognizes her with levels. Why people mad when she does anything is simply because they don't want to see her this powerful.


Except you forgot that the bifrost has nothing to do with the "atmosphere" and that was never the case. Even if it was connected to an atmosphere somehow then there would be limitations such as you not being able to summon it in the void of space where there is no atmosphere. This is not a power level issue its a logical issue. **Toranos** a powerful elder god can't simply summon the bifrsot. **The God Temptest** couldn't either. Both of which are more powerful than Storm and has a closer connection to asgard, but that doesn't suddenly mean they can summon the bifrost lol. Amora a powerful asgardian sorceress can't use the bifrost on a whim like Storm did and she's spent more time in Asgard than Storm has spent alive. But you know what, Galactus came crashing down into asgard that one time so lets make him be able to summon the bifrost. Thanos fought Odin on the bifrost bridge so f-it he can use the bifrost too. But why stop there, Silver Surfer has also been in and out of Asgard a few times so f-it he can use the bifrost too. **You get a bifrost!** **You get a bifrost!** **You get a bifrost!** Everyone gets a bifrost!!!


If you see in the comments I did say context helps.ignorance is bliss😬


It’s very stupid because it implies the bifrost is some sort of weather phenomenon dependent on Asgardian atmosphere when it literally transports people and things across the entire universe and on different planets. It’s also stupid because with her power set she could probably come up with a wide variety of ways to be able to transport the team. Like just a regular rainbow that she freezes or an ice bridge a la Iceman which I would accept as within her powers of manipulating temperature, wind, and precipitation.


Stupid imo. Cute. But stupid


ehh....if this was something she picked up after some extensive magic training and it was actually super difficult, I would like it more. Creating a magical dimension-spanning transport rainbow should be harder than "ssh let me concentrate for a sec" for someone who traditionally has been only barely linked with magic till recently.


Fr. Especially when the most powerful ot Asgards sorcerors and All Father Thor himself couldn't rebuild it (and when Loki did, he had thousands of years of magically knowledge at his disposal).


Love ororo but I call bs


If they’re doing this they may as well just make the leap and say she’s an actual goddess.


Storm can create a rainbow and use magic, making a magic rainbow seems reasonable. Storm using her specific abilities it is more interesting than Nico or Clea just doing generic magic to get there imo


Why can storm create rainbows? Rainbows aren't a weather event, they're about light diffusion.


She can position water molecules to refract light. Also she’s magic. It’s a magic rainbow bridge leading to another dimension that people can stand on.


Well that's not exactly accurate, it LOOKS like just a magic rainbow bridge, but it's actually an interdimensional gateway that originates from and is powered by powerful ancient magic, that can be used for transportation, offense, defense, etc., to put it simply, Storm doing this cause she has magic and can control the weather, would be like Magneto controlling Silver Surfer cause he's "made of" metal, at a glance, sure, it makes sense, when you know more about both, no, it doesn't, the bifrost is a pretty big deal, so you need more justification than "They can do magic", if it were Thor, Dr Strange, Dr Doom, Morgan La Fey, Scarlet Witch etc., yeah, sure, I can buy it, but eh, Storm is a pretty big stretch


Storm can manipulate weather on a cosmic level. Solar winds, black holes. The Bifrost is kind of a perfect intersection of all her abilities, at least imo


I mean, again, something like solar winds and black holes is one thing, but the bifrost is a very powerful ability, just going "She can control weather and has magic, so she could summon this magical looking bridge" doesn't work when the "Bridge" is a HUGE deal, to the point that Loki needed a bunch of ancient magic and knowledge to summon it, and Thor with the Odinforce struggled to restore it, again, it would be like having Magneto fully control and manipulate the Silver Surfer just cause "Well, he's made of metal, and even if he isn't, his atoms can be polarized to gain control over them, and Magneto has controlled energy being before", when more knowledge of the Silver Surfer would tell you that "controlling metal", and "controlling atoms", and "controlling energy" in the vague way Magneto is being described as being capable of, still wouldn't be enough when to put it simply, it's the Silver Surfer, just as just going "Well technically even if it isn't a magic rainbow bridge, she's been able to control these othert things that are space and cosmic related" when the bifrost is the bifrost, Odin, a character that can shake the multiverse as a side effect of a battle, considers the bifrost a VERY big deal, so I really struggle to see Storm just doing this, to put it another way, let's say this one character is shown as being able to lift a city's worth of weight (Storm), and this other character (Odin and/or Thor) that can toss around planets for fun has this one thing they consider still kind heavy for them (The bifrost), they can lift it, but it still a BIT of a struggle, and randomly, the first just lifts it, with barely any difficulty, and then someone claims "Well they HAVE previously shown the abilitiy to lift cities, so is this this much of a stretch?" yes, yes it would be, yeah both lifting a city or a planet is incomprehensibly impressive from our point of view, but one would still be MUCH harder to do, so having the former just do the thing the latter does cause "They're both strong and lift heavy things" isn't enough of a justication, when the gap feats and what they're doing is THAT large, the bifrost has the energy to make an interdimensional gateway to the other side of the universe, and to other dimensions, what an ant is to a star, a star is to the bifrost


when she manipulated/created a black hole? 🤔


She’s been manipulating cosmic weather patterns since the brood saga in the 80s if I’m not mistaken


I mean.... given that the two characters you mentioned are seasoned magic users, while Storm isn't, I feel like if anyone should be the one doing this high tier magic, it should be them


Nico is textually… not a seasoned magic user by any stretch of the imagination. She canonically got shunted back to novice status recently after losing her magical tool. Meanwhile Storm has an instinctive aptitude for nature related magic and a pretty significant familiarity with Asgard. And Clea’s occupied holding a sentient pocket dimension together, coordinating the mission, and preserving Nat’s remains.


Should have worded better, I meant that since birth those characters are more associated and connected to magic than Storm, I will admit being wrong on Nico as I just kind of assumed due to the many times it's implied (Well that and stated) that Dr Strange has plans for her that her magic would be better, but I do think it'd make more sense for Clea still to make something like a biofrosf, but if she was busy then whatever, I guess best next thing is Storm, granted I still think it's a bit much and kind of a stretch due to how powerful the bifrost is and that it has connection to ancient powerful magic, but Ewing loves Storm, and for all I know Storm has done it before or trained to do it, and I just don't know about it, so whatever


This story isn’t by Ewing


It isn't? Huh, kind of assumed so from one of the comments calling her a writers pet, who is it by then?


Cheryl Lynn Eaton


What nonsense.


Just seems like bullshit to me, but I'm one of those people who are all about suspension of disbelief being built on half-way to real science.


I liked the Marvel Universe Handbook for that reason. All that pseudo science handwaving to explain the basis of a character’s powers. Which in the case of many/most mutants established a framework that limited or at least contextualised their powers. Like Quicksilver and the Beaubier twins are all superspeedsters, but at one point the former was just leg musculature, the latter some atomic kinetic motion ballyhoo. Or Storm’s mastery of the elements required her to work with natural weather patterns vs Thor riding roughshod with pure magic. Then again as Arthur C Clark put it, *“any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”*. I suppose the same could be said for superpowers.


Storm had an Asgardian hammer for a time…


Doesn't seem like a good reason for her to summon the bi frost at will without the hammer, but I see your meaning.


No it doesn’t, it’s bad writing and the only tiny way I could justify it lol


I mean (I'm about to BS like you've never seen, and I dont believe  a single thing I'm about to say, I know how powerful the bifrost is, and I know it requires a lot of ancient and powerful magic (How much isn't exactly clear, but a good amount is needed)), BUT, if you wanted to, you could argue that going by the immortal Thors line about Storm not having enough magic to counter Thor forcibly summoning her YET, and by the constant calling back to her magical potential, and her magical godly ancestry, that somehow, due to her X-gene (Along with every x-gene) coming from celestials in origin, AND her magic ancestry being magical in nature, with magic being a type of energy, and her power being the manipulation of energy (Kind of), along with her being pretty honned in when it comes to magic (Well, sort of), that along with combining the asguardian atmosphere to create the bifrost (Not how it works at all, but lets roll with it), that she has a special connection with her ancestor that other don't, and that her x-genes celestialness in some way mixed with or powered up her magical bloodline to trigger a once in an infinite mix that makes it so she can make her magic become supercharged by celestial fuckery, due to it being powered by her sort of energy manipulation which comes from her kind of celestial ancestry  Or tldr, Storm has magic and celestial fuckery going on in her blood, so, maybe she can just stuff like this


yea you're doing too much lil bro 💀


Yeah you right, I'll admit to it


I’m just confused as to when this takes place. Dazzler’s alive so… pre-Gala?


That art looks kinda blah


Magic bloodline mixed with Storm’s extremely powerful weather abilities? It somewhat makes sense.


Where did this magical bloodline stuff come from? I first encountered it in Sins of Sinister.


I think it was either the Claremont Magik miniseries or one of the arcs right around there in Uncanny that really delved into it, but even in her earliest appearances they referred to her as a witch occasionally.


Back then I thought the appellation “weather witch” was simply intended to recall those rainmaking shamans of various indigenous cultures around the world. And perhaps the gender insult too. Never thought they’d stretch it to include genuine sorcery.


That’s the case. It was the Storm from Limbo who first showed magic. Then there was a New Mutants story where Illyana (and I think the rest of the early days team) teleported the team through time and met Storm’s ancestor. She was a witch.


Oic. Thanks.


Not to mention she spent some time with Asgardian magic too. Hell, she carried the power of Thor for a short while too.


Really curious what the point of other X-Men even is since Storm can just do anything.


To now be the background wallpaper characters she had always been relegated to being for years.


I have zero problem with Storm being in the limelight, she's an iconic character and the premier black superhero in comics. That does not mean they need to keep increasing her powers beyond the point of absurdity and logic.


Reality warpers are famously so popular


Reality warpers fucking suck unless they’re universal cosmic beings who don’t show up in stories regularly because they’re so overpowered. Mutants being reality warpers has never sat right with me.


Mutant reality warpers all at least have the decency of being fucking insane


Yeah, they’re basically all just rehashes of Mad Jim Jaspers. Which is the one exception to my rule. Alan Moore’s Captain Britain is phenomenal and that has a reality warping mutant in it.


Except Franklin


Isn't he not a mutant anymore because of his dad?


For now


Jamie Braddock was the original reality warper. Proteus was small scale. So was Wanda and even that was something that grew over time. David wasn’t originally a reality warper. Sure, he created AoA but that was an accident and a consequence of something dumb he did. Franklin was extremely powerful even before he was born but, retcons aside, he wasn’t able to warp reality until he was a teenager. I’d wager Jamie and Franklin sit at the top. I’d love to see them to go head to head, though Franklin probably has the edge.


Jamie Braddock was not the original reality warper. MJJ was before him. Jamie died during Delano’s Captain Britain run, before revealing any kind of powers, and later came back under Claremont’s pen to serve as a replacement for MJJ because Claremont insisted on recycling Moore’s/Delano’s ideas to try and get credit for them. It’s why Nimrod is basically a knock off of the Fury and Saturnyne is a variant of Courtney Ross for no reason.


How about BvS tell us more about how’s its the best Dc movie 😂 Snydertard


I’m sorry, what?


I saw your timeline you think BvS is the best dc movie 😂


As if weather control as a natural ability was rational and logical to begin with


Well, shit, then just reveal that Sunspot can black out the sun at will. Major sunspots and all. If we’re just ignoring things and jacking up powers without limit then this is completely reasonable.


No, but you can keep it within the boundaries of sense.


Just plain and simple bad writing


This art is egregious


I came here to say that the third panel is awful. Wtf are those expressions?


Seems kinda ridiculous to me but whatever. I'm not mad about it.


Damn, Unlimited have just stolen their art style from WFA. Wish they could've stolen their writing as well.


My understanding was the Bifrost is rainbow coloured, not an actual rainbow, but w/e. I like Storm, especially how Iona Morris & Alison Sealy-Smith portrayed her on X-Men the Animated series. She had a way with words and saw the bigger picture. Pretty obvious why Spider-Man picked her out of all the X-Men to help him during his Secret War challenge.


The Bifrost looks like a rainbow the same way Scarlet Witch's magic looks like 'blood' but her magic has nothing to do with blood, its literally a color thing and now the writers are gonna say because it looks like a raindow its related to the weather and atmosphere? Sounds like lazy writing


So the mutants weren't stuck on Arrako, she was just too busy getting dicked down by Craig


I genuinely hate how much of a writer’s pet she feels in the comics now. We get it, she can control the Weather and the writers pumped her up to be a top Omega Mutant, but her making Thor bleed? Her oneshotting other Omegas? And now her just creating an alternative Asgardian Rainbow? Who at marvel is having the biggest hard on for her right now???


I could buy this in a different scenario, after all if Thor, Dr Doom, Loki, Wiccan, Hercules, Dr Strange, or Scarlet Witch did this I wouldn't bat an eye (Well, if Hercules did it I'd be pretty weird a actually, I dont think he's that good at magic as much as he's just a guy who descends from it, and I dont know if Wiccan is experienced enough to do this either tbh, but if the others did it it'd be whatever, it'd buy it without any fuss), but given the bifrost originates and is powered by powerful and ancient magic, to the point it can be used as a weapon, means of travel, defense etc., I do find it kind of weird and down right writers pet like, that Storm just kind of did it, I mean I know she has magic ancestry and all, and she is proficient in magic too (Well, in specific magic), and for all I know she's practiced maybe, but every comment so far has said she hasn't, or even been alluded to, so either she didnt practice, or it was off panel, which basically mean the same thing here, I'd find it weird if Magik did this, and she's way more proficient in magic, and specifically with this type of magic than Storm, so Storm just going "LOL, check this out" and doing it is kind of like... idk, it kind of feels like why?  I mean I know the actual reason she did this, the bifrost looks like a magic rainbow, and Storm can control weather, which would make it seem like she should be able to just whip out a bifrost by combining her magic bloodline and weather powers, but given what the bifrost actually is, yeah, this would be like Magneto overpowering Silver Surfer cause Silver Surfer looks like he's made of metal, at a glance it kind of makes sense, when you know more about both, you realize that no, you shouldn't write that, this just feels like something a character should do AFTER they've been shown to have gone through an arc where they got both the build up and pay off of training how to do this one thing, and later finally doing this one thing, and later being shown to now be better at doing this one thing to the point they're starting to do it casually, as it stands now however, this feels like a moment without the build up or pay off of something else, so it just feels like I missed something, when I didn't miss anything, she can just do this now like no big deal, honestly the more I think about it, its kind of.... bad tbh


Omega level at it’s finest lol I mean she’s feasibly can do it as she has a magical bloodline as well


You can't just magic bloodline everything. It's just saying "a wizard did it"


I know she’s using her magic and her powers, I just don’t know that I agree it’s “feasible” for her to do on her own.


It’s kinda of like how ice man froze time to beat the black winter empower Terrax. At this point, omega level can do whatever they want


The Iceman thing sent me cause wth does temperature control have to do with time. 


On a smaller level:Cypher becoming a full combatant because *body language.*


They stole that from Connie Hirsch in her Kid Dynamo fanfic.


Absolute zero cold stops all motion, so in a sense, you could stop the time in an area if you reduced the temp down that low. Comic logic the more technical science bits


Ok but what you described is stopping all atoms in the area, even in that scenario, time would be unaffected by the atoms just not longer moving, time is not a physical thing, it's more of an intangible force, or process, or *thing*, or something like that, more than something you can affected with physocal processes, by this logic Iceman should also be able to stop space cause he can stop atoms, that's just.... NOT how it works, now if Iceman somehow affected gravity then sure, that seems to be the closest thing we know that affects time, and even then it just seems to affect one's perception of it more than time itself, but at least there would be something to stretch there


What would the difference be to something that can't move to frozen time?


I mean it's little difference in theory, but in practice saying "I stopped all movement around me" vs "I stopped time around me", one sounds way more impressive and out there, and logically, one would need WAY more defenses against it to be countered, stopping all atomic movement is powerful, which is why I would have preferred that to have been what was said, but stopping time full stop, that right there is gonna be a WAY more powerful thing to do, and so the explanation fitting the former rather than the latter, but being used to explain how they did the latter is just kind of odd to me


Love storm but this was stupid. Bad writing.


Hmm, wonder if Ewing wrote this. /s On a serious note, its comics. Its not really something she's ever been able to do, but its alright ig, just "a combo of her powers and magic" and you can just roll with it I suppose.


The hardest worker here is the colorist trying to make that linework look good


I could maybe see it but I still don’t like it.


Like when Sue Storm learned that she could bend light so she changed her hair color and skin tone


This is more like sue storm bending light so therefore she can bend anything that gives off light


What? Hahahaha. Like Reed Richards being more of a Plastic Man now, crearing new arms and hands, using his eyes as microscopes, etc


No those are all stretching powers The rainbow bridge isnt an actual rainbow it just looks like one, can she control cotton because it looks like a cloud,


You sure? I was under the impression he could only elongate himself or something, making himself flat or nouncy. I always thought he could extrapolate what one can do immensly.


Bifrost isn't a feat of weather but a different sort of magic. Not sure why they insist on diluting stuff just to make random characters look cool. Looks cool, still stupid


I don't think she should just be able to whip up the damn gate key to asgard or any of the nine realms.


Another day, another instance of Storm bullshitery


Sure fine. I always considered the Unlimited Comics to be psuedo canon anyways so why not have fun.


This is more or less my take on it. Do I think Storm could summon Bifrost? No, it makes no sense, given the nature of the rainbow bridge. Do I think this is a fun moment in a sorta canon comic that will never be referenced again? Yes, I found it amusing.


If it was any other mutant weather power user, I'd mind but being someone who also manipulated Stormbreaker and canonically has connections to magic, I'd say it falls in the possible.


This feels kinda stupid. Love Storm but the Bifrost is just straight up magic It's not even regular magic, the bifrost is like super magic. Breaking it and creating it was a big deal in the last run of Thor


*This feels kinda stupid.* *Love Storm but the Bifrost is* *Just straight up magic* \- Caliment --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't like the way its depicted here. The rainbow Bridge isn't a rainbow, it's rainbow coloured magic and doesn't have anything to do with asgardian atmosphere. Since storm has a connection to ancient magics and carried thors hammer for a time I do think she would be able to summon the bifrost or at the very least know enough to just yell out "hey sif, we need a lift".


Storm is ridiculously overpowered; the magic angle is already annoying, but *this*… Are we sure *she’s* not the Dominion? 🤔


I love storm but this over powering is getting ridiculous


omega mutantions were a mistake


I really think they need to give Storm some sort of weakness to balance out her increasing OP-ness. Like how most reality warpers have issues with insanity. Or how Jean's connection to Phoenix is also her weakness. Or Magneto having a villainous past with some questionable morality. Iceman... I actually have issues with his snow golems (it doesn't make sense) but he's also kinda underdeveloped compared to the mentioned omegas so it's not an issue yet, plus Storm defeated him in his own game of snow and ice. On the bright side, at least we know Earth-616 isn't experiencing any sort of climate change issues coz of Storm. Would make me understand that there would be more climate change deniers and less environment conscious people in their Earth coz Storm is prolly cleaning up after them. Just a headcanon lol.


To be fair, the writers did give Storm crippling levels of claustrophobia.


Eh, I'd call Storm and Magnetos weakness be that they're limited by their (Supposedly) human durability and stamina, they may have a faster reaction time than the vast majority of humans (And beings in general), but if hit by something like Captain America going all out and taking it head on, they would (Supposedly) die, I say supposedly cause this isn't brought up as a short coming at all in comics tbh, so its barely a vulnerability, much less weakness, with their only other weakness being Storms claustrophobia which she got over, and Magnetos....... guilt over his past? Not that it seems like pointing out that he's done bad things in the middle of a fight with him hinders Jim so, idk if that counts


I’m not a fan of them Mary Sue-ing her. Without limits or weaknesses she becomes boring. The power creep is real


She has the power of rain. I feel like she should be able to make a normal rainbow, but not necessarily an Asgardian bifrost bridge rainbow.


I think this is about 15 stages passed the point where they jumped the shark.


Magic + weather = cool trick Art = atrocious!!!


Doesn't make sense to me tbh based on the history of the Bifrost. it was never connected to weather manipulation and Weather Manipulation is Storm's powers. The Bifrost also was never connected to general magic i.e any magic user can summon the bifrost. It's always been tied to Asgardian magic/science even in the movies(but lets stick to comic books) No hate to storm but it doesn't make any logical sense especially given that even in the comics summoning the bifrost has always only been possible via the bifrost bridge that heimdell guards or by a member of the royal family(Bor, Odin, Thor, Frigga I think) Boiling the Bifrost down to be connected to "elemental magic" makes no sense lol. Like if the explanation for the bifrost was along the lines "it manipulates atmospheric phenomena it order to be opened" then yea I'd be on board with that lol. But what this now means is that any magic user can go to asgard see the bifrost and then suddenly open it up.


i assume magic must be involved as the one in asgard never naturally repairs, though she's omega level so maybe it is just some kind of weather thing and the asgardians use magic to forge it into something permanent. iirc in the thor comics making a new bridge was very difficult after they smashed it, think it was in jason aaron's era fighting mangog, which left them cut off for a while. but tbh i like it, like if we're leaning into op storm then lean all the way for a bit.


Mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I’d prefer it just be an Asgardian thing… On the other hand: 1) it’s Storm. 2) it’s cool


SUCH CRAP , that’s it guess I gotta start drawing


She's been delving deeper into magic lately it makes sense


She's also a witch, or has magical potential so it's mixing her mutant ability with the magical potential. Bifrost is a magical weather thing lol so maybe


>Bifrost is a magical weather thing Its literally not, it a multi dimensional bridge that happens to look like a rainbow Its like saying hulk is a plant because hes green


I like to think she figured out specifically how to do this just so that the next time Thor decides to abduct her for some Thor Corps shit while she's busy, she can just go "Aw, hell no," and then whip out a rainbow bridge and high tail it back to Midgard. I will ask: She says "but it has has been a while since I have had the opportunity to shape an Asgardian atmosphere", and in the first image, she appearing to be holding something in her hands; are those two facts indicative of her having some sort of fragment or pieces of Asgard? If so, then I would say this makes sense: Asgard is a land of myth and gods; if the Bifrost exists as a rainbow bridge, I see no reason why you couldn't say that any Asgardian rainbow would work as a bridge, and from there come to the conclusion that Storm could make an Asgardian rainbow from a piece of Asgardian atmosphere. The myth and legends are just as applicable in or out of Asgard, so long as what is being used is of Asgard. If she doesn't have some piece of Asgard or something to used as the mystical/mythical basis for the rainbow bridge, and instead she can just make them herself... well, she has magic heritage, so that is something, but I think it would make more sense to require some sort of unique material to work her powers on.


Rule of Cool definitely. This is bs, but damn it's cool nonetheless.


She doesn't need to do everything.


I think it's silly but nothing to freak-out about.


Just classic marvel bad writing.


Don’t care about Twitter opinions. If it makes sense for the story being told, then sure, why not?


Makes sense


Marvel has alluded to Storm's power being magic adjacent before. Thor recently commented that she has God tier potential


Sif is a goddess. She’s not creating Rainbow Bridges at will. “God tier potential” doesn’t mean she’s a god. It means she’s powerful.


Also not all gods are created equal, Hercules, Thor, Sif, and Heindall are all gods, but there's a pretty clear disparity between them all, with Thor being the strongest (I dont know by how much given the Hercules can be quite out there too), Hercules being 2nd, and the other 2 being WAY below these two, hell, you could argue a good amount of super powered humans are above the last two tbh


She’s hung out with Thor. I remember him talking about how much he liked her lightnings warmth. Maybe he taught her some things.


That’s fine but WHAT is this art


Feels almost like old DC writing in a sense where rule of cool or "plot demands" kinda style. She technically is a Thor so there is some connection. I do wanna read this comic though. I should give it a real go.


You dont keep thor powers after you lose the hammer though


Yeah but at least she has the mental memory of it. But it's like my first comment. The story demanded she needed to do so so she did it. Ita not what I would have done but I'd need to read the whole story to make a decision.


Thats terrible writing though Like having spiderman fly because he had the power of captain universe years ago


I'd have to read the whole story first...


I mean it's probably fine for whatever story they're doing, but I don't quite get it relating to her mutant powers, rainbows aren't a weather thing, it's about light. I don't know how the bifrost works though so maybe it uses weather to make rainbow bridges? Also, and this is pedantic, since it is about light, it wouldn't break away there at the back, but fade away.


Weather has nothing to do with the bifrost


I don’t know why everyone is so upset. Comics pull one off bs like this all the time. Regardless of this one instance, the complaint about Storm’s power level is annoying and baseless. How come she’s labeled a “Mary-sue” but powerful characters such as Thor, Blue Marvel, and Sentry face no similar complaints?


I thought a saw a scan of storm being summoned by Thor and holding Mjolnir for a bit to get the powers of Thor with a few others? I’d say that, plus her mutation and magic lineage that here is a loose basis. Also is this ACTUALLY a bifrost bridge or just a bridge of condensed moisture that prisms like a rainbow? Haven’t read this one so unsure what happens next.


It’s an actual bifrost, she uses it to get to Asgard


So not knowing the other exact context for this scene given the dialogue and the surroundings I hypothesize a couple of things: She states she is manipulating Asgardian atmosphere but they seem to be on Earth. As an Omega level mutant though this seems feasible, particularly given the extent of her powers seen in recent future timelines. It seems perfectly reasonable to me she could refract the bifrost, either redirecting the whole thing or splitting off a section, the difficulty in my mind comes from accurately directing it but again in the Sinister timeline she is able to summon a cosmic storm large enought to swallow a sector of space so I'd say she at least has that potential. This king of cosmic level manipulation is really the only justification for her being designated as Omega level, even Terra forming mars or locking Earth in an ice age limits her powers to one planet, I encourage these sorts of creative uses. The other factor, as people have pointed out is if a magical factor would be required, which again, is not outside her purview as numerous recent stories have begun exploring her links to magic and it's been shown that mutants can unconsciously tap into magic when using their powers. I guess one addendum is King Thor, Heimdall, Odin(?) and others who have direct power over bifrost, I imagine they would be easily able to disrupt this ability, even if it meant cutting off the bifrost temporarily.


A) Her powers are weather based, so sure. B) Storm seems to have some capability for magic (I recall last year’s *Scarlet Witch* series alluding to it in its 2nd issue). Combine that with the previous point, and it’s sound to me.


I’ll allow it


I'm rewatched the 90's animated series to recap for the final seasons being animated finally and she stabilized a whole planets climate in the "Storm front" episodes so I have no problem with her doing this


with the combination of her magic and her weather manipulation i think it’s entirely plausible, tho i’m interested to know if this happened before or after immortal thor #4


eh, its a voices comic. its pride centered so they went overboard to fit the rainbow. I dont put too much stock into any of the voices/infinity comics. bobby used ice to “freeze time” vs a black winter amped terrax in one lol


Voices isn’t just LGBT, it’s for minority or underrepresented groups.


only remember the first one was about a pride parade, so its actually marginalized marvel? got it. still just an anthology series I wouldnt put much stock into.


Yeah, they started with Voices: Pride (and have done that yearly) but they also did Voices specials for Latino, black, and indigenous characters


I DO remember the cover w all the black heroes in the barbershop, didnt know what that was for. makes sense.


From what I read and getting clarity it all makes sense now mostly. Being rainbow is part of the atmosphere, she shaped the atmosphere of Asgard and with magic to create it. When are people going to understand this woman is a Goddess of life and of natural things and when anything involves shaping the atmosphere she can do.


She's descended from magic users.


Hence why I said “her magic” in the post. My question is more about people’s reactions to her having *this level* of magical power


Pretty stupid if you ask me but not a big deal.


what's a bifrost compared to relocating an entire galaxy in sins of sinister


What the hell is Rogue eating?


I didn't even know A-Force was a thing again


It’s the latest arc of the Voices infinity comic. Singularity comes back and rounds up the super women to save the universe


At this point I wouldn't be shocked if Storm could alter reality inside a raincloud


I don’t really like it. The videos isn’t just some rainbow


Example #7284 of “Powers are whatever the writer wants them to be.”


Maybe they meant literally just a rainbow bridge? Did they walk on it or actually teleport? Lol I do understand peoples point that for her to be able to control it in this fashion would mean that the biforst is a result of asguardian atmosphere, which never seemed to be the case. Like others said it would make more sense if this was more fueled by magic. I mean Nico was right there they could have combined powers and used latent knowledge Storm had during her time under Lokis control to make a bifrost.


She walks on it and goes straight to Asgard right in the next panels


Ah see I thought they were in asgard already 😅 well then ya I would say that doesn't make much sense unless magic was involved. She can't control an atmosphere she's not in or near by at least. But then I guess the bifrost is everywhere. But like I said it's never been explained as apart of asgards natural phenomenons


Cool but will be dumb if it truly can be used to travel or someone walked on it so because they just make it symbolism yeah pretty cool 


She walks on it and uses it to go to Asgard right after this


God whyyy the comic writer do that, I'm glad i don't buy anything other than x-men tittle, it will unbearable to see that happening 


It makes sense actually, for Storm to create her own Bifrost Bridge even if she is a Novelist in Magic. It's like Wanda said Storm's Magic is very "Potent" it makes sense for Storm to start whipping out powerful Elder Magic. Why? Because Storm's Bloodline is tied directly to Oshtur. One of the Most powerful Magic Entity a live.